Any Human Heart (65 page)

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Authors: William Boyd

Tags: #Biographical, #Fiction

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Okoli, Colonel ‘Jack’, 387-8; on winning the Biafran War, 390; LMS’s article on, 391

O’Neill, Ann, later Mrs Ian Fleming, 252η.

‘One Writer’s War’, article on LMS in
The Times
by Peter Scabius, 287

‘Operation Mogadishu’, LMS’s memorandum on, 435-49

‘Operation Shipbroker’, 257; its rapid failure, 265; 293

Outridge, Dr Adam, LMS’s psychiatrist, 301; describes LMS as ‘cyclothymic’, 304



Pearl Harbor, 221 & n.

Peebles, Scotland, 279

Peredes, Faustino Angel, LMS’s press liaison officer, 180; relationship with LMS, 190; arrest and death, 195; 434

Peterman, David, affair with Alannah Mountstuart, 335; LMS’s aggression towards, 336

‘Petra’ (Hanna Hauptbeck), LMS meets, 437; to Zurich with LMS, 440; 443n.

Petrie-Jones, Sammie, 379

Philby, Kim, 428 & n.

Philips, Major Grey, the Duke of Windsor’s comptroller, 231

Picasso, Pablo, 80; LMS meets, description, 154; 168; LMS meets again, 290; and Spanish Civil War, 291; nature of his genius, 291; has LMS to lunch at La Californie, 326; sketches LMS and Gloria Ness-Smith, 326; sketch sold, 406

Plomer, William, reader at Jonathan Cape Ltd, 205 & n.; at NID, 226; his autobiography and its absence of sexual candour, 256 & n.; 278

, magazine, LMS contracted to, 378; folds, 397

Pollock, Jackson, 301; LMS tries to visit, his talent assessed, 321; death in car crash, 327; LMS buys paintings, 327; 358

Poole, Roderick, LMS’s boyhood tutor, later publisher, 6; lunches with LMS, 79-80; takes delivery of
The Mind’s Imaginings,
111; agrees to publish, 115; hears LMS’s plans for novel, 125; receives typescript of
The Girl Factory,
131; moves to Michael Kazin Ltd, 353

Pop Art, 367

Powell, Anthony, at Oxford, 90 & n.; lunches with LMS, 130

Premoli, Paula, LMS’s favourite nurse, 412; her parting gift to LMS, 418

Prendergast, Mr, Mercedes Mountstuart’s lover, 51; in Paris with LMS’s mother, 71; invests LMS’s legacy in US stocks, 75; at dinner, his exaggerated politeness, 79; success with US investments, 112; reports Wall Street Crash, 128; a ‘broken man’, 140; his mysterious disappearance, 163

Prince George Hotel, Nassau, 234



Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of Windsor’s opinion of, 218; blamed by the Duke for his troubles, 237

Quennell, Peter, at Oxford, 65 & n.; abandons book on Blake, 75

Quogue, Long Island, 321



RAF Clerkhall, Staffordshire, LMS undergoes parachute training, 252

Rauschenberg, Robert, LMS’s article on, 345

Red and the Blue and the Red, The,
Peter Scabius’s Algerian novel, sales of, 327

(magazine), launch party, 358

Reykjavik, LMS visits, 281-4; 460

Rimbaud, Arthur, 291

Rivers, Larry, 317, 358

Riverside Drive, Alannah Rule’s apartment, LMS moves in, 304; LMS moves out, 335

‘Robinson Crusoe’, 240

Roisanssac, Didier, LMS’s doctor, 457; LMS consults, 464; and LMS’s heart attack, 479

Roth, Anna, LMS meets, 422

Rothko, Mark, 399

‘Rose’ (prostitute), LMS’s encounter with, 339-42

Roundabout Hotel, Manjo, Nigeria, 386

Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve (‘The Wavy Navy’), LMS created Lieutenant, 212

Rule, Alannah, LMS’s third wife, affair with LMS begins, 302; accepts proposal of marriage, 318; complains about LMS’s drinking, 319; sexual relations with LMS, 322; marriage difficulties with LMS, 328; begins affair with David Peterman, 335; divorces LMS, marries Peterman, 357

Rule, Arlene, daughter, 302

Rule, Gail, daughter, 302; LMS’s affection for, 311; clandestine meetings with, 364; LMS meets in London, 429; inherits Cinq Cyprès, 490



St Botolph’s Hospital, Peckham, LMS in Ward C, 411-18

Sainte-Sabine, Lot, 410; described, 446; and the Verdel murders, 476-7; location of LMS’s grave, 489

Samsom, Lucy, LMS’s first love, 16 & n.; first kiss, 18; letters to LMS at school, 36; takes LΜS to Leith docks, 281 & n.; visits Cinq Cyprès, 454; 456; announces news of Peter Scabius’s death, 459; ageing, 463; searches vainly for Octet, 490

Santo, Ricardo Espirito, host of Duke and Duchess of Windsor in Lisbon, 214; 217

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 291

Scabius, Peter, LMS’s oldest friend, 13; his ‘challenge’, 23; kisses Tess Clough, 38; masturbated by Tess, 40; his alarm at Tess’s arrival in Oxford, 69-70; sets up Tess in Islip, 73-4; father suspicious, 87; marries Tess, 121; working on Reading newspaper, 121; godfather to LMS’s son, 151; publishes first novel,
Beware of the Dog,
173; success of novel, 177; marriage to Tess in difficulties, 178; publication of third novel, 204; confrontation with LMS about Tess, 205; joins Auxiliary Fire Brigade, 211; guilt over Tess’s death, 224; joins Catholic Church, 224; writing of
, novel about Tess, 227; huge success of
, 253; marries again, 253; 278; affair with Gloria Ness-Smith, 292; marries Gloria Ness-Smith, 310; in New York with Gloria, 312-13;
Already Too Late,
novel about nuclear proliferation, 362; in tax exile, 400; at Gloria’s funeral, 409; knighted for services to literature, 430; death in Falkland Islands, 459

Schubert, Jerry, Leeping Fils’ lawyer, 349; advises LMS on potential rape charge, 370

Scully, Charles, 387

‘Sergeant Bilko’, 341

Shakespeare, William, 321

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, LMS’s book on, 65; LMS’s description of, 68; 71; title for book, 75 & n.;
Prometheus Unbound
, 75; ‘Mont Blanc’, 75n.; LMS continues with biography, 109; published and

reviewed, 130

Signoret, Simone, 326

Simeon, LMS’s cook in Nigeria, 381; embarks with LMS to Biafra, 384

Singh, ‘Subadar’, LMS’s upstairs neighbour in Turpentine Lane, 416; buys LMS’s flat for cash, 453

, The, the SPK’s newspaper, 423; LMS as prize vendor, 425

Skarga, Zygmunt, 387

Snow, Squadron Leader, LMS’s Bahamas link with NID, 234

Soutar, Henry, ‘The Lizard’, LMS’s housemaster, 22 & n.; as loathsome old bigot, 24; beats LMS, 61

Spanish Civil War, background, 178; LMS commissioned to write articles on, 178; Barcelona and Valencia during, 179-82; Aragón front described, 188-90; and Madrid, 190-95

Spellbrook, Conn., LMS visits, 309

SPK (Socialits Patients’ Kollective), 420; LMS joins, 423; origins of, 426; LMS joins ‘Working Circle — Direct Action’, 431

Sprymont & Drew, LMS’s first publishers, 116; LMS becomes reader for, 205

Stalingrad, 233

Stefanelli, Jean-Robert, 457; on Sainte-Sabine’s wartime past, 470; discovers LMS’s body, 489

Summer at Saint-Jean,
LMS’s second novel, proposed, 170; sold in advance, 177; three chapters written, 199; LMS burns manuscript, 226

Sumner Place, South Kensington, the Mountstuart home in London, 71; first paying guests, 140; with eighteen paying guests, 221; condemnable, 323

Sutherland, Graham, 289n.

Switzerland, 257; LMS parachutes into, 261



Tate, Nat, American painter, LMS meets, 317; LMS visits studio, 336-7 & n.; offers to rework LMS’s Nat Tates, 346; inspired by visit to Braque’s studio, 347 & n.; suicide, 348

Thatcher, Margaret, elected Prime Minister, 453

Thomsett, Keith, Mr & Mrs, 278

Thorpe Hall, Norfolk, LMS’s first married home, described, 146-7

Three Days of the Condor,
435 & n.

Times, The,
Peter Scabius’s article in, 287

Tjorn, lake in Reykjavik, 284

‘Tommy’, Stella Mountstuart’s puppy, 258; 401 & n

Townsend, Sergeant, parachute instructor, 256

Tozer, Sergeant, his bellicosity, 53-4; and Corps exercise, 57

Tranmere, Margot, 379

Turpentine Lane, no. IOB, Pimlico, LMS’s last London flat, purchased, 289; moves back from New York to, 370; redecorated, 377; returns to from Africa, 397; sold to Subadar Singh, 453



Uli airstrip, Biafra, 391

University College of Ikiri, Nigeria, LMS appointed lecturer, 375

Upper East Side, New York, LMS moves to, 335

Upper West Side, New York, LMS’s dislike of, 319

urban life, LMS’s affinity for, 352-3

Uruguay, LMS’s birthplace, 5; described, 7



v-2 rocket, 278; LMS finds crater of, 286

Valencia, LMS visits (1936), described, 181; second visit (1937), 186

Vanderpoel, James, First XV hooker, 43; meets LMS, 44; bribed by LMS, 45; at NID, 213; travels to Lisbon with LMS, 214; ill-health in Lisbon, 219, 278; headmaster of girls’ school, 293,

Velázquez, 321

Verdel, Benoit, Gabrielle Dupetit’s father, memorial plaque placed, 466; plaque defaced, 469; true history of, 476-7

Vichy France, severs diplomatic relations with Britain, 219

Villa by the Lake, The,
LMS’s war novella, started, 295; publication and reviews, 301

Vivian, John, head of SΡK, LMS meets, 422; relations with LMS, 432-4; sends LMS on SPK mission, 434; goes underground, 449; last meeting with LMS, 450 & n.

‘Voyeur’s Luck’, LMS’s concept of, 330



Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 312, 313

Warhol, Andy, his graphic skills, 359; 367

Waugh, Evelyn, allegedly kisses LMS, 76; 77 & n.; congratulates LMS, 132; talks about Catholicism, 133 & n.; his love of Oxford, 149; discusses Spanish Civil War with LMS, 182; asks LMS about marriage, 183 & n.; 379; loss of teeth, 404

Weiss, Ted, LMS’s US editor, 307

Wenner-Gren, Axel, Swedish millionaire, Nazi sympathizer and friend of the Duke of Windsor, 228; friend of Goering, 232

Wilson, Edmund, his Anglophobia, 316

Wilson, Harold, British Prime Minister, 388 & n.; equated with Adolf Hitler, 388

Windsor, Duchess of, in Biarritz (when Mrs Simpson), 167; in Lisbon (1940), described, 216; LMS meets, 220; her gratitude to LMS, 221; in Government House, Bahamas, 228; her opinion of Bahamas, 231; at dinner, 237; her effect on the Duke, 238; her hatred of LMS, 246; in New York, 313; her enduring hatred for LMS, 360

Windsor, Duke of, LMS meets (when Prince of Wales), 167; affair with Mrs Simpson, 172; abdication crisis discussed, 183; abdicates, broadcasts to the nation, 184 & n.; LMS meets in Lisbon (1940), 216; LMS golfs with, 217; his gratitude to LMS, 221; sails to Bahamas, 221; LMS meets in Bahamas, 231; golfs with LMS, 236; reaction to Oakes’s murder, 243; hostility towards LMS, 245; his connection to Colonel Marion, 295; described, 359; final encounter with LMS, 360

Wodehouse, P. G., 228

Woolf, Virginia, meets LMS at Garsington, 99 & n.; contretemps with Le Mayne, her personality discussed, 102;
To the Lighthouse,
LMS’s dislike of, 150; discussed, 158; defended, 168; abuses Cyril Connolly’s wife, 171; is rebuked by LMS, 171; cuts LMS dead, 171; suicide, 222; 379



Yeats, W. B., 291

Yorke, Henry (Henry Green), meets LMS, 91



Zemsche, Charlie, on hotel-life, 332

Zippo lighter, LMS’s life saved by, 301

Zollo, fraudulent painter, 312

Zurich, LMS returns with Petra and Ingeborg, 440



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