Ashes of War (Sons of War) (8 page)

BOOK: Ashes of War (Sons of War)
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When the waitress stopped at their table, Ash held Ty’s gaze as she spoke to the woman. “Can you have my breakfast sent to my room?”

After a brief pause, the waitress answered. “Of course, miss.”

Once the server walked away, Ty stood, still holding onto Ash’s wrist. She jerked her arm from his grasp and left the restaurant to head to her room. To her surprise, Ty was quiet along the way. However, she could feel his gaze behind those shades boring into her back.

After entering her room, she turned to face him, arms crossed. Ty let the door slam behind him as he crossed the short distance between them. Holding out a hand, she stopped him at arm’s length. He leaned forward so her palm flattened to his chest. Heat seeped into her flesh and spread up her arm. “What is your problem?”

He growled and removed his shades. His left eye, the good one, shifted to match the right eye so the dragon looked out both of them. Ash raised her brows. Did he seriously think he could intimidate her?

After a brief moment, he said, “I looked for you and you weren’t there.”

“I needed my space. Besides, it’s not like you care anyway.”

He moved too fast for her to track, which was pretty damned fast. Within a breath of time, he had her back pressed to his front and one large arm locked around her chest. “I care too damn much. My dragon won’t allow anything less. I crave you every second of the day. When you weren’t in the mansion, I had no choice but to track you down.”

His admission cut through her, making her muscles tense up. The dragon might want her, but the man did not. Just like pouring alcohol into an open wound. Why was she so damn weak when it came to him? Pushing the feeling of rejection away, she twisted out of his hold and faced him. Surprise made his eyes grow round for a brief moment, then his lips curled into a sensual, hungry smile.

Her heartbeat increased and she stepped back as he stalked toward her. Desire, lust, and need reached out and swirled around her, amplifying her own sexual hunger. Still she continued to back away from him for the pure thrill of being chased and hunted by him.

The backs of her legs hit the mattress, throwing her off balance so she fell onto the bed. Ty followed, caging her with his arms. Gazes still locked, he claimed her mouth in a fiery need, igniting her from the inside out.

Unable to stand it anymore, she cupped the back of his head and kissed him. She thrust her tongue inside, meeting his. He moaned and wrapped an arm around her to lift her further up on the bed.

Her clothes vanished from her body as if he willed it to be. As one of Ares’s sons, Ty possessed the powers equal to the gods. His dragon half provided him, as well as his brothers, strength and primal instincts that amplified those powers.

Ty broke the kiss and trailed his lips down her throat to her collarbone and further until he took a nipple into his mouth. Tingles of electrical currents raced through her and straight to her core. Her flesh grew more and more sensitive with each brush of his tongue over her nipple.

When he abandoned her breast, she whimpered, then sucked in a hiss as his mouth covered her pussy. His tongue teased her clit, making her come instantly. Threading her fingers through his hair, she gripped the strands, rotated her hips and rode the wave of bliss.

He slid two fingers inside her and a rush of hot, bone-shattering sensation surged in her veins. An orgasm ripped through a moment later, making her scream out in pleasure.

When the last shudder rocked through her, Ty gave one last lap of his tongue and crawled up her body. She waited until he hovered above her, then in a swift jerk of her legs, she flipped them so she straddled his still clothed body. Leaning down, she bit his earlobe, drawing a growl from him. “You’re still dressed.”

“Then do something about it.”

With the same divine magic he’d used, she willed his clothes away, removing the cotton and denim barrier from between them. He didn’t take his gaze from hers as she gripped his cock in her hand and guided him inside her. She slowed to allow her body to adjust to his thick cock. After all, this was the second man she’d had sex with.

Ty tightened his grip on her hips and hissed as she rotated her hips against him. He followed suit, increasing the tempo and the pleasure racing through her. Her control slipped and her senses opened, allowing his dragon inside her mind. The walls she kept up to keep her empathy at bay crashed. His pleasure became hers and hers, his.

Suddenly, he rolled them over and studied her from above. “What happened?”

Fear she just broke the trust she’d worked so hard to gain filled her. “I lost control…I didn’t mean to.”

He drew his brows together, then kissed her with a passion she’d never felt from him before. “Don’t ever apologize to me for being who you are.”

“I promised you…”

He bit down on her bottom lip, cutting her off. “That was shared pleasure. And very hot.”

Another wave of intense pleasure washed over them as he thrust inside her. She fisted the sheets and just let go, loving the way she connected with both the man and the dragon’s spirit within him. Pleasure built higher with each thrust until they screamed in release.




Chapter Eleven



In his long life, he’d never been the kind of male to cuddle with anyone. Yet, with Ash he want to hold her, protect her, and give her what she desired. The realization slammed in him as he lied there in the hotel bed, her head on his chest and her red wavy hair draped over them.

Holding a one-inch wide curl between his fingers, he studied the different shades of red mingled among the strands and did something he swore he’d never do again. He lowered the walls around his heart. “I’m sure I’ll never be the male I once was. You know, before Elizabeth’s torture.”

Ash raised her head to gaze into his eyes, tugging the curl out of his grasp. With a finger, she traced the scars over his right brow. “I like you the way you are. Damaged and feral. Who else could handle me?”

His lips twitched. “Damaged and feral?”

She nibbled her bottom lip, making her look slightly vulnerable. Damn if he didn’t want to be the one biting that lip. “Yep.” Dipping her head, she caught his lower lip in her teeth, then said, “I like my men a little wild.”

Within quick efficiency, he flipped her to her back and pinned her to the mattress with his body. “I can’t get enough of you.”

Her emerald eyes darkened a few shades. “What are you saying?”

A growl escaped him before he could rein it in. “You know what I mean.”

“Say it, Ty. I want to hear it from you.”

He studied her for several moments before forcing the words out. “You’re my mate.”

Her reaction wasn’t what he expected. He’d guessed she already knew they were mates before he said it, but he didn’t expect her to appear relieved he admitted it.
Damn female.
Before he could roll off her and make his escape like a coward, she cupped his face between her hands and gave him a quick kiss.

“I will do everything I can to clear you name. Eros will not get away with executing you for something his daughter provoked.”

Searching her green gaze, he saw only truth. She believed what she said, that she could save his life. “What if I’m not worth saving? I’m not sure what the weaver will unlock.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You have to believe with me and trust in me. I can’t let you go.”

His heart ached. The undertone of her words cut deep and was a little too close to a commitment. Yet, for once he didn’t want to run. He wanted to believe. “That is a big request to make.”

“I know. I’ll wait as long as it takes.”

Mischief and stubbornness sparked in her gaze, so he decided to change the subject. They would deal with the mating thing later. Like after his life was spared. “Why are you here?”

All the humor faded from her face and she averted her gaze. She remained silent for several long moments. His patience grew thin. When he let a low growl rumble from his chest, she snapped her gaze back to his. Annoyance lit up her emerald eyes, but there was an undercurrent of sadness hidden in the depths.

The sadness made his dragon long to hold her, protect her. Gently, he caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Tell me, please.”

“I found my father.”

He jerked his head back, surprised. Parents weren’t the kind of thing Ty or his brothers thought about. Their existence just was. The only true parent they had—Ares’s son, Drakon Ismenios—died before they were created. All their lives, they’d called Ares father and never gave a thought otherwise. Times like this Ty had to remember that others had parents—a mother and father.

Of course Ash had a father.

“Why haven’t you mentioned him? Was he missing?”

She pressed her palms against his chest and shoved. Rolling to his side, he allowed her to sit up. All the while concern rippled through him, making him feel uneasy and unsure for the first time since Elizabeth.

Ash glanced at him from over her shoulder. “My mother always told me my father was mortal and he died. Even as a child, I knew the loss of him pained her, so I never brought it up.”

“But something changed?”

Nodding, she rose and walked bathroom where she slipped a black silk robe on. “When I was told to spy on the Sons of War, the oracle pointed me to a group of archives to aid in my research.” She paused and faced him, holding his gaze as she continued. “There was a ledger that didn’t belong. When I asked her about it, she just rambled on about everything is as it should be.”

Ty rolled to his back and placed his hands behind his head. “Oracles don’t make mistakes. Do you think she placed the ledger there for you to find?”

“Yes. The ledger was of a god named Evangelos, minor god of messengers.”

Turning his head, he met her gaze. “And?”

Leaning against the bathroom doorframe, Ash rolled the tie to the robe between her fingers. “He was cursed to live on earth as a mortal. There was a section missing from his journal, so I don’t know his crime.”

He studied her for a long moment, waiting for her to continue. When she remained silent, he asked, “What are you not saying?”

“Mother said he was dead. What bothers me about the whole thing is she believes it. She is deeply saddened by the mention of him, so I’ve never brought it up.”

“Do you think she’s being truthful about his death?”

Ash raised her gaze to his, the annoyed fire lighting up the green of her eyes. “She’s a goddess. If he meant nothing to her, she’d just tell me so. Ditto if he used or hurt her in any way. No, she believes he is dead. I’m sure of it.”

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up at the same time. “Get dressed.”

“What? Why?”

“We’re going to pay dear daddy a visit.”




Ash stared at Ty as he willed on only a pair of jeans. The dragon had serious control issues, barking out commands like she was supposed to jump to attention. “I can’t.”

He raised a brow. “Yes, you can.”

She pushed off the doorframe and strode toward him. “You’re a bossy ass.”

His sensual mouth lifted at the corners, but there was pure mischief in his gaze. When she walked by him instead of stopping in front him, he snaked one arm around her waist, jerking her back into his front. He pressed his lips to her neck, then growled, “Don’t push me, female.”

Hot shivers of desire skittered over her skin and rushed through her veins. She wanted to twist around and push him back on the bed, rip his jeans from him, and fuck him like he did her earlier. Memories of the pleasure he gave her multiple times made her moan.

He inhaled and tightened his hold. “On second thought, push. I’m going to enjoy bringing you to submission.”

A smile tugged at her lips. “Only in the bedroom,

Chuckling, he nipped at her earlobe. “Get dressed, goddess.”

He let her go abruptly and she had to reach out for the dresser to catch her balance. The desire and need he raised within her was dizzying.

Damned dragon.

Less than five minutes later, they materialized a few feet from the garage where Evangelos worked. Ash watched for movement inside the bays. “He goes by the name of Evan Martin.”

Ty grunted next to her, much too close for her heightened senses. “Common name. Almost perfect for hiding amongst humans.”

Yeah, she’d thought the same thing. But was it by her father’s choice or the god who cursed him? Taking a deep breath, she pushed forward. “Let’s get this over with.”

When they entered the first bay of the garage, she spied Evan with his head under the open hood of a car. As if sensing her, he jerked to a stand and glared at her.

“You.” He stalked toward her, anger in his green eyes.

She backed up, unsure what to expect. Then he suddenly grabbed her by the throat. Ty moved in behind him, but Ash shook her head hoping he would let her handle it. To her relief, Ty stopped, but fixed a narrowed eye on Evan as if not liking the other man’s hands on her. Well, she couldn’t blame him. She was a little annoyed with the situation too.

Focusing on Evan, she said softly, “You have me mixed up with some else.”

“I think not, goddess.”

She sighed. At times like these, she didn’t like looking like her mother. At least she knew he was her father. “Let me go so we can go inside and talk. We’ll draw a crowd out here.”

He narrowed his eyes, a mixture of pain and anger making them darken. “I’ll let you go and kick you out of my business. You’re not welcome here.”

Her heart ached as rejection started to settle in. Pushing it way, she dropped the news on him she’d hoped to break to him gently. “I’m not Artemis. I’m her daughter…and yours.”

He paused and searched her eyes. Of course he wouldn’t believe her. His gaze flicked to his right shoulder. “Who’s the dragon?”

“My mate.”

Releasing her, Evan stepped back from both of them. “I have no daughter. Tell the gods their tricks no longer work to taunt me. Leave now, before I call the police.”

BOOK: Ashes of War (Sons of War)
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