Asher: Heartless Devils MC (11 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Thomas

BOOK: Asher: Heartless Devils MC
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Jenny’s nails dug into his ass as she pulled him harder to her. It took a moment, but he began to thrust gently into her mouth, not hard enough to hurt her, not trying to force her to take more than she wanted, but enough to tell her she was cracking that reserved cool he always seemed to have… and it was making her wild. She wanted to drive him insane and to make him cry out in pleasure as he often did her.


She was like a wild woman, blowing him like few women before her, and he was losing his battle with his orgasm. “I’m going to come, baby. I can’t hold it and you’re going to make me come,” he growled, warning her off. But his words seemed to have the opposite effect and she tried to take him deeper yet, rising up higher on her knees as he struggled. Having her give herself to him so fully made his passion soar.


She had never allowed a man to come in her mouth before, but hearing Asher call out his impending orgasm made her want him to. She had broken him and she vowed to see it through.


“I can’t hold it, baby!” he gasped, shaking his head, water flying from his wet hair as he fought his body for control.


She scratched lightly along his balls, turning up the pressure on him. She backed off and closed her lips tightly around his shaft, bobbing her head. With a hard and deep grunt, he gushed into her mouth. She had steeled herself to accept his cum, but she was surprised at how little it felt like in her mouth, and the warm and slightly salty taste wasn’t as objectionable as she expected, but she wasn’t quite ready to swallow.


Asher stood still, the water pouring over him, as he came back to himself. He had come harder, but not often. As strength flowed back into him, he reached down and hauled Jenny to her feet as she spit his semen out between her lips in an impossibly sexy way. He took her lips, paying no attention to the remains in her mouth, and kissed her with everything he had. She had turned his crank, now he was going to turn hers.


She took his rod in hand and tried to steer it to where she desperately wanted it, but rather than accommodate her, he stepped around her and turned her so she was in his place. He pushed her backwards until the built-in bench hit her in the back of the legs causing her to sit down with a splash. Wasting no time, he went to his knees, scrunching up tight in the small confines of the shower as his lips and tongue began to probe and stroke her pussy. With a groan she rocked her hips back and opened herself to the pleasure.


He went in hard and fast. She had taken the edge off, but he was still hard as steel with blood pounding in his veins. He was going to work her over but good with his mouth, then he was going to fuck her like she had never been fucked before. He felt flush and out of control, something he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Jenny tipped her hips back, her legs going over his shoulders as his tongue darted into her, his lips nipping and pulling gently. She wrapped her hands in his hair and pulled him into her, encouraging him to give her more. She began to keen softly, pushing at him with her legs, trying to straighten from her curled position. He felt his knees slips slightly on the bottom of the shower as he fought against her push by leaning into her and bracing with a foot against the shower wall.


The wail started deep within her. She fought to hold in her cry of pleasure, but she was overwhelmed and began to slap at the tiled wall and glass as she keened. She was desperate for him to stop and, yet, wanted him to continue, her orgasm burning through her like a wildfire. Asher was destroying her with his tongue, pushing her tight against the back of the shower even as his arms wrapped around her legs pulled her into his face, holding her fast as he shredded her with pleasure. She began to buck and writhe until, with a long drawn out cry, she surged into him. She pressed her back into the wall, using her legs against Asher’s shoulders as leverage, while pressing with all her might against the two walls beside her, holding to anything solid to prevent her from flying away.


With an explosive gasp, Jenny relaxed. “Stop! Stop! Stop!” she begged slapping at his head and pushing away before she twisted her hips in a desperate attempt to escape his mouth. He continued to bore in, delighting in the pleasure he was giving her. “Asher, stop! I can’t take it! Stop, stop, please stop!” she begged as she continued to struggle, trying to make him stop before her heart exploded. Finally the maddening torture of his lips was gone and she relaxed. She exhaled heavily, certain that if she didn’t have bones she would sag into a puddle and pour down the drain.


He decided she had enough of such strong stimulation, but he wasn’t done. Rising to his feet he pulled the wobbly Jenny to her own feet before turning and pushing her firmly into the shower wall. Crouching slightly, Asher pressed the head of his cock into her wetness, taking it slow, until he was all in. She was still so incredibly tight that he gave her a moment to adjust to his size, holding on to his raging passion, before pulling back and pushing in again.


Jenny gasped into the cool tile wall as Asher began to drive into her. He was so big
that she, again, felt like he was stretching her beyond her limits, but as she relaxed, he filled her with pleasure like no man before him.


“You fuck me hard. Shove that big hard cock into me,” she snarled softly, pushing back into him, trying to take him deeper still. She was shocked and thrilled by what she had just said. She had been taught that ladies don’t talk like that, but, right now, she didn’t want to feel like a lady. She wanted to
long and hard. She wanted Asher to make her scream in pleasure, and then she wanted to do the same to him. She would be a lady tomorrow, but now, in this shower, she wanted to be something baser and live in the moment.


Asher flashed hot at Jenny’s words. He has had his share of woman speak to him like that, and he had done the same, but to hear
sneer those words cut him straight to his cock. He was going to come again, and soon… but he was going to fuck her good first.


Jenny grunted as he adjusted his footing then drove her flat into the wall, pinning her there with his weight before grabbing her hands and pinning them to the wall high over her head.


“You want to get fucked?” he whispered in her ear, pinning her to the wall like a butterfly.


“Yes,” she gasped. “Fuck me.”


He had to struggle to hold the groan that tried to escape him as his hips began to move. He could feel her clamp down on his dick as he began to thrust harder and faster. “Fuck,” he grunted, burying his face into her shoulder as his orgasm started rising in him faster than he could control.


She wanted to move, needed to move, but his weight held her fast to the wall as he jackhammered into her… and, yet, there was something incredibly erotic about being so completely immobilized. “Oh god… harder,” she moaned as her legs began to weaken.


“Come on!” he growled. He was holding against his orgasm but his control was slipping rapidly.


Suddenly Jenny sagged with a long moan as she was overcome with her orgasm, her legs shaking as she sagged. Knowing she was coming so hard she couldn’t even stand pushed him over the edge. With a hard groan of completion and a final powerful lunge, he drove as deep into her as he could, holding her up with his own hips as he impaled her with his cock.


“Shit… fuck… shit,” she gasped as she struggled to get her feet under her again. She had come so hard she felt light-headed and weak. As he backed away, his pulling out sent another shiver of pleasure rocketing through her and he held her tight to him until she finally felt strong enough to stand.


“You okay?” he whispered into her ear as he held her, his lips busy caressing her neck and shoulder.


She pulled gently away from his embrace and tipped forward, placing her hands on the wall as the shower poured over her head. “Yeah…I’m just strung out,” she murmured as the water continued to cascade over her. “Jesus…I don’t know if I have ever come that hard before. What are you trying to do, kill me?”


He grinned and he could feel his deflating cock start to firm up again, but only for a moment. There was
sexier than a well-satisfied woman. When she let out another long breath, he pulled her gently from the wall and turned her slowly before bringing her into a warm kiss.


They stood there in each other’s arms until the water began to run cool. With ever increasing amounts of hot water, they managed to hurry through the rest of their shower before the water became too cold to endure, laughing and giggling as they shivered.


After the shower they snuggled on the couch, enjoying the afterglow. Jenny was so relaxed and warm in her pajamas that she didn’t even want to eat, preferring to snuggle in Asher’s embrace as she smiled dreamily, but Asher insisted he was starving, and after extracting himself from her, began to prepare a quick meal. He was just getting started when Jenny joined him in the small kitchen to help him throw together a quick dinner of seared chicken with a green salad.


After dinner they settled on the couch so she could read her textbook, highlighting the important bits, while Asher watched a show about motorcycles with the sound off. The muffled thump of her book falling closed just before nine as she fell asleep made him look at her and smile. He carefully set the book aside and wormed out from under her before picking her up and carrying her to their room where he laid her softly in the center of the bed. She awoke briefly as he moved her, looking at him with heavily-lidded eyes, before rolling over to kissing him tenderly on the lips as he snuggled in close. She became still and it was only moments before she slid back into sleep with a deep and contented sigh.



Chapter 10


Jenny bounded out of the lecture hall and into Asher’s arms for a quick kiss. “I have an idea!”


“An idea about what?” he asked warily.


“How to get a lead on the Hamasakis. Neither you nor any member of the club can approach within five hundred feet. But I can.”




“What do you mean, ‘no’? There is nothing illegal about it.”


“I don’t care about the legality of it. I care about you hanging your ass out like that. Haven’t you learned yet? If Hamasaki is our guy, he is not someone to be trifled with.”


“I’m not going to
anything. I’m just going to sit in my car and watch the house. If the other guy shows up, we will know there is a connection. What’s he going to do? I’ll be sitting in plain sight on the street in a locked car. If I have to, I can hotfoot it out of there. If it gets really ugly, I’ll run his ass down doing it. Come on! You know it’ll work! We need a break or we’re stuck, and you know it.”


Asher scratched at his chin. It was true they were stuck for a lead. But he still didn’t like the idea of Jenny staking out the Hamasaki house. “I’m going to be there. Somewhere close, just in case.”


“I knew you would say that. I Googled the area. There are plenty of restaurants far enough away so you won’t be breaking the restraining order, but close enough that you can be my knight in shining armor in minutes – not that I will need it of course.”


“Why is it I think this won’t be as easy as you make it out to be?”


“Ye of little faith,” she said as she turned toward the exit. “Come on. We have to go get your bike.”


Jenny yawned hugely and blinked rapidly. Her car was warm from sitting in the Florida sun, the seat was comfortable, and the tunes playing through the stereo were good, but she was bored out of her mind… and she had to pee.
This had seemed like such a good idea, too.
She had been sitting three houses down and across the street from the Hamasaki house for a little over two hours. Two hours spent curled up with a good book, or watching a movie, or riding Asher, didn’t seem like very long. But sitting in her car with no one to talk to? She was pretty sure she had discovered some kind of time warp because the minutes were ticking by with glacial slowness. Even her smartphone was nearly dead from her surfing the net and she had to stop using it in case she needed to contact Asher. How in the hell did he stand waiting around for her class to finish and not seem bothered by it?


She was debating on giving it another thirty minutes or giving up now when a big silver Mercedes turned the corner. She leaned over in her seat to hide her presence, as she did for every car she saw, but raised up enough to peek over the dash after the car passed.


When the car turned into the driveway of the house she was watching, she grew hot with excitement. She could see there were two people in the car, but she couldn’t tell if one of them was the man she had seen in the house. She slumped low in the seat and continued to watch, hoping the two people would step out for the mail or something. But no such luck and she watched with disappointment as the garage door slowly closed.


She continued to watch for a few minutes more, but couldn’t stand not knowing. Snatching her phone from the passenger seat, she dialed Asher.


“Two people just drove up,” she said by way of hello.


“Was one of them the guy?”


“I couldn’t tell.”


Asher was quiet a moment. “Okay, nothing for it now. Do you want to keep watching or give it up for the day? It’s almost six, and they may not come out again until in the morning.”


She popped open the door on her car. “I’m going to go take a peek.”


“Jenny! No!”


“I’m just going to take a look in the big windows on the back of the house. If I don’t see anything, I will come back.” She killed the call, slipped the phone into her pocket, and started walking down the street as if she had lived in the area for years.


When she reached the Hamasaki house, she took a furtive look around then walked boldly between two houses.
When in doubt, act like you belong.
As she approached the corner of the house she could hear two men talking in a language she couldn’t understand.
Japanese? Chinese?
She didn’t know. As she listened she would catch an occasional word in English.
Buccaneers. Trifecta.
or sometimes
Heartless Devils
. Were they all club names? Trifecta and Heartless Devils certainly were, but what about Buccaneers? That was the name of the professional football team up in Tampa Bay, but was it also the name of a club?
Being so close and not being able to understand what they were talking about was maddening.


She felt pretty confident she could take a quick look in a window and not get caught, but with them sitting on the patio the risk of being seen went up substantially. She crowded into the hedges as much as she could, then breathing deep to gather her courage, she took a quick look around the corner of the house.


She grimaced in frustration as she pulled back. They were right there, but she hadn’t seen either one of them. She was going to have to look farther around the corner and closer to the back of the house. Closing her eyes and praying they wouldn’t see her, she stuck her head farther around the corner.


The man introduced to her as the owner of the house had his back to her, but the man sitting across the table from him was the same man who had ordered her killed. She jerked her head back as quickly as she could, but not before she saw his eyes widen in surprise.


She bolted for the street as she heard a shout and the crashing bang of a chair turning over. “Hey!” a voice roared from behind her, but she didn’t slow. She burst out from between the two houses and risked a quick look over her shoulder. The younger of the two men was giving chase but she had a substantial lead and was slowly pulling away.


“Stop! Wait a minute!” the man shouted again, as she turned into the street and leaned into her run, trying to make it to her car before the man chasing her could catch up. She could hear the roar of an approaching Harley, but she didn’t slow. It was going to take her a moment to unlock her car and get the door open. It was going to be close race to get safely into her car before the man chasing her caught up.


Asher burst around the corner and whacked open the throttle on the Harley, the big bike surging down the residential street before he braked to a skidding stop as he passed the hard running Jenny.


“Get on!” The moment he felt the bike settle with her weight, he twisted the throttle hard as he popped the clutch and the bike sprinted away. He watched in the mirror as the running man coasted to a stop and bent over, panting.


“Goddamnit! What were you thinking!” he roared over the bellow of the bike before slowing to a more sedate pace.


“Thinking I got us our break!” she panted, still trying to catch her breath.


“So the guy chasing you was the same guy you saw in the house?” Asher asked a bit later as they sat at a small table in one of the nearby restaurants. They were waiting for the heat to cool so they could return and pick up Jenny’s car.


“That was him.”


“You know what you did was stupid, right?”  


“Nothing happened!”


“Only because you can run like an antelope!”


“You’re just jealous because I made the connection and you didn’t,” said with a grin. She was all swagger and bravado now, but the reason she was able to run so fast was she was frightened out of her mind and her flight instinct was running on overdrive.


Asher grunted. He still didn’t like what she had done, but he had to admit that, without her, he would have been completely stonewalled. “You may not be so lucky the next time.”


“You worry too much. They were speaking in some language I couldn’t understand, but I heard a few words I could make out. I heard ‘Trifecta,’ ‘Heartless Devils’ and ‘Devils,’ which I know are club names. But I also heard ‘Buccaneers’ and ‘Demons with Sangria’ or something like that.”


Demonios de Sangre?”


“It could have been that, yeah.”


“Those are also local clubs. Drug dealers.”


“What do you suppose they are up to?”


“I don’t know,” Asher said slowly. “I wonder if they are trying to consolidate all the clubs.”


“Why would they do that?”


“Well, think about it. We have the skin trade with our strip clubs and the escort service. The Trifecta has the guns, and the Buccaneers and Demonios have the drugs. Pretty much all the vices under one roof if someone could pull all that together.” 


Jenny nodded slowly. “I guess that makes sense. But would the HDs ever join up like that?”


Asher snorted. “No. I doubt the other clubs would either, but what if this Hamasaki asshole were to play all of us against each other? We would tear each other apart and be easy pickings.” Before she could answer, Asher’s phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket. “Your dad,” he said after glancing at the screen.


Jenny listened to Asher’s side of the conversation. She couldn’t tell what they were talking about, but she could tell Asher was getting an earful.


“We’ll be right there,” he said, ending the call and standing up. “We have to go. Now.”


“He’s in his office,” Marbles offered as Jenny and Asher came through the door. They had come to the clubhouse straight from the restaurant, not even bothering to get her car first.


“Shit…” Asher hissed. When someone was waiting at the door to direct traffic, that’s a sure sign the shit was hitting the fan.


When they arrived at the office, John was sitting there with Kenny Slovoski, the Vice President, and a shot glass containing an amber colored liquid and a single ice cube.


“Close the door,” John said as they stepped in. “I was just paid a visit by Dick Upton.”


Asher felt himself go cold inside. Dick Upton was a Lieutenant on the Miami Police Department who was… friendly… to their club. “What did he want?”


“He wanted to know if I had sent a member of the club to pay a visit to that Hamasaki fuck. I told him I hadn’t. After all, there’s a restraining order out against the club having any contact with him, and we’re all fine, upstanding, citizens.” John paused as he spun the glass on his blotter. “But it seems that someone was snooping around Hamasaki’s house today. A woman. And some guy on bike picked her up. A Harley. And there is a red Porsche Cayman parked a few houses down he hadn’t seen around before. Any of this sound familiar?”


“Yeah,” Asher sighed.


“What the
were you thinking, Asher? Dragging my daughter into this?”


“Dad, wait a minute,” Jenny interrupted. “It was—”


keep your mouth shut,” her father snapped. “I will deal with you later.”


“I was at a dead end,” Asher explained. “I didn’t know if this Hamasaki dude was important or not.”


“So you decided to drag Jenny into it, is that it?” John sneered. “Asher, you said you could handle the investigation
protect her. You must have a completely different idea of what protection looks like than I do. Trespassing? Running from someone who may have tried to kill her once already? The same someone who may have killed Melissa?” John took a sip of his liquid, snarling at the burn.


“I’m sorry, John. I fucked up.”


“Yes you did. Jenny is to have no involvement in club activities. Do I make myself clear? Hamasaki has friends and he can make a lot of trouble for us and for Jenny, too. I want Jenny kept clear of that, understand?”


“I understand,” Asher said. He should have known better, but he had let his feeling for Jenny cloud his judgment.     

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