Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (21 page)

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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reached the bed and he placed her in the middle, then covered her
body with his. His eyes bore into her as he spoke her name.
“Morgan.” She sighed and stared into his beautiful face.
His eyes closed as his lips touched hers, and she sighed again into
his warm mouth when the feel of his hands along the sides of her body
ignited her all over again. His need was different, it wasn't a
carnal desire that he'd had with her several times already, it was
sweeter, and much more personal.
Or is he just doing what he
thinks I want?

wedged his lower body between her legs and she felt his hand move
across her hip, then fall slowly between her legs. She released a
quiet moan when his finger traced the sweet velvety lips that were
damp from his kiss alone. Her passion for him was intoxicating, and
he stopped himself from wrapping his fingers around himself right
then and entering her.

knew the man enough to see that he wasn't the type to spend an
afternoon tryst in bed, making love quietly to one another. He was a
man of contradiction, one that would prefer to never use the bedroom
for sex, and she loved that he had given her what he thought she'd
wanted several times already that week.

pulled from his kiss, and looked into his eyes while a smile spread
across her face. “This is really sweet, but could we...
maybe... do this later?” Morgan hoped that she didn't sound
like she wasn't interested, and she also hoped her body was telling
him that she truly was. He tilted his head to the side and smiled

As in....”

as in I would rather you fuck me somewhere.... other than here.”
She smoothed her hand across the comforter, and his eyes moved to
watch her fingers glide over the fabric. He nodded as his gaze



were even better than the other night,” Morgan raved about her
lunch and shoved the last of her raviolis in her mouth. “I wish
they had these little fuckers everywhere!” she mumbled and
pointed at her empty plate. Her words weren't meant to be heard, but
they were, and Clay laughed as he watched her finish off the last of

eat them at least once a week,” Clay laughed with her, agreeing
on how amazing they were. “Did you want to go catch a show or
just sight see? Either way, I know people,” he spoke with a
tone that told her he probably knew
. “I'm
serious! If you want to see a magic show, I've got you. If you want
to see a musical, I've got you. If you just want to casino hop,
that's fine too,” Clay rambled and ate the last of his own
ravioli squares.

show?” Morgan raised an eyebrow and rested her chin on her
fist with a smile that was far from innocent.

no, no, no. Don't.” Morgan smiled wider, then grabbed the
bottom of her chair and bounced it a few inches closer to Clay.

what was it called? Under my thunder? Thunderstorms in the outback?
Down in the...” Morgan tapped her chin and looked toward the
ceiling, deep in pretend thought.

okay. We'll go see your dancers.”

my god! Yay!”

joked about the dancers, and how Morgan had always wanted to see
them, as they pulled back onto the highway. She watched the terrain
with each passing moment, and tried to find a place that would suit
her next suggestion. There was nothing in plain view, so she was
forced to ask the man for a suggestion. “Uhm.. Clay.”
He looked at her, and nodded. “Is there a place.. maybe a
little secluded... close by?” His confusion was cleared up
within seconds, and he smiled as he turned back toward the front of
the car. Morgan giggled at how naughty he was for seeing right
through her, and she leaned closer to the man, as much as she could
from the bucket seats, and placed her hand on his leg.

going like eighty miles an hour, you sure you want to do that?”
He looked down at her hand that was slowly moving toward the growing
mound in the center of his pants.

sure.” The car slowed considerably, and Morgan's hand
accelerated. He gripped the steering wheel tightly when her hand
finally reached his cock, and he moaned quietly as she unzipped his
jeans. Morgan pulled the denim to the side, forcing him to raise up
slightly so that she could get her hand inside, and feel the soft
skin of his thick dick. “Raise up a little more.” He
took a deep breath and lifted his body again, that time, she pulled
his jeans from his waist, and down to the middle of his thighs.
“Much better.” He had grown hard by just the thought of
her touch, and she put her hand around the base and smiled as he
jerked between her fingers.

bent forward and kissed his large crown before taking him deeply into
her mouth. Clay's head went back slightly and he struggled to watch
the road as she continued to take him over and over between her hot
lips. Her tongue swirled over him each time she raised, and her hand
gripped him tightly, pumping him slightly with each move of her

down, Morgan. Fuck!” She pulled away, only seconds of pushing
the man too far, but her hand stayed where it was, and she squeezed
him again.

go slower, but you really need to find us a place.” She smiled
up at him as her lips closed around him again. She sucked him
slowly, and his body was rigid with the need to push inside of her,
and come hard inside of her sweet warm mouth.

He let go of the wheel with one hand and put his fingers under her
chin. It no longer mattered how slow she went, her touch was going
to bring his release no matter what she did. He took her wrist and
moved her hand from cock as well.

kissed his bare leg, and ran her tongue all the way to his large
round orbs. Morgan barely flicked his warm skin when she felt the
car move to the right, and eventually slow to a stop. “Two
minutes. Give me fucking two minutes.” His voice was strained
and his breathing sounded loud in the small area of the front of the

kissed his thigh again, and felt the car begin to move. They
stopped, turned, stopped, traveled a few miles, and finally, stopped
again. “Get out.” Morgan sat up and looked around, the
smile never leaving her face. They were behind what looked like an
abandoned building, and nothing on the other side but miles and miles
of desert. She watched him pull his jeans back to his waist, and
hold them together with one hand as he motioned for her with the

left the car and walked to him where he gripped her hand and pulled
her quickly to the building. He looked frantically from one side and
down the other, until he saw a busted window. “Let's go.”
He guided them to the opening, and climbed in first, then turned and
took Morgan's hand. She easily climbed inside and joined him.

chairs and dusty counters were all she noticed around her before Clay
pulled her shorts from her body, then her panties. His hand went
between her legs and he moaned loudly in the vacant area at the feel
of how wet she had become from sucking him. He lifted her up to his
waist, and walked her to the wall where she hit the hard surface with
a loud thud. Clay never stopped moving as he impaled her against the
dusty paneling.

my God!” He pushed all the way inside of her, fucking her hard
against the wall, pounding the wood at her back. She nearly screamed
in pleasure as his near painful thrusts came faster and harder inside
of her tight body. “Fuck!” Her head thrashed from side
to side. He held her with legs up high against his waist and his
whole body moved with each deep penetration.

want to suck my cock on the road again?” His voice was deep
and very low, it was filled with raw sex and a flood of hot liquid
flowed over his thrusting dick.

suck your cock anywhere.” Morgan strained to speak as her own
desire took hold and pushed her beyond control. “Harder.”
She pleaded with the man who suddenly stopped holding back.

gripped her thighs firmly and fucked her harder. Deeper. His cock
swelling more and more with each mind blowing thrust. She watched as
his head went back and his body tightened around her. Morgan's
release met his, and their uninhibited sounds of pleasure filled the
large empty building.


first show of the day was only two hours from then, so that gave
Morgan plenty of time to find the perfect outfit for her night on the
town. Finlay's birthday gift of the black and white gown would be
perfect for an evening with Clay. True, she thought, she would be
overdressed at a few of the places that they planned to stop in, but
she felt fabulous, and that's all that mattered.

turned in front of the mirror and checked every angle of herself, and
fingered a curl that fell from the rhinestone clip at the back of her
head. A few spirals throughout her up-do reminded her of the style
that Julianne had sported on the night that they had met, and she
smiled at the memory of the chance meeting that changed her life.
“Thank you, Julianne.”

dropped her lip gloss into her small black bag, and went to the
bedroom to find her phone. “No... no phone tonight.”
She stopped digging through her jeans, and dropped the pants back
into her pink bag.

get you all to myself then?” Clay's voice that sounded from
the door made her turn quickly, and Abby soon joined the small party
in the bedroom. Morgan laughed and bent down to give her favorite
doberman a much appreciated ear scratch. “Wow, even in an
evening gown, you'll give her attention.” Clay called her to
his side, and he too gave her a few head rubs before telling her to
go back downstairs.

didn't have to make her leave, she is my hero, ya know?”
Morgan's brows came together in disapproval, and Clay walked into the
room laughing.

leaving, and the last thing I want is for you two lovebirds to trip
one another going down the stairs.” He wanted to tell her how
many times Abby had done just that. It happened more often when she
was younger, but the dog still had a tendency to weave between
someone's legs when they were on the stairs. Morgan nodded, and
straightened her gown once again. “You look... wow...
amazing.” He put his hands at her waist and tried not to crush
her against him. “Maybe you'll get bored, and want to come
back early?” She shook her head and took a step back.

that's what you're hoping, you can get it right out of your head,
Mister. We're about to pull an all nighter, so bring a thermos and
pack a lunch, cuz this train isn't stopping.” He chuckled
softly, and stepped forward again.

then, let's get started.”


all nighter turned into Morgan barely keeping her eyes open by three
o'clock in the morning. She gave it her best effort, and even after
the show of her Australian dancers, Morgan felt as if the night had
just started and was ready for everything that Vegas had to offer.
They were in their fifth casino, where Morgan had just won for the
third time that night, when the girl had finally began to break. The
five fresh one hundred dollar bills in her bag wasn't even enough to
keep her awake. She tried coffee, and even getting fresh air in
between slot machines, but it was of no use. “I'm
officially.... old.”

was nearly noon the next day, and she was just pulling herself out of
bed to meet the morning. Clay rolled over and tried to pull her back
down beside him, but she laughed and smacked his arm, telling him
that he'd have a waterbed pretty soon if he tried to hold her there.
“Okay, you win.” He pushed her away from him nearly onto
the floor, and Morgan had to keep her legs shut as she laughed all
the way to the bathroom.

thought you'd see it my way!” Her shout from the other side of
the door made him laugh even more as he too left the bed.

your phone is ringing!” Clay called out a few moments later. By
that point, Morgan's mouth was frothing with toothpaste bubbles, but
he understood her muffled 'see who it is' reply and ran over to her
ringing pants. “Uh-oh, it's Angel!” he teased from the
other side of the door, as if Morgan should be worried.

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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