Asteroid Crisis: Star Challengers Book 3 (11 page)

Read Asteroid Crisis: Star Challengers Book 3 Online

Authors: Rebecca Moesta,Kevin J. Anderson,June Scobee Rodgers

BOOK: Asteroid Crisis: Star Challengers Book 3
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It was a scene of disaster, and JJ couldn’t tear her eyes from the images … but at least it was a disaster for the Kylarn—not for humanity. The oncoming asteroid had struck the Kylarn base exactly as the aliens had intended to bombard a random population center on Earth.

“Makes me believe in alien karma,” Tony said.

“Makes me think of just desserts,” Dyl said.

While Bronsky, Fox, and Ansari looked stunned, Dr. Kloor responded with an uncharacteristic whoop of delight. The areas around the three new craters were still hot from the released energy of impact, glowing orange like slow simmering furnaces. The entire alien city, their constructions, their landing fields, their attack ship bases, had been leveled by the impact. A handful of surviving silvery starfish ships circled about as if assessing the damage, perhaps looking for survivors.

“If I chose to boast,” Captain Bronsky said, “I would pretend we did that on purpose.”

“I’d rather give the credit to Mira,” King said, only partially joking. “It wasn’t what she had in mind though.”

“Orbital mechanics can predict the paths of planets and asteroids,” Dr. Kloor said, “but there are tiny deviations. Fortunately, they sometimes work in our favor.”

JJ looked over at Stationmaster Ansari. “Earth’s space agencies need to push forward while the Kylarn are reeling. We have to show those squidbutts that we’re not going to sit back and let them invade Earth.”

“We’ll use all of our influence,” Colonel Fox said. “The governments of Earth know what a close call we’ve had, and everyone understands that the Kylarn aren’t going to give up without a further fight.”

On the screen, the surviving starfish ships circled the glowing new crater one more time, before whirling away from the Moon and streaking farther out into the solar system. JJ guessed they were heading toward the asteroid belt, where the Kylarn queen had another outpost.

“Moon, sweet Moon,” JJ said. “We need to establish a foothold there again, make sure the Kylarn don’t rebuild their base.”

When Ansari, Fox, and the others agreed, King added, “That may be the first step, but you should think beyond that. I know what I’m going to say when I get back to my own time—and throughout my life, where I hope to change things. For so long we simply ignored the rest of the solar system. It’s no wonder the Kylarn thought we just didn’t care. We should show we mean business by building a new base on the Moon, then establish the first colony on Mars, send expeditions out to the asteroid belt, to the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. There’s so much out there just waiting to be discovered.”

JJ looked intently at her friends in the station’s Central command module. “If we do our jobs right, the human race will have more than a century of a head start, a hundred years to prepare for this. Imagine what we can do in all that time, if we use our talent and imagination. We’ve seen the future now—or one possible future—and I don’t intend to let the people of my generation just sit around on their hands. We know how important science and the space program are. It’s the best way to protect the future!”

“I wish we could give every one of our friends this kind of inspiration,” Song-Ye said.

“Too bad Commander Zota can’t send them all into the future to see with their own eyes.” Dyl grinned at the thought.

Dr. Kloor shook his head, looking mystified but also full of wonder. “I spent so long studying science, thinking that I understood everything about physics and how the universe worked, but you five showed me that there’s a lot more waiting to be discovered—time travel, for one thing.”

“The Kylarn invented that,” Song-Ye said. “We can’t take the credit.”

Tony added, “The aliens also built starships and flew here from some other solar system.”

Dr. Kloor said with determination, “If those tentacled things can invent a star drive, then I certainly can.”

“It seems that we all needed a reminder to set new goals,” Ansari said.

Though JJ enjoyed being aboard the space station and knew that her friends felt comfortable and accepted as members of the team, she realized with a sad feeling in her heart that it was time for them to go home. “Our work here is done.”

“Our work
maybe,” King said, sounding very serious, “but we’ll have tons of work to do back in our own time.”

“I guess it’s time to wave goodbye.” Dyl drifted across the Control Module one more time. “I’m going to miss weightlessness, but I won’t let my damaged legs slow me down one bit, even back on Earth. Too much to do.”

“Do you think we’ll ever come back?” Tony asked.

“We’ve seen for ourselves that nothing’s impossible,” JJ said. “Goodbye, Colonel Fox.” She reached out to grasp the hand of the British officer, shaking it while Dyl hugged Stationmaster Ansari. Tony shook Pi’s hand.

JJ looked at her brother, then at her friends. “Our training missions are over—now it’s time for the long-term mission.”

Together, they activated their pingers, sending the locator signal across time. Within seconds, Commander Zota brought them back.



The rugged commander was eager to hear their report from the future. The Star Challengers burst out of the transport room that connected the Challenger Center lobby with the simulated space-station control room on the other side of the door.

They were all excited to tell their story, and Commander Zota heard the report with an unexpected smile. “Not only did we divert the asteroids,” JJ said in a rush, “but King and Captain Bronsky knocked the third asteroid just enough that it crashed into the far side of the Moon.”

“Boom!” Tony crowed, punching a fist into an open palm. “One alien base recycled.”

“We got lucky,” King said, sounding embarrassed. “Gravity and the asteroid’s unstable orbit from all those evaporating gases had as much to do with it as we did.”

“Nevertheless, you may have saved that timeline.” Zota crossed his arms over his chest, looking relieved. “And now you five have the chance to strengthen the human race from the outset. If you can change the attitudes of your generation, you will change the world and maybe save the future of the human race.”

Dyl took a deep breath. “No problem. All we need to do is inspire our whole generation.”

“Sure, why not?” Song-Ye said.

Zota nodded. “In the next decade or so the first Kylarn scouts are going to arrive at Earth and begin their reconnaissance. We’ve got that long to accomplish something, and I promise to help you as much as I can. But you five are just beginning your work. You’ll have to choose your careers, plan how to accomplish your goals in life and school, and become the seeds to help the human spirit grow.”

“For starters,” Tony said, “if we each convince a few of our friends, they can convince more friends—and so on and so on—it’ll spread.”

“I can do that,” JJ said.
all convinced already, but we have to give other people concrete goals. What do we tell them to do?”

“Right,” King said. “That’s why we’re going to make a plan.”

Dyl suggested enthusiastically, “We could develop isolinear circuitry like they had in
Star Trek
—where information is stored in three dimensional holograms, and computers communicate through sub-space—like sending messages on …”

Tony chuckled.

“Okay, okay, Junior.” Song-Ye raised one eyebrow. “If you’re trying to prove you’re a nerd, you’ve totally convinced me.”

“Uh-huh. You’re on the right track,” King said. “But there are projects we can start right away, too. Like, I’m going to talk to my Scoutmaster and find out what we have to do to create a Space Merit Badge for Scouts. We could offer credit for participating in a Challenger Center mission. We could even set up an aerospace Explorer Post here in the Challenger Center to encourage our friends to train for careers in science, tech, engineering, and math!”

“How about robotics? Students could really learn a lot about engineering concepts by entering design contests,” Tony added. “I’ll go on the Challenger Center Headquarters website and suggest that all Learning Center Directors arrange online competitions.”

“Cool,” Dyl said. “I’d enter that!”

“How about you JJ? Any ideas?” Tony said with a wink. “You flew the Kylarn space plane. Gonna start your own flight school?”

JJ blushed a bit, but quickly covered her reaction by saying, “Actually, I’ll write a letter to the President to support future space exploration. We all know it’s really important. I’ll even suggest that after kids have flown a simulated space mission at their Challenger Learning Center, that high school students should be eligible to go on a real space flight to experience zero-G and conduct experiments.”

“Not likely,” Song-Ye broke in. “As in, there are no more Shuttle flights. You’d have to win the lottery to fly with the Russians.”

“Maybe not,” JJ argued. “There are several companies developing space airplanes for sub-orbital flights. High school and college students might be able to fly into space with their experiments sooner than you expect.”

Song-Ye shrugged. “Sure, why not. But I prefer to keep my feet on
terra firma
. I’m going to start studying medicine, and then help the Challenger Centers develop a new Medical scenario that simulates sending a microchip on a mission through an astronaut’s body. Just think how much fun that would be!”

“So,” Dyl protested, “my idea to create a futuristic message board like the
Star Trek
Holoboard isn’t so farfetched then, is it? We need to stay in touch with each other and with new Star Challengers.” He gazed upward as if daydreaming, “And we could invite the millions of Challenger alumni. Every one of them has a wealth of experience that could improve our mission scenarios.”

“The Challenger Centers mission continues here,” Commander Zota said. “We have a solid schedule of school class trips booked at this learning center, and if each of those classes can get even one or two young people inspired, it will be a good start.”

Commander Zota still had the alien time machine locked behind the door in his office, and JJ wondered if he might begin training another group of Star Challengers.

She walked down the hall outside of the transport room and looked through the observation window into the Mission Control setup. She imagined the room full of students sitting at the mission stations, working on computers and communication screens as they ran through exercises, as if controlling a real space mission. In the other half of the learning center, the mockup of the space station Central module reminded her of the real thing—although even the best Challenger Center couldn’t simulate zero gravity. JJ doubted she would experience weightlessness again unless she became an astronaut herself and went on a real space mission. She realized that wasn’t outside the realm of possibility. She could do it.

“I can sleep better tonight,” King said, “knowing that we helped our friends in the future.”

Zota pursed his lips in thought. “Yes, but the future can still be changed, so your work is far from finished.”

Dyl retrieved his crutches, and they all went through the lobby, passing Newton who played in his hamster cage, then returned to the briefing room, where they munched on Little Debbie snacks.

Dyl ate one and grinned at Song-Ye. “Piece of cake.” Song-Ye groaned while Dyl picked up one of the room-temperature cans of root beer. “Commander, if the Kylarn scientists invented a time machine, then they must have had blueprints somewhere, right? And Mentor Toowun still has his own time machine.”

“What are you getting at, Junior?” Song-Ye asked.

Dyl shrugged. “I mean, what’s to stop the squidbutts from making another one?”

Commander Zota looked troubled. King sat down in one of the chairs with a long sigh. “I was worried about that, too.”

JJ heard a strange crackle and hum outside the briefing room, in the lobby of the Challenger Center. Tony, who stood closest to the briefing room door, peered out into the hallway, and his eyes suddenly went wide.

JJ and King bolted to the door.

In the center of the lobby, looking battered and angry, her pixie-cut hair disheveled, stood Mira. And beside her was the thin, edgy man JJ had debated in the grocery store.

Mira smirked, recognizing JJ. “This is the place, Mentor Toowun. See? I told you.”

Behind them, the air crackled again, and the humming sound grew louder then faded. Two hideous tentacled Kylarn drones appeared behind Mira and Toowun. The man nodded and gave a thin humorless smile as Commander Zota emerged from the briefing room.

“You’ve caused too many problems, old friend,” Toowun said. “Now it’s time to stop you for good.”



Hearing the commotion in the lobby, Dyl came out of the briefing room holding a root beer under one arm, so that he could maneuver on his crutches. He caught on to the situation, and groaned. “I thought we were done fighting the squidbutts!”

The aliens loomed behind Mira and Mentor Toowun, ready to attack the Challenger Center.

King couldn’t take his eyes from Mira. “You’re alive—I’m glad you got away!”

“No thanks to you,” the girl said with a glare. “You tried to kill me.”

“I never meant to hurt you,” King said. “We were trying to accomplish the mission while you were distracted.”

“And this is
mission,” Mira retorted. “I gave you a chance to get away, and how did you thank me? You triggered the warheads!”

“What we did was divert the asteroids,” JJ corrected. “That last one hit the far side of the Moon and took out the Kylarn base. You and your tentacled friends are out of luck.”

“Fortunately, all of that can be undone,” Mentor Toowun said in his maddeningly disagreeable tone. “And that’s exactly what I plan to do.”

Commander Zota stood stiff and threatening. “I never thought you would actually ally yourself with the enemies of humankind, Toowun. I knew we disagreed—but in your foolishness you are betraying your entire race.”

“Ah, I’ve missed our philosophical discussions in the camps, Zota.” The other man’s smile was wan. “Yet we both know what’s at stake. I’ve only had contact a few times with the Kylarn. Most recently, Mira managed to deliver messages during her visits to the future. She’s a persistent young woman, one of my best recruits. I’m very proud of her.”

Though Mira still looked angry, she flushed with pride at Toowun’s praise. “After you surprised me with the explosion on Asteroid 3,I located the alien base out in the asteroid belt, and after many attempts, I convinced the Kylarn queen to give Earth another chance. They were furious to hear about what you and your brainwashed rebels have done, Commander Zota.”

“Fortunately,” Toowun added, “we have a chance to rectify things. In doing so, I’ll prove my worth to these drones, and they will then communicate to the Kylarn queen that some of us deserve a chance.”

“Humans didn’t surrender in our future, and we cannot afford to surrender now,” Zota replied.

The tentacled aliens lurched forward, moving like loose-limbed spiders, their milky eye patches glowing like undercooked eggs with flashlights behind them. The thin membrane across each smooth, blobby forehead pulsed.

“It’s for the greater good, old friend,” Toowun said. “These Kylarn will take care of you. I’m sorry it had to come to this.”

“Let’s see how well squidbutts fight in gravity,” JJ said defiantly. “They look a little squishy to me.”

Zota growled at his former ally, the philosophy professor. “So that’s it? You brought alien assassins to murder these young people in cold blood—in the name of peace? How do you justify that with your world view?”

“By assessing it as part of the big picture. It’s simple mathematics,” Toowun countered. “You know that millions—billions—will be killed if humans resist the Kylarn invasion. Young people, babies, parents, families. Remember your own family, Zota. There’s no way around it. It’s a terrible price to pay, but if I can prevent your protégés from mucking up the timeline, then I’ll have to be content to know that I saved countless others just like them.”

Toowun stood aside, and the Kylarn shuffled threateningly forward, as if they assumed the Star Challengers would simply give up.

Dyl gripped his crutches and took his warm, unopened can of root beer in one hand as if to hurl it at them; JJ balled her fists; Tony tensed for the coming battle, while Song-Ye and King took up fighting stances.

Toowun continued, “If only you’d left well enough alone, Zota, your young friends could have grown up and had normal lives, never worrying about what might happen a century-and-a-half in the future.”

“I prefer not to be selfish,” JJ said. “I won’t choose laziness and comfort at the expense of the next generation, and the generations after that. People should think beyond their own lives, and do what’s best for humanity.”

Sarcastically, Mentor Toowun clapped his hands. “You’re quite a scrappy debater, Cadet Wren. I’ll have to remember that speech. I might even write it down so that others can read it—other
after everything turns out all right.”

The Star Challengers spread out, ready to defend themselves. “It’s five of us against two aliens,” Tony said. “Not bad odds.”

“Six of us,” Zota corrected. “I will not stand by and watch while others fight.” He glanced at Mira and her mentor. “Though I doubt Toowun will want to get his hands dirty.”

“I’ll do what’s necessary for the mission,” the other man said with a cold smile. “But there is a reason why I summoned the Kylarn drones here. They’re bred to fight.” He pursed his lips. “You’re lucky they didn’t consider it necessary to bring their laser shredders.”

“What—this is a job for tentacles only?” JJ asked.

The pair of hideous aliens squished forward, snapping and lashing out in all directions with their whiplike tentacles to grab the Star Challengers. They squirted a sticky goo that looked like elastic snot in every direction. The friends scattered, dodging the elastosnot. Song-Ye hit the floor and the sticky strands barely missed her.

Some slime hit one leg of Dyl’s jeans, but fortunately didn’t glue him to the wall. Before the creatures could spurt again, Dyl balanced himself with his left crutch, vigorously shook the can of root beer, and popped the top, spraying a pressurized jet of brown sticky foam across the leathery face and soulless eyes of the nearest creature. The Kylarn recoiled with a bellow and flailed its tentacles.

“You showed up at the wrong Challenger Center, Squidbutt,” Dyl announced.


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