Aung San Suu Kyi (35 page)

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Authors: Jesper Bengtsson

BOOK: Aung San Suu Kyi
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Regarding newspapers, I have systematically searched the digital archives first and foremost of the
Bangkok Post
The Nation
The Irrawaddy
Far Eastern Economic Review
, the
Times of India
Washington Post
, Associated Press,
The Independent
, and
New York Times

An endless amount has been written about Aung San Suu Kyi, but as an effect of her isolation there are only a very few real biographies. I have benefited greatly from Justin Wintle's book
Perfect Hostage
, the most thorough
of the biographies, especially the descriptions of Suu Kyi's childhood and time in Oxford. Barbara Victor's
The Lady
has also been an important source, as has Bertil Lintner's
Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's Struggle for Democracy
Freedom from Fear
, the collection of texts that Michael Aris compiled in 1991, is still the most personal description of Suu Kyi. When it comes to her own words, Alan Clement's
The Voice of Hope
is the only really thorough text, along with her own articles in
Letters from Burma

During the years I have been writing about Burma, dozens of reports from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other human rights organizations have passed across my writing desk. Some of them are direct references in this book and I will refrain from including them all in the list of sources. Taken together I have mainly used the following written sources:

Ad hoc commission on the Depayin massacre.
The second preliminary report
. Euro-Burma office, 2004.

Aung San Suu Kyi.
Aung San of Burma: A Biographical Portrait
. University of Queensland Press, 1984.

Freedom from Fear: And Other Writings
. Edited with an introduction by Michael Aris. Penguin, 1991.

Letters from Burma
. Penguin, 1995.

Let's Visit Burma
. Burke Books, 1985.

The Voice of Hope: Conversations with Alan Clements
. Seven Stories Press, 1997.

Aung-Thwin, Michael.
Parochial Universalism, Democracy Jihad, and the Orientalist Image of Burma: The New Evangelism
. Pacific Affairs, 2001.

Bingham, June.
U Thant: The Search for Peace
. Knopf, 1966.

Chee, Soon Juan, Järnfjäril.
Om Aung San Suu Kyi och Burmas skitiga historia
. Silc förlag, 2006.

Clements, Alan.
The Next Killing Fields
. The Real Story Series, 1990.

Havel, Václav, and Desmond Tutu.
Threat to the Peace. A Call for the UN Security Council to Act in Burma
. UN, 2005.

Houtman, Gustaaf.
Mental Culture in Burmese Crisis Politics: Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy
. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1999.

Krarup Nielsen, Aage.
De gyllene pagodernas land
. Bonniers, 1959.

Lintner, Bertil.
Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's Struggle for Democracy
. Asianet-work, 2007.

Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency since 1948
. Silkworm Books, 1999.

Outrage: Burma's Struggle for Democracy
. Kiscadale Publications, 1990.

Maung Maung.
Burma and General Ne Win
. Religious Affairs Dept., Rangoon, 1969.

Maung Myint.
The International Response to the Democracy Movement in Burma since 1962
. Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholms universitet, 2000.

Naw, Angelene.
Aung San and the Struggle for Burmese Independence.
Silkworm Books, 2001.

Sargent, Inge.
Twilight over Burma: My Life as a Shan Princess
. Silkworm Books, 1994.

Stewart, A. T. Q.
The Pagoda War: Lord Dufferin and the Fall of the Kingdom of Ava, 1885–86
. White Lotus, 1972.

Thant, Myint-U.
The River of Lost Footsteps: A Personal History of Burma
. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.

Tucker, Shelby.
Burma: The Curse of Independence.
Pluto Press, 2001.

Victor, Barbara.
The Lady: Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Laureate and Burma's Prisoner
. Faber and Faber, 1998.

Wintle, Justin.
Perfect Hostage: A Life of Aung San Suu Kyi
. Skyhorse, 2007.


Jesper Bengtsson is a journalist who has followed developments in Burma for more than a decade. He is the chairman of the Swedish section of the human rights organization Reporters sans frontières (Reporters Without Borders). The author of
Burma: A Journey in the Shadow of the Dictatorship
(2007), he has also written editorials for the Swedish newspaper

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