Another Man Will (12 page)

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Authors: Daaimah S. Poole

BOOK: Another Man Will
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I knew Phil's punk ass was going to call everyone and tell them I had lost my mind and needed to be put away, and I was right, because my father called me, screaming, “What the hell is wrong with you, Vette? I just got a call from Phil, and he said you came to his job and slapped and kicked him.”
“I didn't, Dad. He is lying.”
“You can't be acting like this. Why would you go to that man's job and start all that trouble?”
“He deserved it. He owes me.”
“Well, I hope it is all worth it, because when I was on the phone with him, he was talking to the police. You better pray they don't come and lock you up.”
“Daddy, I don't care. He took my money.”
“Yvette, forget about that money. Is twenty-five thousand worth you going to jail? Leave that man alone. If you go to jail, you won't have anything. I know you are mad, but you can't go and get your own revenge. You have to put this in God's hands. Let him go and do whatever he is going to do, and be sure that God is keeping score.”
My dad was steady preaching about God and all these other churchy things, which I was not trying to hear. I was so angry, and I had to calm myself down before I bought a gun and killed him. Phil was going to give me mine or handle the penalties that came with playing with my livelihood. I was determined to get even, and I was going to do so by calling his job. If I wasn't going to get my money, then he was going to lose his.
I called the main number for SEPTA and asked for the human resources director's office. I was transferred to his assistant. A cheery voice answered, and I started to give up all the information, true or not, I had on Phil.
“Yes, I would like to report a driver, Phillip McKnight. Uh, he's a driver on the number fifty-two bus. I'm just a concerned person and don't want to see any innocent passengers get hurt. So I just wanted to report that he is an alcoholic and is on crack cocaine and smokes a lot of marijuana. I would drug test him immediately.”
“Okay. You said his name was what?”
“Phillip McKnight. He drives the number fifty-two bus.”
“Okay. Thank you for your concern. We will look into this.”
“Yes, you're welcome, because I know he is a ton of lawsuits waiting to happen.”
After the call I felt a little better.
Bitch, you are fired, too,
I thought. Now all I needed was to figure out a way to get my money back.
eshma walked into my office, upset, and was flustered when she spoke. Her speech was very fast, and it was hard to understand what exactly she was saying.
“I can't take her anymore. She doesn't do her job. I don't understand.”
“What's wrong, Reshma?”
“That intern, Courtney. She broke the copier and then she left early, and we need copies and pamphlets made for tomorrow's meeting with Connelly Brothers. And I really don't want to ruin someone's internship. I know she needs to get credit, but I'm about to report her. I can't take it.”
“Calm down. I'll take care of it. Don't worry. On my way home, I'll stop at that big copy center on Fortieth Street.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, relieved.
“Yeah, I'm sure. Relax, finish everything else up, and I'll get here early and help you set up.”
“Thank you so much. Still, Dana, we must do something about her.”
After work I rushed over to the busy copy center. There were about five people ahead of me, and I needed the five hundred brochures expedited. Even though I had assured Reshma that it could be done, I was nervous. I stood in line patiently as the copier techs waited on other patrons. A well-groomed, light brown–skinned man with shades, wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, asked if I had been waiting long.
“No, I just got here.”
He looked down at his watch and said, “All I want to do is pick up my postcards. I'm not placing a new order.”
“They seem like they are moving pretty fast.”
“They need to move faster. I need to get to the airport. I have a client waiting for me. I have my own security company, and if they get off the plane and I'm not there, I'm going to have a problem.”
“What kind of security company?”
“My company does security for most of the nightclubs and big events in the city. Every time a celebrity comes to town they call me. Here. Take my card.”
I read his card.
. I thanked him.
“Do you have a card?”
I handed him mine. He went up and said something to one of the copier guys, got his order, and smiled at me on his way out. Just out of curiosity I wanted to see what the CEO was driving.
Not bad,
I thought as he drove off in his black Range Rover.
I didn't think much of meeting Gene until he called me a few days later.
“Hello, Dana. This is Gene. When can I take you somewhere nice?”
“I don't know, tell me what you had in mind?”
“I wanted to take you to dinner. Maybe to Buddakan or maybe get seafood at McCormick & Schmick's?”
“How did you know they were two of my favorite restaurants? I think we can make that happen.”
“Okay, then meet me at Buddakan tomorrow around six.”
A little after six the next day I got a call from Gene saying he was sitting at this table by himself and for me to hurry up. Although Gene wasn't my normal suit and tie type, I was still going to give him a chance. I appreciated that he was showing immediate interest. However, when I got to the restaurant, I didn't like what he was wearing. Who went out of the house wearing a white T-shirt and basketball shorts and flip-flops? Why would he ask me to this nice restaurant and dress like he was about to go sit next to a pool? Damn, I was disappointed again. Gene was on a call when I sat down. I ordered a saketini and tasted one of the shrimp and scallop spring rolls sitting on the table. I overhead him discussing a meeting he had to attend after our date. He ended his call and then thanked me for coming and said I looked nice.
“Thanks. So, where do you have to go after this?”
“I have a meeting with this big financier that wants to invest in my company. As soon as we are done, I'm going to meet up with him.”
“You're not going to go home and change your clothes?” I asked looking his attire over again.
“No, why should I. What's wrong with what I'm wearing?”
“I just wouldn't go to a meeting dressed like that.”
“Dressed like what?” he said, looking at his white outfit.
“Never mind. Forget it.”
“I'm dressed fine. I can go anywhere in this city and get respect. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing; people know who I am.”
“Oh, okay,” is all I could muster out. This date was starting off badly. I shouldn't have said anything. I couldn't tell if he was offended or not. I didn't say anything else about his pool outfit, but the date still went from bad to horrible. “I'm sure they will be very impressed with your business skills.”
“Yeah, I know they will. I know how to talk business and what not. But let me ask you a question. When was the last time someone made your toes curl?”
“I haven't had my toes curl. It's been a while.”
What kind of stupid disgusting question was that,
I thought.
“I don't believe you, because you answered that too fast. That's how I know you are lying. I know somebody is making you feel good beating that thing up.”
“No, I'm single.”
“For real. All of that is going to waste. That's a damn shame. You too fine not to have a man.”
I tried to change the subject. “So, Gene, have you ever thought about maybe taking some classes and getting a degree in business? So you could learn how to expand your business, without investors.” Again I thought I was saying something positive but I got a negative reaction from Gene.
“No. Why would I do that? My business is already making money.”
“Well, it wouldn't hurt.”
“Yeah, I don't need college. I made six figures last year without a degree.”
“That's impressive.”
“Yeah, I bet it is. I probably make more than you.”
“You might.” There was definitely some tension in the air. How did me suggesting he take some classes turn into an insult? I stopped talking, ordered my meal, and for the rest of the date I didn't ask him any more questions. He didn't even notice he was having a conversation by himself. I laughed at a few things that weren't funny and agreed with him on things he was obviously wrong about. I could have left, but my grilled lamb chops and saketini were too good to leave.
The check arrived, and I thought I had done a pretty good job of faking a date.
Gene stood up, pulled out a big wad of hundreds and twenties, and said, “Well, Dana, it was nice meeting you. I can't say it was the worst date, but I can't say it was the best.” He threw down eighty dollars on the table. I looked down at the check. It was a $155.00 tab.
“Gene, this bill is a hundred fifty-five dollars, and you only left eighty.”
He looked down and said, “Oh, I did. I'm sorry. I didn't leave the tip. Oh, and you can pay your own half.”
“What? I don't have any cash on me.”
“Reach in your bag, and use one of those cards. Man, y'all stuck up bougie bitches all the same. Don't worry about how I'm dressed. Worry about why you ain't got no man.” Gene walked out the restaurant and I sat in disbelief. I didn't understand what had just happened.
The waiter came over to the table and asked if everything was all right.
“Yes, it is,” I said, reaching in my bag and pulling out my wallet. I located my Visa card and paid the bill. I folded up the money and put it in my wallet.
What an asshole,
I thought.
The waiter came back with the receipt. I signed my name and gave him a generous cash tip.
“Thank you so very much, and do come again.”
“I will. Thank you.” I stood up, and tears began to stream down my face. This was what I got for dating someone like him, a guy without enough class to dress right. I had to call someone and tell them about my date from hell.
I dialed Tiffany as soon as I reached my car. I explained to her what had happened and she couldn't believe it. She kept trying to make excuses for his bad behavior. “Maybe he didn't have enough money on him and didn't know how to tell you.”
“No, he pulled out a big knot of money. Damn fake CEO. I'm getting so tired of this bullshit and all these crazy men,” I whimpered.
“I know you are not crying over that crazy guy.”
“No, I'm not crying over him.”
“I can tell by your voice that you're crying.”
“I am crying, but not over him. I'm crying because if he and people like him are all that is left out here, I'm going to be single forever. You know he had the nerve to call me a stuck-up, bougie bitch and told me to go in my bag and grab my credit card and pay for my own dinner. I've never been talked to that way, and it is not fair. I should have just stayed with Todd; at least he was respectful. I knew what issues he came with and what he was capable of.”
“No, you shouldn't have. It sounds like a really bad date. You're not stuck-up or bougie. You have just been running into a few crazies lately, but there are good men out there.”
“I don't believe that. I am really starting to think all men are insane and there aren't any good ones left.”
was served an order to stay away from Phil, his family, and his place of employment. Like I was some kind of stalker, killer, or even wanted him. I didn't want anything to do with him. I just wanted my money. I felt so dumb and embarrassed. Simply put, even if I didn't agree with the order, if I violated it, I would be jailed and fined. Every time I thought about my situation, I got upset. My every thought was about my plans for that twenty-five thousand. It wasn't a lot of money, but it would make my life a lot easier. Without my money, I had to think about how I was going to pay Mercedes's tuition, and I still needed to pay my September rent, my cable, cell phone, electric, Internet, and gas and get groceries. I had eight things to do, but enough money for only three. I had applied for unemployment. Hopefully, I'd be approved, because I didn't know what I was going to do.
When we moved into this apartment, it was temporary. I knew it was small and couldn't fit all our belongings, but now I found myself constantly running to the storage to get something we needed. I was going crazy thinking that we actually might have to live in this small apartment long term and I might not be able to get out. I sat and cried for a moment. I placed my hands in my lap. I had no idea what I was going to do.
Mercedes ran in my bedroom, screaming, “Mom, Brandon saw me watching television, and he came and changed the channel.” She didn't get the reaction she wanted. She took a look at me and asked me if I was crying.
“No. I'm not crying, but stop yelling.”
“It looks like you were crying. Brandon, Mommy was crying.”
Brandon ran into my bedroom. “Mom, what's wrong?”
“Nothing's wrong, I'm not crying. I have allergies.”
“Oh, well, tell this dummy not to change the channel,” Mercedes stated.
“Mimi, stop calling him out of his name. Both of you cut it out before I don't take you school shopping and I take a nap instead.”
The mall was busy with back-to-school traffic. I didn't know about all the parents, but I was so happy. With the kids out of the house, I could get peace and would be able to think. Thankfully, Doug had sent some extra money this week, which would help cover some of the back-to-school bill. Mercedes was easy to shop for. I bought her two uniform shirts and three pairs of pants to start off with. Now, Brandon was different. He was entering high school and was going to be a little more challenging to clothe because of his husky size and big feet.
At Foot Locker Brandon tried on a bunch of sneakers. He thought he wore a ten, but the salesman measured his foot and it turned out he had gone up another size since the beginning of the summer.
“Mom, I want these.” I turned the shoe over and almost fainted at the $145.00 price tag. My budget was only $150.00 for them both.
“How about these, Brandon?” I said, suggesting black Nikes that looked like they would last for a long time and conceal the dirt once they were older and were much cheaper.
“No, Mom. I really like these. Can I get these in an eleven?” he asked the salesman.
I didn't want to pay $145.00 for one pair of sneakers, but I didn't want Brandon to be the corny kid, either. I remembered how that felt, to want a certain look and hear my dad say, “I'm not buying that,” so I gave in. I would have to make the money up from another bill.
I felt like I'd accomplished something. They had uniforms and sneakers, and I had enough money to pay the most important bill, which was shelter. And after I paid that, I wouldn't have any money. Everything else would have to wait.
A few lights away from the mall, my Chevy Malibu started making noise and smoking, and before I could pull it all the way over, it just gave out; steam was rising from the hood. Mercedes asked if we had run out of gas, and Brandon got out of the car and asked me to pop the hood, like he was a mechanic.
“Boy, get in here. You don't know what you are looking for.”
“Yes, I do. I can push you out of the street.”
“I can help him,” Mercedes said as she took her seat belt off and got out of the car.
“Both of you, get back in the car.” It was embarrassing enough to have a car smoking on the side of the road. I didn't need two kids pushing it. I got out and pulled out my cell phone and tried to think of someone who could help us. A tow truck driver pulled up next to us and asked if we needed a tow.
“I'm not sure. How much is a tow?”
“I can take you wherever you want to go for a flat fee of seventy-five, but before I tow you, do you know what's wrong?”
“No, it just gave out on me.”
“Do you have a mechanic?”
“ No.”
“There is a shop not too far from here, and I can tow you there.”
At the auto repair place, we had a seat and waited for the mechanic to come back with the results of my car's diagnostic.
“It's your head gasket, and with parts and labor, it's going to run you like four-fifty. Let me show you.” He walked me into the dark, oily garage and pointed to connected metal parts inside my open hood. “See right there? That's your cylinder block, and that's connected to the head gasket. You have water in your gas, and once the water's in there, there's a fifty-fifty chance your engine is going to go. Now, I would suggest you get a new engine, but then you are looking at about a thousand dollars, or just get the gasket fixed for four hundred dollars. If you decide to get it fixed, I can have it ready by this evening.”
I needed my car, but I needed to pay my rent. But if a job called, I wouldn't be able to get there if I didn't have a car. I chose to get the car fixed and was going to have to get more money from somewhere.
The car was fixed, but I needed rent money ASAP. I broke down and called Hector. I knew he would help me, but I was really angry with him and didn't want to talk to him. I was sure that if he hadn't opened his mouth, I wouldn't be going through any of this. But he had said to call him if I needed anything, and I did.
“Where you been, Yvette? Everything all right with you?”
“No, not really. I have a lot going on right now.”
“You know I'm here. What's up?”
“My ex didn't give me my half of the money. He stole like twenty something thousand from me.”
“Can't you do something?” He was asking the same annoying question everyone had asked. I didn't feel like going through the motions again.
“No, Hector I can't. If I could, I would. I'm calling you because I really need money.”
“Like how much do you need?”
I didn't know what to say. I needed enough to pay my rent, storage, and buy food, but I knew he didn't have that kind of money.
“Uh, whatever you can give me.”
“Come on, give me a number. Like, what you need? A couple hundred, five hundred? What?”
“Five hundred is good.”
“Okay. I have to stop at the bank after work. I'll give you a call when I get off.”
The next day I met Hector at a BP gas station near my old job. He was grinning hard when he gave me a hug and handed me a skinny white bank envelope.
“Here, it's only three hundred. I forgot I had loaned my brother some money.”
“That's cool. It will help,” I said, but I'd been counting on the entire five hundred.
“I know you stressing, but when am I going to see you and my lady again? I need to feel you, Vette. I miss you and need that.” He didn't know sex was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't care less. “Let's get a room.”
“No, Hector. No offense, but I'm tired, stressed, and drained and don't feel sexy.”
“You need some of this; it will release all that stress.”
“I'm sure it will, but I'm good right now. Listen, thanks for the money. I will call you.”
I walked towards my car and left Hector at the gas station putting his fingers up to his ear like a phone, mouthing
make sure you call me

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