Assignment to Sin

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Authors: Stormy Knight

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Assignment to

By Stormy Knight


Copyright Text © Stormy Knight 2013

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1

honored as I was that Professor Bryant had chosen me as his summer intern, I
just couldn’t hide my disappointment when he told me that I would be spending a
majority of that time collecting data for his community project. Just great! That
meant traveling to and from a closed religious community at least for the
duration of first Summer term. The main reason that I wanted to work with
Professor Bryant was that I thought he was totally hot! I was kind of thinking
that he thought the same thing about me from the way that his eyes always landed
on my chest and lit up when we greeted each other. I don’t reveal a lot of my
body like some girls my age do, either. I like to leave some things to the
guy’s imagination.

well. At least I would get to spend some time with him while he was instructing
me on exactly what he wanted me to do and how he wanted me to conduct the
research. He and his colleagues had been working on this project for about four
summers and he was hoping that I would be able to finish things up for him this
summer so that they could write up the final report on their findings.
Professor told me that I would be the very first female student chosen for this
project. He also let me know that he had really rooted for me with the other
professors, so I had better not mess this up.

with Charlie would be another subject. He told me toward the end of Spring
semester that he was getting tired of having a girlfriend that was always too
busy for him. The problem really isn’t that I’m always too busy for him. It’s
just that we are always going in different directions. He works nights so when
he comes home I’m getting up. He’s too tired to give me any and when he’s
rested and ready for some hot sex I’m always ready to pass out in the bed from
my long day.  I decided to make it a point to give him plenty of good loving
before getting embroiled in this summer project because I surely didn’t want to
lose my man

told me to meet him Saturday morning so that he could give me the specifics on
what I would be doing at the community and how often I would need to go there
to collect research. I already knew that most of my data would be collected
through interviews and observations. I would be keeping a log of the
community’s activities while I was there with them. Professor wanted to give me
a list of dos and don’ts. Apparently the members of this community are very straight-laced
and strict about some things and there would be some areas of their lives that
would be off limits to our research.

I got to the professor’s office he had not arrived yet, so I was surprised to
find that his office door was unlocked. I let myself in and went straight to
the window to look out. Professor Bryant had one of the best suites in Old
Main. He had a corner office with windows on two sides. His furniture was old
and aristocratic looking. It really didn’t suit Professor Bryant at all. He was
only in his early thirties and looked like he would be more at home in a yacht
commercial than he would be teaching history at an old university. Just thinking
about how good he would look shirtless and in boating clothes made me wet. I
raised my foot to rest on the window ledge and slid my hand down the front of
my panties in search of my already swollen clit. Mmmm…target located. I stabbed
a finger into my tight, little honey pot, pulling some of my slippery juices out
so that I could get myself worked up while I waited.

you like the view?” I heard Professor ask, his voice cool and low.

whirled around so quickly, jerking my hand out of my damp panties, I’m
surprised he didn’t see my juices flying through the air.

I came a little early,” I stammered. He eyed my wet fingertips with the
slightest grin on his lips.

see that.”

God! My eyes drifted down to that tell-tale bulge at his crotch. He must have
liked what he saw when he came in because his cock was bulging against the
front of his trousers.

on over to the round table so that I can lay out your syllabus and you can get
any questions that you have out of the way. The main reason that we’ve taken on
this research project is to help the elders of the community figure out why so
many of their youth are choosing to leave. They have lost almost a quarter of
their population in the last decade and the trend doesn’t seem to be slowing
down any.”

must have had the most dejected look on my face. He thought that I was
disappointed to hear more of what my assignment would be, but I was actually a
little miffed that he didn’t try to come on to me. He had a hell of a lot more
self-control than most of the other guys that I’ve spent time with.

“Lorin, I know
this might not be the most exciting thing that you can spend your summer doing,
but if you can help us wrap this project up it is going to put a major button
on your lapel, so to speak. Not to mention we will be placed closer to the
front of the line for even bigger grant money if something like this should
open up in the future. We’re hoping to be finished up at the end of first
Summer term, but it might take the second to wrap things up.” The look on his
face was almost pleading.

I was grinning
now. He took his work so serious and he just wanted to make sure that I
understood how important this last leg of the project was.

Professor, show me what I need to do. I promise that I’m going to throw
everything I have into getting this project wrapped up for you. You have my
word that I’ll make you and this university proud.”

went to work poring over the interview questions and reading over the lists of
acceptable interactions. Two hours later I left his office questioning my
sanity for getting involved with such a large undertaking but, at the same time,
looking forward to the reward that would be mine for the successful completion
of my summer assignment.

Chapter 2

didn’t take the news of my summer assignment as hard as I thought he would. He
did cry and whine a little bit but I made it up to him. Charlie really wasn’t
the kind of guy that I could see myself spending the rest of my life with, but his
voracious sexual appetite made up for that.

think we spent that weekend before my assignment started in the bed most of the
time. The bumpy drive up the dirt road to my host family’s home left a smile on
my face remembering why my bottom was so sore. That’s one thing I can say about
Charlie. He always leaves a remembrance for the next few days. The minimal
lights coming from the windows made me wonder how these people could even
function enough to go about their daily lives. Remembering what professor had
said about no electronics, I left my cell phone in the car.

timid knock on the thick, oak door was greeted by the most stern-faced,
unfriendly looking woman that I had ever seen. I was beginning to wonder if she
even expected me.

my name is Lauren. I’m here with university project.”

standing in the doorway, my one-woman welcoming committee displayed no
personality or emotion, whatsoever.

professor was supposed to have made arrangements with the elders here.” I still
didn’t see even the slightest spark of recognition in her eyes.

was chosen as the intern to finish the summer outreach project.”

Unfriendly’s eyes traveled from the top of my head down to the bottom of my
feet. I can’t think of a time when I’ve ever been made to feel more
uncomfortable or on the spot. It was obvious from the style of her long-sleeved
floor length dress that she wasn’t used to seeing a lady in a T-shirt and a
pair of jeans. She had better be glad I didn’t wear my Daisy Dukes and halter

finally broke her silence. “I know who you are.”

that she didn’t plow me back out the door, I smiled and extended my hand in a
friendly gesture. Standing as still as a statue, she made it quite clear that
she wasn’t about to shake my hand. She motioned for me to come in and have a
seat at the kitchen table.

name is Prudence.”

stifled a laugh because I felt the name definitely fit her personality. I moved
past Miss Prudence and took a seat at the kitchen table. I was uncertain where
to even start, but my host took care of that for me.

you are granted access to our youth and the other residents of our community, I
want to make sure that you understand a few things.”

boy, here it comes. Prudence’ speech was beginning to sound like one of my
parent’s lectures that they liked to give when I had broken the rules. “Okay,
I’m all ears,” I said.

strive very hard to maintain a simple life here in the community. Our children
are sheltered from the evils of the world. It’s the outside influence and the
work of the devil latching onto the minds of our younger generation that is
causing them to go into the world. We don’t want to lose any more of our
children. This concern is the only reason our elders have agreed to allow your
university access to our community.”

certainly wasn’t what I signed up for. “Yes ma’am. I understand your concern
and I’ve already been given instructions on how to conduct myself while I’m

didn’t seem to have much certainty in her eyes. “Just so you know, your conduct
will be closely scrutinized while you’re here,” Prudence threatened. “Your
observation and interviews will not interfere with the scheduling of any of the
community’s daily activities. Also, your interaction with any of the males will
be closely supervised.”

was taking notes and looked up sharply when she added that last part. “So, let
me make sure I have this correct. Do I need to ask someone’s permission before
speaking to or interviewing any of the males?”

thought for a moment. “Yes, I think if you want to speak to one of the males
above reckoning age, which we consider to be 18 or older, you will need to get
permission from my husband, Levi, before doing so.”

I can handle that,” I replied. I wondered to myself if the professor even knew
about all of this red tape that I would have to go through to do this research.
Of course, I was the first female to work this assignment so maybe they didn’t
have all of these rules for the male students. They probably weren’t allowed to
speak to the females without permission.

was ready to get away from her and get started with my work. “If there’s no
further instruction that I need to be made aware of I will go ahead and get to
work, if you’ll point me in the right direction.”

19-year-old daughter Leah is working on her chores outside in the barn,”
Prudence advised. “You may join her there.”

you. I’ll go see if I can find her. I look forward to speaking with you again,”
I lied.


barn was huge. I found Leah milking the cow.

there,” I called out.

Leah jumped, squirting a little milk outside of the bucket. “I’m sorry. I
didn’t realize I would have company this morning.” Leah wiped her hands on her
apron and stood up from her milking stool. Like her mother, she was dressed in
a long-sleeved, drab brown, floor length dress, with only a beige apron
covering it.

used the back of her hand to push her hair off of her for head. Her hair
must’ve been waist-length because she had it gathered in a huge knot at the
nape of her neck. She had such a pretty face. For some reason, I felt a pang to
of sadness when our eyes met.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean startle you,” I told her. I walked towards her with a
quick pace, offering my hand.

don’t know if your parents told you that I was coming or not, but my name is Lorin,
and I’m going to be spending some time with you this summer for a university
research project,” I started. Leah shook my hand.

the look on her face, I could tell that she really didn’t have a clue of what I
was talking about. “Well, Papa had mentioned something at the dinner table one
night last week that we would be having a visitor in the community, like we did
last summer.” A smile came over her face. “I’m glad that they sent a sister
this time.”

sorry, a sister?” I questioned.

not a sister,” Leah stammered. “That’s what we call the other females here at
the community, but since you’re not a member here you wouldn’t be considered a
sister. I just meant that last summer the worker from the University was a male.
I’m glad that a female is here this time.”

I smiled back at her. “That makes me feel welcome. I wasn’t so sure when I met
your mother,” I blurted out.

thought for a moment before replying. “I’m sorry for any discomfort that my
mother caused or any of the elders may cause you while you’re here. They thrive
on the old ways. It makes things difficult for the young people of the
community to try to fit in and interact with them.”

that’s interesting. If you don’t mind I’m going to run out to my car where I
left some of my interview sheets and when I come back I’ll just ask you a few
questions and take some notes on what you’re doing here.” I waited for Leah to
nod before leaving the barn.

I was walking to my car I contemplated how Leah was already laying the
groundwork for a good interview. It seemed like the old-fashioned ways and
strict rules of the adults in the community might be one of the things pushing
the young people out. I couldn’t wait to find out more about my theory.


made an excellent subject to interview. I was able to ask extensive interview
questions, noting her answers, as she moved from her barn chores to the garden.
After several hours of this non-stop work I asked Leah if she would like to
take a walk before lunch because I wanted to see more of the farm and maybe
venture out onto other lands. She had been outside doing chores when I arrived
and I knew that after working for hours without a break and talking to me the
entire time she probably needed a nice distraction.

looked troubled when I asked her if we could take a little walk. “No, Papa
wouldn’t like that. He says that idle hands are the Devil’s work.” She looked
down awkwardly as she was reciting this to me. It seemed to me like Papa was
doing a little brainwashing, and I could tell without even meeting him yet that
he wasn’t my cup of tea.

let me get this straight. You are expected to work around the clock?” I had to
carefully measure my words because the righteous indignation that was coming
through in my speech.

not,” Leah said with a smile. “We make time throughout the day to do our
Scripture readings and Papa teaches us in the evening after our evening meal.”

was beginning to see the light. “But, I mean do you ever have time to do things
that you want to do, like hobbies or recreational activities?”

looked puzzled. “Papa says those things are not important like our chores and
Scripture readings.”

I drove back to my house that evening, my heart sank lower with every passing
minute. I had such high hopes that I would be able to help the research team
find a way to restore this community. But, after finding out how the young
people were treated, maybe the community didn’t really need to be restored. I
replayed the events from the day in my mind, and realized there wasn’t one
single thing that Leah did during her day that I, or most young adults, for
that matter, would find enjoyable. It seemed like all she did was do chores all
day long and then in her spare time she was taking care of her siblings or
studying scriptures.

was a definite sadness about Leah. She was such a pretty young woman and she
deserved better than to have to work around the clock and not get any enjoyment
out of life. I decided that night that it was definitely the boredom factor of
the community that was pushing the younger generation to leave and I pledged to
find a way to bring some excitement back into the community.

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