Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings (22 page)

BOOK: Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings
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The rest of the Regiment was airlifted in and not one shot was fired from the jungle at their helicopters. The survivors in the second battalion began talking with their comrades and there was a sense that things were going to be different. They waited to hear what their new commanders had to say.

Three hours later the Demons emerged from the jungle and moved into camp. The second battalion watched and later learned that more than eight hundred enemy troops had been killed before their arrival. Many of them started wanting to wear the ghost on their shoulders. The regiment was starting to come together. They were going to need each other soon. Danger was coming and the magnitude of it was more than anyone could anticipate.

Chapter Fifteen

he year went by quickly and supplies moving down the trail had been redirected around their firebase. The North Vietnamese had learned that to venture across the border from the Demon firebase was tantamount to suicide. Things had slowed down and the Regiment continued to train. It had become a deadly force.

Col. Green walked over to AG’s bunker and said, “I’ve just received word that Col. Van Bao has just massacred a village thirty miles north of here.”

AG looked up from his desk and said, “Why would he be doing that?”

“Intel seems to think he is scaring the locals into sending more volunteers to the Vietcong.”

“That wouldn’t make sense. He could just go into An Loc or Tay Ninh and kidnap all he needed.” AG paused, “He might be eliminating anyone that can warn us of an impending attack.”

“What do you mean?”

“Those villages have let us know if any sizable units have moved into the territory. If they’re planning a major offensive, they may want the early warning removed. I think the Vietcong Commanders know we go to those villages in helicopters on a regular basis.” AG pulled out a map and spread it out on his desk. He yelled, “Corporal Stevenson, get Major Dodd in here.”

AG pointed at the location of the attacked village and then looked south of its location. Jerry stepped into the bunker as AG said, “If they are removing the villages, this one will be the next one hit. Do we know how many are in Van Bao’s unit?”

“The survivors that made it into the jungle before the slaughter said he has about sixty heavily armed troops; half of them are NVA regulars.” Brian paused and said, “They killed all the old people and threw the babies in the air and shot them before they hit the ground. The children that were too large to throw were gutted with a bayonet and thrown into a ravine on top of the bodies of the elders.”

“What about the women, Brian?”

“They took turns assaulting them. When they finished they stabbed them in the stomach and cut the tendons in their legs so they couldn’t run away. They then threw them in the ravine and took bets on how long it was going to take for the last one to die.”

Jerry looked at AG, “How many do you think I need to take?”

“This is my party, Jerry. I owe the Colonel.”

“Then we’ll handle it together.”

“Hey, I don’t know that I like both of you going out.”

AG smiled, “Colonel, you know this is one bastard that needs to be eliminated. We’ll take a platoon and that should be enough to do this.”

Brian looked at AG and kept seeing the pictures of the dead villagers in the ravine. “Make him pay, gentlemen.”

Jerry said, “Oh we will.” He looked at AG, “Where do you think he is now?”

“He’s on his way to the village in the south.”

“Are you sure? The one to the north is larger.”

“Yes, but it doesn’t have great routes for large enemy forces to move across. The terrain is almost impassable for cannons or rockets. The village he attacked and the one to the south offers the best route in country.”

“So you think an attack is coming?”

“Don’t you?”

Jerry tilted his head to the right and shrugged, “Why do you think I’ve been moving supplies up to hill 231. However, I don’t sense one happening soon.”

“I’d suggest you get Omaha to send more. If we take Van Bao, I suspect the attack will happen sooner than you thing. Who’s going to command the forces on the hill?”

“You are?”

AG smiled, “Just checking. If we’re going to beat the Colonel to that village we need to get moving. I suspect he’ll arrive in three days.”

• • •

Col. Van Bao waited in the jungle eight miles out from the village. He wasn’t going to move in until he received word from his source in Saigon about helicopter movement from the firebase. He knew the White Demon was there and he was taking no chances. His men were scattered and remained concealed, making sure nothing approached. They all knew the importance of their commander to General Zheng. Some of them suspected he was the General’s son by a mistress.

The messenger arrived and said, “According to our sources, the Demon and his henchman have gone to Saigon for a meeting. Six helicopters were seen leaving the base two days ago headed west.”

“Why so many?”

“The source says that four a day arrive to take Americans to Saigon for time off. The watcher has said that the Demon has not been at the basecamp since those helicopters left.”

“Do you really think he went to Saigon?”

“The source says that he heard the loud mouth say he was going to meet him at a bar later last night.”

“Was the loud mouth followed?”

“Yes, but the follower was caught up in traffic. However, he was headed toward the bars.”

Phan thought about it and said, “I’m sure our leaders know what you’ve just told me.” The Messenger nodded. “If I don’t go in they will think I’m frightened.” The messenger nodded again. “Well, I am nervous but we can do this quickly and get out of here. Assemble the men and let’s start moving in at dusk.”

• • •

The sixty infiltrators moved forward as night began falling. They spread out and came in to surround the village. Suddenly Phan heard a woman scream and he saw many of the villagers come out of their huts and start running toward the jungle. Many of them were naked and running as hard as they could manage. Many were carrying babies and young children. “Move in, move in! Surround the village.” The sixty troops rushed forward and stopped many of the villagers from getting away. Phan strode up and said, “You know the drill. Fifteen of you keep these traitors here. The rest of you go capture as many as you can. Get the women.”

Fifteen of Phan’s unit forced the trapped villagers into the center of the village while forty five of his men rushed out into the jungle chasing the ones trying to escape.

Phan walked up to the village elder and said, “You and your traitorous village will pay for your sins tonight.”

The elder stared at Phan and said, “Do you really need to keep that front up. Why don’t you just drop it and say what you’re really here to do. You know we aren’t traitors.”

Phan laughed, “You will be the first to pay. You might save yourself if you will call your people back to hear what I have to say.”

Phan looked over at the two cowards and said, “You two may go back in the jungle and make sure we are not surprised.”

Two of the fifteen turned and left the village. Those two had refused to kill the villagers a week earlier and he didn’t want them around. They may decide to intervene in the night’s party. Nothing was going to spoil his fun. He began looking at the women trying to decide which one was going to be his.

The messenger said, “It’s too quiet.”

Phan jerked his head around and looked out into the jungle. He was right. There should have been shouting and screaming from the ones being captured by his men. The jungle was eerily silent. He looked back at the messenger and saw him drop to the ground with a spray of blood from his neck where a knife had hit him. He started to yell for his men to start firing but all thirteen were on the ground dead with a knife in their necks. He turned to run and found a knife two inches from his neck being held by a man that was painted white. He soiled himself. It was the Demon. He couldn’t speak.

AG held the knife at Phan’s throat and spoke in Vietnamese, “I did warn you about coming into my domain. Now be a good boy and wait for a few more moments.”

Phan saw another man walk out of the jungle and he also had white paint on his face with a black line down the middle of his face; the henchman. Phan knew he was in over his head but he knew that if he didn’t resist, the soft Americans would not kill him. He put his hands behind his head and waited.

Jerry looked at AG and said, “This one is a cool cookie.”

“He knows that if he doesn’t resist, we won’t kill him. We’ll send him back to Intel and the North Vietnamese will trade one of our captured pilots for him.”

Jerry looked in Phan’s face and said, “That just doesn’t seem right.”

“It isn’t.”

The ghosts began coming out of the jungle followed by the villagers. They began screaming at Phan but he knew the Americans wouldn’t allow them to harm him. He was too valuable as an information source. Jerry looked over at Charlie, “We got them all, Major.”

Bingham walked up and stared at Phan. He said in Vietnamese, “It was you who had the Black Witch’s daughter killed. I lost my fingers to her.” Bingham looked at AG and said where Phan could understand, “I think I learned enough from her to give this one a few lessons.”

AG shook his head. Bingham slowly shook his head, “At least let me take a finger.”

AG tilted his head and Phan quickly said, “The loud mouth’s aide is one of us.”

AG looked at Bingham and nodded. Bingham said, “I believe that piece of information is worth a finger. Would you like to try for a toe?” Phan gave them ten names before they decided to allow him to remain intact.

AG said, “Bind his arms and have him take a seat. We’ll be moving out at day break.”

Santos came into the camp pushing the two that were sent out as sentries, “These two have been talking about how much a coward our Colonel here is. They say they know they will be executed when they go home. I decided to let them live.”

“Bind them and put them with the Colonel.”

Phan and the two soldiers spent most of the night being urinated on by the villagers. Finally AG said, “Enough! I’m going to have to fly with these three and the smell is bad enough as it is.” The villagers backed off and took turns insulting the three for the remainder of the night. The two soldiers kept their heads down and showed their shame.

• • •

Six helicopters arrived at first light and AG loaded the three captives in one of them. Jerry said, “You do not do this alone.”

“Jerry, this is something I have to do and I don’t want you caught up in what follows.”

“Even so, I will go with you.”

AG stared at his friend and finally nodded. Charlie said, “Where are you going?”

“We’re taking a short trip up river. We’ll see you when we’re done.”

Charlie stared at them, “Are you sure about this?”

AG nodded and followed the captives into the Huey.

The gunner in the door said, “Whoooo, did you drag these out of a latrine?”

Jerry said, “Pretty much, Corporal.” AG went forward and told the pilot where to take them. He came back and Phan said, “I will come back to this village.”

Jerry said, “Is that so?”

“You know I’ll be traded and I will make sure I have my revenge.”

AG stared at him and said nothing.

• • •

Thirty minutes later Phan saw the first village he attacked come into view, “What are you doing?”

AG said, “You did mention revenge.”

Phan started trembling, “You can’t do this!”

The Huey landed and the villagers scattered into the edge of the jungle. When AG stepped out and they saw Phan and the two soldiers they rushed forward. AG held up his hand and the crowd stopped ten feet away. They knew who the white colored American was and they knew that to ignore him was certain death. AG looked at the villagers and said, “Who speaks for you now?”

A middle aged woman stepped forward and said, “I do.”

“I understand that this one attacked you recently.”

The woman stared at Phan with hate filled eyes and said, “He did.”

“These two were with him, were they not?”

The woman moved forward and stared at the two soldiers and one of the young men in the back yelled, “They refused to take part in the killing.”

The woman stared at them and finally nodded, “They did not kill.”

AG looked at the woman and said, “I will turn them over to you if you guarantee they receive justice.”

The woman stared at AG and said, “They will receive the justice they deserve.”

AG said, “I’m serious about this.”

The woman stared at Phan and said, “We will be fair, White Demon.”

Phan started yelling, “You can’t do this! You must take me with you!”

AG walked up to Phan and stared him in the eyes. His knife came out so fast Phan never saw it. One moment he was screaming and the next he was missing an ear. The villagers rushed in and carried him out to the edge of the jungle. AG went to the woman and said, “I want you to send this to the Black Witch and tell her in detail what you decide to do with the Colonel. Will you make sure she gets the message?”

The woman stared at AG and slowly nodded.

AG and Jerry boarded the Huey and it lifted over the trees. The Pilot looked at AG and said, “You know you’re going to catch hell over this?”

AG’s expression was hard and he said, “I do.” After a moment he said, “It’s worth it.” The Huey disappeared as the villagers began building the fire needed for Phan’s trial.

• • •

“No, Em; the change would be too radical and you’d be considered ridiculous.”

“But I want a radical change.”

Lydia said, “Listen to Cyn. If you go out all dolled up you’ll be laughed at. You need to make the change slowly; like a flower blooming.”

Emily blew out a deep breath and said, “Then why did we go out and buy all these clothes?”

Cynthia smiled, “First you go out in jeans and sweaters. The short stuff will come later. Trust me on this, Em.”

Emily put on the jeans and green sweater and looked at herself in the mirror. A stranger looked back at her. Her hair had been cut to shoulder length instead of the tight bun she had always worn. She had lost more than forty pounds and her figure was good. Her chest wasn’t big but it wasn’t small either. Her waist was as small as Lydia’s and that one thing is what had made her the most proud. She sighed and said, “Ok, I’ll do it your way.”

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