Are Lobsters Ambidextrous? (40 page)

BOOK: Are Lobsters Ambidextrous?
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Preserves, contents of

Pretzels, shape of

Pubic hair, purpose of

Pudding, film on


Christmas tree lights

royalty and

Putting, veering of ball toward ocean when



Q-tips, origins of name of

Quarterbacks and exclamation, “hut”



Rain, impending, smell of

Ranchers’ fenceposts, boots on

Razors, men’s vs. women’s

Recyclable plastics, numbers on

Refrigeration of opened food jars

Remote controls, men vs. women and

Restrooms, group visits by females to

Roaches, reaction to light of

Robes, black, and judges

Rodents and water sippers

Roller skating rinks, music in

Roofs, gravel on

Rubble, Betty, nonappearance in Flintstones multivitamins



Sacks, paper, jagged edges and

Salads, celery use in

Salt and pepper, as table condiments

“Sea” gulls in parking lots

Settling in houses

Seven-layer cakes and missing layers

Shaving of armpits

Shirts, single-needle stitching in

Shoes on side of road

Shopping malls, doors at entrances of

Side vents in automobile windows

Silica gel packs in electronics boxes

Single-needle stitching in shirts

Skating music, roller rinks and

Skyscrapers, bricks in


babies and

drowsiness after meals and

eye position during

heat and effect on

Smell of impending rain

Snake emblems on ambulances

Snickers, wavy marks on bottom of

Social security numbers

Socks, disappearance of

Soft drinks

bottles, holes on bottom of

brominated vegetable oil in

calorie constituents in

phenylalanine as ingredient in

Soups and shelving in supermarkets

Speech, elderly vs. younger and

Spelling, “i” before “e” in

Sperm whales, head oil of

Stains, elimination of, on clothing

Steak houses and baked potatoes

Strait, George, and hats

Sundials, mottoes on

“Super” glues vs. ordinary glues


check approval policies of

public bathrooms in

shelving of soup in

Surgeons’ uniforms, color of



Tall people, aging and

Tape counters, audio and VCR

Taste, sense of, in children vs. adults

Television sets, measurement of

Thermometers, color of liquid in

Throwing, sex differences in

Tiles, ceramic, in tunnels


atop mobile homes

bluish tinge on new whitewalls

inflation of, and gasoline mileage

Toothpaste, expiration date on

Traffic noise of U.S. vs. other countries

Traffic signs

,” lack of apostrophe on

,” purpose of

Trailer parks, tires atop mobile homes in


bark, color of

growth on slopes of

Tumbleweed, tumbling of

Tunnels, ceramic tiles in

“Turkey,” origin of term

Turn signals in automobiles, clicking sounds of

TWIX cookie bars, holes in



Underarm hair, purpose of


painters’ whites

surgeons, color of

Upper lips, groove on



Vegetable oil, vegetables in

Vending machines, bill counting and

Vent windows, side, in automobiles

Vitamins, measurement of, in foods

Voices, elderly vs. younger

Vomiting and horses



Watches (timepieces)

Water, boiling, during home births

Water temperature and effect on stains

Water towers in winter


clear days following storms

forecasting of, in different regions

smell of impending rain

Whales, sperm, head oil in

Whitewall tires, bluish tinge on


dancing ability of

feelings of coldness in

group restroom visits of

leg kicking when kissing of

remote controls and

Wool, shrinkage of, vs. cotton

Worms, larvae and

Wrists as perfume target




Yellow Freight Systems, orange trucks of




We hate to end the book on a downbeat note, but we have to admit one dread fact: Imponderability is not yet smitten. Let’s stamp it out.

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P.O. Box 116
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New York, NY 10024-0116

About the Author

David Feldman is the author of the
™ series–
Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? When Do Fish Sleep?
Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?
, and
Do Penguins Have Knees?
–as well as
Who Put The Butter In Butterfly?
How to Win as Just About Everything
. He has a master’s degree in popular culture from Bowling Green State University in Ohio and consults and lectures on the media. He lives in New York City.


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Also by David Feldman

Do Elephants Jump?


How Do Astronauts Scratch an Itch?


What Are Hyenas Laughing at, Anyway?


How to Win at Just About Anything


How Does Aspirin Find a Headache?


Do Penguins Have Knees?


Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?


When Do Fish Sleep?


Who Put the Butter in Butterfly?


Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?


Why Don’t Cats Like to Swim?
(formerly published as


Cover design and hand tinting of illustrations © 1990 by Gloria Adelson/Lulu Graphics

Cover illustration © 1990 Kassie Schwan


? Copyright © 1993, 2005 by David Feldman. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of PerfectBound™.


PerfectBound™ and the PerfectBound™ logo are trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.


Imponderables® is a trademark of David Feldman


Previously published by HarperPerennial, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, in 1993 as
When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth?


Mobipocket Reader February 2006 ISBN 0-06-114306-5


Library of Congress has catalogued the hardcover edition as follows:
Feldman, David, 1950-
           When did wild poodles roam the earth?: an Imponderables TM book /David Feldman.
p. cm.
Includes Index
ISBN 0-06-016908-7 (cloth)
ISBN 0-06-076295-0 (pbk.)


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


About the Publisher

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