Arrow To The Heart (De Bron Saga) (28 page)

BOOK: Arrow To The Heart (De Bron Saga)
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"Betray?"  Though his tone was mocking, John kept a careful distance from the lad accompanying Sir William.  "No, my father Henry wanted the crown for me, not for Richard.  I but want to assure that he can rest well in his grave."

"The crown belongs to Richard and you are a traitor," Rowena challenged.  The gates were beginning to close.  Though Robin and the others were putting up a valiant fight, they could only hold the castle guards at bay for so long.  If she and her father didn't get out right away, they would be trapped inside.  "But I will not argue the point.  Let us pass," she exclaimed.

"Let you pass?"  An evil chuckle escaped the Prince's lips as he motioned for aid.  Three large men-at-arms answered his signal.

"BiGod!"  Rowena was outmatched and she knew it.  It looked as if she and her father would be sharing the same cell.  So much for valor.  Even so, she couldn't allow herself to just give up.  Grabbing her father by the arm she chose another way out.  To run.  They were followed, just as she hoped. 

"Get them!"  John's command thundered through the courtyard.  Furious he joined in as his three guardsman went in pursuit.  "Capture them or take Sir William's place in the dungeon."

John's voice was so loud that Kendrick could not help but hear. Though he was safely beyond the gates he turned back, knowing of a certainty that if Sir William was in trouble Rowena would not be far behind.  Running back through the gate, he hastened to come to her aid but stumbled and fell.  The skirts of his disguise as a widow hampered him.  Cursing, he wondered how women ever got where they were going when they had to bother with gowns and skirts.  Was it any wonder she chose lad's attire, he thought, hurriedly getting to his feet.  In anger he ripped off his skirt, gripped his sword, then proceeded into the melee Rowena was creating. The clanking of sword upon sword sounded in the courtyard as Kendrick wielded his weapon.

"De Bron!"  Rowena had never been so glad to see anyone in all her life.  Now the odds were more even.  Three to two she could handle, especially when her father seemed to suddenly spring to life.  Hefting up a barrel, ignoring the ache in his back, he threw it at one of the guards sending him tumbling.  Now it was two to two.

"The gates.  Close the gates," shouted the Prince.

Swinging her sword like someone gone mad, Rowena soon bested her opponent.  Likewise Kendrick de Bron made a good show of his skill with a sword.  And all the while Prince John shrieked his outrage at being foiled.

"The gates!"  The creak of aging wood and metal gave Kendrick warning that they had to leave now.  Acting as a shield for Rowena and her father, he herded them through the opening just a moment before the gates banged shut. 

"Open the gates.  Open it at once," the prince was yelling now.  But by the time his order was obeyed the outlaws were gone.



Chapter Twenty-Five



The roar of the waterfall welcomed the weary but victorious band of outlaw archers back to their camp.  One by one they stepped onto the rocks behind the foaming water and through the archway, disappearing much like the fairy folk that children are told about while sitting on their mother's knee.

"What is this?"

Rowena laughed at her father's shocked look.  "Magic, Sir William.  Magic," she answered, feeling more at peace than she had in quite awhile.  Her father was safe, the outlaws had been successful and Kendrick de Bron had proven his deep affection for her by coming back through the gate to help her.  Though of course she hadn't really needed his aid, she told herself stubbornly.

"Magic.  Of course."  Sir William tried to be as light afoot as the others but nearly slipped as he stepped across the rocks.   Still, he was in good
humor. "BiGod, what a clever concealment.  No wonder Prince John can not find the infamous Robin hood no matter how hard he tries."

"Aye, but
‘Tis nature's cleverness.  I can not take any of the credit," Robin threw over his shoulder as he took his turn to vanish.

"Perhaps, but after all you did find it," Will Scarlet shot back.  Mischievously he gave a push to two of the archers who had entered the castle by way of the latrine.  They fell in the water with a splash.  "If you ask me, you had best stay in that water a very, very long time."

"Says you?"  In answer to Will Scarlet's prank one of those forced to go in for a swim tugged at his leg, sending him into the stream as well.  Resurfacing with a sputter, he insisted that was no way to treat a man of nobility like himself, but he was smiling all the while.

"Nobility," Sir William  said with a sigh.  "How long ago it seems that I could make that claim."  He brushed at his soiled tunic.  "I fear since being in John's prison I will never really be the same."  He shook his head  "God grant that our beloved king is returned safely to us and that our loyalty will not be for naught."

"Richard is a fair man.  He will soon see that your lands are returned," Rowena said with more conviction than she felt.  Would it all be put to right?  Once she had been so certain.  Now she wasn't so sure.  Oh, they had won today, but would that be the case tomorrow, or the next day, or the next?  She purposefully pushed her misgivings aside as she stepped inside the cavern and was assaulted by a tantalizing aroma.  Friar Tuck, who had stayed behind, had prepared a veritable feast for his companions.  Always one to appreciate good food, the friar looked upon each meal as an adventure.

"Come, come," he beckoned with his pudgy hands.  "See what I have wrought for you."  Noticing that Sir William was reluctant, he took his arm.  "Mutton soup with thick pieces of bacon, roast swan with raisin and brown bread dressing, roast hare cooked with almonds.  All to make your mouth water."

"As it is."  Sir William mumbled under his breath about John's meager rations.  "Too long have I been on dry bread and ale."

"Then come.  Don't be shy," Friar Tuck cajoled.

"No, don't be shy, Fath........"  Quickly Rowena put her hand over her mouth, realizing how she had nearly given herself away.  She looked around to see if anyone had noticed and was relieved to see that the archers were too preoccupied with filling their plates to have noticed her near slip of tongue. Kendrick de Bron had noticed, however. As she looked his way he winked at her.

"I'll have the swan," Sir William hurried to say.  Taking a large portion, he then set about seeing what vegetables were offered.  He chose spinach, boiled with vinegar and lettuce leaves.  Ripe strawberries and a mug of wine finished his feast.

Rowena chose the mutton soup, a mug of ale, a leg of swan, some lettuce leaves and the ripe strawberries.  Finding a secluded spot by the fire where they would not be overheard she sat beside her father.   Robin had decided that on the morrow Friar Tuck would take Sir William to the abbey, so tonight was her last night to be with him for awhile. 

"Outlaws though we all be, we did at least save you," she said softly, beginning the conversation.  "Do you still scorn me and the others?"

Wearily Sir William shook his head.  "No.  Not after what I have seen here."  Was she imagining it or did his eyes have a faint glow of admiration?  "Besides, knowing you are in Kendrick de Bron's care relieves my mind." He whispered softly.

"De Bron?  In his care."  Rowena laughed.  "You have it all wrong.
  It is he who is in mine."  Without knowing it her eyes traveled to where Kendrick de Bron was sitting and the look gave her away.

"So, you do not think him so arrogant and hateful now do you?"  When she didn't answer he pushed her on the matter.  "Do you?"

"Perhaps not."  She lowered her eyes, fearful her father might see into her mind.  "But I still refuse to marry him," she added stubbornly. 

That did not mean that she didn't find herself longing to be near him again, however.  Just the sight of his broad shoulders was deeply unnerving.  How she longed to feel his body pressed close against her own.  Whatever hunger had lain dormant within her, Kendrick de Bron had brought it to life.  Now she doubted that she could ever truly be content to be celibate again.  His arms were a haven of comfort, his lovemaking the spark that flamed her soul.  It was as if with the first thrust of his manhood within her he had unleashed an undying ember.  But what was she to him?

Rowena was soon to learn.  When all the outlaws had bedded down for the night, and were sound asleep, Kendrick came to claim her.  "Care to go for a swim?" he whispered in her ear, nuzzling the soft flesh of her ear lobe.

"We cannot!"  For just a moment she regretted her masquerade.  If not for the fact that the others thought her to be a young man, she could have done just as she pleased.  As it was she had to force herself to stay away from Kendrick de Bron.

"We can't?  Why not?"  Teasingly he tugged at her hand.

"I can not be discovered.  We cannot be seen together.  Rob, Little John, Friar Tuck and......."

"Are all asleep."  He paused.  "Listen to their snoring."  Had she any doubts, the gentle rumble that stirred the silence was proof of the outlaws slumbering.

"My father......"

"Is also sound asleep.  Moreover he would welcome a tryst between us, not scold because of it."

The warm evening breeze gently caressed Rowena's face, likewise tempting her.  "A short swim perhaps."  Stealthily following him, she ducked out of camp.  Running through the woodlands hand in hand, they were like two naughty children.  Reaching the bank of the lake they knew the risk to be well worth it.

"The night is beautiful and so are you," Kendrick breathed in her ear.

"Am I?"  Noting the gleam in his eyes she couldn't doubt it.

"More so without your garments," he added with a roguish smile, tugging on her sleeve.

Rowena gave in to his urging.  Looking about to make certain that no one would take them unaware, she removed her clothing then dove into the lake.  The slight chill took he breath away, but after a few moments of swimming she felt nearly warm again.  Kendrick stripped off his clothes and soon had joined her.  Playfully grabbing her ankle he pulled her under the water, locking her in an embrace.  Surfacing together they fused their mouths in a kiss, his lips and tongue probing, hers opening to accommodate his quest. There was a roaring in her ears, but there was no waterfall.  Familiar sensations stirred her, urged her to embrace him and bring him closer. 

Kendrick's hands slid over her wet body, cupping her breasts in his hands.  Rowena responded, touching him, caressing him.  Her legs brushed against his, arousing him.  In that moment swimming was the farthest thing from their minds. 

Impatiently Kendrick pulled her toward the shore.  Reaching the mossy bank, he covered her naked body with his own and she sighed  at the feel of his  hard, lithe body atop hers. A flicker of arousal spread from her mouth to the core of her body.  Being with Kendrick encompassed every emotion she had ever known. 

Hungrily, eagerly his lips devoured hers over and over again.  Rowena felt a mounting passion surging through her body as their eyes met and held.  Then slowly, sensuously Kendrick let his hand slid up her thigh, his fingers questing, seeking that most intimate part of her.  Rowena responded in kind.  She caught his throbbing staff between her thighs, longing for the pierce of that sword.  She reached for him, grasping his manhood and opening her legs to sheath it gently at first, then with passionate urgency.

"Rowena," he whispered as he was met by her velvety softness.  Slowly he began to move within her, stroking her hair, whispering words of love.  Rowena lost track of time, forgot who and where they were as she gave in to her desire and longing.  She was filled with an aching sweetness, wishing this pleasure could go on forever.  Then it seemed as if the night shattered into a thousand stars, tumbling the world around her.

"I love you," she heard Kendrick proclaim and found herself saying the same vow.  Suspended in time they clung to each other, parting only reluctantly as they realized they could not risk being together for very long.

"We have to get back," Rowena declared, picking up her scattered clothing.

"Not yet."  Kendrick was mentally making plans, mapping out his life and their future.  "We'll have Friar Tuck perform the ceremony and we'll......"

"Ceremony?" Rowena paused in tugging on her hose.  "What ceremony?"

Kendrick blurted it out, feeling sure of himself and cocky. "Why, the wedding ceremony of course."  He stiffened as he took note of the stubborn tilt to her chin.  "Rowena, it is only right."

"Because you lay with me?"  She shook her head.  "I feel no shame in what we have done.  You don't have to make our being together lawful."

"But I want to."  More than anything in this world he wanted to make her his wife.

"No."  Rowena was adamant on the subject.  "I will not give up my freedom.  Even for you."

"What!"  He could not hide his frustration. 

"I will not be anyone's property, to cook his bread, keep a goodly ledger and bring forth the fruit of his seed again and again until my body is old and worn.  I want to be a person in my own right, to be judged for the skills I possess."

Kendrick bolted to his feet and caught hold of her, determined to argue her to reason.  "It won't be like that between us.  I....."A rustling sound from the bushes, caused him to quickly let her go.

"Get dressed,"  Rowena breathed.  "We can not let anyone see us."  She fully expected Robin or one of the outlaws to bolt out of the foliage but it was only an owl taking flight.   Even so, she urged him to hurry.  As they soon as they were dressed they silently, separately  made their way back to the camp, their tryst in the woods ruined by the conflict that had risen between them.


Covering herself with several woolen blankets, Rowena lay staring up at the stars.  Slowly her thoughts took shape and she tried to sort out her emotions.  Just how did she feel about Kendrick de Bron?  Certainly his lovemaking made her feel vibrant and alive, but was the passion she felt with him really love?  And if it was love, were her feelings strong enough for her to tie herself to him for life?


The very idea was much too frightening.   Marriage strangled love, it did not nourish it.  Hadn't she seen that over and over again.  "I can not marry him.  Nay, I can not."  Somehow she had to make him understand.  But how?  As she looked across the camp to the lone lit fire where he was pacing, she knew she had to find a way, for though she didn't want to marry him she didn't want to lose him either.

"Oh, de Bron, what are you thinking?  What are you feeling?"

Kendrick was at the moment deliberating his alternatives.  He could reveal Rowena's identity to Robin Hood and hope that in so doing he could force her to his will, he could leave Robin's camp and travel on his way;  or he could bury his pride and hope that by his patience he could win her heart and eventually her hand in marriage as well.  He opted for the latter.  She was worth waiting for. But oh, being a man with little patience to spare it was going to be difficult.

Even now he fantasized about holding her, warm and naked, in his arms.  Waking up beside her.  Looking across the table and seeing her face.  Holding the fruit of their love in his arms.   Sharing his life with Rowena Fitz Hugh would be a wonder beyond compare.   Certainly she would never be boring.  Oh no.  Kendrick laughed as he remembered their first encounter.  She had forced him to strip, had held him captive with the power of her bow.  She was willful.  Stubborn.  Wild.

"And the woman I love."  Who had denied him over and over again but who, when she had at last given herself to him, had done it so openly, so completely that he had been shaken, stunned.  She was a woman he could never give up. 

"I did not think you one to fancy boys."

"What?"  Kendrick was startled as Robin Hood stepped out of the bushes and took him unaware.

"Arrow," the outlaw leader whispered.   "I would have to be blind not to know that something is going on."  Robin looked at his friend with searching eyes.  "I saw you walking through the woods together, hand in hand."

"Oh."  Roderick clenched his jaw, wanting to tell Robin the truth but at the same time loath to give Rowena away.  Being in Robin Hood's band meant so much to her.  How could he spoil it all?  "So, now you know."

BOOK: Arrow To The Heart (De Bron Saga)
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