Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7) (17 page)

BOOK: Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7)
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“This is for Arielle,” he hissed and smashed his fist once again in Mauritsio’s face. Blood spattered out of his nose and the gag in his mouth was now soaked in blood. Mauritsio’s body was awkwardly sprawled on the floor with broken arms, legs, and now a broken face. Sebastian bent down and punched him a few more times with an unforgiving anger. Mauritsio’s body convulsed wildly, and after a few more hits, blood started to pour out of his mouth, ears, and nose. He stopped moving. Sebastian was ready to hit him again when Troy’s hand grabbed his arm mid-air.

“Sebastian, stop! He’s dead, man! No more.”

Sebastian pulled himself up, still staring at Mauritsio’s broken body. Anger boiled inside his mind. The sight of Arielle’s bloody and bruised body blinded his good judgment.

Christian pulled away from the wall and walked over to Sebastian.

“We need to clean up the mess and rid of their bodies,” Troy said quietly, “before Dylan’s men decide to come in.”

“Yes, you’re right.” Sebastian agreed. They moved in their immortal speed, and soon the place appeared like nobody had been there, but for the crumbled interior wall.

“We need to take the back stairs,” Sebastian said.

“The detectives are here ready to set up surveillance on the house.”

 Satisfied with the outcome, they moved quickly down the steps to the basement, crossed the long corridor, ran through the bedroom, hurdled over the windowsill, and landed into the backyard.

“The car is not here,” Sebastian said. “Ian used it to take Arielle to the hospital.”

Troy and Christian exchanged glances hesitantly. They were not sure if Sebastian was ready to talk about Arielle. He was troubled, his eyes hard, his facial expression rigid.

They wanted to deflect the uncomfortable topic, but they needed to know. “How is Arielle?” Troy finally asked.

 Sebastian gasped at the sound of her name. His face paled, and he took a long shaky breath before he replied. “She is really hurt.”

“Sorry,” they both said simultaneously. Sadness coated their voices.

Sebastian gave them a quick glance. “It’s not your fault. It’s nobody’s fault, but mine.” He came to an abrupt halt, and facing his friends, he shook his face in disgust. “It is all my fault. There are people out there that want to kill her. I have brought nothing, but pain into her life. I wish I had the strength to walk away and let her live a normal, happy life.” He raked both hands through his hair. “I don’t know what to do anymore. I hate to see her in pain.”

“Sebastian, you need to stop thinking this way. You can’t let her see you like this,” Troy said firmly.

He managed to flip the switch to reality, and he nodded in agreement. “We need to come up with a good story that will sound believable to her parents and to the police,” Sebastian said.

“The police?” Christian exclaimed.

“Yes, any time they admit someone in Arielle’s condition, the doctors call the authorities to investigate. That’s just normal procedure.”

“So what’s the story that we are going to use?” Troy asked.

They all fell silent, thoughts of Arielle and the situation at hand weighing them down. “I’m thinking,” Sebastian said quietly. “I’ve got it!” he said interrupting their thoughts.

“And that is… what?” Troy said watching him carefully.

“I thought that we might say that Arielle was taken from school to ransom for important documents that the Mafia needed from me. Interpol was on to them, but they were too late. Arielle used her cell and texted Eva to tell her that someone kidnapped her. She was badly hurt and locked into a room, but she had no idea where she was. Ian tracked her phone and located her, while we were in a meeting with Dylan. He rescued her and called us, just as we were leaving Interpol. We are now on the way to the hospital.”

Troy and Christian appeared to seriously ponder Sebastian’s story.

“I think I would believe something like that,” Christian snorted.

“Yes, it sounds quite believable,” Troy, added.

Sebastian glanced between them. “Well, we’ll have to go with that, because I can’t think of anything else. If you can think of something better, let me know.”

“I don’t think I can make up anything better,” Christian replied. And Troy just shrugged. “It really is a good story,” Christian said again, grinning.

“It is what it is,” Sebastian added dismissively. They agreed and started to walk away from the home.

“I would like to be a fly on the wall when Rainer gets the news,” Christian whispered.

“This will be a great wake up call for Rainer and his organization,” Sebastian said flatly, a grim smile tightening his face.

“Christian, I think you should go to the hospital first, since you’re supposed to be with Ian. Troy and I will wait for a short period of time, to make the story fit.”

Christian nodded. “I’ll see you soon,” he said and took off.

Sebastian and Troy used their immortal speed and left the location. They waited for about a half an hour, and then Sebastian picked up the phone and called Dylan. He needed to clear the situation with Dylan before they moved on.

“Jamison here,” Dylan answered flatly.

“Dylan, it’s Sebastian.”

“Oh, Sebastian, I’m really glad you called. I was getting ready to call you.” His voice changed to that of great concern. “Well, my detectives followed the goons from the airport to a location on the North East part of town and parked a couple blocks away. The bizarre thing is that they waited for a long time and nobody ever came out.”

“I don’t understand. Did they go inside to investigate?”

“Yes…yes, they did. The house was empty and there were no traces of anyone ever being there. It was as if they all vanished in thin air.”

Sebastian tried to keep his words measured. “That is very peculiar.”

“Yes, I thought so, but now I am worried about Arielle.”

“But that is what I wanted to talk to you about. While we were leaving your office, Ian called and said that he had tracked her phone to an abandoned house and took her to the hospital. She is badly hurt, but she is safe. We are on the way there now.”

“Arielle is in the hospital?” Dylan’s voice was that of utter shock.


“Oh, I’m really happy to hear that. I don’t mean I am happy that she is in the hospital, but I am happy she was rescued. I can’t understand how my detectives missed seeing Ian leaving the house.”

“Ian used the back of the house to enter and left the same way after taking Arielle with him, trying to stay undetectable. Maybe your guys were waiting for the goons to come out the front door.”

“Well, that could be the case, but what in the world happened to Jorrit’s man? They were not in the house. There was no trace of anyone being there at all.” Dylan sounded confused.

“I don’t know, Dylan, I wish I did. All I know is that Arielle is safe under doctor’s supervision.”

“Yes…Yes… I am happy about that as well.” Perplexity still coated his voice.

“I am just curious,” Dylan said suddenly. “Did you end up going to the airport?”

“No, once I found out that Arielle was safe, I didn’t bother. Are you sure that your detectives were at the correct location?”

“Absolutely. They watched them drive inside the garage and close the door behind them,” Dylan said, his tone of voice confused. “The car was still there but nothing else.”

“You must be joking,” Sebastian said, professing to be totally shocked.

“No, I’m dead serious,” Dylan said powerfully.

“Have you heard anything from the surveillance team in Brussels?” Sebastian asked again, trying to show interest.

“Well, that’s what has my whole team in dismay. Jorrit and the goons seem to be very distraught and very baffled.”

“About what?” Sebastian insisted.

“Jorrit can’t locate his two guys and the big goon in Belarus has not heard back from the men he sent to Brighton to help with the extortion. They can’t understand how they can all just disappear from the face of the earth.”

“That does sound crazy,” Sebastian added.

“I’m telling you Sebastian, this is the weirdest thing that has ever happened in my twenty-five year career,” he said totally frustrated.

“Well, if I hear something, I’ll give you a ring,” Sebastian furthered.

“Okay, Sebastian. I’m happy that Arielle is safe. If I find out what in the world happened, I’ll let you know.”

“Thanks, Dylan, I appreciate your support on this issue.”

“Later,” Dylan said and ended the call.


Chapter 12

about Arielle’s condition, Ian focused on getting her swiftly into the hospital. As soon as he arrived at the emergency entrance, he jerked the door open and stormed inside. He carried her past curious onlookers and surrendered her to the emergency room staff that ran to assist him. They eased Arielle onto a gurney, gently, and wheeled her immediately into the emergency room.

Ian stood there in silence for a short moment, watching them disappear quickly behind the swivel door of ER room. He drew in a breath and tried to absorb the significance of what had just taken place. He was too worried about Arielle to think straight and too drained to try and grasp how much of a recollection Arielle would have…Surely she wouldn’t remember most of it. She was unconscious when they found her at that dreadful home.

He moved slowly toward the glass doors and his eyes drifted outside, wondering what Sebastian, Christian, and Troy were doing. He thought about Eva and how devastated he would have been if she were human and in Arielle’s place. He certainly never envisioned the day to turn out the way it did. He liked Sebastian from the first moment they met. He had become a great friend and, along with Troy, a great mentor during his and Eva’s transition to immortality.

He knew that Sebastian was crushed about Arielle’s condition and he wanted to do everything he could to help. Sebastian had asked him to stay at the hospital and make the necessary calls to their friends and family. However, he didn’t want him to discuss details with her parents until Sebastian gave him a scenario that they could use as a story.

He tried to reject the sting of pain he felt for his great friend and stay strong for him and for Arielle, who was lying unconscious and bruised up in the emergency room. A surge of anger crushed through his body and he cursed inwardly.

A small voice startled him, interrupting his reverie, and turning around, he saw a young woman standing right behind him, watching him carefully. They regarded each other curiously. Ian unclenched his jaw, and his eyes swept over her, studying her for a short second. “Can I help you?” he asked briskly.

Her eyes widened at the tone of his voice, and she took a step back. She cleared her throat, as if she weighing her words. She met his gaze with narrowed eyes, ready to snap at him, but she held her tongue. She seemed to understand that he was probably worried about the new patient he had just brought in. “Yes, sir,” she replied calmly. “Did you bring the young lady that they took into the emergency room?”

“Yes,” he replied. Stress was evident in his voice.

“I will need for you to come with me at the admitting desk to provide some information on the patient,” she said kindly.

Ian shook his head. “I’m just a friend,” he said. “I’m in the process of ringing her parents. Upon their arrival, they will be able to provide you with all the essential information and documentation that you require about their daughter,” he replied.

“I also want you to know that it is hospital policy to notify the authorities in cases like this one,” she said, firmly.

His eyes flickered over her shoulder to the emergency room door, and he sighed, wondering how Arielle was doing. Anger rushed through him like blazing waves of fire sipping deep through every immortal vein, and consumed him. A low sound of discomfort emanated from deep in his throat, at the thought of the assassins and the beating the inflicted on Arielle.

“That’s fine,” he replied, inattentively.

“All right then,” she added. “Please make sure that her parents come to see me as soon as they arrive.” She then turned and walked away.

Ian watched her disappearing around the corner and, fishing out his phone from his jean pocket, he called Arielle’s parents. In a few words, he told them where he was and that he would be waiting for them outside the emergency entrance to give them more details. He wanted to talk with Sebastian first to make sure that they have the same story. He then called Eva. At the sound of her voice, his anger diminished.

“Hey, baby.”

“Ian!” She called out. “Did you find Arielle?”

“Yes, but she’s in bad shape. Sebastian asked me to bring her to the Royal Essex County Hospital while he, along with Christian and Troy, finish up with the thugs.

“Where are you now?”

“I’m at the hospital.”

“Are the guys there yet?”

“No, but they should be coming shortly.”

“Oh my God! What did they do to her?” Eva’s voice was filled with anguish.

“She is beaten up pretty badly.”

“Oh no…” Eva’s voice trailed. “But…but I thought they were not going to touch her until they had Sebastian’s documents.”

“So we thought,” he said disgustingly.

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