As the World Churns

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Authors: Tamar Myers

Tags: #Mystery

BOOK: As the World Churns
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    Copyright © T mar Myers, 2008 All rights reserved a

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Myers, Tamar. As the world
churns :
a Pennsylvania Dutch mystery with recipes / Tamar Myers.
p. cm. 1.
(Fictitious character)-Fiction. 2. Women detectives-

3. Cookery-Pennsylvania. 4. Pennsylvania Dutch Country (
Fiction. I. Title. PS3563.Y475A9 2008

813'.54-dc22 2007029577

Set in Palatino •

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For Anne Bohner




    I would like to thank Shelagh Caudle, editor at, for permission to use the scrumptious ice cream recipes. I would also like to thank my husband, Jeffrey, for all his encouragement and support; my dear friend Gwen Hunter for her friendship and inspiration; and, of course, my four-legged staff of three.





    Not all men are created equal. I learned this fact while honeymooning with my second husband, the Babester, but I will leave the particulars to your imagination. Suffice it to say, whilst showering that evening, I threw back my head and burst into joyous song. Of course, I took care not to swallow too much water and drown like a turkey in a rainstorm.

Oh, sweet mystery of life
,” I trilled, “
at last I’ve found you!

    “Hon, are you all right?”

“Right as rain!
Never been better.
Tut-tut, cheerio, and all that sort of rot.”

    Gabe stuck his head into the tiny bathroom. Fortunately, the shower curtain was opaque.

    “I thought maybe you’d hurt yourself.”

    “No sirree, Bob. I am as fine as frog’s hair.”

    “Boy, you sound happy.”

“Never happier.
In fact, I was just thinking-”

    “Just a second, hon, the phone’s ringing.”

    “Let it ring.

    “But it might be Ma.”

As my sweet baboo ran off to answer that stupid machine, my rare good mood dissipated like steam from a mirror.
We’d been married for less than six hours and this was the second time my mother-in-law had called. Our wedding was supposed to have cut the apron strings that tied son to mother, but what good did that do when the two of them were joined at the hip? It was going to take a team of orthopedic surgeons to separate this pair.

    “Tell your mother to take a long walk off a short pier, dear.” It’s all in the delivery, you see? Had my tone been any lighter, I might well have bumped my head on the ceiling, thereby adding to the dent that was already there. On the ceiling that is, not my head.

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