Another Chance (44 page)

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Authors: Janet Cooper

BOOK: Another Chance
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"I am not sure that I understand what that word means
. If you mean does she attract me, then yes. If you mean do I enjoy being with her, yes. She has made a place here at Long Meadow. Even my son likes her. But love?  How does one define love?" He shook his head.

"Each person has their own definition
. What you feel might be enough."

. Sarah will not settle for less than love." He stopped. "And I realize that I cannot either." To himself he added,
Too many things prevent our finding that love.
The world outside his plantation immediately came to mind. Her people and many of their neighbors would shun her. He could not bear to think of her unhappy. As to the strange idea that she might disappear one day into the future, he refused to consider that possibility.

"I think we should put all our worries about women behind us and go fishing," Jeremiah said

"That sounds like a great idea to me



Furious at Wolf, Sarah strode toward the back of the house, yanked open the kitchen door, and stomped inside.
stared at her, but Sarah only nodded a silent greeting. She needed an activity, a mindless, physically exhausting one that would take her mind completely off Wolf and his stubbornness. Seeing the tin reflector oven sitting in the corner, she pointed to it and said, "
, does thou mind if I polish that?"

The gentle woman glanced at the tarnished surface then smiled at her
. "Good chore."

Sarah looked into the bag of cleaning cloths and chose the softest linen. She jerked the jar off the shelf that she had seen NuHum use to polish the pewter plates, placing this on the table next to the rag. Then, she put the "C" shaped oven on the table and started to rub the smooth metal surface with short, hard strokes. If outside thoughts tried to make themselves heard, Sarah ruthlessly shut them off. As the shine returned to the oven, her anger faded; when she had finished the outside, she observed her work with satisfaction.

also nodded her approval.

had almost finished polishing the metal spit when Little Turtle crashed through the door. A smile covered his cherub face.

Sarah!" he yelled, coming to a halt directly beside her.

She stopped and glanced over at him
. "Yes?"

"I can do it!
Let me show you." He gestured for her to come with him. An almost cocky expression filled his face.

said, "Go. Finish later."

"Thank you
." Sarah wiped her hands on a clean section of the cloth before taking Little Turtle's hand. "Lead on,” she said.

They walked a short distance from the house and stopped

The boy broke their clasp and pulled his knife from the sheath attached to his leg

Placing her hands on her hips,
Sarah grinned. "Okay. Show me."

He drew a circle on the ground, placed a few stick figures in the center then wiped the dirt off the tip of his knife
. The smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a sober, studious look. With careful, almost guarded movements, he flipped the blade. The handle vibrated for a few seconds, but the end stuck firmly in the ground.

"Thee did it!"
Sarah shouted gleefully and clapped her hands. She wanted to hug him, but held back. What would his reaction be to an outward show of affection? He had taken her hand, but Sarah decided not to push. Inside, her heart soared at how far their relationship had come.

He grinned
. Pulling the knife from the hard ground, he said, "Watch again." He repeated his trick.

"I am so proud of thee
. Thee must show thy father." She glanced across the yard to the fenced-in pasture area where she had left Wolf and Jeremiah, but saw neither of them. "I wonder where they went?" she asked.

"Who?" Little Turtle asked

"Thy father and Jeremiah," she responded

"They rode off to fish," White Owl said, as he rounded the front corner of the house and drew near

Sarah asked.

The old man nodded
. "They appeared to have reached an understanding they have not had for many years."

The news pleased her

White Owl focused his attention on her
. "You helped them make peace. Our families had been friends since Jeremiah's grandfather married Emily and me. To see and not be able to heal the division between them caused me sadness. Now, my grandson has rediscovered his friend."

, watch me!" Little Turtle demanded. Gaining the older man's attention, the child displayed his skill. His face beamed when the blade carved into the dirt. "Sarah helped me."

"She is a good teacher," White Owl said

"And I am a good pupil," the boy said

"Thee is,"
Sarah said, reinforcing the time and effort the child had taken to develop his skill.

"I'm going to go find Black Snake and show him
." Little Turtle dashed off to look for the older boy.

White Owl turned to
Sarah. "Walk with me."

." She matched her pace to his.

"My grandson has much to learn

gazed after the small boy. "Yes, but he will grow into a fine brave."

"I do not mean the child
. I speak of his father. For many years, he allowed his anger to come between himself and Jeremiah. When he listened to the truth, he realized his foolishness. Now, he must heed his heart."

She saw the directions his words headed and swallowed hard

"His mother died when Wolf was born
and my wife, a few years later. Silver Wolf does not understand women." He shook his head. "Nor does he understand love."

Heat rose in her face
. She tried to hide her blush, but failed.

"You are a good woman,
Sarah Stone. You make my grandson happy. I think you love him." White Owl slowed his pace, but did not look at her.

"Yes, I love him,
, but he does not love me." She lowered her head and blinked away the tears forming.

He stopped and placed his hand on her arm
. "You called me
, grandfather."

"I did not mean to offend thee," she stuttered

He shook his head
. "Your words please me, my daughter. They prove you have honored us as your family."

"If only Wolf love
d and accepted me," she said sadly. "I would give everything for him, but he keeps his heart locked tightly in his chest."

ou must find the key. I have watched you with Quick Rabbit and her son. Our people like you. My great-grandson has come to admire you. When you arrived at our plantation, happiness came with you."

Her mouth seemed too small for her tongue, and she sought to find the right words to speak

"Remember my story about my wife coming to find me after I had left the plantation?" he asked, starting again to walk


"She knew what she wanted
. I was a coward and could not admit my feelings for her. My excuse was I was Lenape; she was English. She made me realize that our love was more important than our differences. We never regretted marrying. Our lives revolved around this land and the people living here. We were content."

had listened closely and kept step with the old man. They had arrived at the cemetery.

"Wolf needs you," White Owl said
. "He has come alive since your arrival. With more white men seeking land and prejudice growing, your life will not be easy here. Yet, together you and Wolf will succeed."

"White Owl!"

Sarah spun around.

Long Knife spurred his horse on, then reined in and leaned forward in his saddle
. "Where is Captain Jeremiah Low?"

"Silver Wolf and he have gone fishing
. Is there anything I can do?" the patriarch of the village asked.

"Daniel Woodley has been captured by the British
. I managed to escape but overheard the corporal threatening to hang Daniel on the old oak in front of Benjamin Stone's inn." Long Knife's mount danced as if impatient to be off, but the lad controlled his spirited horse. "Captain Low must order his men to help free Daniel." His voice cracked, reminding Sarah how young he and his friend were.

"Never mind the captain's men, I'll bring my braves
." White Owl started trotting toward the barnyard.

jogged beside him.

Putting his horse to a fast walk, Long Knife kept pace with them
. "I would not advise that."

The young scout's tone sounded worried, and yet
Sarah heard the deference in the lad's voice.

"The plantation must be protected from the other patrols
that are scavenging the country side," the brave added.

"Your words make sense,"
said, slowing his pace to a quick walk.

"I'll ride for Wolf and Jeremiah,"
Sarah said.

"You will never find them
." White Owl's brow ruffled, but he kept moving. "Long Knife, ride and warn our men. I will locate my grandson and Jeremiah and tell them what has happened. Then we will ride to the tavern. When you finish here, join us at the inn."

"Yes, sir
." The lad kneed his horse and cantered off.

"What about me?"
Sarah asked.

"You stay here

. My father might be in danger. Daniel is a captive and anything might happen to him. I will go straight to the tavern and see if I can help."

"If the British capture you, you will be of no help to anyone," White Owl said, logically

His words made sense, but she could not stay at Long Meadow and do nothing to help her father or Daniel
. "I will make sure no one sees me,
" she assured him as they entered the barn to saddle their horses.

"Silver Wolf will be very angry

"I love my father
. If the British are going to the tavern, Benjamin will be involved. He might get injured or," she stopped, swallowed, then continued, "…or killed. If I could help save his life and did not try, I would be unworthy of anyone's love. Wolf's concerns must take second place to my obligation to Benjamin," she stated.


* * * *

"Silver Wolf, Jeremiah," White Owl called in an agitated voice

Wolf jabbed the end of his pole in the soft mud of the creek bank and climbed up the small hill
. His friend followed suit.

Quickly, his grandfat
her explained what had happened then said, "Sarah refused an escort. She knows how few men we have, and insisted that the plantation would be vulnerable if anyone else left."

The idea of
Sarah falling into the hands of the corporal twisted Wolf's gut. XhanXhan should have insisted someone go with her. As soon as Wolf thought the words, he acknowledged Sarah would never have agreed. "Damn her," Wolf said, before turning to his friend. "Jeremiah, ride and collect your men. I'll meet you at the inn."

"I will ride with you, my son

"So will I," a young voice called

All three men whirled around

"Little Turtle," Wolf said
. "How did you get here?"

"I heard what happened
. I promised her father I would protect her." He pushed out his small chest and stood straighter.

Wolf shook his head
. "No, my son. You must return with your grandfather."

Disappointment filled the child's face, so Wolf added, "You must help guard our people

Although the boy's expression brightened, his eyes showed his desire to argue
. Wolf had no time to discuss his decision with his son. "Collect your men," he told Jeremiah. "Meet me at the tavern."

"My camp is not far from there
. I'll be there as quickly as possible." He vaulted onto his saddle and headed off.

"Take care of each other
." He addressed these words to White Owl, but looked at his son, who nodded solemnly.

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