At Her Command (3 page)

Read At Her Command Online

Authors: Dana Drake

Tags: #cuckold, #femdom, #foot fetish, #figging, #chastity device

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Washingtonian Magazine lay open on Bridget’
lap. A glass of white wine sat on the coffee table within arms
reach. He silently walked across the room and knelt three feet from
where she sat. He stared at her red toenails and delicate feet as
his blood engorged cock twitched up and down with each heartbeat.
She ignored him. He didn’t know how long it was before she looked
up. “Get me another glass of wine.” He stood unsteadily, knees
aching, still hard as a rock and carried her wineglass to the
kitchen. He refilled it and noticed the foil covered casserole dish
on the stove. He carried the glass back.

“As soon as I finish this glass, you’ll serve
me dinner in the dining room. Set a service for one. You will eat
in the kitchen, standing.”

“Yes, mistress.” Nathan set a place setting
at the head of the table and returned to his kneeling position at
her feet. He fixed her plate in the kitchen. He served her a salad
first, and then spinach lasagna, eating quickly beside the stove
between courses. He brought her coffee last, and immediately
started washing the dishes. He returned to the living room and
found her watching the early news.

“Come upstairs with me.” She killed the TV
with the remote. “On your knees, of course.” He followed her,
crawling on is hands and knees, grateful to be in her presence. He
followed her into the bathroom. A white bed sheet was spread on the
floor. Nathan saw an electric hair trimmer, disposable razor,
shaving gel, and a small box on the vanity.

“We haven’t discussed our arrangement, yet,
but I’m proposing a one week trial, followed by a one month trial.
During each one, either of us can terminate the arrangement without
justification at any time. If we get through them, I’ll consider a
permanent arrangement.” Nathan looked into her eyes and was
suddenly cognizant that he was naked and had a hard-on. He looked
away. “Is that acceptable?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“In order to control your orgasms, I’m
putting you in a locked chastity device. I’ll hold the key. I need
to shave you first.” Nathan looked away as she trimmed his pubic
hair down to a sixteenth of an inch with the electric trimmer.
Tufts of coarse pubic hair wafted down onto the sheet.

“Rinse off in the shower and lather up while
I get rid of this sheet.” Nathan tempered the water, stepped in the
shower, and washed his cock and balls. His cock looked longer and
bigger without all the hair. She sat on the toilet cover and shaved
his stiff penis and scrotum with short, precise strokes, rinsing
the razor in the sink, tapping it against the side. She rinsed and
dried him.

Nathan stared as she removed a clear,
penis-shaped plastic piece from the box. “This is just temporary.”
Bridget held it up as Nathan’s erection wilted. “We’ll get a
stainless steel model after the trials. She studied several rings
and selected one, pressed his scrotum through, one testicle at a
time, and pushed the device over his penis. She mated the piece
with the pin on the ring and slipped a tiny padlock through the
ring. Nathan stared as terror and erotic humiliation battled inside
him. He started to get an erection. The hard plastic shell pressed
against his skin and stopped it.

“How long will I have to wear this,
mistress?” he asked meekly.

“I’ll take it off to clean you and on the
rare occasion when you’ve earned an orgasm, but otherwise, 24-7.”
She looked down at him, clearly taller in four-inch heels and him
shoeless. “Come with me. Seeing you shaved and emasculated has made
me horny.” She led Nathan to her room by the hand and took the
collar out of her drawer. Nathan’s face flushed hot as she buckled
it around his neck and his penis pressed tight against the hard
plastic shield, blocking the blood trying to flow into it.

“You may undress me,
.” The
meaning of the word sent a surge of adrenaline through his body.
She stood beside the bed as he unbuttoned her blouse and removed
it. She stepped out of her espadrilles. He unbuttoned her Capri
pants and gingerly pulled them down her legs. She placed her hand
on his shoulder as he knelt to remove them. He unclasped her white
lace brassiere and freed her large, firm breasts, longing to touch
them. He knelt to remove her white lace panties and stared at her
smooth vulva, as his heart pounded in his ears like a timpani.

Bridget pulled Nathan up by the hand, stepped
close and pressed her large, soft breasts against his chest. “You’d
give anything to fuck me, wouldn’t you”? She whispered. She rubbed
them against him and ground her hips against his. Her cool, sweet
breath made his cheek tingle as his penis pressed against its cage
like a rodeo bull in a gate. She ran her fingernails lightly down
his back. “Well, slave, answer me. You’d give anything to fuck me
wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, mistress.” He swallowed hard. “Yes, I’d
give anything, mistress.”

“Would you give me yourself, and be my slave

“Yes, mistress, I would.” Nathan’s arms hung
by his sides, aware that he was forbidden to touch Bridget without
her permission.

“I might allow you to fuck me occasionally. I
have a strong sex drive and need sex often. My therapist says it’s
a power thing. I’ll need a good fucking more often than the few
times I permit you to fuck me. That means there will be other men
in my life.” A sharp pain shot from his throbbing balls to his
chest. “You understand that you’re my slave, not my lover.”

“Yes... yes, mistress.”

“Good.” She glided to the bed, and lay on her
back. Nathan stared at her nude body, the most beautiful woman he’d
ever seen, mere feet away, forbidden to him. He’d allowed her to
castrate him with a chastity device, take away his manhood. He
glanced down at his hairless groin, at his flaccid penis encased in
clear hard plastic, and his smooth shave balls pressed forward by
the plastic retaining ring.

“You may pleasure me with your mouth, slave,
but no touching. Nathan positioned himself between her long, smooth
legs. They were totally feminine, but strong and firm. He leaned
down to within an inch of her vulva and breathed in her
woman-scent. Blood rushed to his abdomen. The cruel plastic cage
would have none of it. He used his tongue to part her already moist
labia and relished the salty, musky taste and smell. Bridget came
quickly, aroused by shaving and pseudo-castrating Nathan.

Bridget slipped from beneath him and walked
in the bathroom. Nathan heard water filling the bathtub. “Slave,
come in here. I want you to bathe me and shave my legs.” Nathan
knelt beside the soaking tub and watched the water rising around
her body. He washed her with a natural sponge and organic body
wash, methodically caressing her perfect skin with the brown
sponge. She rested her legs on the side of the tub as he lathered
and shaved them, and rose on her knees for him to shave her vulva.
His cock twitched inside its prison as he worked. He held a towel
as she stepped out and dried her off.

“I feel like cooking tonight,” she announced
as he helped her don a silk robe. I think I’ll do Chinese. She
pointed to a wicker hamper. “There is a load of dark clothes you
can run while I’m cooking.” She stepped into a pair of satin
slippers and left him in the bedroom.


“Where are we going, mistress?” After two
weeks, Nathan was comfortable asking questions within the scope of
their arrangement.

“To a shop that does tattoos and body
piercing.” Nathan broke into a cold sweat.

“Am I getting a tattoo?” he asked meekly.

“Not today, anyway. The chastity device I’ve
selected for you is integrated with a Prince Albert piercing. It’s
impossible to pull out.”

“Prince Albert?” She turned he head and met
his gaze. She smiled showing her perfect white teeth.

“It’s a piercing that passes through the
urethra and out the bottom of the glans, where it meets the penis
shaft.” Nathan shivered as a bead of sweat tickled down his

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“I want to ensure there are not accidents. I
want you secure in your chastity device. You’re doing it for me,
Nathan. Turn left at the next light.” She directed him into a strip
shopping center and had him park in front of a storefront with a
Body Art by Jeremy
. Nathan felt perspiration trickle
down his back as they walked across the lot. Bridget held his arm,
as if they were a real couple. The men they passed stared with
envy. Bridget’s smile disarmed them, making them act and look like
schoolboys. He opened the door and stepped in behind her. A burly
man in a black tee shirt and jeans hung up the phone and smiled.

“You must be Bridget. I never forget a
voice.” He looked stupid as she smiled and offered her hand.

“This is Nathan. He wants a PA and the
Steelheart chastity device.” Nathan swallowed hard as he looked at
the pink and blue designs that snaked up the man’s muscular arms
and disappeared under his black tee shirt. Jeremy smiled as he
looked Nathan up and down.

“Excellent choice-- complete security and the
utmost in comfort for long-term confinement.” He led them to a
jewelry display. “I’d suggest starting with a 12 gauge captive bead
ring. You can go up to a 10 later.”

“How soon before he can wear the Steelheart?”
Bridget’s eyes sparkled like a little girl’s on Christmas morning.
Nathan felt his stomach turn.

“Not until it heals... well he can wear it
before then, just not with the anti-pull out device attached. I
think you’ll find it plenty secure even without it.” Nathan signed
the consent form without reading it-- the last thing a successful
attorney in his right mind would do. But Nathan wasn’t in is right
mind. She’d taken over his will and he was helpless to resist.
Jeremy led them through a door into the salon area with private
rooms. The smell of disinfectant and traces marijuana smoke filled
his nostrils, as he looked at the bottles of tattoo ink and
disinfectant, boxes of disposable gloves, tools, and medical
supplies on the counter. Jeremy motioned to what looked like a
dentist’s chair.

“I’ll need to see your equipment before we
get started.” He pulled on a pair of purple vinyl gloves. So if you
don’t mind dropping trou, we’ll get on with the program.” Nathan
unbuckled his belt, opened his slacks, and pulled them down. He
looked away; face burning with humiliation as he slid down his
shorts. “I’ll need the key Bridget.” Nathan watched her hand Jeremy
the key from the corner of his eye. The same look of joy and the
same outward glee still radiated from her beautiful face. Jeremy
gently removed the plastic cage and pulled down on the retainer
ring that encircled his scrotum.

“Has this ring been painful, Nathan?” Nathan
shook his head. “Has it slipped off?” He silently shook his head,
still too ashamed to meet either one of their eyes. “Then we’ll use
a 1¾ inch ring with the Steelheart. You’ll notice a world of
difference in the comfort.”

“Do you wear one of these, Jeremy?” Bridget

“Heavens no,” he chuckled. “I keep my slave
Daniel in chastity. It keeps him in line and gets him to stay
focused on serving me.” Nathan watched Bridget’s cheeks bloom pink
and her nostrils flare.

“Just my thought. I hope it works as well for

“Oh. I’m sure it will. I need you to have a
seat and get comfortable, Nathan.” Jeremy helped him onto the
paper-covered chair. “Here’s the drill, Nathan. We don’t deaden the
area for PA piercing. Believe it or not, it’s about the least
painful piercing we do. What little pain you’ll feel is
instantaneous, and ends immediately.” He placed a plastic cassette
containing a needle, a metal tube encased in plastic, disinfectant
wipes, and a captive bead ring on the tray beside the chair. There
was something of Florence Nightingale in the big, ink-covered
tattoo artist, and it lessened Nathan’s fear, but not his immense
humiliation. Jeremy spoke in low, measured tones as he gently
rubbed disinfectant over the head of Nathan’s shriveled, flaccid
penis. Goose bumps covered his upper thighs as the alcohol
evaporate on is skin. Jeremy placed a dot on the underside of
Nathan’s penis, where the glans meets the shaft. “This okay?”

“Yes,” Bridget answered before Nathan could

“First I’m going to insert a small tube into
your urethra. It’s not at all painful. Then I’ll insert the needle
through the skin and into the tube. I’ll remove it and insert your
jewelry. It’s that simple. Ready to go?” Nathan nodded. He held his
breath and turned toward Bridget as she took his hand.

“I love you,” she whispered. A sharp, hot
pain shot through the head of Nathan’s penis.

“Bingo,” Jeremy said. “Now I’ll close the
ring and you’re good to go.” Nathan closed his eyes as Jeremy
closed a special set of pliers trapping the ball inside the ring.
“I need you to sit here and relax for twenty minutes. I’ll be back,
to go over the aftercare.” Jeremy stood and pushed the rolling
stool against the wall. “Can I get you both something to


Nathan didn’t go home in the Steelheart. It
was in Bridget’s purse, still in its case. Jeremy’s strictures
weren’t complicated.
No sex for two weeks; wash the site twice a
day; call if there is any sign of infection; urine is sterile and
actually promotes healing.
Nathan sat to urinate, the same as
he had with the plastic chastity device. The captive bead ring
widened the urine stream. It didn’t bleed after the first day, and
looked healed after three weeks.

Bridget left work early that Friday and met
him at the door when he got home. “Know what day it is?” He racked
his addled brain for the answer. “Your thirty day trial ends this
evening at eight o’clock.” He stared into her blue eyes,
bewildered, suddenly unsure of his future with her.

“Wha... what’s going to happen?” Bridget
smiled, her eyes sparkling.

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