Authors: Gloria Obizu

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Gloria Obizu



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© 2012
Gloria Obizu. All rights reserved.


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Published by AuthorHouse 07/30/2012



ISBN: 978-1-4772-3765-6 (sc)

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ISBN: 978-1-4772-3764-9 (e)



Library of Congress Control Number: 2012911952




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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter One

sabel woke up a little earlier this Saturday morning and for a late week-end starter it was hard getting adjusted. After a long time spent complaining to nobody, she went for some of the everyday things and was on it when her roommate’s voice reached her through the running tap as she continued with oral care. Breakfast is ready! Carissa yelled.

That has to wait till I’m done with shower roommate! Isabel responded struggling with paste in her mouth.

Ok babe! Take your time! I’ll clean up while you do that!

Eventually it was quite a while before both sat down to breakfast and as usual chattered with their meals. Babe something very important just knocked on my stupid mind’s door, Carissa said at a point in their chattering.

And what is that? Isabel asked, probing her roommate’s eyes.

The guest list for the party, remember? You promised we’ll go through it together before setting out for shopping.

Oh I remember, is just that we don’t have much time left ‘cause the bus will be arriving in 30 minutes and we need at list 20 to the bus stop. But don’t worry, I’ll grab it and we try to go through it with our walk. The girls then hurried and hit the street.

Just like she promised Isabel soon fished out a piece of paper from a back sack she carried where ever she went and began reading thorough a very long list. Desha, Shana, Anita, Wendy, Edna, Joslyn …

Stop right there! Carissa cuts it short. No! Not Joslyn! She is not coming!

What do you mean? I haven’t even gone anywhere with the list and you cut me off like that, Isabel reacted in surprise.

You heard me roommate or didn’t you? I said Joslyn isn’t coming. Carissa continued.

And who do you think you are to get in my business like that and ruin my breakfast ah? Carissa! Are we forgetting something here? This is my party, okay? And I’ll invite anyone I choose, okay?

Isabel I don’t believe you are saying this, Carissa continued.

Do you think I care? Isabel retorted in a hint of anger. You ought to know this belongs to none of Carissa’s business class, okay? ‘I’ve said it once and I’m saying it again, babe, I never allow anyone run my show no matter who you think you are, understand? I do as I please, that’s it! And like I said Joslyn will be there at my party, do you get that? I don’t even want to bug myself with how you feel about this.

You must be kidding me, right?

I ain’t kidding anybody, okay? And don’t ask me that silly question anymore Carissa.

Not after what she did to you, Isabel. I mean taking Jewie from you the way she did and you are telling me she is gonna be at your party. Now tell me some-n?

What more do you want to hear from me Carissa?

She might decide to come with Jewie, right?

What if she comes with Jewie? Isabel responded.

Think for a minute how that’s gonna hurt you.

I don’t care! Anyways they won’t even dare.

What are you talking about? Carissa pressed on. You remember Anita and how she broke up with Edwin ‘cause she caught him cheating with her best friend Shana. You remember that shit, right?

Ehen! I remember!

Edwin and Shana were at Anita’s birthday party together or have you forgotten?

Come to think of it, you’re right you know, Isabel admitted but even that was not enough reason to get her dancing along with her roommate but Carissa seized the chance and pressed on.

Listen Isabel, they don’t care these days, okay? Everyone out there is acting kinda crazy. They’re all wired! Anyways, may be Anita didn’t care that much about Edwin like you felt for Jewie, know what I’m saying?

I wasn’t really that much into him, okay? Besides Jewie belongs to the past now. He never meant that much to me. Isabel said this thinking her roommate will change her mind and drop the argument but Carissa was not relenting. I don’t even believe you are talking about Jewie like that she added instead.

What is your particular reason for saying that Carissa? Isabel was by now getting really worked up.

Oh come-on Isabel! You know you’re still in love with that guy, don’t you?

Is that how you feel? You are the one in love with that guy not Isabel.

Oh yes! You are in love for sure! Carissa continued.

Ok! Blab, blab, blab! Whatever! Whatever! Joslyn is still gonna be there at my party no matter what you say.

You are in denial Isabel, ‘cause something has gone wrong.

Now visibly angered by Carissa’s persistence, Isabel bellowed; what do you really know about me and Jewie, ah? And she turned to face her roommate.

That nightmare you used to have when you fight with him and then you’ll be imagining he’ll be gone with some other babe and will be crying and telling me how much you love him. Yeah! I still remember that shit, Carissa persisted.

I already heard enough of your nonsense Carissa. Anyways how is all that supposed to be your business, asshole? Ok! I probably was acting like that and stuff but that was then. Right now Jewie doesn’t mean anything to me anymore, feel me? The whole damn thing is old stuff now. Like they say, is history! Gone! That’s it! Finished with! Final! What more do you want me to say, ah?

I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you Isabel. Sometimes I wanna hate you, sometimes I wanna love you.

Good! That makes the two of us girlfriend. But right now I ain’t thinking about you and your little mind, nor am I thinking of that mother fucking kinda guy named Jewie ‘cause it is about me and how I’m gonna make my show shout out loud, understand? So you can go ahead and run your mouth the much you want, it’s still not gonna change a damn thing girlfriend.

And not wanting to agitate her roommate further, Carissa chose to water down the whole thing as she now said; I don’t really mean to bug you Isabel. Is just that I really thought you did care about that dud, seriously!

Why should I continue to care about a guy who left me in the middle of winter and ran off with a bitch? Isabel continued in her own attempt to let Carissa into her real feeling! Why? She insisted. Not when there are enough guys out there for a young babe like me. I’m gonna turn seventeen in a few weeks. Don’t you forget that! I’m holding my salesgirl’s job and I’ve a place to call my own. And you know some more, I pay my rent and take care of my shit, get what’ am saying. So tell me, what dud out there won’t wanna be with me, eh? I, Isabel got all that they need and everything they’ll always need ‘cause I take care of my shit. So babe right now I run the whole damn show my own way! That’s what it is. And you know the kinda game I play?

No babe! Tell me more about that! Carissa responded.

It is called grab them fast and drop them fast! Babe that’s my game ‘cause that’s what the time says on my time piece!

Great! Carissa reacted in excitement.

That’s the way it is supposed to be Roommate. Now Carissa don’t tell me you fall in love with guys and all that ‘cause that’s gonna make you even a worse fool than I thought, okay? You know why? It’s gonna hurt! Believe me! My mama did all that shit and lost out, okay? So, I’m not even thinking about getting myself into a thing like that, not this time babe. I’m just gonna go ahead and get me as much fun as I can get before gray start showing up ‘cause what all those duds out there want these days is you know ‘that thing’ and that’s all Isabel is gonna be asking for too. I ain’t even tripping!

Cool! I kind of like that. I want more though.

What more do you think you can get Carissa?

Babies! I’ve been trying to make someone a baby daddy, Carissa said giggling.

Someone like Teri ha! It is not so hard. All you need is do you know, get what am saying?

I know! I know! Carissa responded and continued giggling. I’m probably doing it the wrong way or not doing enough, understand?

There isn’t any wrong way or not doing enough about it babe? Once you get to a certain age and have sex with guys you get pregnant, period! Unless you get yourself some kind of protection like anti baby pills or something. You know, a plan A or B. Feel me!

Anti-baby pills! Yak! Sounds kind of wired! Isabel! Know what?

And what is it this time?

Not all girls get to be pregnant, though! Only cool babes like you and me make babies, Carissa added.

It has nothing to do with cool babes and stuff egg brain! Sometimes is just the way some babes are made and for that reason they can’t make babies. That was Isabel still trying so hard to instruct her roommate.

And some babes do it to themselves, get what I mean? Carissa responded.

Probably! Probably!

Isabel! Look at you! Carissa said as she got even more exited. Soon you gonna become a senior babe like me ‘cause you’re turning seventeen in three weeks and I can’t wait to welcome you on board.

Stone brain! We still have one year to go, okay! Eighteen fucking miserable years is what you got to wait before you even begin to think of yourself as an adult.

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