Artful Attractions (14 page)

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Authors: S.K. Logsdon

BOOK: Artful Attractions
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We stop outside of Brad’s high rise building. It’s huge and in the expensive part of the city. I go inside like I did with John’s except my driver helps me because I’m now carrying my purse as I wear red heels, jeans and a red t-shirt and my black jacket. And I have two canvases and the other gifts. We stop at the security desk with the guard.

“I’m here to see Brad Saunders.”

The guard peers at the guest list. “I’m sorry but you’re not on the approved list,” he observes with a straight face.

“I have art for him.” I point to the canvases my driver is holding for me. Next to the elevator bays. There’s four in this building.

“Doesn’t matter ma’am if you’re not on the list you’re not allowed up.”

Shit! I pull my phone out of my purse and call Brad.

“Hey Alexis. You’re not backing out are you?” He sounds worried.

“No, I’m downstairs they won’t let me through. I’m not on the approved visitors list.”

“Yes, you are. I told Raul this morning.” He’s angry.

He hangs up without a goodbye and the guard’s phone immediately rings.

He peers down and back up to me and waves me ahead, profusely apologizing to Brad as I enter the elevator with the driver.

“He’s on sixteen,” he states and I press the number.

“Thanks and thanks for helping bring these in.” I nod to my artwork. “They are a bit of a pain.”

He smiles. “That is no problem, madam.”

We arrive at the floor and thank the lord Brad’s standing the hall right outside the elevators. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine. Can you help carry these in please?” I hand one of the canvases over to him and I take the other and dismiss the driver to leave. He smiles and takes the elevator back down. We get into his apartment and I tilt mine against the wall and he follows suit, placing the second canvas beside mine.

He steps back from them for observation.

“Those are amazing Alexis. Wow. I thought the ones at the B&B were great. These are even more beautiful.” He takes a step closer to examine the details. In most of my art you can capture tons of details if you look close enough and the bigger the canvas the more details I am able to encompass.

He pulls a blank check out of his pocket and hands it to me.

“Fill this in with as much money as you want for these. A million or two hundred thousand I don’t care,” he orders, still staring at the art. 

I take the check and rip it apart and hand it back to him.

“I don’t want any of your money, Brad. I told you, this was a gift. I already told Amy it was a gift and she’d kill us both if you paid for them,” I say to add a level of guilt if he does press hard to pay for them. I know he loves his sister and I know Amy well enough that she doesn’t take shit from anyone.

“At least let me pay for the canvases,” he interjects.

I shake my head. “Nope, not even those and here.” I hand him a bag of goodies. “Consider all this a welcome to New York or house warming present. Or something,” I smile warmly.

He pulls out the gifts. “You have really good taste. This truffle oil is amazing, chocolate covered pretzels are one of my favorites and Ice wine. Thank the heavens, I hate regular wine. Finally someone with real taste,” he chuckles and heads into the living room. I gaze around and the place is nearly bare. When he said he just moved in, he wasn’t kidding.

He notices me checking out the space. It’s huge and beautiful but a blank canvas with only a single frat boy beanbag chair on the floor next to a laptop and a small plant stand he’s using as an end table. “I haven’t had time to get any furniture yet.”

“I see that,” I giggle and admire the view. It’s another spectacular one, even better than John’s. “So what do you sleep on if this is all you have as a living room?” I point my gaze at the beanbag chair and bite my bottom lip.

His nose crinkles and he looks almost pained. “An air mattress in the master bedroom.”

I shake my head, stupefied. “How long have you been here?”

“Three weeks. Almost four. I’ve been dealing a lot with Andrew and going out all the time. He likes his nights out and he really enjoys Anne. So that takes up a bunch of his time too. So between working on the new business, keeping track of my others and being entertained by Andrew, I’ve let the important stuff falter.” He shrugs. “I know I shouldn’t have asked you over but I needed to get the pictures here.” A shy smile erupts for the corner of his mouth. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t fancy or anything special.” He jams his hands into his jean pockets and rocks back on his heels.

“Brad, this is still a beautiful place. I can help get you some furniture. If you don’t have time I can collect some catalogs from places I know. If you want this place to be homey, or an artsy retreat or an entertainment space, I can help with it all. I’ve got some free time during the day.”

He frowns. “Why are you so nice?”

Okay, frowning and asking why someone is so nice isn’t a very good way to put two and two together.

“I just am. Your sister is one of my closest friends and I like your mom better than my own. So let’s just say I’m your sister’s friend who wants to be nice to her kid brother,” I tease, offing him a friendly smile. He’s not buying it. His face is still drooping. He’s obviously not a very trusting person.

“I don’t like that answer. But okay. I do need the help. You can decorate it however you want, I don’t care. I’ll give you a budget and you stick to it and it’ll all be fine with me.”

I shake my head. “No way can I decorate a space that’s not mine. This is yours. I need some input,” I scold, pulling my freshly done hair out of my face. It’s a little fuller than usual and it’s loosely curled.

“Fine, I want it homey and a place to entertain. I like blues and creams. I hate overly bright colors and designer shit doesn’t matter to me. I like darker woods, not light ones and I need a TV in the living room and not in the bedroom. I need everything down to the kitchen utensils and colanders. I do cook a lot and I’m a very good cook. Most of the menus on all of my restaurants I’ve created. So if you decide to buy me Walmart pans I won’t be happy. That’s the only name brand stuff I require. Plus, I need a bed that’s medium in firmness and I hate memory foam pillows,” he rattles off. I can’t believe I agreed to help and now I am the one doing it all. This is strange. I am going to bring stuff with me to Amy’s this weekend and make her help choose. That only seems fair.

I swallow hard. “Ok, I feel like I needed to get that recorded.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not hard to please. If you don’t want to do it, I’m fine. But you said you wanted to help. So I say have at it. I should be able to swing about fifty thousand maybe a bit more for furnishings. All the appliances are already here. Come take a look.” He waves for me to follow.

In tow we go from the large open living room that’s right off the open kitchen, which has a huge island and dark walnut cupboards. It has a double wall oven and a four burner gas range with a built in grill and giant stainless hood. The counter tops are a tan and white granite. There’s a huge industrial sized modern stainless steel fridge. His island can sit about six but has no stools. That’s one thing I have to add to my list. I pull out my phone and open up my grocery list app and type it inside there. His dining room is nice sized. Down the hall is three bedrooms all with attached baths and there’s a small half bath that’s close to the living room off of the dining room. The master has two walk-in closets and the en suite has a spacious two person whirlpool tub and standup glass walled extra-large steam shower. There’s a dark walnut double vanity with tan marble top. The floors are a brown and cream travertine. The other two bedrooms have standard closets, each bath has a shower tub combo and a single sink. The whole place is extremely spacious. I’d guess close to two thousand square feet, maybe a bit more.

“Can I paint the walls?” I ask once we come back out into the living room after I got to check out the place.

“If you want to yes, I own this place free and clear. So whatever you want is fine. But make sure it’s low fume paint; I don’t want to have to wait forever to be able to set foot in here.”

I nod understanding and am still in a little bit of shock. I went from agreeing to make him art and dropping it off, to decorating an apartment to my specifications. I’m going to make this place the nicest he’s ever dreamed of possible.

“I’d like the art you’ve made to be showcased in the living room. If you eventually decide you want to actually be paid for more art I’ll pay you to do a romance piece for my master but I don’t want one unless you’ll accept payment.”

“What kind of piece?”

“I want a large one of a man and woman loving on one another. No sex. Just holding nude. Make it special and beautiful,” he remarks.

I think he might be a closet romantic. Not sure, but possibly.  Now that would make him more perfect than he already is.

“If you have a photo of one specific scene you like I could play off that. Or if you want to pose or give me a photo of yourself I can draw you into the canvas.” I offer.

He laughs sarcastically. “Not me.” He shakes his head, disgusted. “All of this—” he motions to his thick body. “—Looks terrible without clothes on.”

I shake my head, blatantly rolling my eyes. “There is no way,” I gesture up and down with my hand towards his body, “That all of that is unattractive under your shirt. I see enough of it with a shirt on and I can tell it’s got the perfect amount of definition to portray in my art.” I smile at him to help boost his confidence. It’s lacking big time.

He blushes. “You seriously are way too nice. You have to stop.”

“No, I’m not, I’m honest. And the truth is, Brad, you’re an attractive man. Sure you’re not stick skinny. But honestly the beefiness is in and it’s hot. Plus it suits you. The tats on your arms and the faux hawk, the facial hair and all that it works in your favor. A thirty-six or thirty-eight inch waist and a 2XL shirt with bulky muscles isn’t gross—it’s quite the opposite,” I state evenly, drinking in his sexiness. It gives me a reason to finally be able to stare at him and gawk openly. He’s gorgeous. Sure when I’m around him I feel like a mouse next to a giant gorilla but he’s a sexy gorilla and I like the feeling of a man encompassing me. I’ve never had that before. I’ve been with heavy men. But there’s a difference between thick with muscles and some fat and just a fat guy. Brad’s stomach is flat for the most part, his chest is thick but not with man boobs he has pecks. He doesn’t have love handles or anything else that I can see. He’s smoking hot.

He walks quickly across the distance between us and he grabs both of my arms and shakes me a little. “What?” I giggle. The butterflies tickling my insides.

“I was just making sure you’re not a figment of my imagination that I made up.”

I step on his foot with shoes on. “Nope all real. But I think I better get going. I hope you enjoy the snacks and the wine. Although I’m sure you’ll be stuck sucking it out of bottle. Let me know when you want to start the purchases and I’ll get right on it.”  I head towards the door.

He follows me and pulls a credit card from his wallet. “Use this to buy whatever. If you buy any purchase at one store over twenty thousand call me and I’ll call the company to let them know it was authorized. Other than that just use this, it’s signed so they should accept it. If not they can call me.” He opens the door for me.

“Thanks Brad.” I step out and he escorts me to the elevators and pushes the button down for me. I get on and he waves to me when I leave. The visit was about an hour. I wish it was longer and now I’m starving. I didn’t eat a thing yet because I thought I might have dinner with Brad. I guess that was false hope. And just as I thought I was going to stop seeing him I do the stupid nice thing without thinking and offer my services to decorate his apartment. I’m an idiot.

My phone beeps once and I’m in the back of the limo. Heading home.

Brad- Sorry, I was going to ask you to dinner tonight. Kind of skipped my mind after the apartment stuff. Thanks again for offering to help. You’re too nice of a person.

Me- You’re welcome and that’s okay I’m going to grab something to eat on the way home. Probably some egg rolls and maybe some lo mein.

Brad- I was thinking Chinese too. Great minds think alike.

I don’t text back. I don’t need to get closer to this man. I already did the unthinkable. I would never offer to help with anyone else’s apartment. It’s because my body and brain like him way too much and he’s Amy’s brother. A double whammy.

I pick up Chinese, go home and eat in my bed. In nothing but my bra and panties, cuddled up in my comforter, watching crap TV. Not able to take my mind off of sexy Brad. The man in my foresight flashing bright red, signaling impending doom. I really shouldn’t have been so nice and offered to help. Stupid me.

Chapter Fifteen


“Get up,” Becka pushes me. “Get up lazy ass, hooker.”

“What do you want?” I whine sitting up in bed naked. Throwing off the covers. I’m sweating like crazy. Stupid hot flashes.

“I have a meeting tonight to attend with Brad and Andrew and you have that event with Joseph. I booked us at the beauticians on Astoria to do our hair and makeup. We have to be down there in an hour.”

She pushes me again. “Make sure you don’t fall back to sleep. It’s two in the afternoon woman. You slept all damn day.”

I roll my eyes and push her naked body back. “Takes one to know one, hooker,” I tease, sticking out my tongue.

“If you keep this playfulness up you’re going to awaken my pussy beast and you’re the only person in the apartment so I’ll be knocking on your door again to touch you. So stop.” She’s serious.

I push her again. “So what? You have more control than that.”

She pushes back and tackles me to the bed sitting on top of me, her wet pussy on my stomach. She grinds it down onto me. “No I don’t… feel that.”

“Maybe you should talk to the doctor about your horniness,” I smile and push her chest playfully.

“Or maybe my roommate who I’ve been trying to sleep with the past four years finally gives in and takes care of this deep seeded horniness,” she sasses and rubs more juices on my stomach. “Oh yeah,” she moans, egging me on and reaches behind her and cups my pussy with her hand.

“Stop!” I scream and buck my hips so she’ll get off but she just laughs and holds her hand to my mound with a sly smile. I glare at her.

“I could so slip into you right now and you’d have to work a little harder to push me off. I could probably.” She scoots forward so her pussy is on top of my breasts. “See, my pussy is so close to your mouth. All you’d have to do is tilt your head down and lick me.” She wiggles.

“Get off! This isn’t funny, Becka. Raping your roommate, I believe, is against the law,” I hiss.

She slides off of me, leaving a trail of her juices on my body.

“Yes, but it’s not rape once your roommate realizes she likes it too and begs to be taken.” She smiles and leaves the room, shaking her ass in triumph at me. I want to smack her so badly. But I’m sure she’d love it.


We go to the hair appointment. I get a fancy up do and so does bisexual Barbie. I’m still mad at her. I haven’t spoken a word since the bedroom encounter. She’s getting pushier about all this lesbian shit. I don’t want to try it. Plain and simple.

I put on my overly expensive black gown and heels, and everything else to go with my outfit. I throw on a black shawl and head to down Astoria like Joseph asked. Becka left a half an hour before me. Thank the heavens.

A limo pulls up and my sexy date exits so I can slide in. Inside the limo is filled with red roses and petals are scattered all over the floor. Champagne is chilling on ice and Enya is crooning over the speakers. How romantic. I can’t stop smiling.

“Hello my beautiful date,” Joseph smiles and kisses my cheek.

“Well hello to you too, handsome tux man.” I flick his bow tie. He’s adorable.

“So what’s this event?”

“It’s a fundraiser to raise money for inner city children’s shelters and their families who can’t afford homes. There are silent auctions with items or services that are donated. Its two hundred dollars a head just to eat at this event and they take donations and it’s a great way to help the community and socialize with all the big wigs in the city,” he explains as he places his hand on my thigh. “But I’m going because I want to take my woman with me and show her off to a bunch of powerful men with ugly girlfriends and wives. Displaying to them how hot my lady is.”

I blush. “I’m the mistress, they’ll know.”

“So what. I’m sure most of them have mistresses too and they just don’t care for theirs like I do for mine. So sue me; I like my woman.” He smiles and turns my face with his fingers and places a sweet kiss upon my lips.

Releasing my face, I pick up a few loose petals from the floor. “Somebody is making up for forgetting about my flowers.” I let them fall from my fingertips.

“Yes and the hotel room is littered with them too. I make up for my mishaps. As well as this.” He pulls a long rectangular velvet box from inside his tux jacket and snaps open the lid. A shimmering diamond tennis bracelet is sparkling back at me. I run my fingers over it.

“I can’t….”

He cuts me off. “You will take it, Ty. This another gift. You will accept it,” he demands lovingly and removes it from the box, latching it around my wrist. It fits perfectly and it’s astoundingly beautiful. I’m sure cost a fortune.

The limo pulls up outside the venue and like most big events there are cameras and tons of guests making their way inside. The driver opens our door and Joseph exits and then offers his hand and helps guide me from the limo. I tuck my arm into his black tux covered elbow and follow him into the big event room that is all rich reds and golds. It’s fabulous and screams luxury.

We find our names on the place cards and take them to our table to sit. The room is covered in hundreds of round tables with cream table linens, golden napkins and a giant gold urns filled with red roses in the center. The menus are red cardstock with velum overlay and ivory bows. No detail left unattended to.

“Let’s see what we shall bid on,” Joseph says and pulls me from the seat and proudly escorts me to the silent auction tables on the opposite side of the ballroom. The floor is a red patterned carpet with golden accents. It’s lovely and cushions the blow of my new shoes not so comfortably cradling my feet.

The auction tables are bursting with items. Gift baskets to weekend getaways, to cars and as little as a one hour massage session. It’s for every size of pocketbook. I glance over and shit! Becka is standing with Andrew and they are placing a slip of white paper into a box to bid for something two rows over from us.

“Joseph, my roommate is here,” I whisper in his ear.

“Where?” He turns around and I gesture my hand in their direction and tell him the color of her dress. “She’s with Andrew Blue?”

I nod. “Yes, he’s her regular.”

We turn around and focus on the tables trying to blend in. I’ve got the cash to bid on most of these items but this isn’t my event. I’ll leave it up to the billionaire to bid on something.

“Would you like a car?” He points to the BMW up for auction.

“Not really and I’d never let you buy me a car.” I push his arm playfully.

He kisses my cheek. “I’m so glad you came with me, beautiful.”

I smile at him warmly and tug him in closer. “Me too, sweetie.”

We pass a few more and after he offers to buy me a boat and a jet ski, I finally break him of the big purchase items. We hit the travel section and he wants to take me away on each trip but I decline respectfully. It’s not good for me emotionally to be swept away someplace romantic with a hot billionaire.

“We can’t not bid on anything, Tylah. I need to buy something.” He checks out the rest of the tables and I stumble across a trip to Disney World.

“Here, bid on this for the kids. I am sure they’d love to visit Disney and your wife would love it too.” He glances down reluctantly and writes a number on the paper and folds it up and places it into the bid container.

I get a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn around and find myself staring at not only Andrew and Becka but the extra whammy of Brad. Well, now Brad gets to meet my, for all intensive purposes, complicated boyfriend Joseph. Greeeaaattt.

Becka’s eyes droop and she mouths ‘Sorry,’ with a frown. I smile at her to make her know it’s not a big deal.

“Mr. Blue,” Joseph offers a hand and Andrews accepts it.

“Mr. Pemberly.” He nods and releases Joseph’s hand.

“Oh, Joseph Pemberly this is Brad Saunders, restaurateur and Brad this is Joseph Pemberly, CEO of Syracuse incorporated; one of the largest architectural agencies in the world,” Andrew introduces professionally.

Brad stares at me and back to Joseph and back to me again.

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Saunders,” Joseph says and places his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Our bodies join at the hip. “This is my girlfriend, Ty Monroe,” he introduces me. “But I’m sure most of you have already met her.”  He smiles down at me lovingly, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead.

Brad grunts and turns and stalks away without a word. “Please excuse me sweetie.” I kiss Joseph on the cheek and follow Brad out of the main ballroom into a side hallway with white walls on one side and floor to ceiling windows on the other.

“What do you think you’re doing, mister?” I scold, nearly jogging after him. He won’t stop walking fast and his legs are much longer than mine. “Brad please stop. I can’t run anymore.”

He stops and turns to face me. His face is bursting red-hot with anger.

“What do you want Alexis? Or should I say Ty?” he barks. And I wince at his jeering unnecessary rudeness.

“I don’t know why you’re so mad,” I say softly. This is unlike him. He’s never had an outburst like this. Not that I’ve seen anyhow.

He points hard toward the ballroom. “That’s the boyfriend you’ve been telling me about?” His eye widen, looking for an honest answer.

“Yes, why?” My voice but a whisper.

He scrubs the sides of his face with his hands and exhales loudly with a grumble. “I can’t complete with CEOs. A baker or a chef or even some small chain store owner. But a fucking CEO? Are you kidding me?” His tone is shrill.

I’m totally lost here. What is his deal?

“I’ve been dating him casually for the past nine months. I don’t know what else to say,” I shrug and pout, pushing out my bottom lip. My eyes drooping saddened. I don’t like him acting this way. It’s not right.

“Don’t look at me like that Alexis. I can’t stand if you look at me that way.” He turns around and punches into the air hard, like a boxer. “Fuck!”

“I don’t get any of this Brad. You’re acting like a crazy man. Please calm down.” I take a step forward and reach out my hand to calm him. And he takes one back so I can’t touch him.

“Did he buy you that bracelet and that dress?” He gestures to my outfit.

I nod. “Yes, he said we were going to an event. I didn’t know it was this one. All I knew was it was fancy and he bought me this bracelet too as a gift.”

“Fuck!” His deep voice bellows, vibrating into my chest.

“Is everything okay, sweetheart?” Joseph asks, coming down the hall.

Brad turns away from him. Folding his arms across his broad chest.

I meet Joseph halfway, grab sweetly onto his arm and lean up. “Brad is a friend of mine. He’s having a rough night and I’m just trying to make it a little better. I’m very sorry,” I whisper so only he can hear and he kisses my cheek.

“It’s fine baby. I’m just making sure you’re okay. Take your time. I’ll be at our table eagerly awaiting your return.” He turns and leaves us. Sweet as ever, and Brad turns back around once he’s gone. Attitude still present.

“That mans in love with
. Are you in love with him?” He asks blankly.

I laugh. I can’t help it. If he only knew the whole story he wouldn’t be asking this. “No, I’m not.”

“Are you close?” He’s serious.

I shake my head. “Nope, not even. I like him a lot. He spoils me and treats me well even when I insist he shouldn’t. But it works for us,” I shrug.

“Didn’t you ever want more?”

I’m confused again. “More of what?”

“A lover? A partner? Someone to marry?”

I scoff a laugh and hold my belly. “Oh god, no one would want that with me. Not for who I really am. So no. I’ve given up that thought of having a normal loving man to marry and have kids with a long time ago.”

“What? Why?” Now he’s the one who appears confused. His tone calms and shoulders relax a bit.

Welcome back sexy Brad.

I can’t live this charade any longer. This is getting to be too much. Brad deserves the truth.

“Let me let you in on a little secret,” I whisper. “I’m what people call an escort.” I confess and frown. I hate revealing this. But it’s got to be aired eventually.

His eyes widen. “You mean like a woman who sleeps with men for money? Is that why you’re my friend? Is someone paying you to be my friend?” He takes a step back, his shoulders tighten again and his jaw locks.

“The first night yes, since then no. I’ve been your friend willingly. I don’t expect anything from you Brad. I’m just not going to lie anymore. That’s why only my friends know my real name. Tylah is my Escort name,” I explain and he looks a bit green.

He stands still for a moment and I can see the wheels turning and he’s locking it all into place. “So he…,” he points to the room.

“Yes, Joseph is my regular. He’s also married. So no he’s not technically my boyfriend. But he’s the closet I’ve had in my entire life,” I clarify as calmly as possible. His face is contorted and all sorts of confusion and bits of anger.

“So when you complimented me last night was that the hooker part of you or the real you?” he asks seriously. 

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