Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (120 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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“Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.
With a promise to call as soon as the visit was over, Morgan left the
lobby feeling fantastic.

'Ele had just told Kala not to forget about dinner,
because it was his turn in the family to feed everyone. She hated
being sick, and hated even more that she couldn't take care of
everyone like she usually did, but her family had pulled together and
was more than happy to pick up the slack.

“Kole is bringing dinner tonight, remember? I
have to get Angela later today and bring her home.” 'Ele
nodded and took his hand, letting him know that she was grateful that
Angela was alright.

“Then, I'll expect to see you both at the table
tonight.” Kala nodded and kissed her forehead, then smiled as
he turned to face the front door. The sound of Morgan's taxi door
told him that his mother was going to be beyond happy in just a few

“See ya then.” He gave her hand a gentle
squeeze, then left the room to meet Morgan at the door.

“It's just as beautiful as I remember.”
Morgan spoke softly as she entered the large foyer, and thanked Kala
again for the invitation. “Where is she?” She followed
his gesture, leading to the back of the house, and Morgan nodded as
she left the front room. Kala didn't speak again, his heart was full
and all he could do was wipe the tear from his eye as he left the two
women alone.

“'Ele?” Morgan took one small step into her
room, and allowed the woman to process the fact that Morgan was

“Morgan?! Oh, child! Come here! Let me look at
you!” Morgan laughed and walked quickly to the bed, then sat on
the edge as their arms wrapped around one another. “It's so
good to see you!” Morgan wiped her eyes, and nodded. She didn't
want to cry, but she wasn't sure how long she could hold back the

“Kala told me that you weren't feeling well, so I
had to come and see you. How are you? Tell me everything.”
Morgan situated herself on the bed a little more, and 'Ele cleared
her throat to speak again. It was wonderful to see Morgan, and
completely unexpected, and several emotions were bubbling at all

The next two hours told of 'Ele finding out that she
had breast cancer. She explained the treatments, how tired it had
made her, and the most important fact above all, 'Ele was officially
cancer free. It was the worst, and best news all in one morning, and
Morgan held 'Ele's hand the entire time, with the exception of making
them both a cup of tea halfway through their conversation.

“The treatments are terrible, and I'm exhausted
and sick most of the time, but I'm in the home stretch as they say.”
Morgan let her talk, cry, laugh, and explain every detail of what she
and the family had gone through. She was so very happy that 'Ele was
alright, and she understood why Kala didn't give her many details.
It wasn't something that a man who loved his mother this much could
simply blurt out over the phone.

“I'm so happy for you, and for the entire
family.” She wasn't going to say that she was sorry that cancer
had chosen her, all that mattered was that 'Ele had beat it. “I
think we should have a celebration when you're up to it!” It
wouldn't be anytime soon, and they both knew it, but when she was
well enough there would have to be a grand party.

“And we'll hire a caterer, otherwise, these kids
will have me back in the hospital with all the cooking I'd have to
do.” With that, 'Ele yawned and tried to apologize before
yawning again. Morgan smiled and pulled the thin blanket up to
'Ele's shoulders.

“Don't be, I've kept you awake long enough. I'll
stop by tomorrow if that would be alright.” 'Ele nodded as she
fought the weight of her eyelids. “Sleep well.” Morgan
covered her hand and rubbed it gently as she watched a deep sleep
consume the beautiful older woman.

Chapter Twelve

Morgan slowly pulled her hand away from 'Ele's and
grabbed her purse before standing. With one final whispered goodbye
to the sleeping woman, she went to the front porch to call Michael,
and let him know their visit was over.

“I'm at that Mexican place on the corner, do you
want anything?” Morgan knew exactly what Michael was talking
about. She always thought the place looked adorable from the outside,
but had never gone inside the place with a sombrero shaped roof.

“Oh! Some nachos!” He asked her what she
wanted on them, then told her he'd see her in a few minutes. Morgan
dropped her phone into her purse and walked to the edge of the porch
to sit on the old wooden steps that wrapped around the edge. She
brought her knees up and rested her elbows on them, as she watched
the sun disappear behind a cloud.

As the minutes passed, Morgan's mind raced. About
Michael, about Kole, but most of all, about 'Ele. She was so glad
she'd come to visit, and hadn't realized just how much she'd missed
her Hawaiian family. 'Ele was one of the sweetest women Morgan had
ever met, and knowing she was on the road to recovery made her heart
dance with happiness. She was already looking forward to visiting
again the following day, and she was excited to tell Michael the good

“Hey!” Morgan was watching an ant carry a
potato chip crumb across the sidewalk, when a voice caught her

“Kala!” Morgan jumped to her feet upon
seeing him. She wanted to tell him thank you for everything; for
telling her about 'Ele, and for making sure she got to Hawaii, even
with Angel's help. She started to walk toward the truck, but was
stopped in her tracks when another person climbed out of the vehicle.
Morgan bit her bottom lip as Angela took her hand in Kala's and began
walking toward her.

Holy shit.
was wearing a neck brace, and a sling on her arm, and her
included a deep purple
eye and swollen red lips. That wasn't even what shocked Morgan the
most. She watched as Angela's hand moved to her belly...a belly that
very clearly was holding another family member.

“Hi, Morgan.” Angela moved her hand from
her stomach, and held it out for Morgan. The baby bump wasn't large,
but certainly obvious enough.

“You're pregnant.” The words fell from
Morgan's lips, without even thinking, and Angela dropped her arm back
to her side when Morgan didn't accept it.

Angela's eyes moved to her stomach and then back to
Morgan. A smile took hold of her bruised face and she nodded. “Yep.”

Facing Angela again had been another thing Morgan had
thought about, just as she had done with Kole. All the things she had
wanted to say to her suddenly disappeared from her mind. “I'm
glad you're okay. And...” Morgan pointed toward her belly.

“Madison,” Angela smiled again. “She's
perfectly fine.” Morgan nodded and offered a small smile in
return. “Look, Morgan, I'm so sorry. For everything. I never
wanted things to be like this. I just...”

Morgan watched
Angela's eyes glaze over with the threat of tears, and doing the only
thing she could think to do, she wrapped her arms around Angela. They
hugged for a few moments, then Morgan pulled away and took a step
back. “I've missed everything.” Her eyes moved to the
wedding set on Angela's finger, and then to the baby. It wasn't her
fault she'd missed all the big news, but a part of her wished she'd
been a part of it. Just like with Kole though, a hug wasn't going to
make everything all better, but it was a start.

“How long are you in town? Maybe we can all get
together?” Angela wanted to make things better, and didn't know
how. Morgan was the first friend she'd made in her new home, and for
months, Angela had wanted her friendship back.

“I'm not sure,” Morgan answered, adjusting
her purse on her shoulder. It was the truth. She didn't know how long
she would be in Hawaii, but she also didn't know if she was ready to
sit down with the group; meaning Kole, Kala and Angela. “But
maybe,” she added.

“Okay, well, let me know.” Angela smiled
again, then looked toward Kala. “I've got to pee,” she
told him, then playfully gave her husband a kiss. “Nice seeing

Morgan nodded and
gave Angela an awkward wave before watching her go inside the house.
“Well,” she looked to Kala and let out a long breath
she'd been holding in. “I suppose a congratulations is in
order.” Both of them laughed and Kala gave Morgan a hug.

“I'm glad you're here.” Morgan nodded
against his shoulder and said she was glad too. Their moment was
broken by the sound of another car pulling in front of the house.
“Michael! I didn't know you were here!” Kala pulled away
from their hug and met Michael in the middle of the yard for a moment
of their own.

Morgan gave the two of them a few minutes to catch up,
and laughed about how easily they got along. “You can continue
your bromance in a second, but give me my nachos,” she
interrupted a conversation about surfing, and the two men laughed as

“Well, I guess we'll get out of here. This one
eats more than a newborn, I have to make sure she eats every few
hours or she gets grumpy.” Michael pointed his thumb toward
Morgan and she gave him a shove on his chest.

“I remember!” Kala laughed loud and Morgan
pushed him too.

“Fine, I'll go
eat my nach...” Morgan was about to take matters into her own
hands, when another car pulled in behind Michael's rental car. “We
need to go.” Kole was already climbing out of his car, and
Morgan wrapped her hand around Michael's arm, letting him know to
look toward the street.

Michael nodded, but he wasn't going to run away with his tail between
his legs. He turned away from Morgan, and she visibly watched as he
chest out and she rolled her eyes.

“Let's just go, please.” She didn't know if
Kole was going to act ignorant, but she didn't want to take the
chance. When Michael took a few steps toward the Hawaiian man, Morgan
knew it was too late.

“Why in the fuck is he here?” Kole crossed
the yard quickly, and stopped a few steps from the three of them,
then directed his attention from Michael to Morgan. “I knew it,
I knew you couldn't do anything on your own! You just had to bring
along one of your boyfriends...”

Michael instantly took a few steps and stood between
Morgan and Kole, and stretched one arm behind him to move Morgan back
further more. Morgan, who was tempted to stand and face anyone who
challenged her, saw the look in Kole's eyes and followed Michael's
lead. The men were face to face, Kole's massive chest heaving. Morgan
leaned to the right to get a better view, and her eyes darted from
the top half of Kole, to the side profile of Michael. Neither man
intended to budge.

“Dammit, Kole! Not again!” Kala grabbed his
brother's arm but to no avail, Kole didn't budge. “I mean it!
Look at me!” Kole refused to look at Kala. “Morgan came
here for mom, not you! Back off and go inside!” Once again,
Kala attempted to pull Kole to the side, but the larger man easily
jerked his arm from Kala's hold. “Morgan,” Kala turned
toward her, “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” His eyes were
pleading for mercy, begging her not to abandon 'Ele. Morgan nodded,
letting him know that her problem right then was only with Kole.

Ten inches of angry space stood between the faces of
Michael and Kole, which were slowly diminished when Michael moved
forward, nearly pressing his nose against that of his opponent. “Get
near her, Kole,” Michael's teeth were bared, and he spoke
slowly, “I fucking dare you.” Kole smiled and moved his
body forward, as if to walk directly through Michael, and the large
Hawaiian was thrown to the ground before he even knew Michael had
moved. Morgan was instantly terrified, and wrapped her arms around
herself as she watched the scene unfold.

“What the f....,” Kole's hand went to the
back of his head that hit the ground first, “you have no
fucking clue who you're messing with!” Kole's threat didn't
carry weight for long, because Michael's knee was on the ground next
to Kole's head, and his fist came down hard against Kole's chin. The
shock of such a hard hit sent Kole to his side, holding now the back
of his head, and his face.

“Be happy, Kole,” Michael stood and brushed
the dirt from his knee, “at least I warned you first.”
Kole moaned as he sat up, and swiped one arm toward Michael's leg,
but Michael was far too fast to be touched. “Wow, you almost
got me there.” Michael laughed, his smile infuriating Kole to
the point of rage.

Looking much like a bull that had been knocked over,
Kole finally got his footing and stood. He charged for Michael, head
down, as if to tackle him, and Michael moved only a few inches to the
side and his left fist connected once again to the side of Kole's
face. Morgan and Kala could do nothing but back up and stare until
Kole fell again. Morgan just wanted it to end, and more than
anything, to leave. She quickly ran to Michael's side and grabbed his

“Let's go, please!” She looked up, locking
her gaze with his, and he huffed loudly as he turned back to Kole.

“When Morgan comes back here, you'll be gone. Got
me?” He leaned down, putting his face next to Kole's. A slight
nod from the beaten man left Michael feeling satisfied.

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