Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 (62 page)

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20
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When their time together was
interrupted by one of the bastard phone calls, Kai informed Morgan
that he had to be at another meeting in an hour.

“Well, an hour seems like
plenty enough time...” Kai looked at her questioningly and she
finished the thought for him. “You know, I'm not
for meetings...” Morgan nudged his arm and his face lit up like

“Gotcha! Hotel room,


had grabbed Morgan's coat with one hand as he shut the hotel room
door with the other. She stood still as he pulled it off of her
shoulders, then threw it on the chair beside them. "You almost
undressed for me once, this time, don't stop." His eyes held
that look, the look of desire that Morgan was drawn to like no other
expression a man could make. She smiled and stepped back a few steps,
and used her eyes to direct him to the bed. He took her cue, and
removed his coat and shoes before laying down to enjoy the
pulled her sweater from her head and dropped it beside her, then
unbuttoned her jeans. "Take your jacket and shirt off." She
ran her eyes over his suit covered body, and smiled again when he sat
up and removed his jacket. Her jeans were removed the second his
white shirt opened. "Damn." The word wasn't going to stay
in, his chest and stomach looked as if they were chiseled from stone,
and her hands itched to feel his soft warm skin. She was standing in
her pink bra and matching panties, and walked the few steps necessary
to reach the end of the bed. Her pink bra was one of her favorites
for several reasons, but right then, the fact that it hooked in the
front took reason number one. She opened the bra slowly, and pulled
it over her breasts, letting him look at her as she peeled the straps
from her shoulders.
deep intake of breath kept her moving slowly, she enjoyed his
reaction to her body in a way that was almost as good as foreplay.
Almost. He found it nearly painful to wait for her to remove the last
piece, but found it was well worth the wait when she stood before
him, completely naked. "Let me taste you, Morgan." He sat
up quickly and grabbed her by the waist, then leaned back with her
still above him. Kai's hands moved to her hips as he settled back on
the pillow and brought her center above his face.
tongue was hot against her skin, and she sighed loudly when he
immediately covered her most sensitive area with his lips, and ran
his tongue across her pink skin slowly. Her scent drove him mad as
his mouth never stopped moving in the most delicious of ways. Several
blissful moments passed before Kai moved her again, and Morgan was
placed on the bed beside him. The feel of his tongue still lingered
and she knew how incredibly close his mouth had been to bringing her
release. She watched him stand and remove his pants, smiling at the
part that she was sure to experience next. She was already reaching
for him when he brought his body over hers. "Not yet." He
kept moving up until he had straddled her chest, his legs closing her
arms tightly against her body. She watched his hand grip his large
cock and bring it to her chest, then he let go and filled his hands
with her, holding himself in the soft valley between them. Morgan
brought another pillow beneath her head so that she could watch him
move between her breasts.
looks so good." She held her bottom lip with her teeth as she
watched his large head thrust forward, and clenched her hands at her
side as she longed to touch him. He felt her try to move and his legs
closed more tightly against her. He wanted her to watch, just as much
as she enjoyed it when he had watched her. The time nearly stood
still as her body nearly melt into his, the feel of his hot skin
against hers brought sounds out that forced him to quicken his pace.
He loosened his legs around her and sat forward more, thrusting
harder as he pushed her tighter around his cock. She heard his
breathing, and she looked forward to watching him spill his seed
right in front of her. With several more deep thrusts, he held
himself between her breasts and Morgan watched as the avalanche of
passion took hold of the man, and enjoyed the loud deep moan from his
chest as he finished.
too was out of breath, and she sat up slightly to cuddle next to him
when he found his place beside her. He, however, wasn't ready to
relax just yet. "Lay back, beautiful." Morgan put her head
back on the pillow and watched as he lowered himself between her legs
and brought his mouth down on her again. His movements were perfect,
and he knew exactly how to bring the perfect amount of pressure in
just the right way. She held his head between her thighs as passion
flooded her core again quickly, and Kai held her hips as he listened
to her moans of pleasure increase with each new flick of his tongue.
She titled her head back even more as the first of the waves took
hold, and squeezed her thighs together even more as her body slightly
jerked as the orgasmic tide crashed over her.

Chapter Six

Morgan already knew that when
she woke up the following day, Kai wouldn't be there, but seeing the
empty bed still pulled at her heart. “More meetings. More phone
calls. Another meeting. Oh, answer your phone!” Grumpy Morgan
giggled at herself, then climbed out of the bed.

It was still early, she
noticed when she looked outside, and what she wanted to do was go
back to sleep, but she knew what would happen if she did that. “I
won't wake up until noon.” She staggered toward the bathroom
and threw her hair up in a messy ponytail, then turned the tap on the
tub until it was on its hottest setting, then slowly made her way
back into the kitchen of the hotel room.

“Coffee, wherefore art
thou?” Morgan stood on her toes, trying to reach into the top
cabinet where an arsenal of little coffee packets were stowed. She
didn't know why anyone would put them up there, but even with her
long legs, she couldn't reach them. After wheeling the desk chair
into the kitchen for assistance, she finally managed to obtain her
prize and a small pot of coffee was brewing in seconds. Morgan went
back into the bathroom to turn off the water to her bath and in her
naked bliss, she returned to the kitchen to get a big cup of coffee
to enjoy with her bath. As she turned the corner though, she nearly
ran right into Kai.

“Oh...well, uhm...I
just...” Kai seemed to be frozen in place as his eyes ran down
the length of the nude goddess in front of him.

Morgan smiled, then leaned
against the doorway, stretching one leg out in front of her and one
arm above her head. She was posing as if a well known photographer
was about to take her photo, but she couldn't hold the stance long
because she started giggling.

“Yes? What was it you
were doing?” She took a step forward toward her client and his
face turned pink with embarrassment.

“Uhm...papers. I forgot
to grab...” The man turned suddenly and went over to the desk
in the corner. After some shuffling of papers, he seemed to find what
he was looking for and returned to the spot in front of Morgan.
“Here, take this,” he told her, holding out a credit
card. His smile returned as Morgan kept doing 'camera' poses, but
after a few moments, she got serious and took the card from his hand.

“What's this for?”

“I'll be gone most of the
day. Go out, get yourself something nice...make sure you eat...that
kind of thing.” Kai took a step forward and gave Morgan a quick
kiss on the cheek, then left the room just as quickly, leaving a
naked girl in confusion.

She held the silver card up in
front of her and ran her thumb over the raised letters of his name.
KAI L. AURA. “Well, this is awkward.” Sure, men have told
her to go shopping and many have even gone shopping with her. Gio had
given Angel his card and told him to buy her something nice, but it
was never like that. Morgan knew her job, but she always hated
like “a whore.” Morgan cringed at speaking
the words aloud, but then quickly shook the feeling.

“Get over yourself.”
She actually smiled at the card in her hand as she walked back
toward the bathroom. “I think I
get something nice.
Thank you, Kai.” She set the card on the edge of the sink, then
climbed into the tub for a morning soak.

It wasn't three minutes before
her glorious bath was interrupted though, as she heard her phone ring
out with a text message from the other room. The girl groaned loudly,
a sound Julianne also wouldn't have approved of, then climbed out of
the tub. Without even grabbing a towel, she took her wet, dripping
self back into the bedroom to find her phone. She knew she could no
longer ignore anything that came through on the device...with
everything that had happened, her days of turning her phone off for
long periods of time were over. It was annoying to keep the thing on,
but she never knew what was happening on the other end.

“Oh...just Kai.”
Morgan picked up her phone and navigated to the text messages to find
her clients note.
Morgan, something has come up. I won't be back
until eight.
“Something has come up since you just left the
room five minutes ago?” Morgan sighed and set her phone down on
the dresser. “Oh well,” she told herself then took her
phone into the bathroom with her just in case. She may not get to
learn about her client as well as she'd learned about some of the
others, but she had to admit, he was a lot of fun to be around...when
he was that was definitely a plus. She thought about Gio
again and remembered he hadn't exactly been a hoot and a holler to
hang around when he wasn't busy. Thankfully, Angel had kept her
entertained, but that wasn't the case with Kai. When he wasn't
working, she enjoyed the time spent with him.

Maybe this will be good. Not
seeing him all'll just be better when he gets back tonight.
She smiled at her words of wisdom, then climbed back into the

She relaxed for a moment, but
unable to take long moments of silence, she decided to make a few
phone calls. Besides, she wanted to check up on Tanner to make sure
he wasn't trapped on an island somewhere, being chased by native
savages and living off of snails.

The fourth ring that came
across while calling Tanner nearly made her hang up, assuming he was
too far out to sea to get service. It was worth a shot anyway...

“Morgan? How ya doing?”
Tanner's cheerful voice sounded as if he were in the room, right
next to her. Just as she smiled and was about to ask if he was still
in one piece, a young female voice could be heard asking Tanner if he
were 'ready to go.' Morgan closed her mouth quickly and was tempted
to just hang up again. Knowing that she couldn't get away with that
twice, she took a deep breath and replied.

“Hey... uh... just making
sure you're alright. It seems as if you are... alright... so, talk
to you later!” Without waiting for him to respond, she ended
the call and put the phone to her forehead as she mentally scolded
her horrible timing with the man.

In Australia, Tanner had just
picked up a few supplies at a small marina near Sydney, and the young
woman who had helped load the boxes onto his boat had just asked if
he were ready to go, or if there was anything else that he needed. A
very confused Tanner paid the woman and told her that he was all set,
then he put his phone back into his pocket and shook his head at the
quirky Morgan Holland that had just called.

“Does he always have a
woman with him?” Morgan shook her head and also managed to
shake the slight jealousy that usually came over her when another
woman was involved. “And
is why I'm better off
keeping the love shit to a bare minimum.” She laughed at
herself while she finished her bath, and was still smiling when she
stepped out of the tub.

She wrapped the fluffy robe
around herself and headed straight to the kitchen for another round
of coffee, and her phone sounded loudly from the large front pocket.
“Angela?” Morgan hadn't talked to her since the party,
and she looked forward to hearing what her friend had been up to.

“Hey! What's up?”
She held the phone on her shoulder while she poured the coffee, and
Angela's words made her nearly drop the pot in the process.

“Morgan, I'm on a five
minute break at work, so I'll keep this short. Can you call Kole?
He needs to talk to you, so maybe you can break the ice by calling
him soon.” Morgan put the pot down as her mouth opened in

“Uh, no. I'm not calling
him. But, if he wants to talk, he has my number.” She knew
that she sounded rude, but it was the best she could do.

“Morgan, he feels
terrible about what happened. I think he feels too awkward or
whatever, just call him, okay?” It wasn't going to happen,
that much Morgan knew for sure.

“Angela, I would imagine
that he does feel awkward. Screaming that I'm a worthless whore in
the middle of my party could do that to a person. The answer again,
is no. Anyway, how are things with you?” The diversion didn't
work, and the fact that Morgan really wanted to hear about how Angela
was doing made the call get even worse.

“It doesn't matter how
I'm doing. I just called to fix things with you and Kole. To be
honest, I think you're being a little ridiculous and I hope you get
over it because he really cares about you. Enjoy your next or
” The call ended just as a tear fell
down Morgan's cheek. She was stunned, and the poor girl had no idea
what to do next.

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20
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