Authors: Kaitlin Bevis
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Kaitlin Bevis
Experience Katlin’s other titles from ImaJinn Books
Book 1 of The Daughters of Zeus
Daughter Of Earth And Sky
Book 2 of The Daughters of Zeus
The Iron Queen
Book 3 of The Daughters of Zeus
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(Please continue reading for more information about the author)
First, as always, thank you to my family—my daughter for the long hours playing quietly in her room pretending to train dragons, my husband for stepping in when that got boring, my mother for cheering me on and providing pizza when I forgot to cook dinner, my brother for taking the time to edit the audio book. It cannot be easy to listen to your little sister read romance. Thank you. Seriously.
Thank you to every member of the Robot Unicorn Cult (long story). You guys are the best writers’ group. Thank you newest members for reading the entirety of my last draft and providing feedback: Kathryn Pagan, for worshipping at the altar of Hades and providing all the pertinent medical information, Alexa Roney, for your amazing research, Anderson Pope, for your insane attention to detail, and Jara Lane, for asking the questions that matter.
Thank you older members and members who have since moved far and wide who saw this story take shape in five thousand word increments: Dallas Bono, for shouting FIX IT! Angela Powell, for your insight, Michael Rupured for teaching me that “it is a missed opportunity”, Misty Hawkins for bringing in reams of information when I most needed it, Amy Adams for your amazing copy editing, and Stephan Morgan for helping me in literally every way and for helping me make the most awesome query letter ever. There were many more Robot Unicorn Cultists who passed through our little group. You all helped this story come to be. Thank you.
Susan Sipal and Coreen Montagna, thank you for taking a last look at my content and copy before I took the plunge and sent it to BelleBooks. Kelly Johnson thank you for your beautiful illustrations. Amber Floyd and Jessica Jones, thank you for beta reading and providing awesome feedback about Adonis.
To the amazing staff at Bell Bridge, thank you for giving my books a new home when Musa closed its doors. Thank you even more for taking a risk on this expansion of the universe. Debra Dixon, thank you for Ares and for making my beginning and my plot a thousand times stronger. Deborah Smith, thank you for making Aphrodite more likeable. Brenda Chin, thank you for your patience with my endless questions and my infatuation with the word like and my many other flaws. Pam McCutcheon, thank you for being so amazingly thorough and for being so patient explaining all those little things I got hung up on.
Thank you Danielle Childers for the amazing social media art, Jenny McKnatt, Nikki Flowers, and Jeanna Paden for taking the time to answer every marketing question I ever sent.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Aphrodite wouldn’t be the amazing book it is without your help.
About the Author
Kaitlin Bevis spent her childhood curled up with a book and a pen. If the ending didn’t agree with her, she rewrote it. Because she’s always wanted to be a writer, she spent high school and college learning everything she could to achieve that goal. After graduating college with Masters in English, Kaitlin went on to write The Daughters of Zeus series.