Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order (20 page)

BOOK: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order
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Deshad gave Garrett a glare for even mentioning the assassins. Garrett tried again to calm Deshad. "Look I expect you to be protective of our leader, that is your job. Hopefully as our vision for the world takes place you will begin to trust me more." Garrett turned to leave as he was on the way out he noticed the assassins gear and weapons on a rack near the door and said out loud to Deshad. "Kind of at a disadvantage being so far away from your weapons." As Garrett was walking towards the door he was thinking how all of the assassins skill meant nothing if he couldn’t defend the forty five Garrett was carrying. At that moment a knife stuck into a heavy training bag Garrett was walking by. Garrett stopped, looked at the knife turned his head to Deshad and smiled before leaving the room. He really was growing fond of the assassin.


                         * * *


At the Keesler compound Staff Sergeant Reyes commanding officer was exiting the operations center while looking at some reports his assistant had given him. The First Sergeant chased down the Major as he was walking. “Major.” The Major continued walking on his course and looking at the reports as he responded. “First Sergeant.” The First Sergeant continued. “Sir, Reyes and his team have not reported back yet.” The Major had forgotten about Reyes and the transport, dealing with the Texas refugees, transfers and vaccinations occupied the majority of his time. The Major continued towards his destination. “When was his last report?” The first Sergeant answered. “They haven’t reported since they left.” The Major stopped and faced the First Sergeant. “Who knows about the runaways?” The First Sergeant tilted his head sideways wondering what the Major was thinking. “As far as I’m aware just us sir.” The Major thought for a moment things have been hectic and a few people running away was just a small aggravation. He was concerned over missing soldiers but even that was a small issue at the moment, plus he saw the list of soldiers Reyes took with him; not the finest the Army had to offer.

“Keep me posted on the situation First Sergeant but let’s not spend too much time on this….Go ahead and send a patrol up the transport route to.” The Major thought of the correct orders. “To look for stragglers that haven’t reported for vaccination. Also attach two more soldiers to each transport.” The First Sergeant nodded. “Yes Sir.” The Major leaned into the First Sergeant. “And let’s keep Reyes and the runaways under wraps for now.” The First Sergeant nodded stood to attention and saluted the Major. “Good afternoon Sir.” The Major returned the salute. “Good afternoon First Sergeant.” They both continued on with their duties truly too busy with the new world alliance to spend any more time on the subject. Military scuttlebutt was that plans were in motion to group all the alliance militaries into one unified military. That concerned many Airman, Soldiers, Seaman and Marines who took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States.


                            * *  *


Chapter 10: Rebels, Traitors and Patriots

A week had passed since the assault on the camp. Things had been rather quiet. Training continued while Nathan was trying to figure out how to infiltrate and liberate the Jackson compound. Nathan couldn’t help the crunch of snow as he came to the edge of a hill overseeing the west side of the compound. Snow rarely fell this far south, Nathan thought they must be in the middle of a cold front as it had been lightly snowing for most of the week; very unusual for December in the gulf south. Nathan leaned against a tall pine on the edge of the forest to steady the sights of the scope on his rifle. It was past sundown and the compound stood like a beacon in the night. Only a small part of the city had electricity but it was well lit which was perfect for night time reconnaissance. This was the third trip Nathan had made in the past week to the compound scouting trying to think of a plan. Thru his scope Nathan could see fencing surrounded by concertina wire. There were roving JLTV’s around the city, half a dozen auto drones as well as troops in mechsuits doing patrols in and around the city. Inside there were TV monitors everywhere as well as a large movie sized one by a stage. Most of the TV’s had the Illuminati news while a few others were playing movies. There were groups of teenagers going to and from areas where virtual reality games were set up. The Adults had even more recreational options; bars, restaurants and general festive areas were set up.

“Cattle.” Nathan was surprised as he spoke louder than he intended, but he was far out of anyone’s earshot. Nathan found himself extremely frustrated at how easily the populace was sedated. Even with their homes, lives and liberty lost they were still not angry enough to fight for their freedom. The compound itself wasn’t that secure, it was meant to look like it was set up for defense but Nathan didn’t think getting in or out would prove too difficult. Nathan noticed a large FEMA office trailer in this quadrant that appeared to be more heavily guarded than the rest of the compound. As he sighted in Nathan saw three men exit the trailer, one clearly stood out as the man in charge. He walked towards a nearby building with two military personnel flanking either side. Nathan lost sight as they entered the building; he tried to look through the windows but couldn’t see anything. As he followed the building up Nathan noticed several antenna and dishes on the roof. Nathan crouched down as an idea was beginning to form; he had a secondary objective along with liberating the base. He wanted to tap into the FEMA network to look for Kayla. Everyday there was a pull to just leave everything and go find her but he knew of course he couldn’t leave his family and the rebels unless he knew where she was, then he could just go get her and bring her back. At least he hoped he could. Nathan scouted for a few more minutes and then headed back to camp wondering if his plan would work.


                          *  * *


The Prince and Garrett stood on the balcony of the faux Whitehouse looking over the underground city of Mt. Weather. It truly appeared a bustling city as people moved thru the streets in business garb, got on the monorail or simply ate at one of the cafeterias.

The Prince looked out at it all. “This truly is amazing, other than the lack of a sky this looks a normal city. We should have been here a long time ago.” The Prince coyly eyed his lieutenant who had tried repeatedly over the years to convince him to move operations to Mt. Weather.

Garrett played along. “Well my Lord I didn’t want to push too hard, I know you love the Mediterranean.” The Prince chuckled. “That I do my friend.”

At that moment an assistant to Garrett was moving to him with urgency, new to being around the council he had not yet learned that quick movements in the Princes direction were generally not a good idea. As soon as he cleared the doorway Deshad grabbed him twisting the man’s left arm behind his back while bringing a dagger in a downward grip around the left side of the man’s neck. Deshad then leaned the man over the balcony. “AHHHHHH!” The man screamed for his life.

The Prince and Garrett turned to their right to see the scene not even aware of what had transpired. The man clearly feared for his life. “Mr. President I’m sorry sir.” The man swallowed the gulp in his throat as he felt Deshad’s dagger on his neck. “I have urgent, not urgent… I have a…” The man was very nervous. The Prince and Garrett were quite amused by the situation, the Prince addressed his bodyguard. “Come now, you’ve seen this man before even I recognize him as Garrets assistant.” Deshad indeed did recognize the man but was growing bored at Mt. Weather, plus the man was moving too fast. Deshad released the man and bowed slightly to his master as he moved back to his place. “Forgive me my Lord, one cannot be too careful.”

The Prince and Garrett both held back the urge to laugh as the assistant tried to gather himself. 

“Please my Lord I offer my deepest apology for interrupting I was instructed to bring this news to the President immediately.” The Prince reached over and put a hand on the assistants shoulder. “Calm down its ok….Brown isn’t it?” The man was surprised and overjoyed that the Prince knew who he was. “YeYes Sir.” The Prince opened his hand towards Garrett directing Brown to continue.

“Mr. President Agent Thompson wanted me to tell you that Xeno has gone full rogue sir.”

The president absorbed the information and shook his head. “They removed their chips?”

Brown answered. “Yes sir.” Garrett was not pleased but was also not surprised. “Damn it Jenkins, do we know where?” Brown continued. “We have an approximate location sir.”

The Prince was looking back and forth between the two. Garrett had seen the Princes curiosity.

“Excuse me my lord, it’s nothing really.” The Prince gave Garrett a look that told him he would make that determination. Garrett elaborated. “One of our black ops teams has taken out their armchips and gone rogue, Colonel Jenkins team. Not particularly surprising he was always … difficult and his team follows in his footsteps.” The Prince Nodded not overly concerned.

Garrett turned to his assistant. “Tell Thompson to send Zulu and Omega in to terminate, we can’t have any of the others getting any ideas.” Brown nodded in acknowledgement. “Yes Mr. President.” As Brown was turning away the Prince held his hand up. “Hold on.” Brown and Garrett turned their attention to their supreme leader. The Prince placed his hand on his face. “I have an idea… Let Deshad go.” Garrett looked at the Prince, so did Deshad wondering why he was being volunteered to handle Garrett’s business. Garrett said. “It’s really not a problem sir, honestly I have four other loyal units and many others waiting to move up.” The Prince shook his head. “I don’t doubt your people but my bodyguard has been quite bored of late.” The Prince looked at Deshad and smiled. “He almost killed your assistant.” Garrett smiled as well, Brown forced an awkward smile. Garrett conceded the point. “He does seem like he could use a vacation.”

The Prince let out a hardy laugh. “Yes indeed he could or at least visit the ladies at the menagerie.” All but Deshad laughed at that statement referring the guild of Illuminati escorts. His interest was piqued however at the thought of facing down an American black ops unit. “As you wish my Prince, I would very much like to take care of this problem for Mr. Garrett.” Garrett nodded to Deshad. The Prince smiled. “Well it’s settled then.” The Prince turned to Brown. “Tell your director to take no further action on this matter other than to assist Deshad as he requires.” Brown bowed. “As you say my Prince.”


                            *   *   *


Nathan looked around camp as the group once again gathered, this time to discuss the plan to liberate the Jackson compound. Nathan was rubbing the back of Beast’s head as he looked at the overcast wintery sky; it was in the mid forties. Nathan was happy it had warmed up a little; he felt a large measure of guilt having these people out in the cold. They had recently made a run into town to attain some space heaters but Nathan had advised the group to try and use them sparingly, while the space heaters themselves didn’t put out any electronic signals the battery cell chargers to power them did and Jason’s team had not finished making the electronic masking devices yet. As the group was settling in Nathan was walking around a makeshift model of the Jackson compound made mostly of sticks and trash.

“So Anthony and I have talked it over and we think we’ve come up with a plan to liberate a small part of the compound.” Anthony was kneeling next to the model placing a few markers in various positions. Nathan continued. “First and most important these people think they are in a camp to protect them against terrorists, we must not appear to be these terrorists. I want absolutely no shooting, fighting or killing unless absolutely necessary.” Many in the group wondered what plan could liberate the compound without any violence; some inwardly thought that the person most prone to shooting, fighting and killing was Nathan. “We are going to split into four teams. Alpha will be Jason, Alexia and myself.” Nathan looked to the soft spoken grizzled man from earlier who he had learned was named Allen, the hardy young woman was Jessica and the young man who challenged Alexia was Gabriel . “Allen, Darion, Thomas, Jessica and Marcus you will be Bravo, Gabriel you will join Anthony in Echo and finally Mrs. Haynesworth.” Marcus’s feisty wife cut Nathan off. “I told you to call me Barb.” Anthony looked up at Nathan with a look that said better watch out she’s gonna kick your ass. Nathan saw Anthony’s look held in a smile and turned his attention to Barb. “Yes Ma’am. Barb your gonna be in charge of Hilo with Beast at your side.” Nathan turned to Anthony to take over. Anthony’s mellow military tone was a stark contrast to Nathans loud unintentionally aggressive one. “Alpha is going to infiltrate the base and cause a distraction, Bravo your job is to cut a hole in the eastern fence here, you will enter in an alley behind this restaurant. Your objective is to try and find as many people that want to leave as you can and lead them to the exit, you will have approximately twenty minutes. Once out you are to lead them thru to the woods to meet with Hilo.” Anthony looked to Barb. “Mrs. Barb you and your team will begin transferring in our vehicles all the refugees to camp.” Only hearing this part of the plan the group was growing anxious, Darion was the first to point out the problems. “How are we going to convince people to leave? And what about the rovers and soldiers in the compound? What about them?” Jason was the next. “You said we were going to infiltrate?” Anthony understood the questions. “I’ll let Nathan explain the rest. Nathan grabbed a pointing stick off the ground. “Lex, Jason and I are going to take one of the JLTV’s and drive on the base. We’re going to pose as soldiers from another compound with a package for the camp director.” Nathan pointed at a soda can with some pine needles sticking out of it. “Our objective is to get into this building and access their broadcast network; we’re going to broadcast a message thru the monitors throughout the compound that will hopefully convince a few people to rethink their situation. Once we do we’re going to get a lot of heat on us very quickly, this will create the distraction for Bravo to lead people out.” Alexia was playing the plan thru her head trying to sort some things out. “How are we going to pretend to be soldiers?” Nathan met eyes with Anthony, they both agreed Alpha had the toughest and… dirtiest part in the plan. “We’re going to be wearing soldier’s uniforms.” It took a minute for Jason and Alexia to register that the only place to get soldiers uniforms was off the dead ones that assaulted the camp. Jason covered his mouth while Alexia said. “Ewww that’s gross!” Nathan tried to console them a little bit. Anthony and I found the cleanest ones; they’ve been soaking in a bag in the creek with soap. It’s the best option we have.” The two nodded slightly even though they were not pleased. “Also Jason I talked with Barb… your gonna need a haircut.” Jason ran his fingers thru his thick Italian hair. “Aww man.” Nathan apologized. “Sorry but we have to look the part.” Gabriel who wasn’t that far removed from the Marines and still carried the haircut spoke up. “I can do it, I already look the part.” Nathan shook his head. “I need Jason with me to hack into the network, plus we need you with Anthony. You two are going to be on over watch orchestrating the whole operation, Anthony is going to be taking down drones and we may need you to cause another diversion in case Bravo gets made. The two of you together should be able to egress pretty quick if need be.” Nathan looked to Jason and Alexia but was still speaking to Gabriel. “Plus you guys are probably going to be our escape plan.” That brought up Alexia’s next question. “How are we going to get out of there?” Again Nathan and Anthony looked at each other knowing this part of the plan to be very risky. Nathan looked at Jason and his sister. “I promise I’ll get us out, you just have to trust me.” The duo looked at each other and just nodded to Nathan.

BOOK: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order
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