Arizona Skies: The Muse (37 page)

BOOK: Arizona Skies: The Muse
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I hummed a few bars of the melody before looking directly to her as I started singing. Her hand covered her heart as she listened to me tell our story. I saw the tears running down her cheeks and had to close my eyes to keep from getting choked up myself.

This girl got to me on so many levels. I poured my heart out in hopes that she’d never forget me. When I finished the last line, I finally looked up at her. I played the last chord humming the melody as the spotlight went out. I’d instructed the lighting crew to put the spotlight on her after I finished the song. She was trying to hold it together, tears streaming down her face as I put my guitar down and jumped off the stage. I took her into my arms and kissed her, wiping away her tears so she could see how much love I had in my heart for her. Even salty kisses and red eyes couldn’t take her beauty away as she looked at me with those big, brown eyes.

“I love you, Bailey,” I told her. She put her head on my chest, and I signaled for the light to be turned off. The moment was over, and I was bombarded with adoring fans, each trying to pry me away from her. I knew she was embarrassed to be seen crying, so when she excused herself to go to the ladies’ room, I let her go. I watched her walk away wiping her eyes, with Shelly’s arm around her. Her friend could take care of her for now, but she was mine for the rest of the night.

I smiled and signed programs. Women’s hands were all over me, but I didn’t enjoy it like I used to. Maybe I was really changing and would handle this lifestyle much better in the future. The only hands I wanted on me belonged to a beautiful, brown-eyed girl. I wouldn’t ever be rude to a fan as I dodged their groping and clawing at me. I smiled and made light conversation while I waited for Bailey to return.

Scott had to fight off several very aggressive women, rolling his eyes at me as he ducked and dodged their attacks. John, with his dark good looks, had the women practically crawling up his body, but he managed to pull them off and not offend anyone in the process. Finally, the captain appeared and congratulated us, shaking all our hands. He’d been here for our final performance and had allowed many of the crew to watch with him. I wondered who was navigating the ship!

He offered an all-expenses-paid cruise for the band and our girlfriends if we’d perform again sometime. That was an indication that we were a success—a look into the future for Arizona Skies.



ou’re not handling this rock-star thing very well, are you?” Shelly asked as we left the bathroom and stood in the hallway.

“No, I guess not. I don’t know what to say to these women,” I confessed, rather unnerved at the comment that one woman made.

“Don’t take any shit from anyone, you hear me?” Shelly said.

“I never know if they’re going to start punching me or hug me,” I said, chuckling.

“They’re just jealous; remember that. He wants you, not them,” she reminded me.

“Maybe right now, but what about next week, or next month when I’m all the way across the country?” I said, letting my insecurities get the best of me.

“That right there,” she said, pointing to my necklace. “That tells me he’s in love with you. You’re just going to have to trust him, just like I have to trust Scott. Nobody said falling in love was easy, so pull those shoulders back, and let’s go enjoy our last night with our guys,” she said, smiling at me.

“Thanks, Shell,” I said, hugging her.

“Hey, don’t forget we’re both in the same boat here. I’m losing my boyfriend tomorrow too. We have to keep each other’s spirits up.”

“It’s going to be hard. If it wasn’t for my mother, I’d take Jesse up on his offer and follow him to Arizona,” I said.

“Listen, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Being away for a couple months will do him some good. Besides, there is Skype, phones, e-mails, and texts; we’ll be in constant communication with them. February will be here before you know it. I’m pumped to be taking a vacation in warm weather for a change,” she said.

“Who are you, and what did you do with Shelly?”

“You know I’m right, so believe, and it will come true,” she said, pulling me into the Green Room. I watched the guys talking to all the women hanging around and hoping they’d get lucky. Jesse seemed to sense that I was in the room and turned toward me. That smile crossed his gorgeous face, and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. “Go get him,” Shelly said, pushing me forward.

He smiled and opened his arms wide so I could walk right into my favorite place on earth.

“There’s my girl,” he said, kissing my nose. “Feel better?”

“Yes, you shocked me tonight with that song. I knew you’d written a song, but I figured it would be more like ‘Crazy Love.’”


Honey, you’ve inspired me in so many ways I couldn’t even begin to tell you, but crazy…no!” he chuckled.

“That’s good. I guess I’ll have to wait and see what other songs I’ve inspired you to write.”

“That’s right; you will,” he said, kissing me sweetly.

“To Arizona Skies and a successful cruise,” John said, holding up his beer.

“Hear, hear, and too many more,” Keith said.

“I knew you guys could do it,” John said, glancing over at Jesse.

“Bullshit, you were hoping I’d get my head out of my ass and do it,” Jesse said, laughing at John.

“That too,” John chuckled back at Jess, winking at me with a shrewd grin.

“Here’s to Bailey, who brought our boy back from the brink of total fucked-up-ness,” Scott said.

“Is that even a word?” Jesse joked. Scott just shrugged and took a drink of his beer. I burst out laughing at how silly these grown men were acting.

“Here’s to Arizona Skies,” Keith said, clinking his beer with Scott’s.

“Wanna fuck?” Jesse whispered in my ear with a mischievous grin. I acted shocked, but my smile gave me away. I knew he was trying to keep our last night happy and fun.

“Ummm…maybe later,” I said, drinking my wine. He chuckled and clinked his bottle with my glass.

“Well, all right, I’ll hold you to that, my little kumquat,” he said, licking his lips. I smiled back at him; tonight was all about fun. I was done crying and wanted to laugh and enjoy myself. That was the way I wanted Jesse to remember me.

Shelly had her camera out, clicking away as we partied and celebrated. I didn’t drink much wine; I wanted to have a clear head and last as long as Jesse could. I noticed Jesse was pacing himself too; this night was too important to both of us. John was on cloud nine, laughing and joking more than I’d seen him in the past six days.

John came over next to me while Jesse and Scott were fooling around. “Bailey, I wanted to tell you I videotaped ‘The Girl in Red’ tonight and sent it to our producer.”

“Really I hope he likes it,” I said.

“I’m sure he will; he’s very impressed with how well our performances have been going,” John said, watching everyone celebrating. “Bailey, I want to make you an offer,” he said, looking serious.

“What kind of offer?”

“Well, when you get that business-management degree, I want you to take over my manager job. I’m trying to juggle my personal life, playing and composing music, and managing the band, and I’m tired,” he said. My breath caught in my throat; I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“What say that again? I don’t think I heard you correctly,” I asked. He laughed and reached for my hand. Looking me straight in the eyes, he repeated himself.

“I want you to come to Arizona and manage Arizona Skies. If our band is taking off like I think we are, you’d be the perfect person for the job. I know Jesse wants you there; you’ve changed that boy—for the good! We all love you, and it would mean you’d have a job as soon as you graduate,” he explained.

“John, I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes. I haven’t said anything to Jesse yet, but I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic. I figured I’d spring it on him once you’re gone to give him hope that you’ll still be in his life. He just has to wait a few months,” he said.

“Oh my God, John, yes, yes…I’d love to be the band’s manager. But you have to promise to help me,” I said.

“Honey, it would be my honor. We’ll be busy recording when you come out in February, and the producer wants to set up a tour as soon as the album comes out,” he explained.

“A tour! Will that mean that I’ll be all alone in a strange city, while you guys are traveling around the country?” I said, panicking.

“No, Bailey, you’ll be with us. Managing also means keeping us in line, getting us where we need to be, and PR work,” John said.

“John, I’ve never done any of that before; I don’t want to let you down.”

“Bailey, I have complete faith in you. That degree ensures me you have the capability and smarts to handle whatever demands are put on you. Besides, don’t worry; I’ll be there to help along the way.”

“I hope Jesse likes the idea.” I wondered if I was going to cramp his style. After a few months away from me, I was afraid he’d slip into his old ways.

“Are you kidding? He’s going to love the idea. Besides, consider it a personal favor to me. I need to spend more time with Natalie; we’re planning on getting married next year, and I want to be with
her, not these jackasses’ twenty-four-seven.” He gestured over his shoulder.

“Congratulations, John,” I said, giving him a hug.

“Hey, none of that. Get your hands off my girl,” Jesse said, pushing John away. John just stood there smiling; then he winked at me before joining back in the festivities with everyone.

“What were you two talking about?” Jesse asked.

“What a bunch of jackasses you guys are,” I said, walking away to pick up my wine glass.

“What?” he said, following me to the table. I looked over at John, tipped my glass, and took a drink.
I have a job
, I thought to myself.

We partied for a couple hours; then our group went out on deck to enjoy the last sunset. The stars were bright, lighting up the night sky. Jesse held me tight as we looked up at the stars.

“You look beautiful tonight, Bailey,” Jesse said, kissing me. Click, click—we turned to see Shelly smiling at us.

“Got it,” she said, walking past us to get Keith and Liza. John stood at the railing looking out to sea. He really was handsome, tall, and muscular. He had his foot propped up on the railing, with his arm leaning over the railing. Shelly took a couple shots of him. I figured he was thinking about Natalie and seeing her again.

“Baby, it’s time to have you to myself. As much as I love that dress, right now all I can think about is taking it off,” Jesse said in my ear.

“I’m all yours,” I said, meaning that in every sense of the word.

“Yes, and right now I have this problem you need to take care of,” he said, taking my hand and putting it on his cock. I stroked his hard length a couple times, needing some attention paid to my quivering core as well.

“OK, let’s say good night,” I said, pulling my hand away. He moaned but followed me as we made our way to say good night to our friends. We all hugged, and Jesse led me below deck.

“Let’s go to my room for a change,” Jesse said. I nodded and followed him down the hallway to his door.

“Close your eyes, beautiful,” he said, holding his hand over my eyes.

“Jesse, what are you up to?” I asked, giggling as I heard him turn the key.

“OK, open them,” he said, pulling his hand away. I looked at several wrapped packages lying on his bed. I turned to see him smiling.

“You wouldn’t let me buy you anything, so I winged it,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Jesse, you don’t have to spend money on me,” I said to his sparkling eyes.

“I know I don’t have to, but I wanted to. Besides, I had fun picking things out for my beautiful, sexy girl,” he said with wiggly eyebrows. His face made me giggle. “Open them,” he said, pulling me over next to the bed.

I picked up the first package and shook it. “I’ve never had someone buy me so many presents before.” I was overwhelmed by his generosity.

“Well, now you do,” he said, shrugging, with a devilish smile on his face. I opened the first package, pulling out three sets of thong underwear with matching bras. One was white satin, lavender silk, and the third a dark turquoise color. I looked up at him holding the turquoise strip of material in my hand. “To replace the panties I ripped off you,” he explained. “I want you to model them all for me!”

“OK,” I said.

“Here, open this,” he said, handing me a heavy box. Inside I saw this apple emblem on the package. My eyes lit up when I realized he’d bought me a laptop computer, loaded with a camera and every program imaginable. “For school,” he said. He didn’t know it, but I had a hand-me-down from Shelly. It was functional, but nothing like this.

“Jesse, I can’t accept this; it’s…just…too…much,” I said, tearing up. I flopped down on the bed with the computer in my lap, looking at his smiling face. “How…did you know?”

“I guessed. Look, it has a camera; we can Skype,” he said, sitting next to me. “I’ve already had the salesclerk put in my e-mail address; it’s all set up and ready to go.” He wiped a tear from my face and put my long tendril behind my ear. “So technically, it’s considered used; you have to keep it!”

“Jesse, I don’t know what to say,” I said, putting the box back on the bed before I dropped it.

“Here, open this one,” he said, handing me another box.

I pulled the ribbon off and tore the paper away. There was a long, white box; I opened the lid to find a long, fluffy, red bathrobe. Underneath the robe were slippers in red, with a soft bed of red velvet. I held the robe up to my cheek; it was the softest fabric I’d ever felt. “It’s so soft,” I said, smiling at him.

“Just like your skin,” he said, stroking my arm. “Do you like it?”

“Jesse, I love it,” I said, launching myself into his arms. He chuckled and held me tight, giving me a very erotic kiss.

“Wait, there’s more,” he said, pulling away to reach over for one more package. “You keep distracting me with that sexy body of yours.” He handed me the box. “Come on, let’s get this over with; I’m anxious to see you in this,” he said, rubbing his hands together. I chuckled and took the box out of his hands. I made short work of the ribbon to see what he’d bought this time. My eyes widened when I pulled out a white, see-through nightie. I raised one eyebrow to look at him through the material.

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