Apathy for the Devil (48 page)

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Authors: Nick Kent

Tags: #Non-fiction

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Curtis, Ian
Damned, the
Daneski, Rob
Davis, Billie
Davis, Miles
De Quincey, Thomas
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Debussy, Claude
Defries, Tony
Demoriane, Hermine
Dettmar, Del
Devoto, Howard
Dire Straits
Dr. Feelgood ‘I’m a Hog for You Baby’
Dolce Vita, La
Dolenz, Micky
Don’t Look Back
Don’t Quote Me
Doyle, Roddy:
The Commitments
Drake, Nick ‘At the Chime of the City Clock’
Bryter Layter
Dury, Ian, and the Blockheads
New Boots and Panties!!
Dylan, Bob
Blood on the Tracks
and Bolan divorce and depression electric tour of Britain (1966) at Isle of Wight festival (1970) religious conversion
Renaldo and Clara
Slow Train Coming
world tour (1978)
Eagles, the
Hotel California
Edmonds, Ben
Ekland, Brit
Electric Light Orchestra
Elektra (record label)
Ellar, James
English Discotheque
Eno, Brian
Here Come the Warm Jets
Taking Tiger Mountain
Erickson, Roky, and Bleib Alien: ‘Two Headed Dog’
Erskine, Pete
Estrada, Roy
Ezrin, Bob
Face, The
Faces, the
Fairport Convention
Faithfull, Marianne
Fall, the
Fallon, B. P.
Famous Flames
Farren, Mick
Felt Forum
Ferry, Bryan
Flamin’ Groovies
Fleetwood Mac
Fox, James
Franklin, Aretha
Freeman, Alan
Frey, Glenn
Funk Brothers, the
Fury, Billy
Garcia, Jerry
Gardiner, Ricky
Gaye, Marvin ‘I Want You’ ‘Trouble Man’ ‘What’s Going On’
Geffen, David
Gibb, Maurice
Gilmour, Dave
glam rock
Glitter, Gary
Good, Joanne
Good, Nigel
Gordy, Berry
Graham, Bill
Bill Graham Presents
Grand Funk Railroad
Granny Takes a Trip
Grant, Peter
Grateful Dead ‘Dark Star’
Grech, Rick
Green, Al
The Belle Album
‘Call Me’
Green, Jonathan:
Days in the Life
Green, Peter
Greenfield, Robert
Greer, Germaine
Grundy, Bill
Hannett, Martin
Harder They Come, The
Harlech TV
Harper, Roy
Harris, Emmylou
Harris, Jet
Harry, Bill
Headington, Christopher:
A History of Western Music
Hell, Richard (Meyers)
Hendrix, Jimi
Hinton, Mick
Hitler, Adolf
Holder, Noddy
Hooker, John Lee
Hunter, Ian
Hunter, Meredith
Hutchinson, Roger
Hynde, Chrissie as
contributor and Pretenders relationship with Kent
Iggy Pop alter ego appearance change in personality Cobo Hall concert (1973) comeback as solo artist (1977) concert at King’s Cross Cinema (Scala) (1972) and drugs genitalia and exposing of in Hollywood
The Idiot
(with Bowie) incarcerated in mental hospital interview with Clark Kent’s first encounter with
Lust for Life
(with Bowie) musical collaboration and relationship with Bowie musical inactivity and frustration at popularity with women poverty-stricken relationship with Kent stage performance world tour (1977)
see also
Stooges, the
International Times
Isle of Wight Festival: (1969) (1970)
Islington, Charlie
Jagger, Bianca
Jagger, Mick
Jakeman, Andrew
Riviera, Jake
James, Brian
James, Tony
Jarman, Derek
Jenner, Peter
Jethro Tull
Jobson, Eddie
Johansen, David
John, Elton
Johns, Andy
Johnson, Wilko
Jones, Brian
Jones, Gloria
Jones, John Paul
Jones, Mick
Jones, Steve
Joplin, Janis
Joy Division
Joyce, James:
Karoli, Michael
Kellie, Mike
Kenny’s Castaways (Manhattan)
Kent, James (son)
Kent, Nick: beaten up at Sex Pistols concert at 100 Club books read coming off drugs
The Dark Stuff
and death of father decline in writing talent drugs and heroin addiction education employed by
employed by
The Face
encounter with Richards girlfriends heroin overdose and near death homelessness and crash pads joins Sex Pistols knife attack at King’s Cross (1977) lives in Paris marriage and fatherhood methadone prescribed music editor of
magazine musical career and formation of own band (Subterraneans) parental background pneumonia relationship with Chrissie Hynde relationship with Hermine Demoriane relationship with McLaren return of writing talent sacking from Sex Pistols by McLaren sackings from
songwriting spiritual experience student at Bedford College and jobs taken as subject of songs threatened by Bee Gees verbally abused by Marley victimisation and assaults on victimisation and slandering of by Sex Pistols writing method and style
Kerouac, Jack
On the Road
Kidd, Johnny
Kilburn and the High Roads
Kilmister, Lemmy
King Crimson
King, Jonathan
King, Simon
Klein, Allen
Kossoff, Paul
Kramer, Barry
Krell, Gene
Lane, Ronnie
Larkin, Philip
Led Zeppelin American tour (1977) Bonham’s drinking and behaviour Cardiff concert (1972) and death of Bonham and drugs groupie hysteria surrounding
In Through the Out Door
interview with ‘Kashmir’ Knebworth shows (1979) Led Zep IV, 377; Los Angeles tour (1975) meeting with Presley Oakland incident
Physical Graffiti
popularity in America recruitment of Bindon into security staff regrouping after death of Plant’s son relationship between members road crew Scotland tour (1973)
The Song Remains the Same
see also
individual members
Lee, Alvin
Lennon, John ‘Come Together’ ‘I Am the Walrus’ ‘Instant Karma’ Jesus complex murder (1980)
Plastic Ono Band
rearing infant son relationship with Ono
‘Whatever Gets You Thru the Night’
Lennon, Sean
Lenoir, J. P.
Leon, Craig
Let It Rock (shop) (later Seditionaries)
Levene, Keith
Lewis, Alan
Lewis, Grover
Lewis, Jerry Lee
Lewisohn, Mark:
Beatles: Recording Sessions
Leyton, John
Little Feat ‘Long Distance Love’
Little Richard
Logan, Andrew
Logan, Nick
Love, Courtney
Lowe, Nick
Lucifer Rising
Lydon, John
Lynn, Vera
McCartney, Linda
McCartney, Paul
MacDonald, Ian
MacGowan, Shane
McLagan, Ian:
All the Rage
McLaren, Malcolm and beating up of Kent at 100 club clothes shop effect of fame on and Fury and Grant hatred of sixties and Hell as manager of Sex Pistols and ‘Masters of the Backside’ project and New York Dolls recruitment of thugs relationship with Lydon and Rhodes sacking of Kent from Sex Pistols slandering of Kent
MacManus, Declan
Costello, Elvis
Magic Band
Magic Michael
Magnificent Seven, The
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The
Mangrove restaurant
Manson, Charles
Margaret, Princess
Marley, Bob
Marsh, Dave
Martin, George
Martyn, John: ‘Glistening Glyndebourne’
Matlock, Glen
Matzorkis, Jim
Max’s Kansas City (Manhattan)
May, John
Mayall, John
Kick Out the Jams
‘Thunder Express’
Mellor, John
Strummer, Joe
Melody Maker
Meyers, Richard
Hell, Richard
Miller, Chris
Miller, Jimmy
Milton, John:
Paradise Lost
Mitchell, Joni
The Hissing of Summer Lawns
Modern Lovers ‘Roadrunner’/’Pablo Picasso’
Moon, Keith
Morley, Paul
Morrison, Jim
Morrison, Van:
Veedon Fleece
Morrissey, Steven
Mothers of Invention: ‘Directly from My Heart to You’
Mott the Hoople: ‘All the Young Dudes’
Murica, Billy
Murray, Charles Shaar
Musto, Chris
Neville, Richard
New Musical Express
new wave
New York Dolls ‘Bad Girl’
New York scene
Newman, Randy ‘Guilty’
Little Criminals
Nightingale, Warwick
Nilsson, Harry
New Musical Express
) BBC documentary on (1974) changes (1974) changes (1997) changes under Spencer Chrissie Hynde as contributor competitive atmosphere at decline early history low morale (1975) recruitment of Kent sackings of Kent and reinstatement strike (1974)
No Sex Please: We’re British
Nolan, Jerry
Nolan, Tom
Nugent, Ted
Nyro, Laura ‘The Bells’
Oakland Hells Angels
O’Jays: ‘I Love Music’
Oldham, Andrew Loog
One Stop Records
100 Club
O’Neal, Ryan
Ono, Yoko
O’Rahilly, Ronan
Osmond, Donnie
Page, Jimmy
Pallenberg, Anita
Parker, Charlie
Parnes, Larry
Parsons, Gram
Grievous Angel
Parsons, Tony
Paton, Tam
Peebles, Ann: ‘I Can’t Stand the Rain’
Peel, John
Perkins, Wayne
Perrett, Peter
Perry, John
Pickett, Wilson
Pink Floyd ‘Comfortably Numb’
The Dark Side of the Moon
Plant, Robert
Plumpton Jazz and Blues Festival (1969)
Polanski, Roman
Powell, Aubrey
Presley, Elvis death
Presley, Vernon
Pretenders ‘Kid’
Pretty Things
prog rock
pub rock
Public Image
punk rock
Pursey, Jimmy
Quatro, Suzi
Queen: ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
Quicksilver Messenger Service
Radio Luxembourg
Rainbow Theatre (Finsbury Park)
Rambali, Paul
Ramone, Dee Dee
Ramones, the ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’
Reading Jazz and Blues Festival (1968)
Ready, Steady, Go!
Reed, Lou
Rhodes, Bernie
Richard, Cliff
Richards, Keith arrests dislike of Bolan dislike of glam rock drugs and heroin addiction relationship with Jagger stage performance ‘vomit stains on jacket’ story
Richardson, Scott
Riviera, Jake (Andrew Jakeman)
Robertson, Brian
James, Brian
Robertson, Robbie
Roddick, Chris
Rodgers, Paul
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stones, the Altamont Speedway concert (1969) court appearance departure of Taylor deterioration of Richards and drugs early gig (1964) European tour (1973)
Exile on Main St.
gig at Sophia Gardens (Cardiff) (1964)
Gimme Shelter
interviews with
It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll
Jerry Lee Lewis’s criticism of ‘Let It Rock’
Love You Live
meeting of relationship
between Richards and Jagger
Some Girls
Sticky Fingers
touring entourage unravelling of ‘Ventilator Blues’
see also
individual members
Ronson, Mick
Ross, Diana
Rotten, Johnny
Lydon, John
Roundhouse (Camden Town)
Roxy (Hollywood)
Roxy (London)
Roxy Music ‘Casanova’
For Your Pleasure
‘Mother of Pearl’
Rudge, Peter
Rundgren, Todd ‘Love of the Common Man’
Rushdie, Salman
Sales, Hunt
Sales, Tony
Sanchez, Tony
Schilling, Jerry
Schwab, Corinne
Scully, Rock

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