At My Mother's Knee (47 page)

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Authors: Paul O'Grady

BOOK: At My Mother's Knee
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Suddenly I was scared. Everything I loved was crumbling
before me. I wanted to run away, to hide somewhere and
pretend that none of this was happening. What if my mother
died? What would we do? Life without her was unthinkable.
Was this my punishment for not sticking it out for the full
week at Sue Ryder's? If so, then God was one petty bitch.

My dad's sorrow turned to anger. He refused to come home
with me, not until he'd paid a visit to the doctor's and let his
hapless receptionist know exactly what he thought of her illjudged
prognosis. Aunty Chris, who had been waiting
anxiously at the house with my sister Sheila for us to come
back from the hospital, went after him. She said the entire
surgery cheered as he wiped the floor with
Dr Barlow's
receptionist. She was a harridan, there's no other way to
describe her. She saw the patients as a necessary evil, a bunch
of malingering time-wasters who had no right to bother the
doctor, and like revolutionaries storming the Bastille they
roared their approval at hearing this uncaring bully get a longoverdue
roasting from the local Robespierre, my normally
placid father.

Later that night, after Aunty Chris and Sheila had gone
home, I sat with my dad, both of us wrapped in a blanket of
despair. I could feel the room closing in on me, the atmosphere
unbearably claustrophobic. I wanted to scream out loud and
thought I'd go mad if I didn't get out for a while.

'Don't go out tonight,' my dad pleaded, seeing me changing
my shirt. 'Stay here with me.' I didn't know how to cope seeing
him like this, desperate and defeated, his eyes raw from
crying. He scared me and to my eternal shame and regret I
refused to stay, leaving him alone while I went for a drink in
the Bear's Paw. I didn't stay out very long. I regretted coming.
It felt wrong being in a club full of people whose only concern
was whether or not they'd cop off tonight. I left pretty well
immediately and went back home, anxious for news.

As I sat on the train I thought about how many times I'd
made this journey with my
over the years, how many
conversations she had enjoyed with complete strangers on the
journey from James Street to Green Lane, expounding many a
crying shame, airing her opinions on subjects as diverse as
apartheid and varicose veins. She couldn't die. She was a
powerhouse, permanently striving towards a new goal,
whether it be the search for yet another 'little job' or a bus ride
into unknown territory to explore a church she'd heard about.
Inquisitive by nature, she still retained that thirst for knowledge
she'd had as a little girl and would try to infuse me with
it. Staring out of the window into the darkness of the tunnel, I
could hear her voice.

'By 1903 this was the first electrified line of its type in the
world, and it's still going today. I'm all for modern technology,
me. Marvellous.'
Please don't die, Mum . . .

There was no more news. All the hospital would say was
that my mother was 'peaceful'. She'd never been peaceful in
her life. I lay in bed, listening to my father worrying in the
room next door, counting the minutes until morning, waiting
in the dark for the phone to ring.

By 6 a.m. we were up and back at the hospital. There was
still no change. My dad sat by the bed staring intently into the
face of the woman he'd loved since he first clapped eyes on her
at an Irish dance, gently stroking her hand and silently willing
her to live. For the first time, I saw them not just as my parents
but as a couple very much in love.

There was no point me hanging around, my dad said; I'd be
better off at work. I disagreed but went, reluctantly, to keep the
peace. Halfway through the afternoon session I was called out
of the court and told once again by Joe Black to go home. This
time it was my dad who'd had the heart attack.

Sheila was waiting for me at the hospital. He'd had two
more coronary arrests and had been put on life support. 'He
told Father Lennon that he was going on a journey,' she said
through her tears. We thought it best to tell my mother,
who had recovered slightly but was still very ill, that he'd
caught a bad cold and was keeping away until it got better in
case he passed it on to her. She'd have seen through this feeble
lie in an instant if it hadn't been for the drugs fogging her

My dad was dying. The Irish relatives gathered round his
bed to say the rosary. He'd been taken off the life support
machine now; there was no point. It wouldn't be long before
he embarked on his 'journey'. The light over the bed cast
shadows across his face, every vein visible through his waxen,
transparent skin. I stood at the end of his bed, listening to his laboured breathing and the repetitive drone of the relatives as
they chanted the rosary. He sat up for a brief moment and
laughed. 'That bugger'll be all right,' he said quite clearly,
pointing at me, before lapsing into sleep again.

It was time to tell my mother that her husband was dying. I
hid behind a cupboard in the corridor as she was slowly
wheeled into the intensive care unit, frail and vulnerable in her
hand-knitted pink bedjacket, to say her last goodbyes.

?' she was saying in a small anxious voice.
'Where's my husband?' I was unable to face her, incapable of
witnessing her grief, crouching on the floor in the dark at the
side of the cupboard, eyes closed and hands over my ears, desperate
to blot this heartbreaking image from my mind. She
stayed with him until the doctor sent her back to the ward. On
the way, she stopped the wheelchair to speak to me. 'This is
you, this,' she said accusingly. 'You've put him in there with
your shenanigans and your bloody carry-on.' Painful as it was,
I was glad to see that there were still traces of the old Eve.
Then she reached out and grabbed my hand, as if suddenly
regretting her outburst. 'Have you had your tea?' she asked,
wiping her eyes with a hanky that I noticed had the word
Laxey printed on it, a souvenir of happier times and a holiday
on the Isle of Man when she'd walked arm in arm with my dad
along the prom for a drink in the Empress Hotel. 'I'll get me
purse out of the locker and you can go down the Chinese and
get yourself some of that muck you like. And then get to bed –
you're the colour of boiled shite.'

My dad died in the early hours of the morning. He couldn't
face a life without my mother, and, thinking that she was
dying, slipped away himself. The doctor said that if he could
put cause of
as 'Broken heart' on the death certificate he
would have.

The normally inscrutable Aunty Chris, who loved my dad
dearly, was chain-smoking furiously in the corridor, looking for a victim to vent her anguish on. I felt much the same. If she
wanted a fight I was up for it, even though I knew she'd tear
me to shreds within seconds. 'You're coming back to stay at
ours,' she said, her voice cracking as she fought back her tears.
'And I don't want no bloody trouble either.'

I told her no, I was going home first, and ran off before she
could get her claws out.

The house looked as it always did, only unnaturally quiet,
my dad's pipe sitting on the mantelpiece, his football coupon,
untouched, on the arm of his chair. In the kitchen a mug and
bowl were stacked neatly on the draining board, evidence of
his last meal. I sat in the dark on the stairs, numb with shock.
My father was dead. Hard to take in at that age – at any age,
really. I found the sudden sense of loss overwhelming. There
were so many things I wanted to say to him, to thank him
for, and now it was too late. Was it my fault he'd died? Had
I brought on his heart attack? Years later, sitting in a cinema
in London watching Maximilian Schell's documentary
about Marlene Dietrich and hearing the lady herself recite
Ferdinand Freiligrath's poignant 'Love as Long as You Can', I
recalled that moment on the stairs again, and felt the same
overwhelming regret as I did then.

Oh love as long as day may dawn,
The hour will come,
You'll stand beside a grave and mourn
Whoever gives his heart to you,
Oh, show him all the love you own,
And fill his waking hours with joy,
And never make him feel alone
And watch your tongue as best you can,
A wicked word is quickly spoken,
'Oh God, I didn't mean it so'
The other goes away heartbroken,
Then you kneel down beside the grave
Forgive me please for hurting you,
Oh God, I didn't mean it so,
But he can't see and can't hear you,
He can't be welcomed back, somehow.
The mouth that kissed you oft before,
Can't say that all's forgiven, now . . .
He did forgive you, long ago,
But many hot tears fell, my friend,
About you and your bitter word,
Oh, he's at rest, he's reached the end.

Enough to bring a bloody tear to a glass eye, as Aunty Chris
probably would've said.

I was more than a little worried that the shock of my father's
death might kill my mother, making me an orphan at eighteen.
Lady Bracknell, or rather Tony's impression of her, sprang to
mind: 'To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to
lose both looks like carelessness.'

'Please God, let her get better and I'll never be bad again.'
The old familiar petition that I'd employed since childhood
was brought into use again. I had a mental image of St Peter in
his long flowing beard and robes, standing in front of a pair of
ornate gates on a fluffy lump of cloud, holding a phone out to
the Almighty. 'It's Paul O'Grady, boss, he says he'll never be
bad again?'

'Tell him I'm not in.'

The phone rang on the little hall table that my dad had built
a lifetime ago, startling me out of my thoughts. I let it ring. It
was probably Aunty Chris seeing 'what I was up to', so I
ignored it and went to bed, getting into my parents' bed
instead of my own. I could smell them on their pillows. On my
mum's a faint whiff of Honeysuckle and setting lotion, on my dad's, cigarettes and sweat. I lay there in the dawn light, listening
to a solitary foghorn from a ship on the Mersey. It was
a surprisingly misty morning for September and it was chilly in
the bedroom. The phone rang again. Reluctantly, I went to
answer it.

'Paul?' It was Diane. 'How are you?'

'Well, me dad's dead and me mother's at death's door. Things
couldn't get worse, really.'

I could hear her sobbing at the other end of the line.

'Oh, God, they could and they have,' she said, catching her

'What do you mean?'

'I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father.'


ABC cinema

Abelard and Eloise

Aboud, Mr (dentist)

Alf (coalman)

Angela Chapman Employment Agency

Ashe and Nephew

Ashton, Susan

ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service)

Audrey (barmaid)

Avengers, The

Babaloo club

Baldry, Long John

Ball, Lucille

Bankhead, Tallulah

Barlow, Dr

Barney's the barber


Bear's Paw club: ambition to visit

Diane wants to visit

first visit

mother's illness

opening hours

Persian sailors

police at


Begley, Betty

Begley, Kim

Begley, Sally

Bernadette, St

Bidston Hill

Bill, The

Billy (in north London)


Holly Grove

Horden House

Lowther Street

North End

Birkenhead General Hospital

Birkenhead News

Birkenhead Technical College

Black, Joe

Black and Tans

Blackler's Store

Blackman, Honor

Blessed Edmund Campion School

Boggins, Billy

Boggins, Pat

Bolger, Miss (teacher): discipline

first teacher

school dinners

school reports

Bowie, David

Boys' Amateur Boxing Club

Brailey, Thelma

Brian (barman)

Brindle, Miss (deputy matron)

Broad, Mr (teacher)


Cammell Laird's

Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE)

Carlton Players

Carol (barmaid)

Carson's of Birkenhead

Carter's Corner Place

Casey, Bill

Catcher in the Rye, The

Chef and Brewer

Chertsey Magistrates Court

Cheshire, Leonard

Chris (trainee manager)

Christian Brothers: discipline

St Anselm's

television restrictions

Christine (clerical assistant)


Coleherne pub

Coolidge, Calvin

Corby, Marlene

Corpus Christi High School

Cousin's café

Covent Garden

Creggs pub

Crisp, Quentin


Cunard Line

Cunningham, Mrs (at the chip shop)

Daily Mail

Daily Mirror

Dave (clerical assistant)

Dave (friend from work)

Davies, Chamois

Della (Sadie's friend)

Dennis (at Bear's Paw)

Department of Supplementary Benefits

Diane (girlfriend)

Dietrich, Marlene

Docherty, Mrs (Mrs Dock)

Dominion pub

Dors, Diana

Dot (prostitute)

Dougal (schoolboy)

Doughty, Dora

Downey, Anne

Doyle, Father

Duane, Annie

Eatock, Winnie

Eddy (boxing trainer)

Edwards, Miss (teacher)

Ennis, Brother

Evelyn (schoolfriend)

Fawcett, Anne (Annie Savage, aunt): appearance

author's career




care of father




Christmas at Holly Grove



husband's death



mother's death

relationship with sister Chrissie


sister Molly's garden thefts

sister Molly's teeth

work as cleaner

Fawcett, Harold (Uncle Al): appearance








Fawcett, Ma

Fawcett, Maureen (cousin)

Fawcett, Michael (Mickey, cousin)

Fawcett, Old Ned

Fawcett, Tricia (cousin)

Fawcett, William

Finch, Paul: appearance

dismissal of



treatment of trainees

welcome to Wheatsheaf

Wheatsheaf status

Flo (clerical assistant)

Frances (queen)


Frank (next-door neighbour)

Gay News


George V, King



Grace (chambermaid)

see also

Grady, Bridget (aunt)

Grady, Bridget (Biddy Brittain, grandmother)

Grady, James (great-uncle)

Grady, James (uncle)

Grady, Mary (aunt)

Grady, Mickey (cousin)

Grady, Patrick (father)

Grady, Patrick (grandfather)

Grady, Sarah-Ann (Sadie, aunt)

Grafton club

Grange Mount Hospital

Great Barrier Reef


Heath, Ted

Hello Dolly!

Henshaw, Eileen

Henshaw, George

Henshaw's shop



Hirschfeld, Dr

Holy Cross School

Isle of Man

J., Lady

Jacko (dog)

Jean (North End girl)

Jens (Streisand fan)

Jinksy (cat)

Joey (budgie)

John, Elton

John (mate)

John Paul II, Pope

Johnstone, Ma

Johnstone's shop

Kearney, Brother

Keeler, Christine

Kemp, Lindsay

Knights of St Columbia

Lake, Alan

Lalley, Vera

Langford, Bonnie

Lansbury, Angela

Laura (in Virginia Water)

Legion of Mary

Lennon, Father


Lewis, Rosa

Lifeline (employment agency)

Lily Savage

Lion in Winter, The

Lisbon pub

Listen with Mother

Littlewoods Pools

Liverpool: CHE

gay scene

Steers House (Canning Place)

Liverpool Echo

Liverpool Magistrates Court

Livingstone, Ken


Long, George

Long, Jean

Long, Michael

Long, Rose: appearance


relationship with Aunty Chris

relationship with Molly

relationship with neighbours


Look and Learn


McGee, Miss (Lulu)

McGrath, Clare

McGregor, Miss

Mack, Mrs (bar steward)

Macmillan, Lenny

Madame Arthur's club, Copenhagen

Man from UNCLE, The

Mansfield twins

Mardi Gras club

Martha, Sister

Mary, Queen

Mary Cleophas, Mother

Mary (next-door neighbour)

Mary (shop assistant)

Masquerade Club

Michell, Keith

Millie (in Virginia Water)

Mooney, Celia

Mooney, Francis (Franny): altar boy




burglary attempt


first communion

first day at school

friendship with author

school dinners

tonsils removed

Mooney, Mr

Mulligan family

Murphy, Brendan

Murphy, Fat Pat

New Southport Theatre

New York

Nora (cook)

O'Brien, William

Official Secrets Act

see also

O'Grady, Brendan (brother): childhood



relationship with brother Paul


O'Grady, Keith (nephew)

O'Grady, Mary (Molly Savage, mother):




birth of son Paul


cat poisoning


at chip shop

cinema going


crossing roads

decoration of son

Paul's bedroom




fan of Johnnie Ray




first meeting with Paddy


heart attack



home perm

home remedies

Irish visits

morning routine

mother's death

Paddy's death

relationship with Eileen Henshaw

relationship with Rose Long




sex education

son Paul's appearance

son Paul's appendicitis

son Paul's career

son Paul's career as altar boy

son Paul's career in hotel

son Paul's criminal record

son Paul's eating difficulties

son Paul's education

son Paul's first communion

son Paul's friendship with Tony

son Paul's social life


suspected of poisoning animals


taking dope

taking to her bed


thyroid operation

view of homosexuality

view of Marlene Dietrich

view of prostitutes

wartime experiences


work as auxiliary nurse

work as cleaner

work as domestic servant

O'Grady, Patrick (Paddy, Pakie, father): aftershave

Anderson shelter


arrival in Birkenhead




cinema going







family background



fear of water


first meeting with Molly




Irish visits

Knights of St Columbia

Molly's heart


naming of son

relationship with son Paul


sister-in-law Chris's


son Paul's career

son Paul's career in hotel

son Paul's criminal record

son Paul's education

son Paul's first communion

son Paul's paper round

view of homosexuality

visits to dentist

war service



O'Grady, Paul: family background



early memories


first day at school

St Joseph's

St Anselm's

Blessed Edmund Campion



leaving school

first job as civil servant

journey to London

arrival in London

at Wheatsheaf Hotel


dismissal from Wheatsheaf

return to Birkenhead

Chertsey Magistrates Court sentence


trainee clerk of the court

at Glyndebourne

at Sue Ryder home

mother's illness

father's death




EDUCATION: Blessed Edmund Campion


learning to read

St Anselm's

St Joseph's


EMPLOYMENT: bar work

career plans


office work

paper round

rent boy

shop assistant

Sue Ryder home

trainee clerk of the court

Wheatsheaf Hotel


Holly Lodge

staying at

Lowther Street


altar boy

amateur dramatic society

attitude to death

attitude to food


Barbra Streisand


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