Authors: Kathy Clark


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"All my clothes were wet," he commented with a crooked apologetic grin as he saw her
aghast expression. "I hung them up in the bathroom to dry."

She didn't trust herself to speak, so instead she busied herself mixing the hot water with instant coffee in the mugs. She breathed a sigh of relief when he sat down at the table, temporarily putting most of himself out of her view. Now she had only his ruggedly handsome face with its direct gray gaze and gently curving mouth to contend with
in her crazy runway thoughts.

He had raked his fingers roughly through his thick ebony hair, combing it back from his face, but a stray lock hung wetly across his forehead, begging to be brushed back into place by her itching fingers. Abruptly she sat down on her chair, before her weak kne
es could collapse beneath her.

"It was a little unnerving to be taking a shower and to turn around and see a horrible hairy blond thing banging from the towel bar," he said, attempt
ing to lighten the atmosphere.

"I'm not sure it can be saved." She laughed nervously. "The most humane thing would probably be to shoot it
and put it out of its misery."

"I don't believe I've ever seen a
ny pictures of you au naturel.

"I beg your pardon?" she asked, shocked. "I would never agree to do nude photos,"
She glared indignantly at him.

"No, wait. I meant without that wig. You really do have beautiful hair." His approving gaze swept the long, loose length of spun gold that tumbled down around her breasts. "I wonder how many people know what you've been hiding all these years," he speculated, his tone suggesting a more complex curiosity
than his words would indicate.

Indirectly he was asking her how many people she had been intimate enough with to share this secret. If only she could get up enough courage to tell him what other secrets were hidden beneath that artificial hairpiece. Not that it was really any of his business, but she couldn't blame him for asking. If she'd had the nerve to ask, she would have loved to find out the same information about him. Instead "Sunny Day" stayed in character. "Not as many as you might think. Other than my family and my manager, Mack, no one
ever sees me without my wig,"

"That makes me special, then, doesn't it?" he teased lightly, but the joke backfired a
s her eyes darkened seriously.

"Yes, it does," she answered softly. Several seconds passed, their gazes locked, with neither daring to say what was foremost in their minds. Sarah moved first, scooting her chair away from the table noisily and walking over, to the sink to rinse out her mug. "It's setting late. I guess we had better turn in for the night, so if you'll
just go on into the bedroom—"

"The bedroom?" he interrupted, one d
ark eyebrow arched eloquently.

"Yes, you'll sleep in the bedroom, and I'll sleep on the sofa," she finished hastily

"Oh." He tried to hide his disappointment in the sleeping arrangements. "I believe you've got it
backward, though," he argued.

"No, I don't. It's your camper, and you're too tall for the sofa, so it's just common sense for me to sleep on the sofa a
nd let you have the bed."

"You bullied me into spending the night in this camper, but I refuse to let you give up the bed, and I, as a man, will rough it on the sofa." His deep voice demanded obedience. '"Either that or I'll sleep in the truck. Then you can sle
ep in whichever bed you want."

Male chauvinist!" she accused.

"Superstar!" he countered.

"All right, take the sofa," she acquiesced, knowing that if she didn't, he would make good his threat to go back outside into the bitter cold, sleep in the truck and probably catch the flu—a fate he deserved, but one which she couldn't wish on him. With a defiant toss of her golden head she flounced gracefully from the room.

An hour later she lay on her back on the big bed, staring into the dark. Her only excuse for her childish behavior was that it had effectively disguised her real feelings. She had narrowly
escaped from a very tense sexual confrontation. So why was she still awake, feeling every emotion but satisfaction? Hadn't she been acting in Sunny's best interests? Or was she just afraid to admit that her whole body ached for a fulfillment that only this man could provide? She had never been stirred so deeply and passionately, which made her doubly vulnerable. If she overreacted to what she thought was a sexual overture but wasn't, then he would think she was as loose and forward as her sister had a reputation for being. She tried to remember anything he might have said or done that could give her a clue as to how he felt, but other than their few kisses, his behavior had always been that of a perfect gentleman . . . unfortunately.

From the other room came the sound of Tyler turning over and bumping loudly into the wooden arms at either the head or foot of his too short bed and uttering a most ungentlemanly curse. It served him right, she thought. Apparently he wasn't getting any more sleep than she was, but it was
all his fault. If he had listened to reason, he'd be able to stretch his long frame out on this bed, and she would have been quite comfortable on the smaller sofa.

Maybe now he would be a little more open-minded, she told herself as she got out of bed and flicked on the overhead light. Maybe she could talk him into playing musical beds. That was her only reason for going to see him now, in the middle of the night, wasn't it? Sarah opened the bedroom doo
r but paused on the threshold.

Tyler saw her immediately and sat up, leaning on one elbow. Shafts of light broke around her body, piercing through the thin gown, making it virtually invisible. Her hair fell around her shoulders and down almost to her elbows in glorious disarray; highlighted from behind like a frothy halo. Her face was in shadow, making it impossible to read her expression, but he sensed a tense indecision. She was like a shy doe, poised for flight at the first sign of danger. He wasn't sure why she was here, but a wave of passion surged through his body with the power and fierceness of the wild north wind that had shown them no mercy earlier in the day, just as she
was showing him no mercy now.

"I couldn't sleep. I wondered if you . . ." She faltered, all coherent thoughts driven from her mind at the sight of him. The light from her bedroom invaded the dark room, softly illuminating his tanned nude torso in sharp contrast t
o the whiteness or the sheets.

All his well-planned resolutions flew out the window. His eyes, burning with desire, never left her face as he reached out and pulled back the covers to expose the empty space next to him. "Come here,
darlin'," he invited, his voice deep and gentle as he held out his hand toward her.

Still Sarah hesitated, weighing the possible results against the depth of her desire. What would happen if he should expect the real Sunny, to pick up where they left off after the trail ride was over? Or what if he let something slip to the press that might hurt
Sunny's career? Or what if . . . Suddenly she realized that for this one night she didn't really care about anything else but Tyler. Regardless of the repercussions, this was her one chance to be where she most wanted to be . . . in his arms. Tonight was their night; she would worry about everything else tomorrow.

With a soft heartfelt sigh she floated across the room a
nd sank into his waiting arms.

His body shuddered with suppressed longing as he looked deeply into her apprehensive eyes. "Are yo
u sure?" he asked tenderly.

Shh," she whispered against his lips, her body melting against his warmth. She had gone this far, and she didn't want to be talked out of it now. This was not the moment for rational thoughts. For once sensible Sarah was going to let her heart rule her head.

Tentatively, not wanting to overwhelm her with the strength of his feelings, Tyler gently kissed her mouth while his hands slowly stroked h
er body.

But Sarah wanted more. She had been waiting for this moment since she had first been attracted to him at the airport. Boldly her fingertips slid down the hard curve of his side and up the ridge of his hipbone. She savored the rippling waves of muscles in his back and shoulders before
her long fingers nested in the thick silken hair at the back of his neck. Her lips pulled him deeper into the kiss, demanding everything he had to give.

"Take it easy. We've got all night," he murmured against her mouth as his hands eased under the hem of her gown, drawing it up and with her help pulling it over her head before tossing it on the floor. He pulled away and leaned back so he could see the uncharted territory waiting to be explored and conquered. His passion darkened eyes flowed over her body, lingering on her firm, full breasts, which swelled ex
pectantly under his warm gaze.

"Thank God that only your wig is artificial," he teased, his large, rough palm following the same path as his eyes. His forefinger traced lazy circles around the pink tips of her nipples before he leaned over to sample their nectar. His tongue teased and tantalized the hardened buds as he divided hi
s avid attention between them.

Sarah uttered a soft cry of delight. Her fingers tightened on his powerful shoulders, urging him to continue. Her long silky legs entwined with his, enjoying the sensual tickle of the light s
prinkling of hair on his legs.

A growing ache throbbed deep within her, sending jolting flashes of pleasure shooting through her as his hot, eager mouth sucked and nibbled until she thought she would go wild with desire. His exploring hand moved down across her flat stomach, then slip
ped lower, finding her warmth.

His lips ended their torture and moved up to recapture her open mouth, swallowing her entranced moans. Their warm panting breath mixed as his tongue erotically stroked the roof of her mouth. Her body trembled as the driving ache insi
de her begged for fulfillment.

Sensing her readiness and unable to hold himself back any longer, Tyler eased his body over hers, gently positioning himself between her legs. His mouth continued its seduction of her soul as their he
arts thudded wildly in unison.

The muscles of her throat and chest constricted, making it difficult to breathe as a delicious, sense of anticipation pounded through her body. Her gasp of pleasure was mixe
d with pain as he entered her.

"Relax," he crooned, thinking her withdrawal was due to hesitancy. He slowed his movements, trying to be gentle and patient in spite of the rising urgency that was threatening to overwhelm him. But as he pushed deeper he felt a telltale resistance that caused him to pull back, surprised and confus
ed. "How could you be . . . ?"

She stopped his untimely inquisition by pressing her shaking fingertips against his open lips. "Please don't stop," she pleaded softly, her index finger lightly outlining the sensual curve of his captivating
mouth. "I need you . . . now."

Instinctively her legs crossed behind him, holding him to her as her hands moved down his arched back, stopping to stroke and knead the tensed muscles of his buttocks, not so subtly urging him to resume his deli
ghtful possession of her body.

With a groan he continued his gentle assault, until with one thrust he accepted her gift, possessing her as no man ever had. Greedily his kiss ravaged her mouth until his lips moved in an open caress across her cheek and against her ear, where his labored
breathing rasped seductively.

Her fingers stroked the pulsating tendons in his powerful thighs, encouraging him to a greater intimacy. The sensitive tips of her breasts pressed into the soft, dark hair on his chest as her body rose anxiously against his. All her senses were heightened to such a fever pitch that even her toes curled as his thrust deepened and his pace quickened. He ignited a wildfire of unmanageable sensations swirling in ever widening circles from deep in the pit of her stomach until she was consumed by the flames. Time ceased to exist as agonizingly exciting explosions rippled through her, pulling Tyler wi
th her through the black void.

Weakly he clung to her while deep shudders shook his body. Slowly they returned to earth lying quietly in each other's arms, tired but satisfied. As their erratic breathing calmed they became aware of the wind that continued to howl as it nudged the trailer and rattled the windows, making the lovers doubly grateful to b
e sharing each other's warmth.

Tyler nuzzled her neck while one of his hands gently stroked her silky tangled hair. "You are one of the most confusing, exasperating, and completely irresistible women I have ever met," he murmured huskily. "I didn't want to have anything to do with you. I thought you would be full of tricks and shenanigans that would cause this week to be pure torture, but I never suspected the torture would be physical or that you would be so—" He searched for the proper word, then settled on "real. I tried not to think about you except in an official capacity, but I've had very unprofessional thoughts about you since that first night in the motel room when all I saw was long golden hair and even longer sexy legs
. Not even in my wildest dreams did I think it could be this special."

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