Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 (102 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20
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I just need to figure out if I should keep the house or try to sell
it. I can't imagine many people around here need a place this big.”
He raised his arms out to his sides, and shook his head. Morgan
watched him, seeing even more of his loneliness on display. She also
wondered if people in her past saw that kind of loneliness in her
eyes. It hit her hard when she realized that they had to have, and
she felt a sudden shame take over that she had shown the world how
much she hated her life, without even knowing it. However, she also
knew that her life was much different, and she was in a place that
allowed her to help people who were hurting, instead of taking
advantage of them as people had done to her.

felt something stir inside of her, an awakening, something that told
her that great things could come from the things that she had gone
through. She had first hand experience in pain and loneliness, so
she could help people in a way that those she'd always envied could
not. “Well, let's look at your options.” She smiled
widely at the man, and waited for him to return one for her. She got
what she wanted, and continued. “You could rent it, but then
someone would have to take care of it for since you won't be here.
Hmmm.. you could sell it, but it might be on the market for a few
decades to get its full value.” She put her elbow on the
table, grateful that Julianne couldn't see the rude move, and rested
her chin on her fist. “Or, you could donate it.” That
one got his attention, and she had a feeling that it would. “You
know, maybe separate it into several units, and then...”

nursing home, it has to turn people away because there's no room. I
could give it to them! I'd have to add an elevator, and a few more
bathrooms.... I could..”

listened to his new plans, and smiled at the passion in his eyes as
he looked around and told her all the things that he would do to get
the place ready. “Slow down there, Goliath, you have plenty of
time.” She giggled at her own joke, but saw the light leave
his eyes when her words hit him. “What? What's wrong?”
He dropped his pizza and wiped his hands on a napkin slowly. He
shrugged his massive shoulders and spoke quietly.

too big... I've always been.. too big.” Morgan couldn't
understand what he meant. Too big for what? His size was something
that she was highly attracted to, but all talk of his future with the
old folks had ceased, and she'd hurt his feelings with just one word.
She asked what he'd meant, and it took quite awhile to get it out of
him, but in the end, she had discovered why he was sensitive to his
size, another reason why he didn't date in the area, and probably the
main reason for wanting to leave.

explained that he was always big for his age growing up, but by the
time he was a teenager, he towered over everyone, including his
teachers. Of course, he became a victim of one bad joke after
another, until his very existence in school made other kids laugh at
him. Over time, the name calling had ended, and life had changed for
the better, but he still had to interact with the very people that
made his life hell in the past. She understood perfectly why he
didn't date much, as he would only meet women outside of Bucharest,
and that wasn't too often. She also knew that the women in the area
didn't see his sex appeal, all they saw was the man they had laughed
at for years. It was a shame that he had such a big heart and helped
people that hurt him, at least by her standards, but he was a better
person than she was.... at least that's how she felt. Helping a
person that had hurt her for years wasn't something that she thought
she could do.

know, back home, women would be all over you. We like big men...
really, really, like big men.” She turned her head, and
flirted with everything she had. It wasn't working, so she stepped
up her game. Morgan stood and walked to his side, then lifted his
beefy arm out of the way so that she could sit on his lap. He didn't
look at her, but he did allow her to move his arm. She caught a
small smile when she eased onto his leg, and even thought she heard a
slight chuckle when she wrapped her arms around his wide neck. “Then
again, we're not in the States.... we're here... and for now....
you're all mine.” The man turned his head slowly, and looked
at the smiling girl. Their lips had only a breath between them, and
he watched as her eyes lowered to invite their first kiss.

chest tightened as he closed the small gap between them, and their
lips came together in the slightest of touches. It felt like a soft
breeze against their skin as the gentle kisses brushed one another
slowly. Morgan's fingers opened and climbed from his neck to the
back of his soft head, and she moaned against his mouth before
pulling his bottom lip into her own. His body hardened, she felt his
arm flex at her back as a deep sound came from his chest.

that was a growl... you'll need to do that again.” The
richness of his deep voice came out in the sounds she heard, and
Morgan found the noises just as exciting as his careful touch. She
just hoped that he would let go a little more, not be afraid of his
strength, but for right then, his restraint that she planned to undo
was an enticing challenge.

kiss me like that again, and you'll get much more than a... growl.”
A deliciously dangerous glint in his eyes were pinning her in place
as she held her breath, waiting for him to make his next move.
Hopefully, it wouldn't be gentle. She finally exhaled, slowly, and
looked again to his soft lips.

second kiss proved he was definitely letting go of some of his
inhibitions. One of his large hands slid under the thin fabric of her
sweater, making her arch her back against his warm touch. Another
came from within Fane as her chest pressed tightly
against his and her hand pulled him harder against her lips. A few
more moments of their fiery kissing, and Fane couldn't take the slow
torture. He did something she hadn't expected at all.

kept one of his hands planted on her back, then slid his other under
her legs and stood, picking her up with ease. Their kiss never broke
as he began walking toward the stairs. Just before taking the first
step up the first flight, he turned her body around, so her legs were
wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. A few steps
up, he stopped and pinned her against the wall.

think...” Morgan was already having a hard time catching her
breath as his warm mouth tickled against the sensitive skin on her
neck. Her head fell back against the wall, but her legs squeezed him
tighter. He was stoking a fire within her body that she greatly

were you thinking?” His deep words were whispered in her ear,
then his lips moved down again, to her chest. His tongue slid from
her collarbone to the deep V in her sweater, then his teeth nibbled
gently at the soft flesh of her breast. Morgan moaned loudly, unable
to hold it inside any longer. Her sound of pleasure made his cock
grow harder, and he pushed his hips against hers, trapping her
tighter between him and the wall.

she finally answered his question. It was true, she didn't remember.
His hard erection was pushed against her own tight center, making her
think of nothing else but what it would feel like inside of her. She
couldn't even remember her name if someone were to ask her. “Take
me upstairs.”

lifted his head, then brought his lips down hard on hers as his hands
slid back to her ass for support. A few more steps up the stairs, and
a knock at the door put their plans on hold.

He threw his head back in frustration, breaking their kiss. He shot
his eyes down the steps, to the door, giving it a dirty look. “I'm
sorry,” he told her, then slowly set her down on the sixth

okay,” Morgan put her hands on his chest, then stood on her tip
toes to give him another kiss. “Go get 'em dog. I'll be
upstairs,” she gave him her best bedroom eyes, then turned and
started making the journey to his fourth floor bedroom alone.

stepped in front of the door as Cezar suddenly opened it as he always
did after a quick knock. His friend started to walk past him, but
Fane stopped him quickly with putting his arm out and forcing Cezar
to get an iron clothesline to the chest. A quick look to Fane, in
which the large man quickly darted his eyes upward toward the stairs,
and Cezar understood what he had interrupted. His friend laughed, he
couldn't believe that the big guy actually still had the beautiful
girl in his home, and he let it be known how funny the situation was.
Typically, that would have been when Fane felt embarrassed, and
would just laugh with him so he didn't have to defend himself, but
not that time.

his deep Romanian tongue, he told his friend, “she'll be here
for at least a week, I'll call you when I'm free.” With that,
his shocked friend nodded and smiled, then left Fane to his beautiful

had made him feel better than he had in months... maybe longer. She
made him remember his dreams, and to smile without having a reason.
She made him feel strong, something that he'd tried not to feel for
years... she made him feel like a man again. For those reasons
alone, although he had many more, he wanted to show her the man that
he used to be, the one that he wanted to be again. A man.... in


had undressed quickly, throwing her clothes on top of her empty bag,
and sat on the corner of the bed with one leg crossed over the other
while she waited for Fane to join her. She looked around, wearing
only her pink bra and panties, and noticed the fire had all but
dwindled since that morning. A chill came over her as she stood to
take care of the fire, and that's what she was in the process of
doing when she heard footsteps getting closer to the top floor. She
smiled to herself as she slowed her movements and placed one small
log at a time on the few flames that were trying to survive. The
sound on the stairs ceased, but she kept loading wood into the fire.

the rest off.” His voice filled the room, and Morgan turned
and smiled at the sexy man in the doorway. She stood, and began to
walk in his direction. “Stop.” She did, but titled her
head slightly in question. “Now .... take them off.” He
motioned with his finger, up and down, to remind her that she was
still somewhat covered. She started to take a step again, but he
took two large strides in her direction. “Take them off, or I
will.” Morgan giggled slightly, and narrowed her eyes
playfully at the serious looking man.

ahead.” She put her hands on her hips and dared the man to
follow through. She was smiling at how he would manage to unhook her
dainty bra with his extra large hands. Her laughter wasn't present
when he hooked one finger between her breasts, under her bra, and
ripped the fabric in half. She watched it hang at her shoulders,
then looked up again. He had taken a half a step closer, which
brought her eye to chest with the towering man. “Shall I do
the same with the rest?” His finger ran from her breasts, down
to the top of her panties, slowly. Morgan watched his finger, not
understanding the sudden change in the man. She didn't respond as a
slow heat, followed by short and faint jolts of desire, filled her
warming body. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, he raised his
other hand to her waist, and easily snapped the material to her
pretty panties on both sides, and both of them watched the pink color
fall to her feet. Her eyes were still on the floor when she heard
his demanding voice again. “Get in bed, Morgan.” She
lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. What she saw there was
more exciting than anything she could have expected, it was more than
his smile, his every feature held a warning, one that made her melt
against his large body.

peeled her away from him, and turned her in the direction of the
oversized bed, his hand at her back. When he began walking, the
force of his hand on her made her move quickly as he easily pushed
her across the room. Morgan didn't know what to do... she had been
with men who knew how to lead in the bedroom, but this was completely
different. She hesitated as his hand pushed against her lower back
to get on the bed. “I... can we just...,”

wrapped his arms around her waist, still behind her, and spoke
quietly into her ear. “You'll do as I say, and you'll fucking
love it.” The skin under his hands tingled, as did her lower
region, and she sighed as she leaned her head sideways against his.
“Get in bed.” He pushed her again, a little harder than
before, and she fell to her knees on the soft dark blue quilt. “Stay
there.” She started to turn her head. “Don't look at
me.” She dug her fingers into the quilt as she waited for his
touch. The sound of her heart, beat in her head, and she tensed as
she waited.

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