Any Way You Want Me (38 page)

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Authors: Lucy Diamond

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BOOK: Any Way You Want Me
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For Martin


I am very grateful to all the people who’ve helped me along the way with this book. Thanks are due to Sue Roe and Umi Sinha at the University of Sussex CCE for their brilliant tuition and inspiration on the novel-writing course. To Jo Thulborn, Bernadette Alves, Jo White and Deborah Smith who all read the first draft, and were so positive and encouraging. To my fab agent Simon Trewin, and to Imogen Taylor and Trisha Jackson at Macmillan, for saying yes, and making this happen. To my brother, Phil Mongredien, for hours of proofreading. And, of course, to my family, especially Hannah, Tom and Holly Powell, who always put everything in perspective.

I couldn’t have written this book without Martin Powell. He gave me the time and space to start writing, and the love and support to see it through. Thank you.


First published 2007 by Pan Books

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ISBN 978-0-330-53002-6 PDF
ISBN 978-0-330-53001-9 EPUB

Copyright © Lucy Diamond 2007

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