[Atlantean's Quest 05] Atlantean Heat (3 page)

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 05] Atlantean Heat
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Cassandra felt her eyes widen, but she said nothing as she watched him roll the thin material over his shaft

until he was completely covered.

“Now, where were we?” he smiled.


Buzz couldn’t believe how close he’d come to fucking her without a condom. He’d never been so

reckless. There was something about Cassandra that drove all logical thought from his mind—something

about her that demanded a primal mating. Moreover, he’d been this close to forgetting she was a groupie

and giving it to her.

Luckily, his common sense had kicked in, but he had to admit he was a tad bit disappointed. He longed

to feel his cock slipping into her—skin on skin, the tight grip of her channel as she milked him. He was

damn close to bursting just thinking about it.

He lifted Cassandra’s long leg, holding it against his hip, effectively opening her to his plunder. He palmed

her breasts and caressed her thigh, all the while rocking his cock against her swollen clit. She moaned,

throwing her head back, exposing the long column of her throat for him to feast upon. Buzz grazed her

neck, laving and nipping at the pulse beating erratically there. He blazed a trail over her collarbone, down

to her breasts, until he was within a whisper of her kernelled nipples.

He flicked first one and then the other with his tongue, teasing her rosy flesh, tasting her. Buzz sucked one

nipple into his mouth and almost came as sensation shot through him straight to his cock. Her skin held a

hint of spice, coupled with a honeyed sweetness. He had never experienced anything like it. Her fingers

clung to his flesh, digging deep, spearing him on. He couldn’t wait any longer.

“Darlin’, I’m sorry, but this time is going to have to be hard and fast.” His voice came out on a harsh


Cassandra smiled, her aqua eyes glowing with an emotion he refused to recognize. “I like it hard.”

God give me strength
. Buzz closed his eyes for a second as his resistance came crashing down. He

released her breast and then positioned the head of his cock at her entrance. He shifted her leg a bit

higher, until she wrapped around his waist. With a roar, Buzz plunged inside of her weeping pussy. His

breath hissed out of his lungs as her velvet channel gripped him tight.

Oh, man…

His hips began to pump, taking her deep, fucking her hard. He’d never felt anything like this. Anything

like her. The last thought had him shaking his head and shackling his emotions. The last thing he needed

was to confuse sex with a relationship, especially since he didn’t have relationships. Cassandra was just

another woman, an astronaut groupie he’d share company with for a while, and then move on.

No matter how many times he told himself that, Buzz wasn’t quite convinced. Their bodies melded,

forming a perfect union between man and woman. He thrust again and Cassandra cried out.

Buzz felt the first of the tremors shudder through her body. He gripped her tighter and drove deeper, his

cock nudging her womb with his thrust. Two more bucks of his hips and Cassandra shattered. She

screamed, her nails taking out a strip of his flesh as she came hard. He answered her scream with a

bellow of his own, following her into sated bliss.

* * * * *

Cassandra’s body thrummed as the last of the ripples from her orgasm fluttered through her. Never had

she experienced anything like the joining she’d just had with Buzz. It was better than seeing the galaxies

for the first time. Her heart thudded as she fought to catch her breath. She’d purposely monitored her

breathing to keep the gold energy from escaping, especially after she’d glimpsed his thoughts on

relationships. His expression hardened as his feelings wavered, causing him to draw away from her. For

some reason, Buzz was as reluctant about facing his emotions as he was about discussing space.

The missing piece to her puzzle stood glaringly before her. Their connection had been far more than

physical. She’d felt it and so had Buzz, whether he was ready to admit it or not.

Buzz released her leg and slipped from her body. The emptiness left behind caused Cassandra to

tremble. He turned the water off and then pulled the shower curtain back. Slipping the condom off, he

tossed it in a container and then reached for two towels. He set one down on the rack, the other he

placed around her shoulders and began to rub gently. His face softened as he caressed her body. Within

a few minutes, Cassandra was dry and her heart felt as if it had swelled to two times its normal size. So

this was what finding your true-mate felt like. So this was love. He released the towel, allowing her to

secure it around her body before reaching for the other cloth.

He wrapped the material around his hips, grabbed more foil wrappers, and then led her into the other

room. Buzz tossed back the covers before guiding her back to the bed. Cassandra fell, pulling him on top

of her. The weight of his body felt exquisite against her skin.

Cassandra relaxed, sinking deeper into the bed. She wiggled until she had managed to release the towel

from around her body. Buzz’s towel remained wrapped around his waist. His burgeoning erection

pressed into her abdomen as his desire rose to match her own.

“I’m not sure what you’re doing to me, darlin’.” He smiled, rubbing his chin against the side of her cheek.

“Don’t you like it?” Cassandra hated the fact that her voice sounded tentative.

His gray-green eyes widened, before locking to hers. “I love it. That’s the problem.” He laughed, but it

held no humor. “Sooner or later, we’ll have to part. I have to look for a job and you’ll have to get back


Cassandra fought the sadness welling inside of her. He had already planned for their departure. She

allowed herself a few moments to wallow, before determination took over. She had at least a day,

perhaps two to change his mind.

She was an Atlantean woman, experiencing full Atlantean heat. No man—warrior or human, in his right

mind, would be able to resist for long. The temptation was too great. Decision made, Cassandra reached

up and grasped the back of his head, sinking her fingers into his hair, and then pulling Buzz’s lips down

upon hers in a blistering kiss. She would not allow him to dismiss her—them—s o easily. With her free

hand, she reached between them to loosen the towel separating their bodies.

It took her fingers but a moment to locate his throbbing cock. It came to life instantly. “’Tis my turn, I

think.” Cassandra parted the towel and stroked the length of him, relishing the feel of satin over steel in

her palm.

Buzz broke the kiss, air rushing from his lungs. “Release me, I want to taste you.”

His words seared her skin. She released him instantly and watched as Buzz slid down the length of her

body until he was seated between her thighs. His face was mere inches from her shaven mons. He

inhaled, taking her fragrance into his body.

“God, you smell good, rich and spicy like a woman should, yet sweet—succulent, good enough to eat.

And I intend to.” With that, he lowered his face and began lapping at her nether lips, drawing lazy figure

eights over her swollen flesh, all the while avoiding her aching clit.

“I don’t know what it is about you.” He murmured against her flesh. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

Cassandra knew exactly what was occurring between them. They were true-mates, whether he’d heard

of the concept before or not. He flicked his tongue, rasping the hooded bundle of nerves once.

Cassandra dug her fingers into the linens on the bed and gritted her teeth. She couldn’t seem to catch her

breath. His stubbled jaw rasped the inside of her thighs, adding more sensation to his taunting mouth.

“Please, Buzz.” She groaned.

He stilled his movements a moment. His gaze intent as he watched her reactions. Instead of continuing

with his carnal actions, he blew warm air across her flesh and like kerosene to a flame, she ignited. “Tell

me what you want,” he croaked, his voice so passion filled that it was barely understandable.

“I want…I want you to fuck me.”

He laughed, a pain-filled sound that told her with more than words that his control had reached its end.

“I’ll do just that in a moment, right after I hear you scream out another orgasm.”

He dove back into her needy flesh, sucking her clit between his lips, tasting her with his tongue.

Cassandra’s body stiffened as sensation shot through her, tightening her muscles, ratcheting her need.

Her body clenched and unclenched as a pleasure-pain greater than any she’d felt before filled her and

then she was tumbling. A keening cry ripped from her lungs and her body bowed on the bed. Buzz

continued to feed, lapping at her cream as she came hard.

Spots floated behind her eyes as the blood rushed from her head to her cunt. Spasms rippled through

her, as her channel flooded anew. Cassandra felt Buzz’s weight shift, heard the tearing of the foil

wrapper, and within seconds, he was sliding home. The ache she’d felt only moments ago was now filled.

Buzz’s cock slid into her moist heat, rocking her gently.

He fucked her slowly this time, gliding maddeningly, savoring her body. His hands bracketed the side of

her head, keeping her focused on his face. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked on

an upward thrust.

Cassandra fought the urge to close her eyes. She bit into her lower lip and shook her head.

“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He stared deep, drawing her into his

gray-green depths.

Cassandra laughed. “You probably say that to all the women you lay with.”

His brow furrowed. “No, I don’t.” He snorted. “I say very little. We exchange pleasantries. We fuck

once and then I’m gone. No fuss. No mess. No complications.”

“So is that what you’ve got planned?” she asked, bracing for his answer.

Buzz stared at her for several minutes, his face a mask of unreadable emotions. Cassandra debated

whether to intrude on his thoughts, but decided against it. She wanted to hear his answer. If he was lying,

she’d know.

His jaw clenched and unclenched a couple of times as if he couldn’t decide whether to tell the truth or

not. Finally he spoke. “At first, yeah.”

“And now?”

He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m not sure what I’m doing now. I sure as hell don’t have a plan.”

Good. Cassandra thought. At least that was a start.

* * * * *

They made love on and off over the next three days, stopping only long enough to eat and shower.

Cassandra couldn’t seem to break through the shell separating her from Buzz’s heart. She feared his

emotional state was directly tied with his space journeys, but she’d been unable, as of yet, to get him to

speak. She trembled in the cool night air.

Without a word, Buzz stood, grabbed a blanket from the bed and then wrapped it around them. Sated

and replete they stared out at the night sky, like an old mated couple. The peace and comfort of the

situation gave her the courage to broach the subject.

“Have you ever seen the Antares & Rho Ophiuchi?”

He nodded, a slight frown marring his features. Cassandra watched his jaw clench and then unclench,

finally he sighed and ran a hand through his spiky short hair. “I’ve seen it. The colors are spectacular, like

a rainbow that has burst.”

“I love the blues, pinks, and clouds of orange.”

His muscles seemed to relax a bit and he smiled. “My favorite is Eta Carina. It reminds me of a big set of

testicles.” He laughed and she joined in.

“Trifid reminds me of a pink and blue dust storm, endless and powerful.”

Buzz turned to face her now. His gaze roved over her face. So many questions filled his expression, but

he seemed to dismiss them one after the other. “How is it that you know so much about space? Are you

an astronomer?”

“I do not study stars if that is what you ask. I simply like the colors, the power in those glowing beacons

when seen through a porthole. Much as I’m sure you do. Would you like to see them again?” she asked

the question tentatively.

His expression turned dark. “That’s right, I forgot you’re from a galaxy beyond the Pleiades.” His voice

smacked of contempt.

“I am,” she whispered, unable to stop the hurt from crowding into her voice.

Buzz shot up. Anger vibrated from his body. “Knock it off! You know I can’t go back into space, and

no amount of pointing at the sky is going to get me there. So stop asking stupid questions you already

know the answers to. Your little act isn’t fooling anyone.”

“Act?” She frowned, attempting to digest his words.

His hands curled into fists at his sides. “I bet the other astronauts bought into your wide-eyed innocence

hook, line, and sinker. But you made a mistake when you made a play for this washed up flyboy.”

“What other astronauts?”

He threw his arms up in the air in frustration. “Oh, come on, drop the act already, babe. I’m onto you.

You’re a flyboy groupie.” He shrugged. “You may be foreign, but you’re like all the others.”

Anger surged through Cassandra. How dare he speak to her this way! She’d done nothing wrong. She

stood as fury gathered around her. Her eyes stung as tears welled and she forced the drops away. “You

listen to me, Buzz Rittner. I know not of other astronauts. I did nothing to you, other than offer you my

body, my heart. If you’re too pig-headed to understand that, well…then that’s your problem.”

Cassandra gathered the blanket around her and swept into the room like a queen dismissing her subjects.

She’d had enough of his arrogance, his mean-spirited words, and his male stubbornness. If he would only

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