Read Assassin's Kiss Online

Authors: Sharon Kay

Tags: #Watcher's Kiss series

Assassin's Kiss (31 page)

BOOK: Assassin's Kiss
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It was a statement, not a question, but still, Scorpio felt compelled to confirm. “I am. And I’m glad you’re a part of this mission. I know this isn’t your usual M.O.”

She laid her tiny wrinkled hand on his heart for a moment. “Has the mate bond formed yet? Can you feel her?”

He shook his head as frustration gnawed at him. “No.” Gods, this would be easier if it had. Then he’d be able to sense her emotions and if they were in physical proximity, they could project thoughts through a mental link.

“We will find her, though this won’t be easy.”

“I’ll do anything you advise.”

“I know.” She patted his elbow. “We have much planning to do. You and I will talk later.”

He nodded and gently took her arm. “This is the chief mage, Hallon.”

To Scorpio’s surprise, Hallon bowed deeply. “We are honored beyond our wildest dreams to have you here. If there’s anything you need, please ask.”

Whysper nodded. “I certainly will. We will start by looking at maps of Vespera’s terrain, boundaries, and those ley lines. We’ll need as many copies as you have. The boys need to know what they are walking into.”

The boys
was Whysper’s term of endearment for the lethal soldiers who towered over her. It never failed to elicit a curious look from those who hadn’t heard it before.

Melixa sidled up to Scorpio to give him a hug. “I filled Kira and Raff in about what we’re doing here. They can’t wait for you to get back home, preferably with a

He folded the witch into a friendly embrace. She was a workaholic and crazy talented, and he had no doubt one day she’d be as powerful as Whysper. Plus, Mel had a uniquely good way with people. “Thank you for doing that. Things have been crazy here.”

“I bet.” She pulled back. “I can’t wait to meet this woman.”

“She kinda looks like you,” he said. “Are you sure you don’t have a long lost sister?”

Melixa laughed. “I have a sister, but she’s not lost. She’s happy selling love spells in Halice.”

Scorpio continued the introductions, until Whysper shooed him off and joined the Elders, with Melixa in tow. Hallon dispatched one of the guards to procure the requested maps, then turned to the tiny elven porter. “Will you be staying with us, or do you have other transports to do while Whysper is here?”

Johanna cracked her gum and twirled a lock of blond hair. “I’ll be staying. I’m contracted to remain with Whysper for the duration of this assignment.”

“I don’t think Bronwy’s ever had a porter visit,” Orser said.

“I get that reaction a lot.” Johanna grinned. Porters were so rare, only six were known to exist in the various realms. She could transport creatures using only the power of her mind, while everyone else had to use the more primitive portals. Porters’ services were smooth, not nausea-inducing, and you didn’t get dropped to the ground. Though they charged exorbitant fees simply because they could.

Orser eyed the group of new arrivals. “We’re gonna need to set up out here, chief. Too many for your conference room.”

Hallon nodded, and in minutes a large table was in place on the grass. Whysper and the Elders sat, while the Watchers and Bronwy men stood, restless.

“They might be expecting us to get in and retrieve Tessa, but they won’t expect Whysper,” said Hallon.

Whysper nodded. “The dark ley lines are deadly, as you know. We need to create a barrier between them and the Vespera members. If we don’t, they will continue to feed power. It won’t end, but we will eventually run out of strength. Show me the exact location where all the lines converge.” She tapped the map on the table.

Hallon quickly marked a spot. “Here, and they’re fifty feet below ground. The lines can be accessed by this tunnel, or this one.” He traced each path.

“Good. I need one Watcher team to get me and Melixa there, where we will create the barrier,” Whysper said. “The other team may go in search of Tessa.”

“Bronwy mages and guards all know and remember our homeland. We’ll go too,” Hallon said.

Scorpio tried for a neutral expression, but grimaced inside. Bronwy’s guards had been ineffective against the Vespera mages at the rowan tree. But he also understood the intense desire to protect one’s own.

Whysper turned wise brown eyes on him. “You have something to say, Scorpio?”

Busted. Then again, perception was a witchy skill he could never hope to understand. “Yes.” He inclined his head at Whysper then paused, needing to choose his words carefully. “At the crystal gathering excursion, the magic and weapons used against the Vespera guards were…” he cleared his throat, “not always effective. The enemy were able to block weapons and magic in midflight.”

“And your point?” Hallon asked.

“Smaller teams trained for tactical operations might be better.”

From the other side of the table, Orser grumbled. “We want to get our girls out of there.”

“Girls?” Aleksai asked, one brow raised.

“The coven spy is a female,” Hallon said, with a heavy tone. “Tessa’s own best friend. I…if she wants to come home, bring her. We’ll sort it out. If she wants to live with Vespera, let her stay.”

“The use of additional magic may be helpful,” Melixa pointed out. “And you’ll have me and Whysper this time. The sooner we block the dark lines, the easier it will be for Bronwy’s magic to work.”

“How many members does Vespera have?” Brenin asked.

“A hundred. But it’s safe to say their power makes them seem like two hundred,” Hallon said.

“We’re not going to sit around and wait.” Kharv spoke from his spot next to Orser. “And let you have all the fun. We want Tessa back as much as you do.”

Scorpio rested his hands on his hips and nodded. Melixa made a good point. And the Bronwy men were fueled with vengeful outrage.

Next, they identified the quickest way into Vespera. It was set up like a small village, with many buildings and homes nestled against the edge of a forest. The Bronwy River cut right through the center of the land.

“Their wards will be strong,” Winston said. “Capable of causing the usual dread and nausea, but I fear they might also conjure creatures. Like how Damien summoned the mist wraiths last night.”

“I agree, and that is why we will stay together as we advance. We’ll need all our magic to counter theirs.” Whysper cracked a grin. “I’m actually looking forward to blasting a dozen of those wraiths apart.”

Aleksai’s brows shot up, and Brenin’s lips twitched in a smile. Scorpio chuckled, welcoming the comic relief of that visual. “Whysper, I would love to see that. I will find a wraith for you, just to make that happen.”

“Now don’t go getting overzealous,” she warned. But her eyes twinkled. “We must wait until morning. Too dangerous to go out at night.”

Hallon nodded. “Yes, and wherever Tessa and Zeebi are, they’re surely indoors.”

“Let’s hope,” Brenin muttered.

“Dismissed,” Hallon said. “If you need sleep, do it now. We leave at dawn.”

The open area filled with quiet talk as people rose and said their goodbyes before heading off to their cabins. “Scorpio.” Whysper’s voice cut through the noise and she patted the seat next to her.

He angled the chair and sat so that he faced the diminutive witch. An air of coiled power always lingered around her. Even though he wasn’t born with a witch’s discernment, he was fully aware that her skills were even more lethal than his. But the laugh lines around her twinkling brown eyes made even the novices at HQ comfortable in her presence.

“Do you love Tessa?” she asked quietly.

“Yes. Gods, yes, I love her. But I don’t think the feeling is mutual.” He shook his head as the last of the guards left the vicinity. “At least she doesn’t despise me anymore. And she apologized for initially feeling that way.”

Whysper gazed at Scorpio, eyes piercingly intense. “Tomorrow will be dangerous. I mean it when I say you cannot underestimate this dark magic.”

“I know.” His fist clenched as renewed anger coursed along his skin.

“You are a warrior to the core, Scorpio. But you are clouded with the need to protect your female. You must use caution at all times.” Whysper swatted a mosquito off her arm. “This leader, Damien, is capable of almost anything. He might keep her close, use her as bait or leverage or even as a shield.”

Scorpio growled.

“You must not be reckless. This is your future you’re trying to save.” She set a wrinkled hand on his arm. “We will get her out. But don’t get yourself killed. That’s an order from Arawn, as well as me.”

“Of course. Duly noted.”

“All right.” Whysper pushed her chair back. “Take me to Callia. She and I have some convulsion spells to work on.”

“Sounds intense.” Scorpio raised a brow.

Whysper’s voice was as serious as he could ever remember. “My dear boy, we’ll need all the intensity we can muster tomorrow.”




dark room. How long had it been since she’d eaten? She pushed up on the soft sheets and swallowed, the dry tissues of her throat protesting into a cough. And how long had it been since she’d showered? Ugh.

She made her way to the bathroom and thank goodness someone had brought clothes her size. The shower was stocked with toiletries, so she cranked the water on and jumped in. She took the fastest shower of her life, not knowing if Damien would waltz back into her room at any given moment. Her stomach would have soured if she wasn’t so damn hungry.

This land, these buildings, had once been her home. They were full of secret passageways and underground tunnels. Too bad she had been so young when they’d had to leave. She hadn’t been able to memorize them.

She dressed and set about untangling her hair, guessing she was in Damien’s residence. If she could find a tunnel, she might escape. Though she’d be trapped in the thing until she found an exit, and she didn’t know where any of the tunnels or passageways led. She sighed as she worked through the last knot in her hair. She’d just have to explore as surreptitiously as possible.

Back in the bedroom, she strode to the door. Locked. She scowled and jiggled the handle. “Dammit.”

You’re not helpless.
She peered closer at the doorknob, which was a burnished silver. If it was a basic model, she was good to go. Focusing her power on the inner metal workings, she visualized the pins moving into the “unlock” position. She tried to open it.


She huffed out an angry breath. Of course, it couldn’t be a normal doorknob. It was probably forged in dark magic, like everything else here. Damn, damn, damn. She swiveled to face the room, intending to inspect the walls for a secret panel—

The doorknob twisted. Tessa took a step back.

It swung open, revealing the last person she wanted to see. “Damien.”

“My dear, it’s so good to see you up and about. And using your power. Nice try. I’m impressed. I imagine most doors are no match for you.”

She folded her arms. “Why am I locked in?”

“I don’t want you running back home. Now that you’re here, I want you to stay. I’m just not sure you’ll do it simply because I ask you to.”

You’re right, you dumb fuck.
“You have no reason to keep me here. I was due to arrive the day before the wedding. Not now.” She glared at him.

“I know.” He pushed his way into the room. “That’s why I’ve moved up the date. We will be married tomorrow.”

“What? No.” She stared at him in horror. “That’s too soon.”

“Not for me.” His dark eyes glittered. “You won’t win this argument, Tessa.”

She glared at him, a thousand curse words barreling through her brain. Despise and hate weren’t strong enough words for him. But as her fury built, a new thought occurred to her. What was the old saying…
you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar

Maybe she needed to take a different approach. If it were possible to have him trust her even a bit, now was the time to stoke that ember. If she could lull him into a false sense of security, he might let some information slip, or allow her more freedom within his house. No matter how much her stomach turned, it would benefit her in the end.

“Damien.” Softening her voice, she let her shoulders sag. “I’m sorry about the crystals. And I did truly appreciate your note.” She took a half step toward him. “I’d like us to start out with a clean slate.”

A smile that could freeze water spread across his face. “I think that is an excellent idea, darling. So glad you came to that conclusion.”

She pasted on a look she hoped passed for delight. “Since your lovely home will be mine, as well, could I have a tour? All I’ve seen is this room. It’s beautiful. And I bet the rest of your place is too.”

He crossed the room to stand in her personal space. “A tour? You’re one very smart little witch. I don’t think you’re that interested in the décor of my home.”

She blinked, feigning the most innocent expression she could.

“Though with enough guards watching you, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Oh, thank you—”

“But I want something from you first.”

She swallowed. “From me?”

He nodded and reached out one finger to stroke her jaw. “A kiss.”

She forced herself not to scowl or back away. “K-kiss?”

“A preview of tomorrow. A taste of what’s to come.” He leaned down to nuzzle her hair. “I want to feel your mouth under mine, the way I’ll feel your body under mine.”

She couldn’t stop a shudder, but prayed it seemed like one of excitement and not revulsion. “Okay,” she whispered. One kiss. She could do this.
Pretend you’re not you. Pretend you’re someone else. Anyone else.

He didn’t hesitate. With one hand at her nape, he pulled her close and crashed his mouth down on hers. His other hand went around her waist, pinning her to his body with surprising strength.

His mouth was warm but rough. He nipped her lower lip, making her gasp, and then he pushed his tongue between her lips. He thrust it around, hard and disgusting, and it was all she could do to stand there and act like she enjoyed it.

BOOK: Assassin's Kiss
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