Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection (185 page)

Read Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection Online

Authors: G. S. Jennsen

Tags: #science fiction, #Space Warfare, #scifi, #SciFi-Futuristic, #science fiction series, #sci-fi space opera, #Science Fiction - General, #space adventure, #Scif-fi, #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #Science Fiction - Space Opera, #Space Exploration, #Science Fiction - High Tech, #Spaceships, #Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Sci-fi, #science-fiction, #Space Ships, #Sci Fi, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #space travel, #Space Colonization, #space fleets, #Science Fiction - Adventure, #space fleet, #Space Opera

BOOK: Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection
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The voice boomed inside Alex’s head like someone had placed a bass speaker at the center of her brain.

You have our attention.

Goddamn right we do.

The disparate reactions of others on the bridge seemed to indicate a few of them were receiving the communication as well, but not most. She instantly knew the other Prevos heard it, and she was cognizant of Rychen gesturing in great animation to her mother. It stood to reason the military and political leadership were part of the audience. A quick glance at Caleb confirmed he too was a recipient of the aliens’ declaration. The aliens would doubtless know precisely who mattered and who, in their view at least, did not.

She hadn’t realized the level of affectation Mesme’s ethereal voice had carried until now. This alien’s tenor was toneless, flat and ascetic.

She answered the alien, for it didn’t occur to her that anyone else might answer in her stead.

“We have more than your attention. We have our boot on the throat of your forces. They buckle to their knees before us.”

What are your intentions? We are open to discussing terms.

If others were endeavoring to respond—the politicians, her mother, anyone—they were being blocked. She had the floor.

to destroy every last one of your machines. If you want to annihilate us, you will have to come fight us yourselves. But you don’t do that sort of thing, do you? The blood you’d get on your wispy, angelic little hands would be too much for you to bear. It might threaten your precious vainglory, your

Do not imagine you understand us. You understand nothing.

“And you understand far less about humanity than
imagine. We have defied your attempts to control us through terror. We don’t tremble in fear before you—we stand up and fight. And though we are so very flawed, when it counts we are capable of rising above those flaws. Are you? Something tells me you aren’t. It’s a handy skill—you should look into it. Because when we do, we are powerful beyond measure.”

Believe what you will. If you agree not to—

“Oh, and one more thing you don’t seem to understand: we have beaten you. So drop the condescending tone. We heard enough of your terms last time to know we want no part of them—I’d have expected you to pick up on that a bit sooner, but no matter.

“Instead, here are
terms. Withdraw all your ships through the portal and do not return. To ensure you do not return, we will blockade the portal. Any ship you try to send will be shredded into a thousand tiny pieces before it completes the traversal.

“Furthermore, you will cease your meddling in our universe. You will cease your observation of our universe. We are no longer your experiment to play with. We control our own destiny from this day forward.”

You demand much. What do we receive in recompense?

“We’ll stop kicking your ass long enough for what’s left of your machines to slink back through the portal.”

What else?

Sure, why not. “We’d like an explanation. What the hell makes you believe you have the right to exterminate us? What is this really all about?”

You are dangerous—far more dangerous than you recognize. You must be contained.

“How do you know? We never threatened you, not once.”

How we know is irrelevant.

“Let me guess—it’s ‘not our concern.’ I’ve heard that before. Fine. Those are our terms. You have one minute.”

Devon:  Hey, I piggybacked off their broadcast. Everyone hearing them heard you. It was quite a show.

Alex:  Damn straight it was.

A brief pulse came in from her mother.

I approve of your terms.

She turned to allow her gaze to sweep across the bridge and settle on Caleb once more. He stood leaning against the left wall not too far away, shaking his head at her, a dashing, immensely kissable smirk on his lips. Hers curled up to match—

Very well. We cast you adrift to do as you will, with this one warning: do not come looking for us.

Whatever. “Depart. Now. We will track you to the portal, so do not attempt to leave any ships behind for future misdeeds.”

We have no interest in whatever becomes of you. Aurora is no longer our concern.


As soon as she sensed the connection retreating from her head, she spun to Rychen. “I mean it—we need to follow them all the way to the damn portal. Send all the scout and reconnaissance ships, and maybe a couple of cruisers for added intimidation. Shove them back through that portal if necessary then lock it down.”

“With pleasure.” He was laughing as he began issuing orders.

Her focus shifted to the viewports. Lit by fire and explosions for what felt like days, for the first time since she had arrived the stars began to shine. They teased her, flickering in and out in a playful dance amongst the strewn debris and sailing ships.

The remaining swarmers docked into the remaining superdreadnoughts, then in a blink they were gone.

Is it over?

I think so, Valkyrie.

We won in spectacular fashion, didn’t we?

Yes. Yes, we most certainly did.





both overjoyed and heartbroken. The terms of the aliens’ surrender was a complete and unconditional retreat from our galaxy, and I can now confirm that retreat has occurred. We will maintain a steadfast watch on their portal, and if they should seek to return in the future they will fail. You—every man, woman and child—may sleep soundly tonight, no longer burdened by the fear your home will come under siege with the daybreak.

“The cost of this victory was enormous. Though we try, it may be beyond our ability to measure. More than fifty million people died across thirty-nine worlds. Three hundred thousand of humanity’s brave soldiers gave their lives defending our worlds and earning this victory. The damage to our infrastructure is counted in quadrillions. Rebuilding will take years. But we will rebuild.

“Today we stand united. For while we have lost much, we are stronger now than we were before. This is not an Earth Alliance victory or a Senecan Federation victory—it is a victory for all humanity. When faced with extinction, we put aside our differences and joined together to fight side-by-side. We fought as one for all life, because all life is precious.

“Let us now open a new chapter in the story of the human race. Let us embrace this new dawn and usher in a shining era of peace and prosperity. Let us rebuild, renew and reclaim our place among the stars.”

Gianno muted the news feed and turned to Vranas, who had taken up a relaxed posture in the chair beside her. “Good speech. Good sentiments. I wonder how long they’ll last.”

Aristide took a sip of his scotch. “Perhaps longer than we suppose. People are war-weary. They’re tired of being frightened and desperate, so they’ll embrace peace with relief, for a time. Brennon’s a good man, and I believe a sincere one. But of course he’s just one man, and inevitably the power grabs and manipulations of the political machine are sure to drown him out.” He laughed dryly. “And us.”

“A lot of the pesky details of what peace actually looks like were not addressed in the treaty. We’ll need to be careful.”

“Oh, of that I’m confident. Regardless of Brennon’s intentions, the Alliance Assembly and their multitude of agencies will be coming for us, assuming peace means reunification.”

Gianno arched an eyebrow. “I assume it does not?”

“It does not. A truth they will hopefully learn without the need for excessive bloodshed.” He sat his glass on the table and massaged his jaw. “So what are we going to do about Noetica? The potential is too great to shut it down, but the dangers are considerable.”

“For now, Commander Lekkas and STAN are working with the other Prevos to optimize the reconstruction efforts—and frankly, we need their help. The task is simply too overwhelming for us mere humans. Their access to the defense grids and military weaponry has been revoked…we think. We’ll try to keep the technology under seal, as I anticipate the Alliance will, but the reality is it’s a matter of time until it gets out. It’s too powerful to stay hidden for long.”

“And then we face a whole new world of problems.”

“Then we face a whole new world.” Gianno stared out the window a minute before giving the Chairman a smile. “But that’s a challenge for tomorrow. Tonight I think we’re safe enjoying our victory.”

Vranas chuckled as he stood. “It was a close one, wasn’t it? Where are you off to now?”

She shut off the news feed and the other screens still open around her office. “I’m going to go home, kiss my husband and hug my son and daughter-in-law, then sit down on the floor and play with my grandchildren.”



Noah paused to take a long, deep breath before entering the hotel suite. He was a little winded from not-quite-running here from the levtram station…and he needed to ready himself for whatever awaited on the other side of the door.

He was so royally fucked.

He opened the door to find an empty main room. The info screen in the lobby said she hadn’t checked out, but she could be at EASC or out celebrating like the rest of the galaxy or…. He headed toward the bedroom.


She emerged through the doorway as he arrived, eyes narrowed in questioning and a sweater wadded up in her hands. On the bed behind her a duffel bag sat open. She was packing to leave. But she wasn’t gone yet.

A smile bloomed as he reached out for her—but she backed away from him. Whatever initial delight may have shown in her expression vanished beneath a guarded stare. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you. Also, I’m staying here. At least, I think I am.”

She gazed at him for another second then whipped around, went over to her bag and began stuffing the sweater haphazardly into it. “Stay here as long you want. I need to get home.”

Dread pooled in his gut, and he cursed himself for having reverted to glibness. Her response sounded like the beginning—and possibly the end—of a rather abrupt goodbye. “Okay, um…you might have heard, we took out that wacko general. Saved a bunch of people, too, including Caleb’s sister and niece.”

Her earnest if not particularly productive packing ceased, but she didn’t look up. “I heard. Good for you.”

“Don’t be like that. I thought you’d be glad I went to help Caleb, for Alex’s sake if nothing else?”

Her chest heaved in a full-body sigh, and she finally turned to face him. “I am glad you did—but I hate how you seemed so damn gleeful about it. You positively
out the door, not so much as a wave over your shoulder as you left.”

“And I regretted it afterward. Not helping Caleb, but leaving without….” He raked a hand through unkempt hair. “Look, Blondie. This place, these people? They’re never going to be my gig. I am not my father. I’ve lived a different life than him. A touch of respectability isn’t going to turn me into him, and I hope to hell you aren’t expecting it to. Yes, I was angry with you for forcing a reunion—but I understand why you did it. Yes, I was uncomfortable at EASC among all those military stiff-shirts—but it doesn’t mean I’m uncomfortable with you. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you.”

Centimeter by centimeter the mask she’d been admirably exhibiting broke. Its absence revealed…vulnerability. Oh, boy.

“I don’t want you to be your father, I truly don’t. Your father’s an insufferable ass. It just…” her head shook weakly as she glared at the ceiling “…it hurt, all right? I didn’t know when or if you were coming back. And I did not care for how it felt. I can’t…I won’t be toyed with.”

“Oh, I know you won’t. But I did come back—and you won’t
what I went through to get here.” His throat worked as all attempts at bravado failed him. “To get to you.”

She eyed him warily. “Tell me.”

He gave her a ragged laugh. “Let’s see. I bribed someone a thousand credits to get inside the spaceport on Krysk. Got into a fistfight in the spaceport. Bribed someone else twelve thousand credits to get onto a departing ship—which, seeing as I don’t actually have twelve thousand spare credits, was a bit dicey.

“Spent forty hours crammed into the below deck on a cargo ship which was far slower and far, far,
less swank than Alex’s ship with some two hundred other people, one restroom and nothing but old, off-brand energy bars for food. Arrived in Seattle to get groped by no less than six separate security guards and threatened with arrest twice before I finally made it to the hotel.”

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