Assumption (Underground Kings #1) (20 page)

Read Assumption (Underground Kings #1) Online

Authors: Aurora Rose Reynolds

BOOK: Assumption (Underground Kings #1)
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“I guess this is goodbye then?”

“Yeah,” I reply, not understanding the feelings I have inside, why this is so hard. Deep down, I wonder what would have happened if he would’ve actually tried to get to know me. I step up to him and wrap my hands around his waist, giving him a hug. “Thank you for everything,” I whisper. “One day, you’re going to find someone worth fighting for.”

His arms squeeze me a little tighter, his chest expanding on a breath. “Have you?”

I know exactly what he’s asking, and tears sting my nose. I nod into his chest and step back into Kenton’s embrace.

“You hurt her and I’ll kill you,” Sid says before turning and heading down the steps.

Once he’s in his car and pulling away from the house, I turn to look at Kenton. “So what happened in Vegas?” I cross my arms over my chest.

His eyes drop then meet mine again. “Let’s go sit down.”

I follow him into the living room, sitting on the opposite side of the couch from him. That way, he can’t distract me with his touch.

“I met up with the boss of Lacamo. They agreed you’re off-limits,” he says softly, and my whole body stills at the news I have been waiting to hear.

“So it’s over?” I ask on a whisper. I can’t believe that, after all this time, all it took was one meeting for this whole thing to be resolved.

“It is,” he says, looking at me from across the couch.

I can’t understand why he looks so worried when I know that this news will make things easier for him as well. He has been running himself ragged working his normal cases while trying to keep me safe. Then, my head starts to fill with thoughts about my life, why I’m really here, and what this news means for my future.

“So, I can go home then?” I ask, looking down at my hands.


The word is rough and causes me to lift my head. “What do you mean ‘no’?” I search his face, wondering what he’s not telling me. If I’m no longer in danger, I can return to Vegas, even if the thought alone makes me feel sick.

“Exactly what it sounds like—no, you can’t go back to Vegas.” His hands ball into fist on his thighs. “This is your home.”

“This is
home,” I murmur and swallow, feeling my heart pound against the inside of my ribs.

“Since you’ve been here, this has become my home, but before you, it was a place I slept at night. You have given me a reason to come home.”

“You want me to move in with you?” I whisper, hope blooming in my chest.

“Yes, I want you to move in with me.”

“You’re serious?”

“Yes, baby.” He laughs, shaking his head.

“What about my place in Vegas?”

“Sell it…keep it… I don’t give a fuck what you do with it.”

I stand up, glance around the room, and then look back over at Kenton, who looks worried. My heart does a flip from knowing that he really wants this; he really wants me.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Without a doubt. One hundred percent sure.”

“What will your family say?”

“‘When are you getting married?’” he replies. I feel my eyes get big and my mouth fill with saliva. “One thing at a time,” he says gently, and I nod.

I’m not sure if he’s in love with me, but I think this feeling I have for him is love—or some form of it. Never really having been loved before, I don’t know what it really feels like. I know that what I feel for him makes what I felt for my son’s father pale in comparison. I know that I want to spend all my time with him, and he’s always my first thought when I wake and my last thought when I go to bed at night.


“Okay?” he asks, searching my face.

“Yes, okay. I’ll move in with you,” I tell him, a smile creeping onto my face.

“Yeah?” His lips twitch, and I nod before running at him and climbing onto his lap. His arms wrap around me as I press my mouth against his. “Shit,” he groans, pulling his mouth from mine.

“Why are you stopping?” I try to pull his mouth back to mine when I hear someone knocking on the door. “Oh.”

I smile as he sets me aside and adjusts himself in his jeans before standing. I sit there for a second and then get up to follow him to the door. After he looks outside, his eyes come to me before pulling the door open.

“You’re home?” Nancy says, smiling. “If I would have known that, I wouldn’t have come so early.”

“It’s fine. We were up.” He kisses her cheek, letting her into the house.

“Why were you up?” She looks between the two of us, her eyes twinkling, and I know she’s going to say something that will have me turning red. “You know, I want my grandchildren to have our family name. I think it’s about time you two stop playing house and just get married.”

All the air leaves my lungs at the word ‘children.’ I grab the table closest to me for balance. When a wave of dizziness hits me hard, I’m surprised that I don’t hit the ground.

“Jesus, Mom! Autumn just agreed to move in, and now you’re trying to scare her off.” He shakes his head then looks at me. “One thing at a time,” he says gently, reading my face.

I nod and swallow against the lump in my throat. I could see myself having his child. I can picture a little girl with his dark hair and golden eyes. She’d be a daddy’s girl and he would adore her. Her life would be so different than mine was when I grew up up.

“You okay, baby?”

I feel a hand on my cheek, and I shake the thoughts out of my head. I look into his concerned eyes and take a breath before nodding.

“You’re moving in?” Nancy asks. The surprise in her voice has me getting up on my tiptoes to look over Kenton’s shoulder. I smile when I see the look of approval and the wide smile on her face as she looks between us. “So I’m guessing everything has been sorted out?” She looks at Kenton, who nods. “I knew my boy would fix it.” She shakes her head then ducks by Kenton and grabs my hand, pulling me with her to the kitchen.

“What are you doing, Mom?”

“Well, now that it’s official, we need to talk about redecorating. This place was okay when it was just you, but now that Autumn’s going to be living here for good, we need to make some changes.”

“We don’t need to talk about that, Mom. Autumn can make any changes she wants to, but we don’t need to have a sit-down about it.”

“Honey, until you give me a wedding to plan and grandbabies to play with, you’re going to have to give me something.”

“Jesus. I’m going to the office.” He looks at me then his mom and shakes his head. “You gonna be okay here with her?”

“Of course she will be okay with me,” Nancy scoffs. “I’m going to get coffee started and call Susan to see if her boys have anything on their schedule.” She looks at me then my clothes. “You should get dressed so we can go downtown and head to some stores. I need to get an idea of what you like. I hope we can do the kitchen right away.”

“Mom, seriously, slow down,” Kenton warns.

“Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to find a decent woman…someone I could stand being around, someone I would be proud to call my daughter?” She puts her hands on her hips and narrows her eyes. “I want the wedding and the grandkids, but I can’t have that right now. So instead, we’re going to be redecorating this house so that, when the time comes, you’re ready.”

“You know that, when me and Autumn get married, it will be up to her to plan the kind of wedding she wants, right?”

“Of course it will be her planning it.” His mom shakes her head and starts down the hall.

I stand there in shock, my body coiled tightly. He said
, not
we get married, like he knows for sure that it’s going to happen.

“Breathe, baby,” I hear on a laugh. I look up and my eyes automatically narrow when I see that he’s chuckling. “Told you she would be planning a wedding when she found out you were moving in.”

“You said
.” I shake my head.

“What?” His eyebrows come together in confusion and his hand goes to my waist, dragging me to him.


“When what?”

“Nothing?” I say, and it comes out sounding more like a question.

“Autumn.” His tone has my head coming up and my heart beating double-time.

“You said
we get married, not
we get married,” I repeat. The words are circling inside my head.

“Yeah?” His eyes narrow further, making me squirm.

“When, Kenton…you said
we get married, not if,” I say again, trying to drive home what I’m getting at.

“Of course we’re getting married,” he says in a tone that makes me squirm.


“Babe, what the fuck do you think is going on between the two of us?” He shakes his head, putting his fingers under my chin, titling my head farther back. His mouth touches mine, his teeth tugging on my bottom lip. “You make me crazy.” He kisses me. Then his eyes search my face. “We’ll talk tonight.”

“We don’t need to talk,” I say immediately.

“You don’t need to talk. You just need to listen.”

“Joy.” I sigh, trying to think of a way to get out of this.

“When I get home, we’ll talk.”

“I can’t wait,” I say sarcastically and yell, “Ow!” when he smacks my ass hard. “Your mom’s here,” I remind him when he gets the look in his eyes that tells me I’m about to get bent over.

“Keep up the smart mouth and I’ll fill it with something that will keep you quiet,” he whispers in my ear, causing goose bumps to break out over my skin.

“I thought you needed to go into the office,” I breathe, closing my eyes.

The image of me on my knees in front of him flashes behind my closed lids. Every time I have tried to take him in my mouth, he’s stopped me, saying that he needed to be inside me badly.

My hands slide around his waist and my head goes to his chest, where I listen to the rhythm of his heart. “I’ll see you when you get home.” I squeeze his waist and feel his lips at the top of my head.

“See you when I get home,” he says quietly.

“Okay,” I reply, and he kisses me once more before jogging up the stairs.

“You got it bad,” Nancy says, making me jump.

I turn around and look at her. Standing in the doorway, she looks me over before looking up the stairs at where Kenton just disappeared.

“I would send you up to get dressed, but he’s up there now, and if you go up there with him, I have a feeling neither of you will be back down for a while.”

I feel my face heat up and I look at the ground.

“Come have some coffee.” She laughs, turning and heading back into the kitchen.

I follow behind, wondering if she gets off on making me squirm.

Once we’ve had coffee and Kenton comes back downstairs to kiss me goodbye, he tells me that I can message him any time and he’ll send someone to rescue me. I would normally laugh about that, but I have a feeling that he’s being completely serious.

The minute the door closes behind him, Nancy pushes me up the stairs to get dressed. She lets me know what we’re going to be doing, not that she gives me a choice in any of it. I have a feeling that the only way I could disagree is if I pop out a kid or start planning a wedding, and neither of those things is going to happen for a while, so I’m stuck picking out appliances—or at least agreeing with what she picks out.


I sigh as
I sit down in the booth across from Nancy. I think we’ve gone to every home improvement store in the state. If I never look at another oven or fridge again, it will be too soon. I feel my phone vibrate in my bag, so I pull it out and slide my finger across the screen when I see that Kenton is calling.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Hey, babe. I just wanted to call you really quick and let you know I’m gonna be late.”

I feel a frown touch my lips at his words and the anxiety in his voice. “Is everything okay?” I ask softly.

“Sophie’s place was broken into when she was home. I’m with Nico and the cops now.”

“Oh my God, is she okay?”

“She’s fine. A little shook up, but she’s all right.”

“Who broke in?” I ask in shock.

Nancy grabs my free hand, giving it a squeeze.

“We’re not sure, baby. As soon as Nico gets Sophie home, I should be on my way.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you then.”

“Later, baby.”

“Later,” I say softly.

My mind goes to Sophie and Nico. I haven’t met Sophie yet, but I have met Nico. He looks scary but is very sweet. The two times we’ve talked, he told me all about Sophie, and I can tell just by the tone of his voice when he speaks about her that he is in love. I can only imagine how worried he is right now.

“Kenton said Sophie’s was broken into,” I tell Nancy, setting the phone down on the table.

“Oh my,” she mumbles. “I’m going to call Susan.” She picks up her phone.

I watch as she makes the call, and I know that, by the time the phone is hung up, the Maysons will be on a mission. I’m just not sure if it’s going to be what Nico wants. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d want everyone over after something like that.

“Susan’s going to call Nico’s dad and tell him what’s going on. He’s a cop and may be able to get some stuff sorted before my son or nephew end up in jail.”

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