Assumed Master (28 page)

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Authors: Lila Munro

BOOK: Assumed Master
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"Princess, you may go to bed," Dante
said, standing over the two people on the floor.

It took her a minute to struggle to her feet,
her knees obviously aching after so long on them, but he offered her no
assistance. His mercy was something she’d have to earn.

"Not that bed," he said as she
started to climb into the one she stood beside.
Dante pointed to the other room. "You’ll lie beneath the
sheet only and leave one light on so I can see your every move should I look in
on you. If you need to use the bathroom in the night, you’ll call out to me for
permission to move first. Don’t get up for any other reason. If I catch you
getting up, we’ll take another trip to the paddling horse. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," Julie choked out,
moving around the end of the bed. For a moment she slowed then looked over her
shoulder. "Master, I’m…"


Once he saw Julie climb in the big bed next
door, he bent at the waist and took Blake by the hands. "I’m sorry, slave,"
he whispered. "This isn’t your fault and I should have come up sooner for
your sake. Forgive me?"

"Of course, Master," Blake whispered
back. "If it would fix things, I’d gladly stay down here all night."

"I know you would." Dante tugged and
helped the man to his feet then helped him sit on the edge of the bed. "Stay
here for a few minutes."

Dante went to the bathroom and washed his face
then brushed his teeth. He doubted his husband wanted to taste the bitterness
of whiskey on his breath. He shed his clothes and left them in the floor. Blake
wouldn’t be the one picking them up in the morning, Julie would. When he
returned to the bedroom, he glanced next door to find Julie had curled into a
ball on her right side facing away from him. That wouldn’t do.

"Don’t put your back to me," he
growled, amused with her quick movement correcting the mistake. Satisfied she
could now see everything that would be going on in his own half of the suites,
Dante squatted between Blake’s legs. "Do they hurt very much?" he
asked, taking one of his knees in his hands and rubbing.

"Not much, Master."

"You lie," Dante accused. "Do
you need something for pain?"

"No, Master." His eyes were shut and
he was quite apparently trying to disguise a cringe with a smile.

"If you change your mind, say something."

"Yes, Master."

Look at me, please." Dante switched
knees and rubbed the other one with as much care as he had the first. When
Blake looked up, Dante moved his hands up his thighs and pulled up, their lips
coming within an inch of each other. "I need you."

"What would Master like?"

"For slave’s lips to be around my
Dante stood, already
half-hard. "Lie on the bed, head over the edge."

Without further prompting, Blake spun around,
laying on his back, and let his head hang off the mattress where Dante palmed
it. He reached behind him and caressed Dante’s cock until it stood rigid and
twitching then guided it between his lips. Watching his cock slowly disappear
into the recesses of Blake’s mouth, Dante felt the tension in his back fleeing.
Sensing Julie was watching, he moved in and out of Blake a few times sporadically
before settling into a rhythm, Blake relinquishing all control of the
situation, moving his hands to his sides, relaxing his jaw as to allow Dante
the depth he craved.

"Touch yourself, slave," he said,
now holding Blake’s head in his hands.

Blake closed his eyes, resigned to his
Master’s commands, and moved his right hand down to grasp his cock, stroking it,
bringing it to full life.

"Good," Dante groaned, growing
harder at the sight of his husband’s cock slipping between his fingers. "You’re
allowed to come."

With permission granted, Blake picked up a
quicker pace, pulling up his entire length, running his thumb over the head
then back down. His other hand made its way between his legs as he bent his
knees to cup his balls, squeezing and tugging until he hummed around Dante’s
throbbing cock now reaching deeper, sliding down Blake’s throat. Realizing he
was going come much faster than he anticipated, Dante slowed his pace, holding
back to ensure Blake came first. When his hips came off the bed and his
breathing became choppy, his suction slacking as a result of him having to
clutch for air every three or four breaths, Dante knew he was close and again
picked up his assault on Blake’s mouth.

One long, keening wail echoed around Dante’s
cock as Blake let go and sprayed his seed across his belly and Dante turned
loose as well. Looking up just as the first wave of heat ran up his balls,
Dante pinned Julie with his eyes. She was laying perfectly still, her pupils
huge and mouth gaping, staring as if she couldn’t tear her gaze away. His face
contorted with the pleasure of his orgasm and with his lower lip clasped firmly
between his teeth, his eyes never wavered. Hers slammed shut, however, just as
she turned beet red and pulled the sheet up and over her head.

Mission accomplished.

Dante woke the next morning to find Blake just
stepping back into the room. He was still slick with shower water and was
rubbing a towel across the top of his head.

"Good morning, Master," Blake said,
draping the now damp towel around his waist and securing it. "What can I
do for Master this morning?"

"Coffee," Dante mumbled. His usual
limit on alcohol was two shots per evening when and if he even took a drink.
Two tumblers last night had been enough to make his tongue fuzzy and his head a
bit muddled this morning.

"How about some breakfast, Master?"
he asked, still standing beside the bed.

Dante took a cleansing breath and blew it out,
glancing over his shoulder. "Where is princess? I told her not to move."

"Yes, Master I know that, and I hope
you’re not too angry with me. I didn’t think you should be disturbed this
morning so I allowed her to use the bathroom and shower. She’s now ready to do
your bidding." Blake pointed to the end of the bed where Julie sat
perfectly still on her knees, naked, head down, not uttering a peep.

"Thank you, slave.
It was presumptive on your part, but well
done and appreciated nonetheless." Dante raised up enough to lean against
the head board.
I do believe I'm
hungry. Princess, you’ll go downstairs and make it then bring it back and feed
me." She would see it as further punishment, but she’d done well to stay
put until Blake allowed her to move and Dante saw this as a reward. She loved
to cook. The demeaning part would be in how he ate his breakfast from her. "I
want pancakes, scrambled eggs, some fresh fruit with cream, and bring plenty of

"Yes, Master," Julie answered,
rising and turning to go.

"If you’re not back in thirty minutes
I’ll come find you and we’ll have breakfast in the play room instead."

With the threat still hanging in the air,
Julie darted across the room, threw the door open, and zipped down the hall.

"How long before you just make up and
drag her home?" Blake said, sitting on the side of the bed. "This is

"I know and I’m sorry for that. And thank
you for helping me by being the perfect sub when she’s around." Dante got
up and wandered into the bathroom to relieve his bladder and splashed some cold
water across his stubble roughened face. Not sure if it helped his head a bit,
he once again took to the bed. "When I’m certain she accepts me as her
Master because it’s what we both want, not what we were told to do. And I’m
sure she’s going to obey me and talk about things rather than run away from
And me.
Then we’ll go home."

"Well, I hope that’s soon. My knees hate
me right now."

"Is the joint juice not working anymore?"
Dante asked, concerned that the time might have come that Blake would have to
begin a daily regimen of prescriptions and their days of any kneeling at all might
be over soon.

"It’s not as affective, no. But I’m not
ready to admit defeat. I’ll do my best, but if she doesn’t get a clue soon, I
may take to busting her ass." Blake went to his suitcase, pulled out a
pair of jeans and a pull over, and returned to the bathroom. "I talked to
the boys this morning. They’re anxious to get this settled as well," he
called out from the other room.

"No one’s bothered Drake’s house since
they’ve been there?"

"No. Of course, they aren’t making the
fact they’re there well known." Blake came back fully dressed with his
hair moussed and groomed. "I’ll miss Drake and his family."

"Me, too, but it has to be done."
Dante stretched his legs and clasped his hands behind his head just as Julie
came back through the door with a breakfast tray in her hands. "Well, look
back. Slave, you may go. Princess and I have
breakfast to attend to."

"Yes, Master."

Blake shuttled off and Dante just sat a few
minutes watching Julie stare at the breakfast she’d brought him. Every few
seconds she shifted her weight from one foot to the other as if she grew tired
of standing.

"Come here," he finally said,
patting the place beside him. "Hand me the tray and lay down."

Dante stood and took the tray then let Julie
settle herself on her back before he set the tray on the bedside table and sat
on the edge, one leg drawn under the other.

"Did you allow slave to tend to your
marks this morning?" He lifted one of her legs to inspect the back of it,
satisfied all that remained were some angry red welts. There was very little bruising
and no broken skin.

"Yes, Master," she said emotionless.

"How do you feel this morning?"

"Am I allowed to be completely honest,
Master?" she asked, grasping the sheet with both hands as Dante’s hands
left her leg and made their way up her body, one stopping to caress her labia,
the other wandering to one of her breasts.

"I demand it," he answered, sliding
one finger between her freshly shaven lips and stroking along her clit.

"I'm hurt, angry, humiliated, sorry,
afraid, and horny," she admitted, closing her eyes and cringing when his
forefinger found its mark, gliding easily into her.

"So, I see."
Extracting his finger, he held it up. "Open
your eyes, princess."

When she did so, he lifted the still
glistening digit to his mouth and licked it clean. Much to his amusement, her
pulse did a little dance in her throat. Knowing he had her full attention at
least in that manner, Dante picked up the jar of honey from the tray, held it a
few inches over her body, tipped it, and poured thin drizzles of the sticky
sweetness over her breasts, down her belly, and between her legs ending with a
few spirals across the tops of her legs. He set the jar back down and touched a
pancake, finding them still warm. Tearing off a portion, he pulled it across
one breast, coating it in honey,
took a bite.

"Good," he said over a mouthful. "Did
you eat, princess?"

"No, Master."

"Why not?"

"I didn’t dare ask slave if I could and
you only gave me thirty minutes to get back up here, Master." She looked
down, watching Dante repeat the motion of dipping his bites of pancake into the
honey now sufficiently spread all over her body.

"Good answer." Dante dipped his head
and rimmed her belly button, slipping his tongue inside to retrieve the steady
deposit of amber liquid. "Open your legs for me."

Not questioning or
Julie bent her knees slightly and drew her legs back, exposing her already wet
pussy to him. Tossing the rest of the pancake he held to the plate, he picked
up the small pitcher of cream then moved to his knees between her ankles.
Without warning, he tilted the tiny container and poured the ice cold, milky
liquid right down her middle, letting it spill over, coating her pussy lips and
clit. Before any could escape, he swooped down and lapped at the cream, sucking
it from her heated flesh. For several minutes he repeated this act until Julie
writhed beneath his touch and each time the cold cream hit her overly warm
flesh, she hissed and moaned.
Content that she was thoroughly
aroused and in fact moments from orgasm, Dante stopped.

"Master, please," she whined,
pulling at the sheets.

"Please, what?" Dante asked,
retrieving his plate and attacking his eggs.

"Please don’t stop, Master. I’m so close,"
she breathed, peering at him through hooded eyes.

"I’m full," he said simply, placing
the now empty plate back on the tray.
"Time for me to
Take this tray back down then come back and change my sheets.
You’ve left honey and cream all over them. Then wash them along with any other
laundry scattered around here. After that’s accomplished you may clean yourself
up. Oh, and princess," Dante added, turning back from the bathroom door. "Don’t
get anything else dirty with your little mess." He indicated he meant the
leftover breakfast condiments now dripping down her sides and legs. "If
you do, you’ll start all over. I’ll have someone check on you periodically. I’m
taking slave shopping this morning."

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