Anything But Sweet (25 page)

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Authors: Candis Terry

BOOK: Anything But Sweet
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Another reason to love him,
Charli thought. Not that she needed more.

“How is Annie now?”

“She’s a peach. Healthy as a horse. Course, don’t tell her I mentioned her and a farm
animal in the same breath, or she’ll have my hide.”

Charli laughed. “I promise I won’t. I’m looking forward to meeting her. She sounds

“Salt of the earth,” he said.

“I’m finding that most of the people in Sweet are the same. Which is why I’m tossing
out ideas that might—no promises—help everyone increase their revenue by bringing
in more tourists.”

“I like yer thinkin’ so far.”

“Good. Then how does a chuck-wagon cooking competition sound? You could hold it right
outside in your parking lot. In the big empty lot next door, you could add picnic
tables and a stage for bands to entertain the guests while they wait for a seat in
the restaurant. You could even hold a craft fair or antique show.”

“Never thought about that before.”

“Or maybe a chili cook-off.”

He grinned. “Like that one too.”

“And that Bar-B-Q sauce you make would be a wonderful item to have on hand to sell
to those who’d like to take a bottle back home or give as a gift. You could call it
. . . what’s your first name?”


“You could call it . . . Snappy Jack’s Sweet Picken’s Sauce.”

Mr. Carlson hooted a laugh, and his rosy cheeks turned a brighter shade of red. He
grabbed her up in a hug that made her squeak.

“Darlin’, you and those ideas need to stick around for a while.”

As he set her back down on the barstool, Charli hoped she could do exactly that.

eno moved around the kitchen, throwing fresh-picked vegetables into the hot skillet
on the stove, grabbing plates from the cupboard, and watching the clock.

Two weeks had passed since Paige and Aiden’s wedding. Two weeks in which Charli had
spent the nights in his bed and the mornings in his arms. They’d danced that night
at the reception, and he had never felt more complete than when she looked up at him
and smiled.

She’d come home with him, and, from that night on, she and her little orange dog had
never gone back to Jackson’s barn apartment. Each night, they’d share dinner, stories
from the day, and plans for the following. They did the dishes together, walked their
dogs together, and settled in on the sofa to watch a movie together. They’d made a
pact that for each action shoot-’em-up he chose, they’d watch one of her chick flicks.
He found he could easily tolerate
27 Dresses
as long as she was snuggled in his arms wearing her skimpy little boy shorts and tank

They’d been like any other couple easing into a new relationship, getting to know
each other. And what Reno had discovered he liked. A lot.

Charli made him laugh. Try to forget his past. And dare to look toward the future.

He glanced up at the clock again.

And that was the problem.

They were running out of time.

Stirring the vegetables in the pan with a wooden spoon, he glanced up as both dogs
jumped down from the sofa and began to dance at the back door. Moments later, Charli
came into the house looking gorgeously bedraggled. But she still had enough energy
to give both dogs a little baby talk and affection.

“Tough day?”

She dropped her bag near the door and walked into his arms. “The Harvest Moon Mercantile
reveal almost didn’t take place.”

“What happened? Bodine wasn’t happy with the results?”

She looked up, tired but tempting. He kissed her soft lips.

“Oh, he was happy. But you know how it is with century-old buildings and Murphy’s
Law. Something’s bound to happen. And did.” She stuck her fingers into the pan and
snatched up a green bean. She blew on it, then popped it into her mouth. “The carpenters
measured all the new awning spindle posts the same. And, of course, the building had
shifted so . . .”

“They didn’t fit?” He watched her mouth move in a delicious way as she stole another
bean and chewed.

“Not at first, but we got it figured out. However, it delayed the reveal for over
an hour.”

“From what I saw when I left the store, the place looked really good. You did a nice
job. Especially with the new sign. It looks original.”

“See.” She grinned and slid her arms around his waist. “Makeovers don’t necessarily
mean pop art and loud colors. You have to choose appropriately for the era. A step
back in time is just as important as a step into the future.”

He seriously hoped he’d never have to step back in time. It had been too damned painful.

The vegetables were fork tender, so he removed them from the stove and pushed them
onto the plates. Then he added some chicken hot from the oven.

“Ooh, that looks as good as it smells,” she said. “I’m starving.”

He put her plate on the table and held out her chair. When she sat down, he scooted
it in for her.

“You know,” she said, “I could get used to having someone cook for me. Especially
when he’s such a gentleman.”

When he sat down in the chair beside her, she curled her fingers into his shirt and
pulled him in for a kiss. She probably wouldn’t be surprised to know that the thoughts
running through his head while she kissed him were anything but gentlemanly.

Somehow, he managed to put those thoughts aside—temporarily—and sliced into the
baked chicken. He hadn’t eaten a thing since breakfast. The store had been busier
than usual, and since the production crew supplies were dwindling, he’d made a good
effort to put his storeroom back into some kind of order.

But he’d still be willing to put aside his hunger if she decided to let him have
as an appetizer.

“I’ve been in this business a while, but I learned a lesson today that I’m sure will
be beneficial for future reveals.” She set down her fork and sipped at her glass of

“What’s that? Measure twice, cut once?”

“No.” Her giggle that bubbled up made him smile. “Make sure your morning coffee is
spiked with something ninety proof.”

“I’d like to see that.” He could get used to this—sitting beside her, listening to
how her day went, watching the animation on her face as she spoke of research and
textures and piecing things together that otherwise might never work.

In just a week’s time, he’d no longer be able to look at her. Or touch her. Or kiss
her any damn time he wanted. The best he could hope for would be an occasional phone
call. Or text. Or e-mail. Or watching her come alive on that damned show instead
of in his arms.

He hated to slip back into a doomsday frame of mind, but there was no getting around
the fact that when she drove away, he would miss her like hell. Somehow, she’d slipped
beneath his skin and into his heart. And he liked her there.

“But you don’t need to worry,” she said.

Lost in his thoughts, his head snapped up. “Worry about what?”

“That next week, when we start on the hardware store, we’ll measure wrong.
that I’ll show up drunk.”

He didn’t want to think about next week. Or what she planned to do to his store. Or
about her leaving.

Charli got up from the table and took their empty plates to the sink. “Since we start
on your store renovations in two days, I wanted to talk to you about some ideas I

Apparently, what he wanted didn’t matter, and it seemed she was determined to carry
this discussion through dessert.

She stuck the dishes under the running water, grabbed the sponge, and rinsed off the
scraps she hadn’t already tossed to the dogs. “I’m not sure I mentioned it, but we’re
running a little low on funds, and I’m close to being over budget.”

Hope sprang up. “Does that mean you’re going to forget about the store?”

“Of course not.” She glanced over her shoulder as she stuck the dishes in the dishwasher.
“It just means we might need to do things a little differently.”

“Different how?”

“Well, since we’re doing an inside and outside renovation, it would be a good idea
to eliminate some of the overstocked or

“Like what?”

“Like . . .” Drying her hands on the dish towel she turned. “Maybe the things that
don’t actually belong in a hardware store? Like . . . the barrel of yarn.”

“That yarn is a special order for Mrs. Duncan.”

“Then why didn’t Mrs. Duncan take it home?”

“I think she said something about the color not being right.”

“So . . . out of the kindness of your heart,
—the owner of a
store—special ordered something that wasn’t even
related for someone. She didn’t like it. And now you’re stuck with it?”

Put that way, he had to admit it sounded pretty lame. “Pretty much.”

“Perfect.” A smile broke across her face. “Then the yarn can be the first item to
go into the fire-sale box.”

Fire sale?

“Or you could just call it a yard sale or even a clearance sale. But
makes it sound more urgent, don’t you think?”

“Why would I want to do any of the above?”

“To get rid of all those items that will probably sit in that store for the next decade.
Which means you make no money, and all they do is take up space and collect dust.”

“I never agreed to something like that. Hell, I never even agreed to the renovation.”

“Oh, but you did. You made a bet.” She grinned. “You lost.”

Since he got
in the bet, he could hardly complain.

“I can see by the crinkles in your forehead and the dark shadows in your eyes that
you aren’t quite comfortable with this idea,” she said.

“No shit.”

“Then we won’t do it.”

And there was a one-eighty he didn’t expect. “What?”

“We won’t do a fire sale. We won’t do the store renovations.”

The pressure in his chest released like a dam break. “Seriously?”


“Why the change of heart?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I haven’t changed my mind. From the minute we drove into
town, I wanted to fix that place up.” She hung the dish towel on the hook near the
sink. “But I can tell this is really bothering you, sooo . . .”

“What happens if you don’t?”

Her shoulders lifted. “We’ve already done more than the usual. I’m pretty sure Max
and the bookkeepers will be happy to cut expenses. We’ll just change some of the intros
and B-roll, and that will be that. The whole six-project thing was my idea anyway.”

didn’t answer the question he’d really been asking. “No. I mean what happens if you
don’t? As in how does that affect your stay here?”

“We’ll leave tomorrow,” she said in a much too casual voice. “Go back to L.A. and
work on the plans for the next location.”

Leave tomorrow?

Fuck. That.

As much as he wanted to say, “Don’t do the makeover,” there was no way in hell he
was ready for her to leave. Even if she didn’t sound like it was any big deal to her.

A huge breath of air pushed from his lungs. “Go ahead and do the reno.”

“Are you sure?”


“You’re still not going to make this easy, are you?”


“Then how about I sweeten the deal?”

He dropped his gaze to her smile, and thoughts of kissing those full lips started
to fly through his head.

“How about,” she continued, “we have a fire sale, and half the proceeds go to charity.”

He pushed aside the sexual images and thought about that for a moment. “I like that

“And the other half will go toward the renovation costs.”

He laughed. “You’re asking
to put up the cash for something I never wanted done in the first place?”

She leaned her butt against the kitchen counter and crossed her arms beneath her breasts.
Her chin came up in that stubborn way that drove him just a little crazy. “Yes.”

“That makes absolutely no sense.”

“It makes total sense.”

“Are we fighting?” he asked.

“No. We’re discussing.”

“Sounds a whole lot like an argument to me.”

“Fine.” Her chin came up just a little higher. Her dark eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
“If you want to battle this out, then that’s what we’ll do because—”

Emotion churned in his gut. He was done hearing what needed to be done to the store.
He needed to stop her from talking.


Before he had to listen to any more, he got up from the chair and grabbed hold of
her with both hands. Next thing he knew, she was over his shoulder and swearing like
a sailor while his long strides moved down the hallway.

“What are you doing?” she squeaked.

“Getting you to shut up the only way I know how.” He tossed her on the bed. She looked
up at him with big eyes full of disbelief. He followed her down to the mattress and
kissed her. For a moment, she resisted. Then he raised his head, gave them both time
to catch their breath.

“Is this how you fight, Cowboy? You do your talking in the bedroom?”

“I don’t want to fight with you.” He caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers.
“I just want to love you.”

She took several deep breaths, then curled her arms around his neck. “Then what are
you waiting for?”

He probably needed to find a method of communicating, so she could have her say, and
he didn’t freak out. But for this moment in time, as he slid his hands up beneath
her soft blouse and touched her warm bare skin, he couldn’t think of a better way
to have a heart-to-heart conversation.


Chapter 19

all it what you wanted, but come Monday morning, the Wilder and Sons Hardware & Feed
Fire Sale was kicking some major booty.

Charli stood back, watching the community line up with money in hand to cash in on
some amazing deals and add to the coffers of the Wilder family’s favorite charity.

Mrs. Duncan had even shown up and bought the yarn she’d ordered once upon a time.
Seemed at half-off the original price, it was just the right color.

While Reno manned the cash register with a smile and small talk for everyone, Charli
thought back on the past two amazing days they’d spent together. Not that they hadn’t
had amazing days and nights before that, but something special had happened. She knew
how difficult it was for him to go through with the renovations. The more she’d pushed,
the more he’d backed off. As soon as she’d agreed
to talk about the hardware store makeover until Monday, he’d relaxed. They’d ridden
the horses out to the creek to have a picnic-style breakfast. They’d gone to a movie,
where, in the dark, they’d held hands, and she’d laid her head on his shoulder.

They felt like a real couple.

If Charli had any reservations about being in love, they’d all been erased. The only
question that remained was how deeply he felt about her.

His emotions bounced higher and further than she could keep up with. It was clear
he cared about her, and he seemed happy to be settling into a relationship with her.
They had fun. They could be joking one minute and discussing a serious subject the
next. And their lovemaking was off the charts.

But love?

She didn’t know if he was moving in that direction. Neither of them had spoken the
words. While she knew it might be a little early to expect that from him, she did
hope to feel a little more secure. Then again, hadn’t that always been her problem
in the past? Expect too much too soon? Or expect and not receive at all?

She glanced across the store to where he stood at the cash register handing back change
to Chester Banks for the rope halter he’d just purchased.

Reno was the whole package.

And there was the essence of the problem.

Was he too good to be true?

Was she just setting herself up for another fall?

As easily as she could look at him and see herself spending the rest of her life with
him, she didn’t want to end up like her mother. She didn’t want to have to continuously
cajole the man she loved into loving her. She wanted him to give his love freely.
Openly. And often.

Maybe that was just asking too much of him.

Maybe he’d never be able to move past his fears.

Maybe he’d never be able to break the habit of keeping others at bay for his own self-preservation.

Maybe he’d never let her get close enough to fall in love.

A long sigh slipped past her lips.

All were exactly the reasons she’d hesitated to tell him of her dream to move to Sweet
and open up shop with his mother. He didn’t look like he was in any hurry to promise
her forever. And though she wanted nothing more than to be a part of this community,
it was a very small town. She could be as boastful about picking up her life and moving
to Texas as she wanted to be, but she wasn’t sure she’d be so brave if Reno didn’t
want her in his life.

And so she’d wait.

Until the store renovations were finished.

Until they had nothing standing between them but the possibility of a future.

“Can’t believe you got him to agree to this.”

Charli’s head came up to find Jackson Wilder standing beside her in dark blue pants
and a shirt that bore the SAFD insignia. Even without the fire department uniform,
Reno’s younger brother was a stunner. A man more than one of her girlfriends back
home would jump—literally—if they had the chance. His short hand-combed hair and
suggestive smile would turn any woman’s head. Any woman except her. Hers had already
been turned.

“Believe me,” she said, “he didn’t agree easily. I had to use everything in my powers
to get him to come to the dark side. And I wasn’t beyond using bribery.”

His head tilted. “Is that what they call it these days?”

“What do you mean?”

He shrugged. “You tell me.”

Her spine stiffened. “Are you accusing me of using my body to get him to agree to
the makeover?”

“I don’t make accusations. I’m just keeping an eye out for my brother.”

“You don’t need to protect him from me.”

Big, strong arms folded across the front of his shirt. “You sure about that?”

“Damned sure.”

His chiseled lips lifted into a cautious smile. “Just checking.”

“How did you even know there was something going on between us?”

“The smile he’s been wearing. And . . . because he told me.”

“He did?” Happiness leaped in her heart.

“ ’Bout killed him to admit it.”

And happiness was down on the mat.

“Look. I know you don’t know me well, but I promise there is no way I would ever do
anything to hurt your brother. I think he’s been through enough.”

“He has.” Jackson nodded. “I guess that’s why I keep my eye on him—not that he needs
it. He can kick my ass sideways if he wanted to. He’s a good man. I just want him
to be happy.”

“I want that for him too,” she said.

“And yet . . .” His brows pulled tight over dark blue eyes. “You’re leaving in seven

And didn’t that just drop a bomb on everything.

are walls. Dusty floors. Empty shelves.

Reno stood inside his store and swallowed down the streak of panic clawing up his
throat. In all the years he’d been in Sweet as a member of the Wilder family, he’d
never seen the place barren. Echoes of his father’s jolly laughter and heartfelt salutations
had disappeared with each item removed.

Logic told Reno he was a grown man who shouldn’t allow himself to be overrun with
emotion, but there was still enough young boy left in him to be hit with a tidal wave
that threatened to bring tears to his eyes.

“Are you okay?”

He turned at the soft touch on his arm and managed a nod.

“No, you’re not.” Charli wrapped her arms around him, enveloped him in her warmth.
She looked up at him, gave him a tenuous smile. “I know this is extremely difficult
for you. All I ask is that you trust me.”

“I’ll give it my best shot.” Even to his own ears, his voice sounded raspy and unsure.

“Maybe it’s best if you don’t come around until it’s finished.”

“Are you locking me out?”

She reached up and cupped his cheek with her palm. Her dark eyes took on a seriousness
he’d yet to see. “Yeah. I am.”

“Wait a minute.” He dropped his arms. Backed up a step. The sound created an echo
in the cavernous room. “First you tell me you’re going to change everything. Then
you tell me I have to sell everything to pay for it. Now you’re telling me I can’t
even be here?”

“Pretty much.”

The smile curving her pretty mouth made Reno reach deep to keep the incredulity burning.
“That hardly seems fair.”

“I know. But you leave me no choice. A little birdie tells me that you will thwart
all my efforts, and nothing will ever get done. So as much as I hate to, I’m giving
you the boot.”

He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed hold, trying to keep the top of his head
from exploding. “Shit.”

“You can do this, Reno.” Her hand rubbed his back. “I know you can. And I promise,
if you don’t like the results, we’ll put it back exactly the way it was minus the
items we sold at the fire sale. And the dust.”

“You will?” The tension in his face eased.

“Yes.” She pointed a finger at him. “
the reveal is taped.”

He let that ramble through his head a minute, surprised to realize that her offer
calmed his nerves. Somewhat.

“Okay. Then we have a deal.”

“We do?” Her head tilted slightly as if she didn’t believe him. “And I didn’t even
have to promise sexual favors?”

He gave her a smile. “Those come without saying.”

Her laughter danced over him and lightened the weight in his heart.

“Lucky for you I’m only too happy to comply.”

He wrapped her in his arms. “Lucky for

A kiss seemed appropriate to seal the deal, but no sooner had their lips met than
Jesse barged through the door.

“Whoa.” He came to a halt and backed up a few steps. “Bad timing.”

“Actually . . .” Charli grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into their circle. “You
timing. I was just about to kick your brother out of here and lock the door.”

Jesse ran a hand through hair that needed a cut months ago. “You okay with that, big

“She’s not giving me a choice.”

“I promised him sexual favors.”

“Sweet.” Jesse chuckled.

“Way to break the news that we’re seeing each other,” Reno said.

Charli clamped her hands on her hips. “Oh, like he and everyone else doesn’t already


“Before you go,” she said to Reno, “I need you to do something.”

Reno turned to Jesse. “See how she orders me around?”

“Yeah.” Jesse’s brows lifted. “And I can tell you really hate it too.”

Reno had no choice but to smile.

“Follow me, please,” Charli said, leading them through the storeroom and out the back
door. “See that stack of lumber right there? That’s for you.”

“What am I supposed to do with that?” Reno asked, wondering what the woman had up
her sleeve now.

“Those wooden barrels next to the lumber are going to be used as a display. I need
you to build a stand for them.”

Reno laughed. “And now you have me
for you?”

“No.” She flashed those straight, white teeth. “I’m giving you a project to do so
you’ll feel included and so you won’t go crazy over the next couple of days.”

“I can build that in an hour,” Reno protested.

“Jesse? I’m charging you with making sure he takes his time and stays out of my way.”

Jesse shrugged. “Might have to feed him a beer or two. Or take him out and tie him
to a tree.”

“If you tie him to a tree, do it toward dark, and give me the GPS location.”

Jesse turned to Reno. “Lucky bastard.”

Reno just smiled.

“And on that note, big brother, we are out of here.”

Reno didn’t fight the large hand that landed on his shoulder and led him out the front
door. He was too busy imagining all the hot things Charli could do to him if he
tied up to a tree.

No sooner had he and Jesse crossed the street than an eighteen-wheeler pulled up
in front of the store and parked, obscuring his view of the entire store.

“What the hell?” Reno stopped in his tracks.

Charli appeared around the front of the big truck’s steel grille. “
is so you can’t peek. It will be parked here all week.” Her hands waved. “So consider
this area

Jesse laughed. “She knows you pretty well.”

“Yeah. I’m getting that.” As his brother led him away, Reno went right back to the
tree fantasy she’d planted in his imagination.

ay two of the store renovations arrived, and Reno watched Charli grumble as she rolled
out of bed at o’dark thirty. He’d kept her up late. Not to be mean but because he
knew their time together was drawing to a close, and he wanted as much of her as he
could get. What he planned to do after she left? He had no idea. Didn’t even want
to think about it.

He’d learned the hard way that when people quickly disappeared from your life, their
images in your mind began to fade. He didn’t want Charli’s smile to disappear. Or
the look of passion in her eyes when he made love to her. Or the quiet peacefulness
that settled on her face as she slept.

While she took a shower, he let the dogs out, then made a pot of coffee. When she
came into the kitchen, wearing nothing but a towel, it was everything he could do
not to unravel it and take her back to bed. He thought back to that first night, when
he’d knocked on the apartment door and she’d answered all wrapped up in a fluffy robe
and looking like a marshmallow peep. That night seemed so long ago, when in reality
it had only been a little over five weeks.

How things had changed since then.

He’d started out wanting her gone. And now . . . he just wanted her to stay. Even
if there was still that ever-present fear in the back of his mind.

“How’s the barrel display coming?” she asked.

“Piece of cake.” He poured her a steaming cup of coffee. “How’s my store?”

on the cake.” She rose to her tiptoes, clutched her towel together, and gave him
a kiss.

“You know,” he said, “if you drop that towel, it will make breakfast a whole lot more

was interesting. Who’d have thought you could get so much mileage from a bandana?”

He curved his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Stick with me, and I’ll
show you a million different ways to use a lariat too.”

“Do tell, Cowboy.”

At least she hadn’t come back with a warning that she wouldn’t be here long enough
to find out.

He handed her the cup of coffee, which she set down on the table before securing the
bath towel by tucking the tail between her breasts. Too bad. There went any hopes
of its coming undone somewhere between coffee and biscuits.

“Is this a waffle morning? Or eggs?” he asked.

“Coffee and granola bar, I’m afraid. I need to get to the store early. It’s a big

“Why?” Panic struck. “What’s going on?”

“Well . . .” She sipped her coffee, filling the air with an uncomfortable pause. “For
starters, we’re tearing out the back wall to expand the square footage, then we’re
ripping the roof off to make a second story, and—”

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