Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (12 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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going to go out on a limb and say this was your room?” Cade
followed her and grabbed her arm as she leaned against the door frame
to catch her breath.

They shared a quick smile, then scanned the room. “It's all
here.” Everything she had not been able to put in her suitcase,
sitting in the same spot she left it. Her pink and white bed set was
still perfectly made. Dusty, but made. Her jewelry box still sat on
one corner of her dresser and a tiny glass bear sat on the other. Her
ceiling still had glow in the dark stars on it, and her boombox sat
beside her bed. Morgan shook her head and walked out of the room. She
couldn't believe it, no matter how hard she tried. .

are you doing?” Cade followed Morgan back down the stairs and
out the front door.

shopping. If you must follow me, then you're going to help.”
Morgan looked over her shoulder, and her smile told Cade there was a
long day ahead of them. Perhaps many days.

spent the next six hours, going from store to store, gathering
everything she needed to make the house a home again. From cleaners
to home decor, she bought all she could think of, and then some.

want to have the outside painted, and the porch redone. I can have
them do that when I'm traveling!” Morgan was talking to herself
more than anything, but the ideas of everything she wanted to do
brought her more happiness than she'd felt in weeks. Ever since Angel
had to go back to Rio four weeks prior, Julianne had tried her best
to keep Morgan happy and on the right track, but... “Angel!”
She placed two full paper bags on the steps and almost ran back to
the car where her phone was.

I think we should get this stuff unloaded and call it a night. You
need to rest, and...”

only four o'clock.” She placed her hands on her hips. “If
you want to go, I'm not keeping you here.” No, she wasn't. But
Julianne was. Not that he minded, he just really did care for her
well being, and knew she was pushing it. Morgan grabbed her phone out
of her purse and sat down on the step next to the bags. If anyone
knew how to design a home, it was her best friend.

answered the phone on the second ring, and Morgan quickly explained
the situation. “I'll clean it all, I just need your expert
opinion on...everything.” Morgan looked around the property.
Everything was overgrown, the flowers had died and weeds covered the
driveway. Gran had taken such amazing care of her yard, and it
saddened Morgan to see it so out of control.
I'll make it
beautiful again. For you, Gran.

sat on the porch of her home, watching a Bluejay hop through the
yard, and her mind went to Costa Rica and the birds that she'd seen
there. She smiled, remembering the beautiful day that she'd spent
with, Anthony. It was that moment that her heart broke free of the
torment that had kept her nearly paralyzed.

thought of Costa Rica, without thinking of Carlos. She had memories
of a client, and it made her happy. She had Cade on the porch,
watching over her because Julianne and he both cared about her.
Morgan looked down at the new charm on her wrist, and brought it to
her lips. She kissed the Phoenix softly, and smiled at her world.

night, after her return, she had told Julianne everything. Her
enthusiasm was contagious, and it made Julianne happy to see that
Morgan was returning to life. She had watched her sleep, cry, and
find shelter in her own silence. It was something that Julianne
couldn't fix, nor did she know how to even make a little better.

had called Finlay, Angel, and even Alrik to ask for help with how to
shake Morgan from her depression. Not one of them knew what to do. It
was a long, hard road for all involved, but finally, the Morgan that
was excited about life again had started to returned.

happy for you, Morgan. So very happy for you.” Julianne held
her tightly and was thankful for the unexpected news. Morgan's next
words, were just as wonderful.

been afraid of everything.” Morgan nodded, as if remembering
something important. “Working. Men. Being alone, anywhere.
But.... I know that I'm not really alone. I mean,” Morgan
looked back at Julianne, and took her hand. “I was attacked. I
was meant to die. But the love of my family...saved me.”
Julianne nodded, and wiped the tears that fell to her own cheek. “I'm
not alone. I'm not weak. I'm not as afraid as I was.”
Julianne's arms instantly went around Morgan's neck.

you're not alone. And you're right, child... we're family.”


had spent another two weeks cleaning her home, decorating with the
help of Angel's messages and calls, and preparing everything for the
renovations to come. Her excitement had taken her mind off the ordeal
for the most part, but she knew that her time to rest had to come to
an end. It was a Thursday afternoon when she approached Julianne with
her thoughts.

think it's time for me to pick a client and get back to work.”
Morgan sat next to her boss on the plush white sofa, and sipped her
afternoon coffee as she waited for her response. Julianne shifted and
took a sip of her own before answering.

Julianne moved Morgan's hair from her shoulder and straightened an
unruly strand near her face. “I think you need a little more
time.” The random nights that Julianne would pass Morgan's room
and hear her crying had seemed to come to an end, but she couldn't be
sure. “A few more weeks...and then...,”

Morgan didn't want to sound harsh, or ungrateful. She took a quiet
breath and continued. “I mean, I'm as ready as I'm going to
be.” She looked at Julianne, hoping not to cry. “Please.
I need to move forward. I need” Julianne
nodded and stood. She gracefully crossed the room in a fashion that
Morgan envied. As a true lady would move.

think about it, child. That's the best I can do right now.”
Julianne's back was to Morgan, and she didn't see the sadness that
her words brought to Morgan's face. With a simple unseen nod, Morgan
left the room. It was also with that nod that she thought it might be
best to start living in her own home, even if it wasn't quite ready.

minutes later, Julianne walked into Morgan's room and demanded
answers. “What in the world do you think you're doing?”
Julianne grabbed Morgan's shirts from her hand and put them back into
the dresser drawer. Morgan shook her head and sat down on the bed. “I
just need... something.” Julianne looked at Morgan, her heart
breaking, and joined her. Once again, Julianne moved Morgan's hair
from her face. “I'm better. Not completely, just mostly tired,
but better.” Julianne nodded as Morgan spoke. Morgan turned
and brought her legs up to the bed, crossing them over one another.
She looked so small right then, helpless, and it tore at Julianne to
see her still so broken. “If I can't work... I'll just.. go
home.” Finally, Julianne understood. She smiled and brought
Morgan's face up to meet her eyes.

You've been through hell and back. I imagine,” Julianne looked
around the room briefly, then back to Morgan, “these walls are
closing in on you.” She also agreed, that she would feel the
same, and was grateful that Morgan had taken several hours a day to
work on the house. “Okay, get up!” Julianne pulled
Morgan's arm as she herself stood, and they walked back to the main
room. “Here's what we're going to do.” Julianne forced
Morgan to sit on the sofa once again as she took her place across the
room at her desk. “You can get back to work. But here's the
catch.” Morgan's head tilted, and waited. “I'll pick your
next client.” Morgan smiled, not caring what the reason had
been, and got up. “No, let me work, you rest.” That was
the last thing Morgan wanted to do, but she sat again anyway to make
Julianne happy. “But I'll do this under one condition.”
Morgan crossed her heart with a promise that she would agree with
anything. “No matter who I pick, or what I plan for you, you'll
do as I say and not argue. Deal?”

you! Yes! I promise!” Julianne smiled in return, still
believing that it was far too soon for Morgan to work again, and
opened her data base of clients. She studied the men, and turned to

why don't you go downstairs and get us something to eat.” That,
Morgan laughed, would not be a problem. Julianne went back to work,
opening each client's file that she thought would be best suited for
Morgan under the circumstances.

one of you would be best for my girl right now?” Julianne spoke
to the empty room, at least she thought, until a pair of large hands
landed on her shoulders. Julianne smiled, not even stopping, and
brought her hand over his. “Hello, Darling.” Felix kissed
the top of her head and gave her shoulders a squeeze.

and Alrik had finished their business, and he had returned to be with
Julianne for the next two weeks. “I'll be done here shortly, I
think.” She opened more files, and read every detail of the men
in hopes of picking just the right one. He read over her shoulder and
asked what she was doing. Julianne looked toward the door to make
sure Morgan was gone, then told Felix everything. “To be
honest, though...,” she looked again at the door, “I
don't want to send her anywhere. She isn't ready, and I know it.”
Felix kissed her again, then sat in a chair next to the desk.

get her ready.” Julianne looked into his eyes, loving the humor
that she saw in the light blue shine, and smiled. She had no idea
what he meant, but she was sure that he was about to tell her.


leaving tomorrow morning, so please make sure the painters know that
they have to use the back door. It'll be unlocked.” Morgan
stood in her kitchen as the sun began to set and ended the last of
her calls. She wanted the repairs and restorations done while she was
gone, and everyone was lined up for the next two weeks.

had no idea how long it would be until she returned home, and she
didn't even know if she truly wanted to ever live there someday. But
what she did know was that restoring the home was the most important
thing to her right then, and that's what she held on to. She took one
last walk through the house, loving that it was at least clean for
the time being, and certainly appeared to be a home. “Home.”


you have your light blue tank top?” Julianne helped Morgan
pack, and made several trips to the bathroom to make certain that
everything had been put in the suitcases. Morgan laughed, and assured
Julianne that everything was there.

told you, I left a lot of clothes at the house. I don't need to haul
all of that around anymore.” Morgan had shed one full case of
clothes that she didn't need, and was happy to be back to light
travel again. It also didn't help with the new additions of jeans
that Julianne had purchased, nor the dozen new tank tops from Angel
when he claimed to have found a
mothafuckin' sale.
I'm good.” Morgan stopped Julianne and wrapped her arms around
her neck. “Thank you, for everything.” Morgan sniffed and
hugged her even more tightly. “I love you.” Julianne
wiped her own tear without letting go of Morgan.

love you too, child. I love you too.”

we going to get to the airport, or are you two going to cry all over
each other all morning?” Cade leaned against the doorframe of
the main room and smiled as the women broke apart.

be an ass, Cade.” Julianne shook her finger at the man, and
took her seat at the desk. Morgan grabbed her bags with the help of
Cade who joined her, and nodded at her boss. “Remember, child.”
Morgan turned and looked at Julianne before leaving the room. “I'm
only a phonecall away. If you need anything, I'm here. Always.”
Morgan nodded and turned back to Cade. She was determined not to cry
one more time that morning.

can you tell me now?” Morgan and Cade arrived at the
Akron/Canton airport twenty minutes later, and Morgan stood in the
lobby, waiting for answers.

had refused to give her much information in fear that Morgan would
over-think the situation. It was a good call, and Morgan knew it.
However, standing in the airport, she absolutely had to know where
she was heading in less than an hour's time. Cade laughed and reached
into his pocket, pulling out her itinerary.

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