Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (31 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

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put his coffee down on the dresser and ran to the bathroom where
Cedric was still primping for the day. “Boo Boo, Morgan isn't

is she?” Cedric opened up the bathroom door casually and let
Angel in.

CiCi...I don't mean she left for a morning stroll through Sin
muthafuckin' City. I mean she didn't come back last night!”
Cedric stopped running gel through his hair and stared down Angel in
the mirror.

lost Morgan this time.” Cedric still wasn't taking Angel

I didn't lose her! She's just... not.... here. Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Muthafuckin' fuck! What if she got picked up and her ass really is in
jail? Morgan is sensitive, she can't handle that shit! What if she's
dead in a muthafuckin' alleyway? What if she's in someone's trunk
right now with bricks tied to her ankles? Cedric! What the fuck am I
gonna do? What if she's....”

your balls, Angel! Obviously she left with the Scot.” Of course
Cedric would talk some sense into Angel.

Fuck. I'm calling the Scot.” Angel didn't wait for a response,
he turned and marched right back over to his phone, then sat back on
the bed, crossing his legs once again. “Fuck-in-a-kilt, Boo, I
hope you've got her.” Angel dialed the number, then waited.


carried Morgan back into the bedroom, and placed her on the bed. The
cool room once again brought a chill to her body, and he giggled as
she got under the blanket. Fin laughed as he crawled across the bed
and joined her, yanking the blanket until it covered both of them.
“Ya know, I don't think we're getting too far in the breakfast
plan.” He pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around
her waist.
“We'll go.. let me just hold ye for now.”
Morgan pushed against his warm body and smiled.
“Must be your wee friend,” Finlay
spoke as his phone began to ring on the other side of the room. He
started to wrap a blanket around his naked body, but as he stood,
Morgan pulled it back, revealing a very naked and very gorgeous
Finlay Campbell. “Nice,” he looked down at his body with
his arms out to his side. “Thanks, Love.” He didn't try
to grab the blanket again, he just proudly marched across the room in
his naked glory.

welcome,” Morgan giggled and enjoyed the show. “Was it

it was. He left a message,” Finlay grabbed his phone and walked
back over to the bed.

ya fuckin' phone. Fin? Finny? F-Puff? Sexy Fins? Fin Stick? Fuck!”
Pause. “Alright. Listen. I need ya to bring Morgan back. We've
got shit to do. Kay? Call a bitch or bring a bitch. it.”
They both had to laugh, even though Finlay still wasn't as happy as
Morgan was.

suppose it's time te rattle the wee man's cage.” Morgan
nodded, then gave him a thumb's up. Finlay found Angel's number and
Morgan watched as he took a deep breath, preparing to act his part.

answered on the first ring. “Kin... Filt... dammit! You..
bring her right the fuck back here. We have fuckin' sights to see!”
Angel hadn't even changed from his pajamas.

are ye goin' oan aboot?” He knew that asking that question
would send Angel into a whirlwind of hysteria, mixed with white hot

called.. my ass told you where Stick was.. your ass went and got her.
I want her here, ya got that?” He was in no mood for jokes,
and he just wanted his Sticky Buns returned. Finlay raised the phone
and put his hand over his mouth. Morgan had to do the same, because
watching Finlay act childish was priceless.

I went to the place that ye said. Only problem is.. she wisnae
there. No' anywhere. She's not with you?” He held the phone
from his ear as he knew what was coming.

fuck are you asking me? No! She isn't here with me! Why am I
calling your ass if she were here with me?! Where the fuck is my
Stick? You fuckin' lost my best friend, ya big Scottish ass....,”

fook ye callin' an ass? Why the fook was she by herself? Where the
fook were ye? Not with her, that's where!” That part wasn't
acting, he truly meant every last word that he spoke. Angel opened
his mouth, ready for a quick come back, but nothing came out. He
didn't have one, and that's when he fell slowly to his chair, and
dropped his head.

hated that Finlay had said that to him, and she planned to smooth
that part over as soon as the charade came to an end.

she wasn't with me. I... asked her to... I'm sorry.. I have to go.”
Angel ended the call, and dropped his phone to the floor. “She's
not with him CiCi.. she's fuckin' gone.” Cedric walked to his
side and smiled as he mussed Angel's hair.

alright, Drama Queen. I'm sure she's with Clayton.” Angel
smacked his hand away, and moved his phone in Cedric's direction with
his foot. “Alright.. I'll call him.”

didn't answer the calls, he had turned his phone off to get his sleep
for the day, and also to avoid Angel's calls that he knew would start
at some point in the morning. Cedric was actually beginning to get
worried as well, but he kept that to himself, as he could see that
Angel was barely keeping it together.


Morgan and Finlay had actually talked themselves into getting dressed
for the day and find some food, Morgan was surprised to find Finlay
had actually chosen a decent outfit for her. Nothing fancy, but her
white jeans with thin black button up sweater were perfect. She was
also happy to see that her white heels from the night before would
work with the jeans as well. When she looked in the mirror to
evaluate her outfit, she decided her hair would need to be dampened
again because it had started to dry in every direction but down.
Morgan laughed as she dipped her head over the sink and worked out
her crazy sex hair.

look good enough te eat.” Finlay's eyes roamed lazily from
Morgan's wet hair, to her stocking feet that were poking out from
under the bottom of her jeans. She giggled and approached him, then
stole a fresh cup of coffee from his hand.

was corny, but I'll take any compliment from my Fin.” She
walked away, shaking her butt quickly to elicit another laugh from
the man, then sat on the bed. He smiled at the woman that held his
heart in her hand, and shook his head. Morgan had grown so much in
the last several months, that was undeniable, but her continual love
of life hadn't changed at all, and that was the most appealing
quality of the woman that he loved. He had to admit, only to
himself, that her immaturity that she had when they met, wouldn't be
missed. He smiled at the memories as he watched her sip his last cup
of coffee that she'd swiped.

just came out to get my makeup and...”

my coffee...”

smiled and nodded, then shook her ass all the way back to the
bathroom. Finlay sat in a large high back chair close to the window
and waited for her to return. The room was quiet and he could hear
Morgan placing items on the counter, running the water, and walking
from one part of the bathroom to another. It reminded him of when
they were in Scotland and she would take over his bathroom each
morning. The man smiled at the memory, and a part of him wanted
nothing more than to book a flight back home, for both of them, and
keep Morgan for himself for a few weeks.

was it worth the wait, Mister Impatient?” Fifteen minutes
later, Morgan left the bathroom, looking as beautiful as always.

good enough te eat.”

corny. But thank you.” She had her hands full of items that
she dropped near the bed, then fell to the mattress in a smiling
heap. “So, our next plan? Do we have one... or are we just
going to sit in here and stare at each other all day? Because I'm
still starving.” The idea wasn't a bad one, Morgan knew that
she could stare at Finlay for as long as he would let her. He
laughed and turned his chair around to face her.

we'll get some food.” Both of them laughed because at that
point, it was time for lunch. “I suspect that yer wee friend
will ring soon too. We'll find out if he's leaving to go look for
ye.” Morgan nodded, and hoped that Angel was, in fact, going
out to look for her. She wanted to walk through Vegas, with Finlay,
and enjoy the sights with him. She was even starting to feel like
calling off the whole charade so that they could do that very thing.
Just when she started to tell Finlay, his phone rang again.

gone! They have her! Fins... what am I... what are we... what the
fuck should I do?!” He was crying, and yelling into the phone,
and Finlay shook his head as he spoke to the over hysterical Angel.
He also wasn't going to ask what Angel's twisted mind had conjured
about what happened to Morgan.

go te Clay's casino, and wait for him. He has security, the best from
what I hear. Tell him what happened, he'll find her. I'll look
around town, see what I can find out. Call me if ye find her.”
Finlay ended the call, even as Angel started to speak again. “Do
ye think Clay is awake, lass?” Morgan checked the time and
nodded, if he went right to sleep after work, he was probably just
rolling out of bed right then. Finlay called him next, and Morgan
was right, he was just waking.

go in to work now, I have things to do anyway. When he gets there,
I'll handle everything.” Clay and Finlay finalized the rest of
the plan, and all they had to do, was wait for Clay to call them and
verify that Angel and Cedric were with him. Operation Sight See was

they waited for that message to come through, the two of them decided
that food could no longer wait. Morgan insisted on room service and
she was happy to find that Shaw's Casino had quite a broad selection.
Finlay decided on streak, as no surprise, and Morgan got the same,
but with a side order of stuffed jalapenos, fried cheese sticks,
potato skins and a salad...but not just any salad, a loaded chef
salad with extra dressing. She was going to start her monthly curse
and felt like she could eat everything on the menu. Of course, Finlay
noticed her appetite, but not wanting to get hit, he didn't mention

food arrived halfway through a re-run of Little House on the Prairie,
one of Morgan's favorite shows. Finlay didn't argue about that
either. Whatever the crazy wee woman wanted to do, he'd be more than
happy to do with her. His time with Morgan was special. He even sat
through the second half of the show as the two of them ate their
meal. Morgan didn't eat more than a couple bites of each thing she'd
ordered, but it made her happy to know there would be leftovers for
later. As the two of them started to clean up, Finlay's phone beeped
on the table.

and Cedric made it here.” The text from Clay told Finlay that
it was safe to take Morgan out, and when he told her, she jumped from
the bed and ran to her shoes.

get to see Vegas together! I'm so happy, Fin! I want to go shopping
too! Oh, and then we can see...,”

down, Love.. we'll do it all.” Finlay was happy to see how
excited she was about spending time with him. She had already been
in the city for more than a week, so her excitement was to see it
with him, and he knew it.

was ready, and she grabbed her purse as they started to leave the
room. “Let's go!”

shook his head. “Awrite, show me everything.” They left
the room, and Finlay reached down and took Morgan's hand before they
reached the elevator. He smiled as she looked up at him, and
squeezed her fingers around his slightly. “Yer so beautiful.”
Her smile made his heart race, and he had no intentions of trying to
make it slow down.

are you, Fin.” She knew exactly what he was trying to do, and
she gripped his fingers more tightly. “But, I still want to
sight see.” Fin was only in town for one more day. Sexy time,
round two, was definitely planned for later, but she hadn't seen much
of Las Vegas during the day and if she gave in to his seductive ways,
they'd never make it out of the room.

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