Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (48 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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was still wiping her tears when she spoke. “I didn't do
anything. It was Finlay. And John.” Morgan realized,
if Sean had never hired John to follow her, none of this ever would
have been possible.

had nothing to do with his freedom. I just wanted you to be safe.”
It was the first time either of them had spoken about his hired
stalker, but the conversation didn't go how either of them had

know. But, if you hadn't hired him, Mustafa would have been spending
the rest of his life in prison. I'm glad he was there. Sean,”
Morgan spoke as she inched her chair closer to him, “I'm sorry
I wasn't the one who told you.” She wiped a lingering tear from
her cheek, and smiled as she covered one of his hands with hers. “I
have spent a lot of time angry at everyone for keeping secrets from
me, and I was the one keeping the biggest secret of them all.”

I know why you didn't tell me, and it's okay.” At first, Sean
had been hurt that he'd heard about Morgan's ordeal through Finlay,
but when reality sunk in, he'd understood. It was a traumatizing
event in her life, that she would be scarred from for a long time,
and he couldn't expect her to live through the story time after time
by explaining it to everyone. He also knew enough about Morgan to
know she had probably spared him the story for his own sake. If he
had gotten to Carlos before Tanner, it wouldn't have been so
hush-hush. Carlos would never have to worry about his broken legs or
crushed knees ever again, and Sean would have likely been in prison.
It was a smart choice on Morgan's behalf, but all of that was
silently understood between the two of them.

had finished his business in the rest room, but he saw that the two
of them were having a moment and held off for just a while longer.
Another drink from the bar would occupy his interest for a few
moments, and he did just that.

looked down to her wrist, and twirled her bracelet around it slowly,
then took the tiny sheep between her fingers and looked back to Sean.
“Thank you, Sean. I love you.”

love you too, Holland.”

interest in the bar was over when he saw the two at the table
exchange a quick hug and kiss, and he approached the table loudly,
making his presence known with an obnoxious throat-clearing. Morgan
shot him a look, that told him she knew exactly what he was doing,
but both of them ended up in laughter, and Morgan's beer ended up on
the floor.

shit. I guess I've had enough anyway.” She picked up her glass
with more giggles and set it on the table. “Sean, are you
coming back to the house?” Morgan's invite, without Finlay's
approva,l irritated him, and his hands clenched slightly when Sean
began to answer. His hope for Sean's decline was quickly diminished.

would be lovely. If it's alright with Finlay.” Sean lifted his
beer toward the Scot then downed the remaining half.

Finlay sighed.
All I fookin' want is one night.
He still
longed for one night alone with Morgan, but truth was, having Sean
there would make her happy, and he also missed his friend. “Of
course it's fine, mate.”

I have to leave in the mornin' early anyhow, so if ye don't mind,
I'll crash for the night.” Finlay didn't like the sound of him
staying all night, but the idea of him leaving early was alright with

finished his drink and paid the tab for all of them. Thirty minutes
later, they arrived at the home Morgan missed so dearly.

feel like it's been years since I've been here! I have to see my
babies!” Morgan jumped from Sean's car, and ran to the front
doors, then inside the house. There, as expected, were the two
massive dogs to greet her. “There's my handsome Wallace! Oh,
hello, William, I love you too. Yes, I do. I love the big babies!
I've missed you!” Morgan tried her best to give them equal
amounts of ear scratches, belly rubs and kisses, but more than
three-hundred pounds of dog begging for attention was hard keeping up
with. For the next twenty minutes, Morgan gave love to the big Irish
Wolfhounds while Sean and Finlay got comfortable and Burke unloaded
their luggage. When things were finally settled down, Morgan let the
dogs out in the back yard and found her spot next to Sean on the long
couch. “This is so perfect.” Morgan took off her shoes
and put her toes on the edge of the table to hold her legs up.

this make it more perfect?” Finlay walked out of the kitchen,
holding a bottle of her favorite Moscato, and Morgan nodded quickly.

think it would,” she giggled and quickly stood to claim her
prize. Finlay had purchased nearly a dozen bottles of the wine before
he'd gone to Morocco, as he thought she would be staying the week
with him then. He was happy they were still there, and even more
happy to see how excited Morgan was about it. “Wait, are you
to get me drunk, mister?”

think that train set sail a while ago, Holland.”

turned back to Sean, giggling harder than before. “Trains don't
set sail, silly!”

Sean popped open a beer he'd already grabbed, and took a long drink.

Angel,” Morgan mocked him and the three laughed again.

agree with the wee lad, Love. I believe you're already drunk.”
Finlay grabbed Morgan's hand and pulled her out of view from Sean,
deeper into the kitchen. His back was against the counter and his
hands wrapped around her hips, then he pulled her close. His lips
came down hard on hers and Morgan's hand curled in his hair as she
begged for more of his warm mouth.

Morgan pulled away from the kiss, and her eyes moved down Finlay's
body, stopping at the mountain that had formed under his jeans. Her
hand moved over his growing desire, and it jerked under her touch.
Blood rushed to her core, and she could feel her heart pounding in
every inch of her body. She smiled up at Finlay and her hands slowly
undid the button, then the zipper. Drunk courage fueled her desire,
and she didn't care that Sean was in the other room.

Finlay whispered, stopping her with his hand.

one taste.” Morgan lowered her body to her knees and pulled at
his briefs, releasing the restraints of his cock. It bounced out, and
Finlay moaned at the feel of her hot breath against his sensitive

his plea was hardly heard, and he didn't really mean it. His hand
moved through Morgan's hair, as he watched her tongue slide along his
entire length. “Morgan...” The tip of his member
disappeared between her lips, then more.

you head back this way, can I get another beer?” Sean's voice
made Morgan smile around the head of Finlay's cock, and she felt the
small spasm against her tongue as blood rushed to his engorged

Morgan gave another swirl of her tongue to his sensitive tip, then
helped him conceal the raging erection back into the confines of his
jeans. She stood again, and kissed Finlay. “I told you, I just
wanted a taste.” She grabbed Sean a beer, and met him back on
the couch, leaving a sexually frustrated Scot in the kitchen.

was laughing through his exhaustion as he had been awake for nearly
thirty hours straight. His work was keeping him busy, even to the
point of being forced to go to Scotland in the middle of the night to
take care of broken equipment. He didn't tell anyone of his ordeal,
but he didn't think he could stay awake much longer. Seeing Morgan
and Finlay had been his first reason for wanting to stay the night,
but giving his body a rest before returning home was his other

so glad you're here, Sean.” Morgan slapped his knee and smiled
as he tried to take a long drink. “Oh! I have pictures of my
house! I need to show you guys!” She left the couch and was
greeted by the dogs. Finlay must have let them back in and they
eagerly ran with Morgan up to Finlay's room where she dropped to the
floor in front of her pink bag. She had spoken of her childhood home
over dinner and drinks, but didn't think to show them photos at the
time. It took her nearly ten minutes of flipping through her pictures
that were printed back in Ohio to find a decent stack to show the
men. She smiled as she stood again, wondering if Finlay had calmed
down enough to join Sean in the living room.

ran the stairs with two furry friends on either side of her legs. “I
know, boys... I'm excited too!” She held on to Wallace as she
turned the corner in the foyer, and laughed as both of the dogs ran
into the living room. Seconds behind them, she ran into the room and
announced that she'd found them. “Just wait until... oh.”
Morgan stopped running and held a hand over her mouth. “That's
about the sweetest thing I've ever seen.” Finlay and Sean were
both on the couch, sound asleep. Both men were on their backs with
their heads on the hand rests, and their feet nearly touching. She
pulled her camera from her back pocket and snapped two pictures of
the handsome men. “Sleep well, guys.”

made her way quietly back up the stairs and grabbed two blankets from
the linen closet. Within moments, she was back downstairs and
covering the men. With a kiss on her index finger gently placed
against both of their cheeks, she whispered another
went back up to Finlay's room.

boys, looks like it's just the three of us.” She changed
quickly and crawled into bed in a black tank and panties. It had been
one hell of a day, and if she were being honest, sleep was exactly
what she'd wanted. She looked to her right and saw two furry faces
staring back at her. “You're not allowed, you both know that.”
She reached out and smoothed both of their backs before placing her
head on the pillow. William whined slightly, begging for permission,
then Wallace let out a small whimper as well. “Okay.. okay.
Come on.” She moved over and her bed mates were surrounding her
instantly. “But no snoring.” She looked at both of them
and watched as they found their perfect spots. “And no


woke at seven thirty the following morning. He sat up in the empty
living room, trying to remember how he'd ended up alone. “Fook.”
He'd lost an entire night with Morgan, and he ran up the stairs to
find her and his ill behaved dogs sound asleep. “Ye traitors.”
He snapped his fingers and both dogs jumped from the bed and joined
him in the doorway. He wanted to crawl into bed with Morgan, but the
dogs were letting him know that they were already needing to go out.
“Ye wee hoonds are a pain in the arse.” He motioned for
them to go downstairs and then he joined Morgan in the room.

sat gently on the side of the bed and moved Morgan's hair from her
face. He never tired of her taking his breath away, and he smiled as
she ran her hand over her eyes. “Good mornin', beautiful.”
Morgan smiled, but refused to open her eyes just then. “I'll
make ye some coffee, Love.” She moaned in response, but it was
more of a sound of pleasure than anything. “And if ye make
that sound again, ye won't be having coffee.” Morgan giggled
and pushed him away gently.

you, Fin.” He nodded, and got up from the bed. “Fin?”
He turned around and smiled at her bed head as she sat up. “Where's
Sean?” The question was one that he'd asked himself as well,
and all he could do was shrug. “I didn't get to say goodbye.”

sure ye'll see him again, Love.” He laughed and Morgan scoffed.
It wasn't the same, and he knew it.

make me coffee and I'll try to get over it.” She giggled and
Finlay closed the door behind him.

stretched and rolled to her stomach, slamming her head back on the
pillow. It felt great to just be in a familiar bed and start her
morning slowly. “It's going to be a great day.” She spoke
into the pillowcase before letting out a loud yawn. “And great
days start with...,” she pushed herself out of bed and ran her
hands through her hair, “great things.” She ran to the
bathroom quickly to tend to nature. She smiled when she saw that most
of her beauty essentials were already unpacked and on the large
counter beside a door. A very new door. “When did you put in a
balcony?” Morgan stood closer and peered out, taking in the
large space that had recently been added to the outside of the room.
“Nice.” She turned again and started to leave when
Finlay's large black robe touched her hand. It was hanging on the
back of the bathroom door, and Morgan smiled as she reached out and
touched the soft fabric. She pulled the robe to her face and took in
Finlay's scent. “I'd know that smell anywhere.” She
smiled again and looked down to her tank and panties.

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