Ashia (3 page)

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Authors: Taige Crenshaw

BOOK: Ashia
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Ashia wondered what he would do if she told him the truth of who she was. Memories of Devi crying in her arms after she’d told Rhodes Liatos—the human man—whom she had come to start to care for filled her. She dismissed the notion she would have this issue. Reid was but an interesting distraction. Also, telling a human about being an Egyptian god or goddess wasn’t something one just did. Unless they trusted the human that was.

“I have my reasons.” Ashia changed the subject. “Tell me about you. What do you like to do?”

“I work with computers.”

Before long she had their food plated and they went to the table by the window to eat. They kept up their conversation through a scrumptious meal and the clean-up.

She strolled to the living room, and sank into the comfortable couch, curling her legs under her. She’d discarded her shoes long ago.

Reid came in carrying two glasses of iced tea, but he paused when he saw her sitting on the couch.

“Come join me. I don’t bite.” Ashia blinked. “Unless you want me to.”

Reid flushed a ruby shade of red, but then he smiled and a wicked gleam came into his eyes. “I might have to find out how your bite feels.”

She chuckled and patted the cushion next to her.


Reid joined her on the couch. He couldn’t believe how easy she was to hang out with. He’d been about to call for take-out before she had been set to arrive—he’d thought the date was blown—but they’d salvaged dinner despite his knife issues. They’d had a wonderful dinner and the clean-up had been fun. She’d flirted with him and he hopefully hadn’t put his foot in his mouth when he’d returned her flirtation.

Reid wiped his hands on his jeans. “Umm…you want to watch a movie or something?”

“How about some TV? CSI: NY will be starting in a few minutes. Do you like that show?” she asked.

“I do.” Reid clicked on the television.

Ashia drew him in again to conversation, as they discussed their favourite shows, then the episodes of CSI: NY, which they both enjoyed. They watched the show commenting on it as she laughed and Reid smiled, shifting so she couldn’t see his erection. She had changed from a woman he had seen jogging who was interesting to a woman whom he very much wanted to kiss. Ashia shifted, leaning against his shoulder, and Reid put his arm around her.

She settled against his chest like she was made to be there as they watched the rest of CSI then Blue Bloods that way. She even stayed for the news, stretching when it was done. His arms felt empty without her in them.

Ashia stood and he joined her, before escorting her to the front door. He reached around her for the door handle but she turned, facing him and blocking his way. He closed the distance and pressed his lips against hers.

Reid stroked his tongue into her mouth and she opened up. The first taste of her burst across his tongue, as sweet as her scent, making him think of nights spent making love in the moonlight. Reid pulled her against his frame where she fit against him perfectly. Her arms curled around him, her grip tight and possessive, awakening a primal need within him. Reid smoothed his palms along her back, down past her waist and cupped her ass. Her moan reverberated against his tongue. Reid squeezed and released the firm globes as she growled at each touch.

He ran his tongue along the sides of hers, swallowing each sound and demanding more. Ashia canted her hips, rubbing against his straining erection. Reid pulled away, licking her bottom lip.

“Upstairs. Come to bed with me,” he pleaded.

She disentangled herself from his arms, shaking her head, regret flashing across her face.

“I can’t.” She took another step back.

Opening the door behind her, she backed onto the porch.

Reid moved forwards, hands gripping the doorframe.

Standing on the porch, Ashia stared at him. “Come by the ranch tomorrow. Continue onto the road to the left from my clinic. We’ll have dinner at my place this time,” Ashia said.

The promise in her voice caused him to tighten his hold on the door.

“Okay.” As muddled as his mind was he was grateful to get that word out. He was glad she didn’t seem offended by his asking her to his bed and was willing to spend more time with him.

“On second thought come early so we can spend the day together. We can have a Closer marathon. I have all the DVD’s. Eleven o’clock. My house.”

Reid nodded, his brain still not quite following the speed of Ashia’s ever-changing mind.

Ashia rushed forward and kissed him thoroughly.

Reid locked his knees as they went weak.

She withdrew and hurried down the steps muttering something about antiquated human biases. He watched as she pulled her vehicle out of the driveway and disappeared around the corner. He stepped back and closed the door. Reid leaned forward, placing his palms on the door.

Lowering his head, he glared at his erection. “You got me in trouble. Groping her on the first date was not cool. No wonder she turned us down. Control from now on, buddy.” Reid closed up the house and got ready for bed. He slid nude—his preferred sleeping attire—between the sheets. Lying on his side, Reid replayed the entire day in his mind. Thoughts of their kiss had his erection returning full force. He wouldn’t be able to get any sleep now. Reid turned onto his back, kicking off the covers.

He slid his hand over his stomach then gripped his shaft. Squeezing it tight, Reid hissed at how sensitized his flesh was. A vision of Ashia as she sat leaning against his chest filled his thoughts, followed by her laughter and smoky voice. Reid stroked his cock thinking of her. He gripped the head of his cock, rubbing his thumb over it firmly. The slick pre-cum coated his fingers. Moving his hand down then up his hardened member, he jerked off. He fondled his balls with while he moved along his cock using the pre-cum to help glide.

A tightness filled the base of his stomach, signalling he was almost ready to come. He increased his strokes along his shaft in a fast motion. His hips snapped up off the bed as he came in a gush.

“Ashia,” he moaned, shuddering as his semen spurted, wetting his hand and legs.

He inhaled harshly, trying to calm his breathing. He slid off the bed and made his way to the attached bathroom. Wiping off, whilst standing in front of the mirror, Reid glanced at his reflection.

“You have another chance. Don’t blow it by being ‘Mister grabby hands’. Kissing is acceptable, but no pushing her into bed.”


* * * *


Reid pulled up in front of Ashia’s house and stepped out of his jeep. He spotted her, a vision of loveliness, clad in a short peach-coloured dress with a knee-length swirling hem and bare feet, walking towards him over a rocky area. He hoped she didn’t hurt her feet even as he had to remind himself of his pep talk from last night. Reid averted his gaze before he grew any more erect. Suddenly loud barking made him look back at Ashia. Again his breath was caught by how she looked.

Ashia reached him. She pressed against his body and lifted her head back. Reid leant down and kissed her. He kept it light. But Ashia had other ideas. She cupped the back of his head and stroked her tongue into his mouth and duelled with his.

Be a gentleman,
Reid repeated to himself.

Ashia moved away, her lips curling into a grin.

“It’s so good of you to come, and on time too.”

The loud barking came again. Reid glanced down. He was surprised to see the puppies sitting on the ground in a semi-circle beside them. They were wagging their tails but not rushing them.

“Are they all yours?”

“Yes. This is Bamm-Bamm and Penny.” She gestured at the Irish setters. “Goliath and Katana,” she said, pointing to the golden retriever and another dog he didn’t know the breed off.

“They are beautiful and very well behaved. What breed is Katana?”

“Drentsche Patrijshond.”

“So you’re a fan of the Flintstones and the Gargoyles?” He returned his attention to Ashia.

“Yep.” She narrowed her eyes. “Please do not tell me you don’t like those shows.”

Reid chuckled at the way she had said it. He glanced back at the puppies then at her.

“I could tell you I like them. But then I’d be lying.”

Ashia stepped back then said, “Get him, guys.”

Reid stumbled back as he was overrun with puppies. They jumped on him, licking him as he fell back, then they crawled all over him. Reid laughed, rubbing the wiggling furry bodies.

He heard Ashia laughing, gently pushed the golden retriever off his face and glared at her. Ashia was doubled over. He reached up and snagged her wrist, toppling her over into his lap. Ashia slid her hands over his shoulders, smiling in his face.

“That’s what you get for not being a fan of the Flintstones and the Gargoyles.”

“I never said that.”

“You did. A few moments ago.”

“Ah-ahn. Never said I wasn’t a fan. You asked if I liked them. Since I love them that’s why I said no.” Reid squeezed her. “Now someone owes me an apology.”

Ashia shifted, straddling him. “Let me see what I can do about that.”

As she lowered her head Reid reminded himself that this was only their second date.
I will not push for sex. I will not push for sex.
He was going to wait until she told him she was ready.

God. I hope she lets me know she is ready soon.

Chapter Three




Reid stepped out of his jeep then Liv jumped out and stood beside him. He locked up and headed towards where the others were waiting. Immediately his gaze was drawn to Ashia and he gulped. She was wearing white today, as she had been the first day he had seen her a few months ago, before he had even known her name.
Please let me remain in control. Please let me remain in control
. While the mantra had changed, the gist was the same. During the weeks they had been dating it was a constant request. Six weeks with lots of kissing, which at the end of the night left him frustrated as he went home to bed—alone. Keeping his promise to himself to not push Ashia into bed was becoming harder and harder to keep.

Ashia had become very important to him, therefore he didn’t want to force her into something she wasn’t ready for yet. They had such fun together, hanging out often at her house watching TV and taking many outings all around Colorado. When he was with her they laughed and talked so easily he was always thinking of things he wanted to tell or discuss with her. Ashia had even convinced him to join her with her friends when they jogged, just as they were getting ready to do today. He’d found out the man he usually nodded at was Rhodes Liatos and the woman was Devi Petner. They were a couple as he had assumed after seeing them starting to run together. The group also included Allie and Parker who were also a couple.

Ashia spotted him, before separating from the group and coming towards him with the puppies. Reid braced himself for the visceral reaction to her kiss and the fleeting touches he knew would follow. He lowered his head, kissing her. Ashia moaned and kissed him with the possessiveness he wished she would act on.

“Stop sucking face and move it, Ashia,” Devi called.

Ashia pulled away and flipped Devi the bird while the group laughed. Ashia and Devi teased each other mercilessly and Reid could hear the fondness between the two women. Reid knelt to greet the puppies who sat in the usual semi-circle next to them. Glancing around, he saw Liv rolling on her back as Rhodes petted her. She’d taken to the man. Reid focused back on the puppies, he raised his hand and they rushed forward. He petted them then stood as Liv rejoined them. They all set off, Ashia jogging beside him for a while then she moved up to join Devi, and Rhodes took her place at his side.

Ashia’s lithe form moved before him as she chatted with Devi while holding the puppies’ leashes. Her white shorts showed off her full derriere that he had cupped a lot in the last few weeks. Those long legs moved effortlessly along the trail. He wanted them wrapped around him as he stroked in and out of her wetness.

“How much is a man expected to take?” Reid

“Take what?” Rhodes asked.

Reid flushed, now realising he had spoken aloud. “Nothing.”

Rhodes shrugged then asked him how work was. He filled him in on the latest programme he was working on. Rhodes, he had found, was surprisingly into computers. Unlike Ashia, whom he was trying to convince to let him upgrade her outdated computers she had in the clinic. He didn’t know who had sold her the shit she got but he was going to fix it. Maybe he’d even convince her to let him get rid of the dinosaur she had in her home office too. Reid stared at her, the sway of her ponytail making his hand ache as he imagined her hair wrapped around his fist as he drove them both to the heights of ecstasy.

Maybe today she will let me know she is ready.

Reid dearly hoped she would.


“How long am I supposed to wait for him to make a move? Tell me he is ready to burn up the sheets,” Ashia demanded.

She didn’t appreciate Devi’s laughter and she was tempted to zap her in the ass, however, barely resisted the urge. The more she thought about her predicament, she decided it was all Devi’s fault.

“It’s all your fault.”

“How is it my problem that you haven’t slept with Reid yet?” Devi’s amusement of the concept was plain in her tone.

“In all the things you showed me about living among humans you never filled me in on the antiquated dating ritual. I had to do my own research.”

Devi shrugged. “Dating is fun. And sex is even better.” She glanced back at Rhodes.

Ashia glanced at Reid who was running beside Rhodes. Reid was so sexy, looking all-sleek in his dark blue shirt and running shorts. She could just lick him from head to foot, not that she ever got the chance. They’d shared many kisses and groping but nothing else and it was frustrating as hell. Ashia returned her attention to the trail.

“I love the dating part. The sex I know nothing about,” She growled.

“Maybe Reid is slow to make a move. You should do it,” Devi suggested.

“Oh no, I can’t do that.”

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