Apollo and Val: #5.5 (Luna Lodge Book 0) (10 page)

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Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #paranormal romance

BOOK: Apollo and Val: #5.5 (Luna Lodge Book 0)
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Val turned and frowned at the doctor.

“Fine,” she said slowly, eyeing Rachel.

Rachel stared at her and started laughing.

“Well, I have some surprising news from your test,” she said. “I know there’s a lot of crap happening right now, but this might make you feel a little better.”

Val stared for a moment. That all seemed like miles away. Tests, bad dreams, weird feelings. She shook her head.

“Well?” she said.

Rachel turned to face her fully and smiled. “You’re pregnant.”

Val stood in shock, not quite sure she’d heard the woman correctly.

“You’re pregnant?” Apollo’s rich voice came from behind her, and she turned to stare in shock at him.

She looked back to Rachel.


She blinked a few times.

“All those things you were experiencing, it makes sense now. You’re pregnant.”

Val’s knees shook as she took in the news.

One moment she was standing, and the next she was being lifted up. She stared down at Apollo as he grinned up at her.

“A baby,” he laughed and then pulled her close.

“A baby,” she whispered.

Warmth spread through her as if the little being inside had heard. Tears leaked out her eyes as she tried to keep it all together. In all the darkness, there still was light.


Apollo pulled away to look down at the woman he loved. He didn’t care how it happened or even why. They had a chance at a full family.

Val turned in his arms to look at Rachel.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

Rachel gave a smile. “Honey, I ran it three times. You’re pregnant.”

One of the hybrids made a noise, and he turned to look at them.

Only just before he had been thinking about their future. What sort of life they would have outside their facility over the long-term.

Being a hybrid on the outside wasn’t easy, and with the recent events, it was easy to feel like things were hopeless. But they were alive. They made their own choices and found their own paths. All of this was far more than they would have gotten under the control of the Horatius Group.

Freedom might be hard, but it was still a life, and he wouldn’t change it for the world. They would grow and get better at dealing with the challenges. And in time, they would be able to mourn the loss of those that couldn’t be there. Then they would truly be ready to move on.

“It’s not the best timing,” Val said quietly.

He looked down and saw she was also looking at the men.

Apollo shook his head.

“There is never a bad time to have a baby,” he said.

She looked up at him and smiled at his words. Val got on her toes to give him a kiss.

He sighed against her. Life wasn’t perfect, but it was real, and that made it better than perfect.

She pulled back and grinned at him.

“I bet you’re feeling all male pride-like over your super sperm,” she said with a grin.

Apollo puffed out his chest.

“What can I say?” He winked. “I know how to get the job done.”

She gave a wide smile.

“I’ll say.”

Val tugged his hand toward the car.

“I think it’s time to take your wife on her honeymoon.”

Val laughed at his surprised face and tugged a little harder.

Apollo snapped out of it and grinned.

“Like I said, I know how to get the job done.”

A Note from Madison


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Apollo and Val
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Cage (Allen Securities #5)


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Finn (Kelly Clan #1)

Conor (Kelly Clan #2)

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Luna Lodge (Paranormal Romance)


Sol (Luna Lodge #1)

Titus (Luna Lodge #2)

Lucius (Luna Lodge #3)

Marius (Luna Lodge #4)

Apollo (Luna Lodge #5)

Remus (Luna Lodge #6)


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Shadow’s Embrace (Paranormal Romance)


Road House (Contemporary Short Stories)


Letting Go (Road House #1)

Holding On (Road House #2)

Standing By (Road House #3)


Privileged (New Adult Romance)


Privileged (Privileged #1)

Elite (Privileged #2)

Author Bio


Madison currently lives with her husband and two children in the Valley of the Sun in Arizona. After leaving the frozen tundra of the north, she was more surprised than anyone with how much she has enjoyed living in the desert. Seeing as she stated on more than one occasion before moving to Arizona how much she hated heat, it was an odd move, but it seems her hatred for sub-zero temperatures and ice has won out in the end.


When she’s not writing, she’s enjoying time with her family. Madison and her family frequent festivals in the area, as well as local cultural events, and spend time with family in the area. In the summer, she is most likely to be found in the pool with the family and in the winter by the fireplace. Since both her children are autistic, days can be a little chaotic, but with her husband beside her, there’s nothing she can’t handle.


Madison’s blog is located at


She can be contacted at [email protected]




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