Aunt Dimity and the Deep Blue Sea (30 page)

BOOK: Aunt Dimity and the Deep Blue Sea
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I reflected that Alfred Spofford’s timely demise had less to do with the wrath of God than with his unwise decision to stand in an exposed spot during a lightning storm while holding a hunk of metal at arm’s length, but I had no doubt that he was evil. Something not quite human had peered back at me from the chilling emptiness of those coal-black eyes.
“Do you think he’s . . . tainted the cottage?” I asked. “Bill wants to cut down the old hedge, Dimity. He says it’ll always remind him of how close Abaddon came to killing us.”
It’s pointless to fight evil by destroying life.
we fight it, then?” I demanded.
We kiss our children.We make sticky lemon cake for our husband.We cherish our friends.We leave the great hedge standing tall, to serve as a haven for birds and mice and spiders.We defeat evil every time we commit an act of kindness.When necessary, we hit it with a rock.
“I get it.” I nodded slowly. “Fill each day with acts of grace, but keep a rock handy, just in case.”
I couldn’t have put it better myself.You must do it in needlepoint, my dear, as a reminder of a valuable lesson learned.
I’m still digesting the lessons I learned during my time on Erinskil, but the nightmares have grown fewer and I’ve almost lost my fear of thunder-storms. The twins, thankfully, have shown no ill effects from their ordeal. They expected me to rescue them from the bad man, and I did. End of story.
Much to their delight, I’ve taken a serious interest in cricket over the past few months. My batting still leaves much to be desired, but I can bowl a wicket clean nine times out of ten. I never miss a chance to strengthen my throwing arm.
Just in case.
Sir Percy’s Favorite Sticky Lemon Cake
Lemon Syrup
½ cup sugar
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
Combine the sugar and lemon juice in a small bowl. Whisk until the sugar dissolves.
Lemon Cake
¾ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1½ teaspoons grated lemon peel
2 large eggs
1¼ cups self-rising flour
optional toppings: whipped cream, clotted cream,
lemon curd, or confectioner’s sugar
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Butter an 8-inch-square metal baking pan.
Use an electric mixer to cream the butter in a large mixing bowl until smooth. Add the sugar and lemon peel and beat until fluffy. Beat in 1 egg, then half of the flour; repeat. Pour the batter into the buttered baking pan. Bake about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the cake’s center comes out clean. Place the pan on a rack. Use a toothpick to poke holes all over the top of the cake. Spoon the lemon syrup slowly over the cake, allowing it to soak in. Cool the cake completely.
Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar or cut into squares and serve with whipped cream, clotted cream, or lemon curd.

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