Autumn's Wish (27 page)

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Authors: Bella Thorne

BOOK: Autumn's Wish
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“I love you, too, Erick,” Mom laughs. Then she turns to Glen, and the two of them smile at each other like embarrassed middle schoolers afraid to ask each other to dance. It's sweet. Weird, but sweet.

“I guess I should go get dressed,” Mom says.

“Wouldn't hear of it,” Glen says. “You look perfect the way you are.”

Mom snorts, but Glen says he's serious, and while they debate whether or not she's fit for public consumption, I run up and grab the suitcase. As I thunk it downstairs, I tell Mom she should just go. Everything she needs is in the bag if she wants to change after the flight.

“Flight?!” Mom echoes. “And a suitcase? Where exactly are we going?”

“It's a surprise,” I say. “You'll be back tomorrow, and I'll stay with Erick. Call and check as much as you want, but we'll be fine. I promise.”

Mom's completely flustered and finds a gazillion reasons to object, but in the end she lets Glen escort her on his arm to the limousine. I watch through the window until the car is out of sight.

“Sweet!” Erick says, leaping from the couch. “Party time!”

I tell him we can't have a party because I'm supposed to be responsible for him, but I do agree to drive him and a couple friends to the Aventura Mall and the movies. When we get home after, there's a limo in front of the house.

My heart sinks. Did Mom's date fall apart? Is she back already?

I run out of the car and up to the door…but someone's sitting on the stoop. It's a guy my age. He's in jeans, a simple T-shirt, a baseball cap, and sunglasses, but none of that hides the fact that he's insanely hot. He's listening to his phone through earbuds. Behind the sunglasses I can see his eyes are closed, and he sings softly.

“Kyler?” I say.

“Kyler Leeds is on our stoop?” Erick gapes behind me. He pulls out his phone. “This will get me major girl cred.”

I grab his phone before he can take a picture, then turn back to Kyler, who clearly has no idea we're there. I lean closer and can totally hear the music. I laugh, then pull out one of his earbuds. “Are you seriously listening to your own songs?”

“Course I am, it's great music.”

I scoff.

Kyler shrugs. “Okay, if that's how you feel. 'Cause I have my guitar in the car and I thought maybe I'd play something for you, but if you're not into it—”

“Omigod, seriously?!” I burst. “Of course I want you to play! Can I choose the song?”

Kyler's grinning at me and I grimace as I realize what he just did. “You suck,” I say.

“That's not what you
think,” he says.

“So, Kyler,” Erick says, swaggering up to him. “I've got a pull-up bar in the house. Wanna see who can do the most reps? Maybe shoot a little video of me whupping your butt?”

Kyler grins. “Why? You think girls'll like it if you do?”

“They will
me,” Erick says.

I'm about to tell Erick to shut up, but watching Kyler do pull-ups wouldn't be so bad. Especially if he did them shirtless.

“Sounds fun!” I say.

“Sorry, we have other plans,” Kyler says. “I'm having a Christmas Eve
party at my beach house tonight, and I happen to know you're both free. So hop in the limo and let's go.”

“To a rock star beach house party?” Erick asks. “Hell to the yes! Can I bring a friend?”

“A girlfriend?” Kyler asks knowingly.

“So she can drool all over you?” Erick asks. “No way! My friend Aaron.”

“Sure,” Kyler says. “Call and tell him we'll pick him up on the way.”

“Sweet!” Erick runs to the limo and dives inside.

“For real,” I check with Kyler. “A party at your house.”

“Yeah,” he says, “How long you need to get ready?”

I toss my hair over one shoulder. “You're not going to be like Glen and say I'm gorgeous just the way I am?”

Kyler lowers his head and looks at me over his sunglasses. I look down at my kickaround terry shorts and tank-with-bandeau.

“I'll need about an hour,” I say.

“Got it.”

Kyler heads for the limo while I unlock the front door. I wheel around before I go inside.

“Oh! Can I invite Ames and Taylor?” I ask. “You've met them. They're awesome. And they would
to go to a Kyler Leeds party.”

“Sure,” Kyler says. “But if they stalk my house afterward, I'm moving.”


I fly into the house, then call Taylor with my cell and Ames with the home line, then hold them both to my ear so I can tell them at the same time. We scream together for exactly three seconds, because we all have to jump immediately and get ready. I make a lightning-fast hour-long transformation in which I shower, blow-dry, flat-iron, product, makeup, and change into a simple but super-flattering red halter dress and heels. I fill Schmidt's bowl with kibble and give him a goodbye pet before I fly out the door and join Erick and Kyler in the limo. They're laughing and watching an action movie while they chow on sodas and popcorn, and they're both highly amused by the acrobatics it takes me to climb into the limo while wearing a short, clingy dress.

Once I'm in, we pick up our guests: first Aaron, then Taylor, then Amalita. I'm impressed with Tee and Ames. They keep the crazy freak-out to a minimum and really get along with Kyler. I'm sure it helps that they both look amazing, but they also have intelligent conversations with him that have nothing to do with how cute he is and how much they'd secretly like to marry him. Taylor talks to him about singing techniques and performing onstage, while Ames chats with him about the Miami Dolphins. I knew she watched a lot of football last year when she was dating our team's star player, but apparently she got really into it and still keeps up.

Kyler's house is, of course, ridiculous. Hidden behind a gate so you'd never know it's there, it is three stories right on the beach, lots of space, windows everywhere. The party is already raging when we get there. Dim lights, loud music, lots of people dancing. Aaron and Erick immediately run off, no doubt to hopelessly try picking up one of the supermodels in the room. Tee, Ames, and I are a little more intimidated, but Kyler drops us with Wade, who I recognize as a dancer from one of Kyler's videos. Wade hugs us all right away, makes us completely comfortable, and takes us around to introduce us to everyone. We're in the middle of a conversation when I notice someone on the dance floor.

“Excuse me,” I say, and walk across the room to a tiny old woman in a chocolate-brown sweat suit. She stands directly in the glow of a red spotlight…and twerks.

I cry.

She spins around and gives me a huge hug. “Autumn! We were hoping you'd get here soon!”


“You didn't think Kyler would have a party without Zelda and me, did you? Now help me get her on the floor. She's an old wet blanket.”

Eddy gestures to Zelda. Kyler's Mee-Maw is very close by, but I couldn't see her before with all the spotlights. Now that I'm looking, I see she's hunched deep in the pillows of a dark couch, her arms folded tightly over her chest.

“Zelda!” Eddy yells. “Get up and dance with me!”

“I will not,” Zelda says. “You look ridiculous. Autumn, tell your grandmother she looks ridiculous.”

“You're jealous,” Eddy says. “You wish you had moves like mine. I'm going to go out to the balcony and be with someone who appreciates me.” She links her arm through mine. “That's you,

She leads me outside and we find a free spot against the balcony rail. It might be Christmas Eve Eve, but it's still seventy degrees and humid. A light breeze sweeps off the ocean and I turn so it can wash over my face.

“Muy hermosa,”
Eddy says, smiling. Then she moves closer and beckons so I'll bend down to her. “And how are things with you and your mission?”

“Pretty good, I think,” I say. “I did something today that I think will make a big difference.”

Eddy widens her eyes, waiting for me to continue, but I feel weird about it. Eddy and my mom get along great, but still, Eddy's my dad's mother. She might not like the idea of his wife going out with someone new.

Eddy pats my hand. “It's okay. I know. Zelda told me what you did for your mother.”

“And you don't mind?” I ask.

She makes a
sound and waves the idea away. “I love your mother. My Reinaldo, he loved her more. He'd want her to be happy.” She narrows her eyes, as if she can peer inside me. “But I think you already know that, no?”

I nod. “I think this is what he wanted me to do.”

es bueno.
” She smiles impishly and nods to the chain around my neck. “And how does it turn out?”

I smile back. I look around to make sure no one's paying attention, then pull out the locket and open it. I have only two more jumps, but I don't hesitate. I set the locket for the exact same September date of my first jump, three years in the future. With a last smile to Eddy, I squeeze the locket shut, then concentrate as I close my eyes.

Everything is similar but completely different.

I'm at a wedding—that's obvious from the giant tiered cake next to me with the bride and groom on top—but it's no stuffy ballroom with a bad DJ. This ballroom is open on every side, seamlessly pouring out to a beautiful green lawn and beach dotted by twinkly lights and tiki torches. A seven-piece band plays onstage, and couples twirl in beautiful gowns and tuxes. The song ends almost immediately, and the bandleader announces a toast from the maid of honor, the daughter of the bride, Autumn Falls.

I remain standing as everyone files off the floor and see Future Me take the stage. The last time I saw Mom and Glen's wedding, I looked horrible and I was such an emotionally shrunken mess I couldn't even speak. Now I stand tall in a beautiful, sleeveless, soft-pink maid-of-honor dress. My hair is its natural orange and lustrous, not brown and lank. I look poised, together, and happy, and when I gaze out toward the head table, there's nothing but joy in my eyes.

“Mom…Glen…I'm so honored to speak here at your wedding.”

The speech goes on, but I don't want to stand and listen, I want to look around. I walk to the head table where Mom and Glen sit close. They hold hands as they listen to Future Me speak, and both their eyes fill with happy tears. There's an empty seat next to Mom's, which I guess is mine, and Erick's in the seat next to that. He's no longer fake-tan orange with bulging meathead muscles. He looks good, and I get a down-to-earth vibe from the curly-brown-haired girl next to him. I can tell by their pushed-together seats and the way she's cuddled against his side that they're together, but I get the feeling it's a good match. For high school, at least.

Hmmm. Erick has a date, but there's just the one empty seat for me. No boyfriend. At least, that's how it seems. Any good boyfriend would be with me at my mom's wedding. If I were with J.J., he wouldn't miss it for the world.

Is J.J. even here?

I look around the room. With everyone sitting, it's easy to spot people I know. I see Eddy and Zelda, and Amanda with the Catches Falls gang. Then someone interrupts my toast by tapping a glass with their fork, and I see it's Amalita. My heart pounds a little and I beeline for her table, wondering if I somehow messed things up and she's going to make a scene, but she just wants Mom and Glen to kiss. When they do, she raises her glass of sparkling water to them, then sits back down.

Ames is at a table with all my friends, and my heart lifts looking at them. Not just because they're all there, but because they seem so right. Taylor's with Drew, who's perfectly alive and well. Jack's with Ben, the guy I met in the future at the beach. Reenzie and Sean are both there with dates I don't know, but they seem friendly and normal and great. Best of all, Jenna's there, laughing and chatting with all my Aventura friends like they've known each other forever. And she's with Simon, so I know she's on track for life.

They're all so happy and excited, and their energy buoys me. I walk right into the middle of the table and stand there, like I'm a centerpiece, so I can soak up every one of their conversations….

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