Autumn Fire (3 page)

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Authors: Cameron D. James

Tags: #erotic gay romance

BOOK: Autumn Fire
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He quickly scrolled through all the online profiles, not seeing CollegeJock22 in the list. Dustin didn’t give up so easily, though. They exchanged a few private messages, so he’d be able to find him through his archive.

Filled with unanswered messages, his inbox consisted almost entirely of the words “
Wanna fuck?”
He clicked on the last message from CollegeJock22, an explicit description of sexual fantasies, and hit the reply button.

Hey man, today was fucking hot. I can’t stop thinking about it. You free tomorrow?

He hit the send button and noticed his inbox contained another new message. He rolled his eyes, expecting yet another “
Wanna fuck?”
message from someone pushing fifty. Instead, he found an automated response from the website’s mail system.
Private message to CollegeJock22 undeliverable.

Concerned, Dustin creased his brow. He opened the last message again and clicked on CollegeJock22’s name to view his profile. Instead of a dark and grainy crotch shot and scant details, the screen simply read
Profile scheduled for deletion.

Dustin’s heart fell and his dick immediately softened. He felt like he’d been punched in the gut.

Like most men new to the closeted life, it seemed the intensity of the hookup and the good feelings it brought overwhelmed and scared CollegeJock22, pushing him to delete his profile. Dustin just hoped CollegeJock22 would find the urge to repeat too irresistible and would soon return to the site and create a new profile. Over the years, he saw his fair share of users leave and come back with a new profile.

He thought about perusing the other online men, to window shop a bit, but decided it wasn’t worth his time. He wanted the hard body of CollegeJock22, not some random guy with a soft gut.

Sighing and leaning back in his chair, Dustin opened a new tab in his browser and brought up the Student Resource Center’s page. If he was going to waste time on the internet, he might as well be somewhat productive. A large banner ad across the body of the page linked to peer tutors. Dustin followed it and filled in the pop-up form.

He craned his neck from side to side, working out the kinks. It seemed he’d run out of options. He’d failed in his quest for hot jock sex, but succeeded in his quest to find a tutor—nothing remained but actual math homework and studying. Dustin let out another heavy sigh and reached to shut off his computer. As his fingers brushed against the trackpad, a soft chime signaled someone sent him an instant message on the hookup site, still open in the original tab.

Curious, but still down since he knew it wouldn’t be CollegeJock22, Dustin checked the site. The pop-up chat at the bottom of the screen displayed a tiny picture of shiny skin

What’s up?
Before choosing whether to respond or not, he clicked the thumbnail picture.

A glorious mountain of muscle filled his screen. The perfectly toned body of TorontoMuscle caused newfound stirrings in Dustin’s briefs. Though not CollegeJock22, TorontoMuscle could do for the time being. Maybe get him out of this sexual funk.

Not much. Studying. You?
Dustin replied.


Mmm... Stroking’s fun, but I prefer in-person adventures.


Could be,
Dustin typed. It was rare to find a man with as much muscle, perhaps he
serve as adequate compensation for CollegeJock22.
What are you looking for?

Jacking off, some oral, maybe some fucking.

I could go for jacking off and oral, not so much into fucking.
If this were CollegeJock22, on the other hand...

That’s okay,
TorontoMuscle replied.
Wanna meet tonight? Or tomorrow? I can host.

The offer pretty much sealed the deal. Hard enough to find an average-looking guy willing to host, but a man built like this? Dustin didn’t think he’d be able to say no, even if he wanted to.

Tomorrow would be better. This is all dependent on you being on a good bus or subway route, though. And that it doesn’t take two hours to get to you.

TorontoMuscle typed his address.
Close to you?

Dustin opened a new tab to do a quick search.
Close enough. Noon?

Looking forward to it, hot stuff.

Dustin smiled. The conversation quickly ended and, despite himself and his preference for CollegeJock22, his dick stood hard in anticipation of tomorrow.

It took incredible force of will, but Dustin managed to bring his mind together to focus long enough to complete a handful of questions, though most of them with the wrong answer. Much later, he stifled a yawn and packed up his books and laptop.

On his walk back to the dorm through the chilly, dark night, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and read the email as he walked.

Hi Dustin,

My name is Kyle and I’ll be your peer tutor from the Student Resource Center. I’m a fourth year honors math student and linear algebra is one of my favorite subjects. I look forward to our tutoring sessions.

If you reply to this email or text me at the number below, we can set up our first session, get you on track, and prepare for your test.

See you soon!


Dustin glanced at the time and couldn’t help but laugh. Volunteer student-run organizations sometimes kept odd operating times. He tapped out a quick text.

Hey! It’s Dustin. This is my cell number, feel free to text me. Got time on Monday? Like one-ish?

Dustin pocketed his phone and entered his building. His room sounded quiet, so he gently unlocked his dorm and tiptoed in, careful not to wake Jason and Angela, but flicked on the light when he realized the room was empty. The heavy smell of sweat and sex still lingered. He tossed open a window, hoping the cool breeze would take away the reminders of his roommate’s activities.

Dustin stripped to his briefs and slid under the covers. His phone buzzed one last time.

Monday at one works for me. Let’s meet in the Bransford Cafeteria, near the main entrance. I’ll wear a red shirt.

Dustin turned off his phone and left it on the windowsill above his bed. Math would work out. But more important for the present, he would get muscular dick tomorrow.





Dustin bounced up the stairs from the subway, emerging on to the busy Toronto street. Sunny and cool, the day lacked the chilly edge of the previous day. As the internet indicated, TorontoMuscle’s red brick apartment building stood just across the street.

Dustin quickly crossed and vaulted up the short steps to the front entrance, entering the buzzer code. TorontoMuscle unlocked the door, not saying or asking anything over the intercom.

Dustin rode the elevator up several stories, using the opportunity to examine and perfect himself in the mirrored walls. He'd taken care to wear the jeans and t-shirt to highlight his slim build, but hugged in the right places to show he was no stranger to the gym. He ran his fingers through his dark hair, straightening it after the assault from the wind. Just as the elevator slowed and dinged, he tugged on the hem and sleeves of his brown pleather jacket.

He walked down the long hall to the suite at the end and knocked. Immediately, the door swung open and a tall muscle-bound man with buzzed brown hair stood there. He looked to be a bit older than him, maybe thirty-five. He gave Dustin a wink and stepped back to let him enter.

Dustin kicked off his shoes, casting his eyes across the sparse furnishings as TorontoMuscle hung up his jacket.

“You got a name? Or did your parents actually name you shy_twink?” TorontoMuscle asked.

He stuck his tongue out playfully. “People generally call me Dustin. And you?”

“Richard, but I prefer Rick.”

“Nice to meet you, Rick,” Dustin said, awkwardly unsure of what to say or do. Despite having done this many times before, the pre-sex chatter never felt natural, but then neither did the post-sex chatter.

He looked Rick up and down. Dustin wasn't sure what made his luck suddenly change, but he found himself in the second hookup in a row where the man looked infinitely better than his shoddy online profile picture.

Rick wasn't as hot as CollegeJock22, but more due to some of the finer points of Dustin’s taste in men. Despite this, Rick was definitely one of the hotter men of his personal hookup world. At just under six feet, his bulging arms and large pecs filled his tight shirt perfectly. Jeans accented his basket with a glorious curve and pulled smoothly over his tight, round ass. Dustin tried to assess his age again, guessing him to be in his mid-thirties—his online profile said twenty-nine, but behind dick size, age was the biggest lie on the internet.

“Come on.” Rick guided Dustin with a hand on his lower back. “Enough small talk. Let's get naked.”

Passing through the bedroom door flipped a switch within Rick. He wrapped his beefy hand around Dustin's head and pulled him close, shoving his tongue deep into Dustin's mouth.

The tongue, muscular and powerful as the rest of Rick’s body, explored the crevices and shape of his mouth. Dustin then forced Rick’s tongue back and entered his mouth, wrapping one arm around the beefy man’s waist and bringing the other up to grope his hard pecs and play with a nipple through the thin shirt. He pressed his crotch, with his rigid dick, against Rick’s, and their cocks slid against each other through all the denim.

Dustin sensed the energy swell within Rick as his breathing increased. The muscular man pushed him backward, forcing their mouths apart as Dustin bounced on the large bed behind him. He spread his legs and Rick stood between them, leaning down to run his hands all over Dustin’s body. His aggressive hands grabbed the hem of Dustin’s shirt and lifted it over his head, then quickly unbuckled and removed his jeans, sliding his socks off in the same motion.

Dustin lay on the bed, propped up on his elbows, in a pair of tight red briefs with a large bulge in the center, a small wet spot of precum stained the cotton.

Rick chuckled, deep and mischievous, then wrapped his hands around Dustin’s hips and savagely kissed the erection through the fabric. One hand moved out from under him and reached up to play with Dustin’s nipple, rubbing and squeezing it. The sharp pain from the pinches and the mouth on his briefs sent ripples of pleasure through him.

Rick suddenly stopped and removed Dustin’s underwear in one fluid motion. Then he bent back down, one hand on Dustin's cock and the other on Dustin's nipple, and took him into his mouth. The warm, wet pressure of his tongue and lips enveloped his dick, and the sensation spread through his body. The fingers razing his nipple resumed pinching, squeezing in time with the motions of the blowjob.

Dustin moaned in ecstasy, stirring Rick to pinch and suck harder. His chest began to hurt beyond the realm of pleasure. He felt uncertain and uncomfortable stating such a thing to a man as big and powerful as Rick, so he tried to divert Rick’s attention.

“Let me suck you,” he said through breathy gasps.

Without hesitation, Rick removed himself from his crotch and walked around to the other side of the bed. Dustin lay there, watching the other man through the haze of sexual energy.

Rick unzipped his jeans and let his dick flop out, semi-hard and the longest one Dustin ever saw. He hooked his hands under Dustin’s armpits and pulled him until his head hung off the edge of the bed. Dustin stuck out his tongue, licking the head of Rick’s circumcised cock. He pressed his moist lips against the slit, sliding up and down the head and shaft and then around.

Rick stepped closer, shoving his dick into Dustin's mouth. He leaned forward and ran his hands over Dustin’s chest and neck. As Dustin craned his head to slide his mouth and tongue up and down Rick’s shaft, Rick’s wandering hands eventually settled on Dustin’s jawline, fingertips curling into a tight grip.

Since Rick apparently ceased giving any more attention to Dustin’s dick, he reached down, gripped himself, and stroked stiffly in time to the movements of his mouth. Rick’s head thumped against the back of Dustin’s throat, causing guttural sounds as he attempted to suppress his gag reflex.

Rick groaned loudly. No matter how deep Dustin tried to go, he couldn't take him all the way. He maneuvered his head to let the massive cock flop out of his mouth and rest across his face. With his outstretched tongue, he licked up and down Rick’s shaft, ensuring to spend energy and effort caressing the inches at the base he couldn't reach. Despite the obvious pleasure he gave Rick, evidenced by his increasingly loud moans, Dustin couldn't get the man fully hard. He'd heard longer penises were often perpetually soft, but it still discouraged him.

Rick let go of Dustin's jaw long enough to strip off his own shirt and push his jeans and boxers down past his knees. His rough hands returned to their place and he angled his hips to stuff his dick back into Dustin’s hungry mouth.

He tightened his lips around Rick’s cock, trying to give it as much stimulation as he could. Dustin continued stroking, bringing himself closer to orgasm.

“Mmm...fuck,” Rick muttered in a gruff voice.

His fingers curled deeper around Dustin’s jawbone, digging in. Rick’s hips thrust back and forth as he held Dustin’s head immobile. The end of Rick’s extra-long cock struck hard against the back of Dustin’s throat. He struggled to hold back a violent gag, forcing it into a few sharp coughs, muffled by the meat filling his mouth.

Rick didn’t stop thrusting. His motions were accompanied by a steady stream of, “Oh shit, oh shit, fuck, fuck yeah...”

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