Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (48 page)

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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smiled as she continued to stare in awe at the beautiful woman on the
wall. “It's a gorgeous painting...of an even more gorgeous
woman.” Luis went on to explain the whole story to Morgan and
she absorbed every detail with fascination. When he was done, he
asked once again if Morgan would like a copy of the painting. “You're
serious?” She hadn't believed he was the first time. Morgan
looked over her shoulder and he nodded, then she looked back at Leta.
“I can't. I mean...I'd love to...” It was always the same
thing, she didn't have anywhere to put a foot high painting, let
alone a seven foot thick canvas with an elaborate wood frame. “It's
beautiful, but I don't have anywhere to send it.” Luis nodded,
understanding perfectly, and he felt guilty just for asking. Of
course she didn't have anywhere to send it, why would she have a home
that she never stayed in?

hoped to change the subject, “paintings are just...magical. A
photo is nice, but a just...” she couldn't quite
find the words for what she felt. It was as if a painting was somehow
more real than a photo. If there had been a picture of Leta in a
frame right next to the painting, Morgan still would have been drawn
to the painting. It was raw, it was incredible.

they are. I wish I had the talent that it took.”

giggled and turned around slowly to face Luis. “Me too! I
wouldn't be doing what I...” she caught her words as they were
about to escape her lips and she quickly shut her mouth.
Good job,
Morgan. Go ahead, tell your client you'd rather be painting
cornucopias than be accompanying him.
“I didn't mean...”

wasn't offended though and he respected her for how she felt. “Well,”
he began, changing the subject and freeing Morgan of her awkward slip
up, “I can't paint you, but I'd love to capture a photo of you,
if that's alright?”

nodded and she felt the tug of a smile pulling at her lips.

that okay?” Luis tucked his finger under her chin and made her
look at him and finally, the smile escaped. She nodded and he told
her that he'd be right back. As soon as he was out of sight, Morgan's
shoulders dropped with a long breath of frustration. She wasn't
angry, in fact, she was in a wonderful mood, she simply wished she'd
think before she spoke.

When Luis returned, holding a small camera and wearing only his
pajama pants, Morgan's negative thoughts were gone.
Fuck me!
been wearing a robe before, at least she thought he was...either way,
it was gone, and she had a full view of his tan chest.
wasn't afraid of working out, that was for sure, and suddenly, Morgan
could think of nothing but tracing her finger along the indents of
his well defined abs.

sweater, go ahead and pull it down a bit. There ya go.” He
nodded as he watched Morgan pull the deep V of her favorite red
sweater apart and off her shoulders.

this?” He nodded again, then took a step closer to help. His
fingers grabbed the thin fabric and he slid each side further down,
baring her shoulders completely to him.

he told her and took a step back. His eyes sized her up and she tried
not to giggle as he did a turning motion with his finger.

not good at this,” Morgan was still laughing, but did as she
was told.

stop.” Luis' hand came up and then he curved his fingers toward
himself to tell her to come back a bit. She did and he smiled at the
sight in front of him. “Perfect, now turn your head a little,”
he instructed. Morgan was sideways, her body facing the painting once
again, but her head was turned toward Luis. She put her hand on her
hip and giggled again at how silly she felt posing for the man.

terrible with pictu...”

Now, think of something happy.” He held the camera up in front
of his face and peered through the little hole. Morgan closed her
eyes for a moment and thought.
My life. My life is happy.
that instant, she opened her eyes and smiled and Luis caught her
thoughts, that perfect moment in time, with his camera.

She placed a hand on her hip and arched a brow in question. He looked
down at his camera and nodded.


I smell breakfast, let's eat!” Morgan didn't give him a chance
to argue or even a chance to put on an outfit, she grabbed his hand
and led him to the right,
of course, the left can't be used for
set of stairs. Before she took the first step down
though, he set his camera on the beautiful and tall antique table at
the top of the steps, then scooped Morgan up in his arms.
it would be even sillier if I walked down the steps!
She clapped
a hand over her mouth and stifled her giggles as they went down the

carried her all the way to the kitchen, and pulled a chair out with
his foot before sitting down with Morgan on his lap. She started to
get up, but the man held her tightly around her waist and kept her
there. He put his chin on her bare shoulder and whispered against
her skin. “I held you all night, and I'm
I've grown rather fond of having you next to me.” Morgan
laughed and turned slightly to face him.

big spender, you paid top dollar to hold my hand and spoon in bed?”
His eyes widened at her assumption, then he laughed loudly, throwing
his head back in absolute abandon of all table manners.

That's all I want, and now that I've had it, you can leave.”
He looked away, pretending to ignore her, but he was still laughing.

something tells me..,” she ran her hand from his chest down,
until one finger finally traced a soft line against his hardened cock
that had been pressed against her lower back since they had sat,
“that you're not being completely honest.” His smile
faded, and he met her gaze with much more than amusement.

apologize for my tardiness, I had to...oh...,” elder Luis met
them in the kitchen, then turned quickly when he interrupted a
private moment. Breakfast was ready, but he had stepped out for just
a few moments, and had returned just as Morgan was sliding her hand
inside of her client's thin pajamas.

it warm please, we'll be right back.”

butler nodded, still keeping his gaze on the coffee pot beside him.
A small smile formed on the old man's sweet face, and he walked to
the stove to tend the meal that would have to wait.

put his arms under Morgan's legs again and stood with her briefly as
he looked around the kitchen. She watched him smile as they began to
move again, and she tucked her head into his neck to enjoy the ride
to wherever he was taking them.

carried her through a long hallway, then stopped at a small wooden
door on their left. He reached down and turned the tiny knob, then
used his knee to open it. Morgan looked around at the dimly lit
room, and saw that they'd entered a food pantry that was fit for
royalty. She didn't have to ask why it was all kept in there, as it
was obvious that the packed shelves that lined the walls held more
food than would ever fit in the kitchen cabinets.

know... you do have a bed... ,” she was still laughing when he
placed her on her own feet, and he shook his head slowly as he pulled
her sweater from her body.

know what I have, Morgan. I also know what I want.” She took
a deep breath as he unhooked her bra and slid it from her shoulders.

want a woman in your pantry?” She spoke quietly, trying to
keep the humor between them, as his touch against her bare stomach
made her shiver.

hungry.” He pulled her jeans from her body quickly, then her
panties. He dropped to his knees and pulled her hands to join him,
which she was more than eager to do.

you're hungry, I believe Luis has breakfast ready.... out there.”
She smiled as she leaned back on her elbows, and raised one hand to
point towards the door that they'd walked through.

looked at the shelf beside them, then reached behind a canister of
coffee to grab something that was out of view to Morgan. His hand
came back down with a small plastic bottle that he waved slowly in
front of her. She watched as it swayed before her, then smiled again
when he moved back and settled between her legs. “There's a
reason, Senorita, that bakers mix sweet cream with sugar,” he
took the top from the plastic container, and held it between her
legs, “sweet jam with icing,” his fingers squeezed the
small bottle, “and warm chocolate with melted caramel.”
The thick liquid fell slowly, and caressed her sensitive skin like
the touch of man. “It's because one sweet is good... but mix
two sweet ingredients together, and it's,” he lowered his head
and drug his tongue across the sweet honey that he'd poured over her,
“fucking delicious.”

mixture of his hot tongue with the thick honey forced a moan from
Morgan that she had to stifle, and her back instantly raised to bring
his mouth even closer. He too moaned against her skin as his tongue
moved deeply between her lips to find every bit of the sticky sweet

my god...,” her hands moved up and she slid her fingers through
his dark hair, then curled tightly when his tongue pushed deep inside
of her. Her eyes were shut as she pushed her cheek against the wood
floor, but she felt the bottle against her stomach as he blindly
squeezed again, dropping the liquid over his mouth. He curled his
tongue and moved up, then released the honey that he'd captured over
her swollen clit.

tongue moved slowly at first, spreading the golden liquid over her in
sweet circles of torture. He pulled her legs apart that had gripped
his head, and his finger dug into her flesh as he tried to hold her
arching body.

hot breath melted against her skin with each flick of his tongue.
Her hands moved down to cover his, both of them held her thighs as
deep pulses of desire flashed through her body. He groaned at the
feel of her tightening under him, and he moved faster.

squeezed her legs as tightly as she could as her climax came hard
against his mouth. He brought his hand up and pushed two fingers
deep inside of her, and lifted his head to watch her face as her body
clamped tightly around his hand.

her walls were no longer closing around him, he slowly pulled his
fingers from her body and sat up. “You're sweeter than honey,
Morgan.” She brought her hands to her chest and felt her own
heart pounding for a moment before she finally opened her eyes. Luis
was still licking his lips, taking in the last of what the sweet
treats would offer him as he stood. “Here,” he spoke
softly, offering his hand.

thanks again,” she thanked him for the help off the ground,
then for handing her her bra. “Wow... I don't usually... you
know... do that, that quickly.” They both laughed as clothes
were picked up from the floor and shelves.

she was putting her bra on, he walked to the other side of the pantry
and wet a cloth for Morgan. A third thank you was issued, but he did
the work himself. Slowly, he ran the warm wash cloth from her belly
to her sticky center. Soon, after a few moan inducing strokes, Luis
had her honey free and was helping her step back into her panties and

“So,'ve paid to hold my hand, spoon with me and now you've
pleasured me, cleaned me up and even dressed me.” She raised an
eyebrow at him again as he buttoned her pants together and he shook
his head at her question, but his smirk only sent another wave of
desire through her body. Yes, she felt guilty he hadn't gotten his
side of the bargain, but it was obvious he wasn't going to allow it
right then anyway.

all I need...”

I find that hard to believe.” Morgan turned to walk out of the
pantry, but he grabbed her by her wrist and spun her back into his
arms. Her waist was met with his still-hard cock and she let out the
softest of sighs of regret for not being able to see, touch or taste
hem. “And apparently, that's not all that's hard.” She
ran her hand between them, then slowly slid her palm down the length
of his erection.

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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