Another Me (17 page)

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Authors: Eva Wiseman

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I would like to thank my family for their support and belief in me. As always, my husband, Nathan, was my first reader and editor, closely followed by my daughter, Marni. Their input was invaluable to me.

Several people were generous with their time and knowledge. They include Millie Acheson, Rabbi Avraham Altein, Rabbi Alan Green and Gisela Persaud. My editors, Sue Tate and Janice Weaver, never led me wrong.

The ballad “Under the Linden,” quoted in
chapter 13
, was written by Walther von der Vogelweide (ca. 1170–ca. 1230), perhaps the most famous German medieval poet. In
chapter 19
, I quote from the Catholic prayer for the dead. The rest of the poetry and songs in the book are my own.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts during the writing of this book.


An important guild member and head of the city council.

The removal of a sick person's blood, using leeches or cutting, to cure or prevent illness.

A Jewish dish of vegetables and meat, usually eaten for lunch on the Sabbath.

A group of tradesmen or artisans uniting to provide mutual protection and to advance their business interests. The guild system was a key part of the economy and society of Europe between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries.

A Hebrew word for God.

The middle of the three ranks (apprentice, journeyman and master) in the guild system. A journeyman had completed his apprenticeship and was able to work for a master in exchange for wages. He could become a master himself once he had proved his competence in his trade.

The highest rank in the guild system. The master was an established tradesman who ran his own shop and thus enjoyed greater wealth and a higher social status.

Corrupt, or “bad,” air. Physicians in the Middle Ages believed that the plague introduced bad air into the body through the lungs or pores in the skin. This miasma then poisoned the body and caused sickness. People feared breathing in the bad air of plague victims. In the most dreaded scenario, the miasma from a dying person's eyes entered a healthy person's eyes resulting in immediate death.

A simple or makeshift bed.

A hearty soup or stew.

A soft mixture of herbs or other medicinal plants spread on a cloth and placed on the skin to heal a sore or reduce pain.

A high-ranking member of a religious order.

A toilet found in a small shed out back of a house.

The Jewish Sabbath, a day of rest and religious observance. It begins with sunset on Friday night and ends with nightfall on Saturday. Traditionally, the Shabbos is
welcomed with a synagogue service followed by a festive meal in the home.

: A ram's-horn trumpet used during certain Jewish religious services.

A collection of ancient rabbinic writings in Judaism, the most significant text for interpreting the Torah.

The five books of Moses found in the Hebrew Bible. Also called the Pentateuch. In synagogue, the Torah is read from a scroll.

A medicinal compound used to treat all manner of illnesses in the Middle Ages.

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