Read Assassin Deception Online

Authors: C. L. Scholey

Assassin Deception (34 page)

BOOK: Assassin Deception
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“What happened three years ago, James? How did you find all of this out?” Chloe asked with trepidation. She had a feeling the rest of the iceberg was about to be revealed.

James hung his head so sadly. Chloe lifted his chin with her hand. She was startled to see James weeping. That alone frightened her further.

“As I loved Drake so too did Samantha love your grandmother. Samantha left everyone she knew for me. It had been difficult for her, but she loved me. I took her away, brought her to my home where she had no one but me. Drake’s wife took her under her wing; they became the best of friends, inseparable most times. Drake and I were away often, leaving them together with our sons. They grew as close as sisters, closer.

“Before your grandmother died she talked my loving wife into allowing the ruse to continue. Samantha was devastated with the loss of her best friend; she would have promised her anything on her deathbed.

“I was beyond dismayed when Samantha admitted everything on her own deathbed. I was so hurt she allowed you to go away each time, knowing it could have been stopped. I know how much Samantha loved you and how much you loved her, I just wanted to protect her image in your mind. Because your grandmother loved you and the hate was directed toward your mother only, she promised she would make certain you would be taken from your mother.

“Your grandmother had convinced my Samantha that your mother was evil, horrible to do what she did to her family. Samantha justified it in her own mind. Even on the day she died Samantha believed she had done the right thing. Your grandmother insinuated that somehow Drake’s death might even have been your mother’s fault. Your grandmother suspected it was their adopted son who murdered your father and half brother in a jealous rage. To this day I’m uncertain.”

“But why?” Chloe cried, distressed. She had known,
Samantha had loved her. How could she? Was that why Samantha had been such a loving surrogate mother to her? Out of guilt?

“She understood how hurt her friend was that your mother married her son only with the intention of getting close to Drake. By the time Drake had died, your mother realized what she had done. She really had grown to care for her husband. She tried to make it work with him, but the suspicion was there. He was manipulating her mind, but not the way we had thought.

“He was anguished at the betrayal, first by Drake, a man he had thought to be his real father, and then his wife. He couldn’t handle it. He had loved you, Chloe, he had been so proud when you were born.

“Then to find out you weren’t his, his father, mother and brother weren’t his, he questioned everything and everyone. He felt he was no one, alone, that he had nothing. Everything was a lie, his entire life was a lie. The deception ate him up inside until it destroyed him.”

“Like it almost destroyed me,” Chloe said in understanding. Thankfully she hadn’t let it consume her; her love for her family too great. “But if you knew three years ago about my mother, why didn’t you stop what was happening to her?”

“I did, but by then she had pushed you away. When her reality began to return she ended up hating herself. Wanting to be with Drake when she felt she had no one left. I was still unsure who had killed your father and uncle. I just couldn’t stand the thought of it being Drake’s boy, a child he had loved and called his own. I couldn’t risk telling you the truth, if someone were to find out you were Drake’s child…If the killer really was still out there…”

“Then why now?” Chloe asked.

“I had intentionally called you home for a reason. There is one more thing I have been keeping from you, Chloe. One more very important thing that you are finally ready for,” James stated. He held out his hand. “Come with me, sweetheart. It’s time to see your mother.”

James helped her to her shaky feet. Chloe was surprised when Damien came to stand beside her. “Salvator?” she questioned. “Have you been here the whole time?”

“We will do this together, sweetheart,” Damien said, nuzzling her neck. She moved into his arms, seeking his strength. Damien cuddled her closely, then kissed the top of her head and turned her around.

All three went back to James’ car and Chloe became confused when they drove from the cemetery. “Isn’t Mother buried here?” she asked.

James had sat Chloe in the backseat beside himself while Damien drove. He clutched her hand. “Your mother was unsuccessful at her overdose attempt. She is alive, and through extensive counseling is doing quite well in a beautiful home that is safe. She is finally happy and very eager to see you, Chloe,” James declared. The blood drained from Chloe’s face. She thought she might faint.

It wasn’t long before Damien pulled into a quiet driveway on a tiny street. The house was beautiful and large. Chloe stepped out with trepidation. She was remembering her mother’s howls the last time she had seen her. The panic she had been in when Dirk had entered the room. Her wild, crazed eyes. It had been such a pitiful sight, Chloe didn’t know if she could go through that again. But her mother was alive; she had a chance to at least tell her she was sorry. Chloe straightened her shoulders and, with determination, she walked up the few white steps to the front door. She turned when she noticed neither of the men had joined her.


“If you need me I’m right here, babe. I’m not going anywhere, I promise,” he replied. He offered her his bright smiling grin; his eyes were awash with tenderness. His pride in her radiated from within. Damien settled himself back against the car.

Chloe entered the house on quiet feet in trepidation. It was large and clean smelling, though not antiseptic. Numerous bright, beautiful pictures adorned the long mint-colored walls. A pleasant woman with a round face and smiling green eyes greeted her. Chloe gave her her mother’s name and the woman led her through the house onto a large terrace.

The woman seated at a beautiful oak table under an awning looked up and glanced at Chloe. Chloe couldn’t help the tears that fell; they dripped in a steady stream from her dark lashes to cascade down her cheeks to splash onto her shirt. Her mother looked so beautiful, so young. Her face was calm. Her eyes were bright when she looked up at Chloe. They gazed upon her with recognition.

“Mom?” Chloe whispered.

Her mother rose slowly and gathered Chloe to her breast, pulling her tight. Chloe heard her soft intake of breath. Her hand glided down her hair as Chloe’s sobs increased. She clutched at her harder, possessively.

“Did I ever tell you that you have your father’s most amazing, expressive eyes?” Chloe heard. The voice was steady, certain and calm.

“Do you think you could tell me about him, Mom, my father, my real father?”

“I would like that, darling. I would like that very much.” The two women sat at the table, not releasing hands. Chloe’s mother began her story with a soft expression, relating the tale of the man she couldn’t live without. He had saved her life and captured her heart. Chloe had been the result of love, pure overwhelming love.






Chloe looked out over the sparkling, clear blue water. The ocean stretched for miles, meeting and combining with the sky in perfect harmony. The white, soft sand swished up between her toes, heating them pleasantly while the ocean breezed in to lick her feet.

She smiled when a large cool hand settled onto her shoulder. A warm feather light kiss traveled up her neck to her chin, lips nuzzled a delicate earlobe. Soon Damien had her turned within his arms, kissing her. A warm tropical breeze blew through their hair, ruffling it. When he pulled her tighter, Chloe groaned as he wrapped her within his comforting embrace.

“I’m glad you decided to keep this,” Damien said while fingering her gold infinity medallion.

“James was right, it protects me,” Chloe said, her eyes liquid warmth as they settled onto his own. “It’s attached to you, my Salvator. I will never be lost as long as this connects me to home, and you. Wherever you are is home.”

Damien’s eyes smoldered down onto her. “I like always knowing where you are. I especially like where you are now.”

“Damien!” Chloe exclaimed when he lowered his hand between her thighs. He stroked at the material until parting her bikini bottom from her soft skin to seek entry.

“What?” he asked with genuine surprise.

“We’re out in the open,” she informed him shyly, taking a fast glance in all directions.

Damien immediately scooped her up and headed for the ocean.

“Damien,” she said with uncertainty.

“Let’s give the fish a show,” he replied playfully.

The lukewarm water lapped at Damien’s calves, then thighs, then finally his hips before he settled Chloe in front of him. He released her down the hard length of his firm body. She enjoyed the feel of her soft flesh against his hard muscles. Chloe protested when his deft fingers untied her bikini bottoms, and he pitched them to the shoreline.

“Damien, I’m naked!”

“Not yet.” That said, her tiny spaghetti strap top followed her bottoms onto the sand. Chloe pressed herself tightly against him, trying desperately to hide her nude form.

Damien’s hand gripped her bare bottom, lifting her higher, coaxing her onto the tip of his erection. Annoyed, Chloe could tell Damien had only lowered his own shorts while she was exposed for the world to see.

“Damien, people,” she declared angrily, then gasped as he settled his engorged head further within her, wrapping her legs around his waist. She wiggled against him, feeling the heat of his arousal wet with his desire. He thrust deeper, pulling her to himself, filling her on a satisfied groan.

She cried out, grasping his shoulders in surprise, burying her face into his neck. Though she had not been prepared, the water aided as a lubricant and the feeling of his unyielding hardness sent a fast jolt of heat throughout her entire body.

“Trust me,” Damien said gruffly into her ear. “We’re completely alone. No one is allowed on this side of the island. There are precautions in place for your safety. I won’t ever take chances with you again. This is our honeymoon. I want no distractions, and I plan on taking you everywhere… literally. I want you in the shower, on the beach, over the porch…”

One of Damien’s arms locked around her back while his other hand remained settled onto her bottom, capturing her, lifting her, then sliding her slowly down the length of him.

“Completely alone?” Chloe whimpered. She couldn’t stand it. He felt so good, amazingly hard and hot with the water lapping her bare bottom in a sensuous movement. His powerful arms were moving her without her help. She leaned back, allowing him to work for the both of them.

“Completely,” he confirmed.

Chloe’s hand tightened onto his shoulder, her resolve slipping as she felt her need for him increase. The other reached for a handful of his hair and pulled his mouth onto hers. Their tongues entwined in a wild passion.

Small waves rolled their hips together in a grinding motion as seen on an erotic dance floor. They moved to the beat of the pumping ocean. Forward, back, ever changing to a new step to satisfy a deep hunger. Both felt drunk with desire.

“You feel so good, but I want you on top of me,” Chloe whispered.

Damien moved from the water, Chloe still wrapped intimately around him. He lowered them to the sandy ground. Chloe could feel the heat of the sand rubbing her back, each tiny granule teasing to aid in her seduction, while her behind remained partially submerged as the waves continued to lick at her sensuously. It felt as though nature joined in Damien’s passion and possession of her. She was eager to let them both explore.

Her hands were soon stretched high above her head, wrists held firmly in place. He pushed her leg forward to bend at her shoulder. Damien ground himself within her. Her breasts heaved with a round motion as Damien rocked, then thrust. She was unprepared as he flipped her sideways, her raised leg settled over his broad shoulder. His grip grew firmer, demanding, and powerful. They sang a moan in unison, groaned a duet.

BOOK: Assassin Deception
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