Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 5): May (13 page)

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Authors: Dave Rowlands

Tags: #zombies

BOOK: Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 5): May
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This all felt as if somebody had already lined this up as an escape route. Finding that the foreman had climbed into the cabin of the earth-mover to bleed out from his many bites came as little surprise. Scout caved his head in with her crowbar, a tear threatening to appear in one eye. Wordlessly, she took the radio from his belt, handing it to Apocalypse Girl, then she hefted his rotting carcass out into the Cold and snow.

She was right, it seemed. Apocalypse Girl could indeed drive this heap of shit. It was impressively high from the ground, made from solid fucking metal and quite safe from Dingoes and Dead alike. The only problem lay in not being able to see what the fuck was in front of you through the snow.
So, we all practiced with the controls. It was easy enough once you got the hang of it. The only real difference was the size. This fucking thing had wheels taller than I was, after all. While Sister acclimated herself to the new vehicle, Scout talked.

The foreman had been her father, it turned out. She even found a short letter, a note really, written in his own blood on the back of a family photo. Her name followed by two words.
I tried
. “I always knew, you know? But I had to see for myself.” She told me.

May 29thYear 1 A.Z.

The dull grey that passed for day, when enhanced by the lights on our transport at least, gave us illumination enough to find our way back to Coober's Nest. We had to go through, or rather, over, much of the remains of the old town, shambling former inhabitants and ruined buildings alike.

Even in this gargantuan device it was slow going, however. We were initially not even sure we were headed the right way until we saw the glowing lights of Coober's Nest in the haze before us. Rather a long way off, still. It was unfortunate, really, as we had run out of food the night before. Still, a day without eating wouldn't hurt us. At least we had plenty of fresh water.

The lights of the Nest filled our windscreen as we pulled up alongside it. The rope ladder fell from above and we climbed. Ginger welcomed us all back, taking Scout aside, hands on her shoulders, a worried expression on his face. Chef handed everyone a plate of Meat-beast sandwiches with fresh-baked bread which we gratefully devoured.
Apocalypse Girl told Ginger the radio frequency used by our network, succeeding in raising The Colonel and introducing her to the Irishman. The Colonel was pleased with our results so far, we had found more survivors than she had expected we would. Ginger told her that he was pleased, as well, since we ended up bringing back transport that they could use, not to mention two radios, including the one in the earth-mover.

After a good, long rest, Dentist came, all smiles as usual, to bring us to dinner. He told us that someone else had come to Coober's Nest while we were out and was currently being interviewed by Ginger. Scout greeted us with a smile and a wave as we entered the communal mess.

Chef handed us bowls of hot stew that we gobbled up quick as we could. Then, she passed us all plastic cups containing what looked and smelled like battery acid. Taking one herself, she raised it to her lips and downed it. We all did likewise. The booze burned as it found its way down my throat. Sonny nearly choked on his.
A while later, Ginger came in with another man, newly arrived at Coober's Nest. I could do no more than stare in wonder. This was not someone I expected, or even wanted to see again. Half of his face smiled at my discomfort. The other half had been burned so badly that almost nothing of his original features remained. He was missing his left arm below the elbow. Both of those injuries had happened since the Dead had risen. I had known this man, before the end. This was Disciple.

May 30thYear 1 A.Z.

I found Ginger after a night spent awake, wondering what nefarious scheme Disciple had in store for us. I told him of The Abbott, then of his scion who had created The Followers, a group of sadistic pieces of shit that we had encountered far too often in Melbourne. When I told him that Disciple had led this group, Ginger simply nodded.

The newcomer told me all about it.” The Irishman told me. “He didn't go into much detail, but apparently he ended up pissing off a lot of people that you really don't want to piss off.” He went on to tell me that anybody who was that honest about their past deserved a second chance, at least here. Warning me that any 'shenanigans' would result in all of us being thrown out, he reminded me that we needed everyone now.

The kids came to get us when lunch was ready. I found myself asking Chef whether she ever did anything else, or was she always cooking. She replied in a joking tone that were it not for her, everybody in Coober's Nest would be eating the Dead. Nobody else in town knew the first thing about cooking, so it fell to her.
There were several groups of scavengers, she told me as she served up meal after meal, that went forth and secured what supplies they could. Finding several Meatbeasts nearby helped supplement what they were able to grow hydroponically. Unfortunately the Dingoes knew about the Meat-beasts as well. Sometimes a scavenger team would get to a former cow only to discover it mostly eaten. They would regenerate, of course, but that much damage would take a couple of days at least to heal.

Disciple found Apocalypse Girl and myself after our communal dinner. Hobbling up, holding a fancy cane that he used to balance himself, he told me that we only had an issue if I wanted one. He would prefer, he told me, to let bygones be bygones. I told him that dozens of people died because of him. He shrugged.

I was told to bring order to Melbourne.” Disciple told me. “When I failed, that was when they basically kicked me out. Your Schoolfolk are one hard nut to crack.” He sounded truly respectful. Apocalypse Girl told him that his methods could have been a bit more friendly. He smiled, at least half of his face smiled. It was a horrible sight to behold.

May 31stYear 1 A.Z.

Another uneasy night last night. Knowing that Disciple is sleeping soundly just a dozen metres or so away was a little wearing. I could just sneak in there, smother him as he slumbered. Except that sort of shit would get all of us expelled into the Cold. We still planned on finding this Alice Springs Facility, but it was better to still be on good terms with those still residing here.

Besides, with all the Dingoes out there, not to mention the Dead... We wouldn't last five minutes out there now, not without the truck. I had been more than a little tempted to lead an expedition to get the damn thing back, but certainly not now I know Disciple is here. I wanted to keep an eye on him.

Ginger needed some help to build part of an extension to the Nest, so Sonny and I volunteered our services. In reality, the Irishman simply wanted to make sure we understood his rules. I told him that we understood, that there wouldn't be any problems. He grunted. He then went on to say that, should we wish it, we would be more than welcome to stay here.
Sonny thanked Ginger profusely, but I shook my head. Telling him that there were still things out there we needed to deal with, we still needed to find a safe place. Coober's Nest was nice, for a post-apocalyptic mish-mash of a town, but we still hoped to find somewhere we could call 'home'.

Ginger could appreciate that, he said. Nowhere had truly felt like home to him, he told us, until he had the idea to suspend the town from that gigantic crane.

Disciple had been trying to speak to Sister and Apocalypse Girl. After dinner, he came to talk to me. With a dry, sarcastic comment that might have ordinarily left me with a smile, he asked me what we had planned. I looked him in the eye and told him that I planned to get as far away from him as I possibly could. He laughed.

That's a good one, it really is,” My former friend said. “Look, you know I came after you. I don't mean you guys any harm, not any more. I was actually kinda hoping to enlist your help. Remember, you owe me.” That last made me wince. It was a debt from childhood, from school. My friend had stepped in when I was being pounded on by three much larger boys.
“Unless something is done to stop them, The Empire is going to swallow up all that is left of Australia. Now, I wouldn't care too much about this, but they gave me a job to do, told me I had free reign, then when I couldn't deliver the order that they demanded, they threw me away like a wet rag.” Disciple's half-smile broadened. “All that is irrelevant, though. It's the Bosses that I want. Three of them. Help me take them down and you'll never hear from me again, I promise you that.” Take out the three Bosses of the Empire? Sure thing, mate. Why not? Fuck.

Table of Contents


May 1stYear 1 A.Z.

May 2ndYear 1 A.Z.

May 3rdYear 1 A.Z.

May 4thYear 1 A.Z.

May 5thYear 1 A.Z.

May 6thYear 1 A.Z.

May 7thYear 1 A.Z.

May 8thYear 1 A.Z.

May 9thYear 1 A.Z.

May 10thYear 1 A.Z.

May 11thYear 1 A.Z.

May 12thYear 1 A.Z.

May 13thYear 1 A.Z.

May 14thYear 1 A.Z.

May 15thYear 1 A.Z.

May 16thYear 1 A.Z.

May 17thYear 1 A.Z.

May 18thYear 1 A.Z.

May 19thYear 1 A.Z.

May 20thYear 1 A.Z.

May 21stYear 1 A.Z.

May 22ndYear 1 A.Z.

May 23rdYear 1 A.Z.

May 24thYear 1 A.Z.

May 25thYear 1 A.Z.

May 26thYear 1 A.Z.

May 27thYear 1 A.Z.

May 28thYear 1 A.Z.

May 29thYear 1 A.Z.

May 30thYear 1 A.Z.

May 31stYear 1 A.Z.

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