Assassin: Fall of the Golden Valefar (A Paranormal Romance—Book #6 in the Demon Kissed Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Assassin: Fall of the Golden Valefar (A Paranormal Romance—Book #6 in the Demon Kissed Series)
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Reaching into his pocket, he took out his brimstone. He
scraped his thumb against the sharp edge and it turned into a blade. Moving
quickly, Eric slashed his palm. He didn’t wince as the blade cut into his skin.
His hand filled with blood. Turning toward Natalia, he held it out for her.
It’ll heal you.”

She watched him, her ice blue eyes looking at his bloody
hand and back at his face. There was confusion in her eyes, something he didn’t
expect. Her lip curled slightly, “I don’t drink blood, Eric.”

“But you know what kind of blood this is, don’t you?” he
leaned closer to her. Natalia didn’t shrink back. She watched his lips as he
spoke, feeling lightheaded.

She nodded. She knew what he was, and was certain of it
now. Up until this moment she doubted herself, questioning the visions that
prompted the painting on the wall. “You’re one of them. You have their blood.”

“Say it,” he snapped. “You know I’m not human. Say it! What
kind of blood is this? What kind of blood heals and commands?”

Again she looked confused. “I don’t know what you’re
talking about. I don’t know what it does. I only know what I see—what I see in
you. There’s so much darkness, its darker than you know, consuming you,
devouring you. And you let it.” Eric’s eyes were wide, watching hers as she
spoke. “You’re one of them. That’s demon blood, even though you’re a man. I
don’t know what you are. Or why you’re the way you are, Eric.” She shivered,
and looked away from him. The room shifted, and started to spin. Natalia wasn’t
sure if it was her reaction to the blood or from her broken foot. She pressed
her eyes closed and reopened them slowly, trying to make the spinning stop.

“Eric,” she said his name like a plea for help. Her hands
darted to her sides to steady her.

Eric didn’t hesitate. He forced his hand over her mouth and
made her swallow. Horror widened her eyes as she realized what he was doing. Eric
kept his hand clasped over her mouth, waiting. If she was human it would only
heal her... and make her easier to manage. If she was something else, if she
was what he feared, the blood would have no effect on her.

When he released his hand from her mouth, Natalia smiled at
him with blood-stained lips. Woozy, she leaned back in his arms. She sounded
drunk, slurring her words softly. “I didn’t paint the whole thing, you know. There’s
part missing...” her words drifted off as her eyelids drooped.

Eric pushed her hair out of her face, asking, “What part is

“The goddess dies. Her blood runs deep, and spills far. That’s
why you’re covered in blood. That’s why I covered that half. It’s not happened
yet, and I don’t want it to.” Her eyelids lowered, though she fought to hold
. She’d
tried not to swallow, but she did. His blood was odd and slid down her throat
with an intense heat that erupted inside her body, making her feel instantly

Eric didn’t expect this reaction. It gave no clues to her
origins, but it did confirm that she was human. He thought she was babbling. “What
goddess, Natalia?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know her name, but she knows yours. She
called to you, calls to you now, but you ignore her—the blue ghost locked in




Natalia bent over, pulling on a boot. She was pissed. “You
drugged me, Eric. You fucking drugged me!” She jumped up, ready to storm out.

She wasn’t what he thought. He didn’t know what she was. His
blood healed her foot, but couldn’t compel her. Normally, demon blood could
compel, but it didn’t work with her. If the blood formed a connection between
them, she was able to override it.

Eric moved in front of her, blocking her exit. “I healed
you! It wasn’t like that.” She gazed at him, and he said again, “It wasn’t like
that.” Natalia was still angry, her eyes seething.

“Then give me your hand.” She held out her palm, waiting
for him to comply. When he hesitated, she started to turn away.

“Fine,” Eric thrust his hand out to her, stopping her from
leaving. He knew he should have let her leave, but something wasn’t normal
about her. He didn’t want her to leave his sight until he figured her out.

Natalia took his hand, rubbing his palm with her thumbs. She
placed one thumb over his, feeling his pulse. It quickened when he looked at
her. This would tell her if she acted on her desires. God, if she slept with
him she couldn’t look at herself again. All these years would be wasted. Every
attempt she made to be better than the man who killed her mother would be
wasted. She couldn’t stand the thought of him touching her, not because she
didn’t want it, but because she couldn’t.

Gazing into his eyes, she asked, “Did you drug me?”

“No.” Eric was exasperated. He could have done anything. She
babbled until she passed out. It was the strangest reaction to his blood that
he’d ever seen. “I didn’t drug you. It was blood. You reacted differently, and
passed out. I didn’t touch you.”

Natalia’s gaze was cold. “Rephrase, Eric No-Name. This is
your last chance. Did you touch me?” Her body was tense, shaking. She had no
recollection of last night, no memories of Eric beyond swallowing the blood as
he forced his hand over her mouth. The world became hazy and there was nothing
after that.

Not knowing what she said made her uneasy. Having no idea
if Eric touched her made it worse. What if he…? What if she

Natalia shook, pressing her fingers tightly into his hand, looking for
the truth, not caring if he realized what she was. Watching the little vein in
his hand, carefully, she hoped to God that he didn’t kiss her—not while she was
sleeping—the effects would ruin everything she planned.

Eric assumed she thought he really drugged her, and
molested her in her sleep. Part of him was offended, but he understood. At
least he thought he did. If the girl had no memories, it was no wonder why she
was angry. His lips parted, searching for the right words. Natalia’s head
tipped to the side, more rage pooling within her eyes every second.

He sighed, speaking softly, “I touched your foot. I felt
the skin on your leg when it healed. I felt your body lean into mine as you

“And...” she knew there was more. She could sense it. His
pulse quickened, she could feel it. She learned that she could tell if people
were lying by touching their hand, feeling their pulse respond to her touch,
her voice. And Eric was lying, she was certain.

Eric looked away, breathing deep. “And I held you longer
than I should have. I wrapped my arms around you, as you slept in the nightmare
room.” He ripped his hand away from her, ignoring the confusion on her face. Or
surprise. Whatever it was he didn’t care. He didn’t have to explain himself to

Her tone changed, softening, “Why?” she asked. Her heart
lurched. He held her?

Eric could feel her eyes on the side of his face. The
muscle in his jaw tightened. He turned to her, “Why do I do anything, Nat? It
doesn’t matter, okay. Just let it go.” But she didn’t let it go. She never let
anything go.

The corners of her mouth lifted. The rest of her fear
melted away. He held her. Eric acted like a schoolboy with a crush and held her
all night. His golden eyes wouldn’t look at her, like he was ashamed of his
pure actions. It was so sweet, and so unlike him that she couldn’t help but

She stepped in front of him, trying to catch his eye.
“You’re a little conflicted, Eric. One day you hate me, the next day you smell
my hair while I sleep…” She watched him, with a mischievous smile on her face.

There was no way she knew what she did to him. Eric tried
not to smile, and pressed his lips into a thin line. Natalia knew that
expression—that face Eric made when he was happy and tried to hide it. It was
rare and for a moment she forgot why she was there and reveled in it.

She continued, light and playful, asking, “Which boy do I
have today?
The nasty one?
Or the
creepy one?”

He laughed. He couldn’t help it. The smile stretched across
his face making him look more beautiful than he already was. His rich amber
eyes glanced up at her, “Probably both.”




After leaving Natalia to grab something to eat, Eric
retrieved his book. The ancient tome was hidden in the shattered house because
he knew it was safe there. That was the same reason why he left the girl here. There
was information that was in his book, something he had to know before he went
after his next target. There was a connection, something he didn’t really
remember and he wanted to read his notes to be sure.

The book was hidden in a steel box deep within the rubble. Normally
he wouldn’t have pulled it out when the girl was awake, but he didn’t see what
harm it could do. No one was able to read it, save him. Getting to the book was
difficult, even for Eric, but he managed. When he emerged, he was covered in
dust and debris. Eric pulled his shirt over his head, and shook it out. Rumpling
his golden-brown hair, he pushed it away from his face. His hair had grown
quite a bit, and kept falling into his eyes. He’d have to cut it soon.

Sitting on the floor at the foot of Natalia’s bed, Eric
stared at the painting on the wall.
his face stared back. It bothered him that she saw him so clearly. And the
cryptic words she said last night about the blue ghost concerned him.

There was only one blue ghost that could be described as a
goddess, and he’d never kill her. Ivy meant too much to him, even though his
actions indicated something else. Eric tried to force Natalia’s words from his
mind, but they wouldn’t fall silent. Ivy had sent for him, and he defied her.

It was only a matter of time, now. He had to finish what he
started, but watching Natalia laying still, breathing steadily in his arms all
night—it made him realize how much he wanted her. It wasn’t just her sharp wit,
and her beauty. It was her. His affection for Ivy hid his feelings for Natalia,
and they had gone unnoticed. Or maybe something changed. He didn’t know what it
was, but he wished things were different. He wanted to care for her, be soft
and kind to her. That girl had such a hard life, and he knew he was the only
person in the world that cared for her. Natalia was like him in that way, she
pushed everyone away. She was a loner.

“What’s that?” Natalia stood in the door way chewing on
something that resembled food. The curves of her form filled Eric’s mind with
impure thoughts. Her eyes slid over Eric’s bare chest, then glancing at his
shirt on the floor. Natalia took another bite, pretending not to be fazed
seeing him there shirtless.

Eric answered, “Nothing. Just notes.” He lowered his head,
ignoring the way Natalia looked at him.

Sure. That’s why you
got all scratched up going to get it.” She huffed, pushing herself off the door
frame and entered the room. Her long legs stopped, standing next to Eric.

She looked down, inky hair spilling over her shoulders. Her
heart leaped in her chest.
Holy fuck! Is
that the book? It can’t be!

But it was, and he took it out in front of her. It felt
like someone was choking her, but she couldn’t step away. If Eric had that
book—if that was thee book—then he was the one she’d been looking for. She felt
sick, happy, and afraid all at the same time. Natalia shoved the feelings away
before Eric noticed.

Sounding nonchalant, she edged closer, gazing at the book
and read over his shoulder. Dread pooled in her stomach. She wasn’t sure if it
was the book, and there was no way to know without taking it from him.

Without thinking she asked, “What’s the Tribunal?” Before
she could take another bite of her protein bar, Eric slammed the book shut and
rounded on her.

Eye to eye they stood, Eric with the book tucked under his
arm. “Where’d you hear that word?”

Natalia looked at him like he was crazy, “In the book. It
said something about the Tribunal of Martis. Sorry, I didn’t realize you didn’t
want me to see.” She held up her hands, and started to back away. Her eyes
locked on his. Did he believe she was harmless? Why did he think she wouldn’t
be able to read it? Natalia didn’t know what she had done, but she wanted that
book. It would tell her everything. And it would destroy her relationship with
Eric, but she had to know the truth.

Eric was already intrigued. The idea that someone could
read his book was wonderful and horrible at the same time. Did she really read
his notes? Natalia’s eyes drifted from Eric’s face, lingering on his smooth
chest. When Eric caught her staring, she met his gaze defiantly—as if
challenging him. So he did. Eric cracked the book open to a random page, and
tossed it on her bed. “Read it.”

Natalia stepped forward, her shoulder brushing against
Eric’s chest as she passed. He fought the urges that exploded inside of him at
her touch. Her voice was confident as she read from the page. “The realms are
ruled by three beings. The Underworld is governed by a powerful demon,” she
glanced at him, “there’s a notation of species—that’s the closest word in
English—is unknown. The drawing next to it is of a half-naked girl and says
it’s a prophecy of thirteen. The
filled with humans, Martis and Valefar,” Her eyebrows rose as she spoke these
words, as if she didn’t believe what she was reading, “the Heavens are the
angel’s realm. Notation of governess is a name I can’t pronounce. And the
leader of the
says,” she paused, leaning
closer to the book, “unknown.” She turned back to him. It felt like her mouth
was filled with sand. This was the book, but the way Eric was looking at her,
she knew she did something wrong.

Eric’s eyes were wide, watching her like he’d never seen
her before. “Who are you?”

Natalia laughed, not taking his question seriously despite
the shock on his face. “The same messed up girl I was yesterday—except this
psycho fed me some demon blood last night. That might have had...” but she
didn’t finish.

Eric moved toward her swiftly, stopping in front of her
without touching her. “No one can read that. No one has ever been able to pick
that up and read it,” Eric said. Natalia just shrugged, acting like it was no
big deal, but to him it was. He took a step toward her. She slid her foot back.
For every question, he took another step forward. “Who are you? How can you see
through me? How can you decipher codes in languages that are dead? What the
hell are you?”

Natalia’s back hit the wall, the wall with Eric painted on
it. Meanwhile, the real Eric was standing in front of her shirtless, pressing
her back with no way to escape. Her heart hammered in her ears. He figured her
out. That had to be it. Natalia tried to act
icy blue eyes met Eric’s, “Don’t look at me like you don’t know me. I’ve been
like this the entire time. It’s not my fault you just noticed.” As she spoke
her lips were nearly touching his.

Eric leaned closer, watching her answer, searching for lies
but not finding any. “You’re human?”

Her voice was barely a breath, “Yes,” she lied. Her cool
blue gaze locked with his. He believed her, she could feel it. But there was
more, he knew there was more to her than that, then being mortal.

“Tell me what you see.” His eyes were locked on hers. The
icy blue shallows melted as he watched her. He wasn’t sure what happened, but he
had known what she saw in him. The paintings on the walls said that she could
see past the surface and into his soul. No one saw the Omen and lived, but
Natalia was alive. Maybe she was an anomaly. Maybe she could survive Eric, too.
Then there wouldn’t be a reason to complete his plan. He felt safe around her,
like the part of him that he feared most was muted. Natalia must have seen it
in him. Desperation coursed through his veins. He had to know what she saw.
All of it.
She had to tell him.

His question threw her off balance. He still didn’t suspect
her. Instead he went down another path, one that she didn’t want to walk. “You
don’t want me to answer that, Eric. I...” but he cut her off, slamming his
hands on either side of her head. She didn’t flinch, or cower. Natalia wasn’t
afraid of him. She never was. He didn’t understand why.

“Tell me,” he growled, trying to evoke the demon blood, but
finding he couldn’t. He pressed his forehead to hers. She had sight—visions of
the future. That had to be it. She was a mortal that was touched and could see
fragments of what was to come. Could she see him? Did she know his fate? “Tell
me,” he repeated, gently, near pleading with her.

“Eric,” she whispered his name, pushing back a little,
taking his face in her hands. Feelings warred within her. She wanted to taste
his lips, but she was certain she found her mark, and it was Eric. He’d die at
her hand, and yet, she couldn’t stop holding his face, feeling his smooth skin
between her palms.

Eric began to pull away when she didn’t speak, but she held
him in place, finally saying, “I see you…” Her hands were splayed on the sides
of his face, his lips a breath from hers. “I see the remnants of a good man. I
see the darkness that’s consuming him so quickly that he’s drowning in it. I
see him fighting, trying to keep his head above the waterline, trying to save
himself, but he can’t. He revels in pain and lusts for women who fear him. He’s
cruel and bitter. He’s twisting into something evil, something I can’t see yet.
He shies away from compassion. He alienates those who care about him. He leans
toward the depths of darkness that he’s about to fall into, never to rise
again. We are all made of light and dark, Eric, but your light is nearly
gone—and soon it will vanish.”

His scent filled her head as she spoke, saying words that
broke her heart. Eric’s golden eyes didn’t leave hers. His lips remained parted
like he wanted to contest what she said, but he remained silent. Natalia
continued, looking at him from beneath dark lashes, not wanting to say it—but
something compelled her to finish, “It’s like there’s darkness where your soul
should be. I see through you, like you’re a sheet of glass, but there are
places that have blackened and become opaque. Soon all of you will be like that—dark.
She blinked, glancing down. “That’s what I see…

Golden eyes stared back at her as she spoke. Each word felt
like a knife in his heart. Eric wanted to tear away from her. He wanted to make
her stop speaking, but he didn’t. Instead he listened to this woman describe
the monster that stood in front of her. She knew he could sense fear, that it
made him lust. And yet, she stood there, talking to him like he was anyone
else. She said that parts of him were blackened, that she couldn’t see into him
fully. Did she know what he was? What he was capable of?

“How much do you know?” he asked. “Can you see what I
really am? What I’ve done?”

“What does it matter?” she replied, gazing into his eyes,
feeling the curve of his chest against her body as she leaned closer. Her mind
was caving in, allowing her body to speak for her. The connection she felt to
him overrode every other thought in her head. His lips were so close.
One taste.
One kiss.
What harm
could it do? She leaned closer, her lips so close to his mouth that she could
feel his breath. “We’re more alike than you realize, Eric Masterson, you just
don’t see it yet.”

Eric was enthralled with Natalia. He wanted her, and she
wasn’t resisting him anymore. The way she spoke, the way she moved her body,
pressing it into his made him know her intentions. But, when she said his name
it shattered the moment, yanking him back like a slap in the face. He snatched
her hands away from his face, slamming them above her, into the wall. “How do
you know my name?” He pushed so hard that she screamed. It felt like the bone
was cracking beneath his palm. The weight of his body was crushing her.

Natalia had no idea why it mattered. Who cared what his
name was? She was spewing out the answer before he snapped her wrists.
“The book!
It was in the book! Your name was in the book!”

Eric could feel her fear course through her body in full
It bubbled out of her stomach,
twisting into every inch of her body. It was intoxicating, filling his mind,
pulling him farther and farther away from
wanted to be. His hands could slip over her throat, and silence her. Terror
pulsated through her body, steadily increasing with every heartbeat. Eric
couldn’t move. His instincts were at war with his mind. His hands were moving
to crush her throat, his head telling him to release her. It was her fear, it
was so thick. He couldn’t stop. He could barely speak, “Fight me off.”

Natalia ignored him. Instead, she pressed her lips to
Eric’s. It felt right, and she couldn’t fight it anymore. Something inside of
her came undone when he tried to hurt her, when Eric lost control of himself. The
only thing she could hear was her pulse pounding in her ears. The threat evoked
who she was and she couldn’t help it. Eric’s hands on her throat made her
hotter, her stomach twisting, igniting her longing so she couldn’t hold herself
back. When Natalia’s soft mouth brushed against his, Eric’s eyes closed. Natalia
kissed him again, this time harder, sucking his lip into her mouth, nicking it with
her teeth. Eric’s eyes flew open. They were like liquid gold, surrounded by
burning blood.

Her heart raced faster, the pit of her stomach coiling
tightly. Natalia’s eyes watched the trail of red as the drop of blood rolled
down his lip. She lunged forward and kissed him harder, tasting his blood. Eric
pressed himself against her, feeling the curve of her chest pressed against
his. He wanted to touch her and feel the soft swells of flesh in his palms. Eric’s
rage, the fire that burned within him completely transformed when she kissed
him. His hands slid away from her neck and down her curvy body. One hand
lingered on her breast. Feeling her like that, it made him want her even more. The
moans, the soft sounds that Natalia made in the back of her throat were drawing
out the part of him that couldn’t be with Natalia, the part that he kept
hidden. Sliding his other hand lower, he felt the small of her back, and
pulling her tighter against him.

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