Aran: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Aran: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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“I will see you tomorrow.”

She walked into the house feeling frustrated. She had wanted more, how was it she found one of the men who didn’t push their opportunity. Looked like it would be a restless night.

Chapter Four

The noise by her head was driving her crazy. Burying her head under the pillow, she ignored it until it stopped. Blessed relief she thought and snuggled back into her covers. The noise started again, just as she was slipping back into sleep. Muttering about a law to kill all cell phone users calling before a certain hour, she picked up the phone.


“Who woke up on the wrong side of the bed today?” Dee Asked.

“That’s the problem. I am not awake.”

“Well, wake up and tell me what happened last night. Did you get some?”


“Well, did you? I mean, he is fine. I have seen him around, but never close up like that. I could see he was fine even though I was dealing with some of my old issues.”

Rena sat up and perched a pillow behind her back before leaning against the head board. It wasn’t like she was going back to sleep after this.

“He is fine and a perfect gentleman.”

“Where’s the fun in that? So what happened after I made a fool of myself and he offered to take you home?”

“You didn’t make a fool of yourself, but you did ditch me. That was rather uncool.”

“Sorry flash backs to a bad time in my life, I needed something to help me forget.”

Rena frowned and decided not to press. Dee wouldn’t talk until she felt like it.

“He drove me home asking me more questions about what I do for a living and what I like to do for fun. He was easy to talk to. When we got here, he escorted me to my door and gave me a kiss. Like a perfect gentleman.”

Dee was right. He had been no fun at all. She had hoped to feel those strong hands on her again, holding her close, making her hot. Instead, he had given her a barely there kiss that hardly registered on her senses. It was better than most of the hardly there kisses that she never felt at all. Part of her wanted to swoon like the ladies of old, needing smelling salts to bring her back to her senses. The other part wanted to kick him to the curb as already not meeting the bill.

“Oh and he invited me and a friend out to his house this afternoon. He said he was spending time with his brothers and I was invited.”

She moved the phone away from her ear as Dee’s squeal of delight came over loud and clear.

“This is going to be great. I will be the envy of all the women in my department. I am going to the boss’s house. I am going to the boss’s house, right? You are taking me?”

“Of course I am taking you. Who else would I take?’

Dee started shouting again and Rena waited with the patience of a good friend, all the while smiling and shaking her head.

“What time do I need to be ready? Who’s driving, you or me?”

“Depends on whether I can count on you for a ride back or not.”


“Please, tell me you didn’t go home with Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome.” The silence on the phone became deafening as nothing was said.


“I didn’t go home with him.”

“Are you going to see him again?”

“No. He wanted to, but I said no.”


“Let’s talk about it later ok? Besides, I still need to know when to pick you up for this wonderful pool party.”

“I never said it was a pool party and it starts at four.”

After finalizing the details of the pickup, she hung up the phone and spent a few minutes worrying about Dee and her issues. She liked to pretend to the world the she didn’t want commitment. Rena knew better. Dee felt she would never meet a man who could deal with her brand of madness. Rena prayed she was wrong.

She got up and stretched, wanting to do something to keep her eyes off the clock. Going into the room that she used as her office she opened her lap top. Waiting for it to boot up, she looked around the room. It was a large space that allowed her to have a nice mahogany wood desk and a plush chair to sit in. The view was made up of two large windows and several pictures on the wall. There was a nice couch and a chair when she needed to change positions or locations. She loved her little slice of the corporate world in her home. She wouldn’t trade it, even if she could.

Running her fingers over the keyboard, she opened a program that would allow her to enter one of the work-stations in the office. Her intuition was screaming that a fellow employee was doing more than he should be. It was time to take a look.

Several hours later, she composed an e-mail to Mr. Harris, the president of the company and her immediate supervisor, telling him what she had found. Brad, the employee she had under investigation, had obviously known how to hide his foot-print. If not for a bit of conversation she had overheard, she may not have found him in time. It was in Mr. Harris’s hands now, along with all the evidence she had collected, Of course, she had also made a backup for herself. Call it protection, but she learned early to CYA also known as Cover Your Ass.

Glancing at the clock, she stood, wanting to be ready when Dee arrived. She detoured towards the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. She had gotten so caught up that she had forgotten she needed food. Grabbing a piece of fruit, she headed to the other room. She wanted to enjoy her shower before Dee got there.


The excitement in the car was making her giddy like a school girl. Dee had shown up dressed in jeans and a nice cami with a sweater over it. Rena thought they looked like twins, since she also had put on a pair of jeans. Although they were not skinny jeans like Dee’s. She wanted to be able to breathe! She did have a cami on that made her breasts look wonderful. Well, she thought they looked wonderful. They both wore sandals even though it was on the chilly side.

“Rena, are you having thoughts of wanting to settle down?” Dee had reached over and turned the music down to ask that question.

“Yes, no, maybe so, I don’t know.”

“Hey, I understand all those answers.”

They laughed together and then sat in silence. How could she get married to someone, when she couldn’t find someone to satisfy her? She knew it was possible or that’s what the girls in the office said when they talked about their long nights. She read it in her steamy romance novels. All she really wanted was to feel it.

“Dee, when do you think you will be ready to settle down?”


“Why not?”

“Let it go, please.”

They rode in silence until Rena saw the turn.

“Right there. Make the right turn.”

Rena turned to look at Dee. They both needed someone to bring a smile to their faces. Maybe they would find them here.

Chapter Five

“Do you think it’s just coincidence?” Aran said to the males surrounding him.

“Do you?” Ashe replied with a little hesitancy in his voice.

They were standing in Aran’s security room going over video of several random accidents that had taken place in the last week.

“These are deliberate. It’s like a child playing April fool’s pranks. The other ones against our contracts, they are a whole different level of vicious. It makes me wonder if the two are actually connected.” Niko spoke up.

“I agree with Niko.” Sergey addressed Aran’s original question.

The others nodded.

Aran looked around the room at his five brothers. They had come to this planet to find peace. Not just peace, but also to find women who would be able to survive and enjoy their touch. Aran looked at the video feed again. The disbelief that had come over him when he saw their truck blown up was now gone. It was replaced by anger. Whoever thought they could play these games would regret targeting them.

“Niko, why do you think the truck and the contracts are not related?” Nicolas asked. He was the quiet one, but it paid to be aware of him at all times.

Aran answered the question. “We lost a truck. We will not even notice its loss. Our government and military contracts are something we cannot do without. If someone has figured out what we are, then they will know that without an outlet for our aggression, we become a danger to earth. Then the government who fears us will finally act against us.”

“All the while assuring the American people that we do not exist and they would never work with aliens.” Sergey said.

“Aran looked around the room meeting his brothers’ eyes. They were brothers who shared the DNA of the same female. They were brothers because they had been created the same way. They had fought to keep their planet safe. They had been feared when the wars were over. All this and more had made them brothers.

He knew no matter what threat they faced on this new planet, in this new life, they would stand together.

“Aran.” Ash said, looking at the security screen. “Two very attractive women just got out of a car and are approaching your door.”

“That would be Rena and Dee. Rena is spoken for.”

“What are you going to do with a fragile earth female?’ Nicolas asked as he watched them approach.

Aran understood Nicolas. They had searched many long years looking for even one potential earth female who may be a mate. They had never found any female that even came close to rousing them or making their other half take notice.

“Looks can be deceiving. I don’t think Rena is all that fragile.”

“Aran, you know we can never have a female. They made us that way to be sure their precious females would be too scared to mate with us.” The bitterness in Sergey’s tone was reflected in all the eyes looking at him.

“When I brought you here I told you this would be the place that we could find what we needed. The time is now and Rena may be the first one.”

“What about the other one?” Hale stared at her.

“No one touches her.” Niko’s voice was low and harsh.

“You heard him.” Aran stepped in. “Dee, the other one, is protected.”

“Which one is Rena?” Hale asked.

“The prettier one.” They all laughed when Niko let out a growl.

Aran took a minute to watch her. She was fucking beautiful. Not model pretty or movie star pretty, but beautiful. She stood around five eight to his six five. She had creamy brown skin with deep hazel eyes and a mouth that was made for kissing. She had large breasts that she was currently showing off in that little shirt and an ass to die for. Yeah, she was beautiful.

He had loved dancing with her last night. He had pulled her to him and laid his hand heavy on her and she had moaned, a small sexy sound he was sure she didn’t realize she had made. He would have never heard it, if not for his enhanced hearing. She hadn’t even protested when his hand had slid down to her ass to pull her closer for a slow song.

Those were not the things that held his attention. It was the strength he had put into those moves. His natural strength was known to make some of the men on this planet drop to their knees if he forgot to pull back before touching them. She had taken his touch like it was perfect for her. There was no way he was going to let her get away without exploring the possibility that she was the one made for him.

They listened as the bell sent a chime through the house. He opened the door for them with a push of a button.

“Shall we go greet the women?”

Aran found them standing in the large hallway.

He crossed over and raised her hands to his lips for a kiss.

“Hi, Rena.”

“Hi.” Was she blushing? She had better not be.

“Nice to see you again, Dee. Come in. We are in the room I like to call my toy room. Follow me.”

Where to look first? There were five men who were almost as smoking hot as Aran. Damn. There was no way she could be around this much hotness and not have a reaction. Darn worthless underwear. When would they make some to absorb when needed.

“Rena, Dee. This is Sergey. He is the silent partner in Aran’s Dare.”

Sergey stood the same height as Aran. In fact, they all stood the same height. What a weird coincidence. There height may be the same, but that’s where the resemblance ended. While Aran was built like a body builder, Sergey ran more along the lines of a football player. He would make a yummy player with his sable colored hair and those soulful brown eyes. His team would be the most popular with the female crowd. Still, only Aran made her wet. She had dreamed of him last night posing in one of those tiny man thongs, hot.

“This is Niko.” Niko was tall, blonde and handsome.

“Nicolas.” He had blue eyes and Rena was sure his hair was blue/black. That couldn’t be natural, could it?

“Hale.” His hair was platinum. She wanted to reach out and touch it to see if it was as soft as it looked. What really captured her attention was his eyes. They were so clear they looked colorless. If genetic enhancing was a possibility, she would say they had it done.

“This is Ash, he is the youngest of my brothers.” She felt her lips quirk as she looked at his flame red hair.

“It’s nice to meet you.” She could hear Dee echoing her words. Strange, Dee was usually the livelier one.

“Come in and have a seat.”

The room was huge and filled with toys. There was a pool table to one side and what looked like video game consoles of all kinds.

“What kind of games do you like to play?”

“War games.”

“Just like my nephews. They are in their teens and every time I see them they challenge me to a new game.” A smile came to her face as she thought of them.

“You like children?”

“Yeah, they are wonderful.”

“Do you like children? I mean do all of you like children?’ She didn’t want him to think she was sizing him up for fatherhood. Although, she had to admit that suddenly she could hear her biological clock ticking, loudly.

“I don’t think we know the answer to that.”

She looked around the room to see the other men nodding in agreement. She turned to look at Dee who was looking at Niko with a frown on her face.

“What do you mean by that?”

“When we grew up, the only children we knew were each other. Even then, we were trained at such an early age, because we were needed desperately. We never got a chance to be kids. As far as I know none of us has spent any time around them.”

BOOK: Aran: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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