Ann H (11 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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She knew the location of the drugs. Being
a ghost of sorts in a house, one tended to learn everything. With her uncle out
with Mary Jane, Missy went into his office and found his drug box. There in a
box on the desk sat the needle with the drug that would be put into the man
below to make him perform whether he liked it or not. She picked it up, went to
the window, opened it, and squirted it all out. Now that they were empty, she
brought out some simple saline solution and filled it back up. Tonight he was
to have a chance at defending himself, and as they deal with that, Missy would
be leaving.

* * * *

Brent knew the second she entered the
room. His senses were back and he could smell her. A fresh scent, one that had
him smiling. “My name is Brent.”

“I didn’t ask.”

“I know.”

“So why would you tell me?”

“Why wouldn’t you ask me?”

“There’s no point in getting to know each

He moved onto his knees, sniffing. “You’ve
got some food.”

“Yes. I thought you might be hungry and
they might forget about you. It happens around here.”

She got close to the cage with the tray of
food. Brent waited until she had pushed it close enough before snatching out,
grabbing hold of her wrist, forcing her closer so he could get a look at his
angel. The light caught her face and he sucked air into his lungs.

“You’re beautiful,” he breathed out low.

And she was! Deep, large brown eyes that
widened. A heart shape face, full, very kissable lips and long golden brown
hair. The shadows outlined her lush body, a figure he could sink into.

Her other hand came around and pried his
fingers from the arm of the wrist he held. Brent let her go. “Tonight you’re
going to have one chance to leave. Take it.”

Slowly she backed away; the darkness once
more swallowed her up. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll see.” Her voice sounded further

Brent sighed, taking the food and began
eating it as he thought about what she said. He could feel his heat rising. What
time it was he had no clue. What he did know was that soon he would be in
another heat and he sure as hell didn’t want it to be with that bitch who
fucked him last night. Without a doubt, he could do without her!

He ate everything, sat back against the bars,
and closed his eyes. Sleep didn’t come easy for him and when it did, it didn’t
last very long. Once more, the door banged open and he was taken from the cage.
Needles were stuck in to his arm, right before he was chained to the bed, only
this time Brent didn’t feel drugged like before. Hell, he didn’t feel anything,
he still felt like his normal self with the strength and senses intact.

“Now I get to play all day and night.”

Brent wanted to groan and growl at the
same time. The same one that used him last night came into the room, her cold
hand sliding up his leg to the hip and gripped his limp cock.

“That isn’t right,” she said.

“Sure it is,” Brent strained as he broke
the chain that held his arms up over his head. He sat up quickly, wrapped a
hand around her chubby throat, cutting some of her air off. “Only a drug will
give me a hard on to fuck you with.”

Her hands closed around his wrists and he
heard gurgling sounds as if she was really was struggling to breath. “Ho—how?”
she stuttered.

“You tell me?” Another yank and he had the
collar on his neck off. Getting off the bed, Brent walked her backward to the
cage, with a shove she fell backwards into it and he shut the door, locking her
in. “Let’s see how you like being caged.”

“My father will hunt you down!” she spat.

Brent smiled. “Hope so. I would love to
face him on equal ground. Enjoy yourself. I know I didn’t in your company.”

“Come back here and let me out!” she

He didn’t. Naked, Brent searched for someone
else and the way out. After all, he really should thank her for helping him
leave. It would only be the polite thing to do.















Missy went to bed early; mostly because
her back was hurting and Annie giving her something for the pain that made her
very sleepy. She was lying in bed, on her side with her back to the door when
her uncle came in. She didn’t move an inch, kept her eyes closed, mouth shut
and acted as if she was sleeping as he went around her room looking in doors
and under the bed. What he might be looking for, if she had to guess, was Brent.

He found nothing and left, closing the
door loudly. Missy flung the covers off and got out of bed, going over to the
window and looking down. She saw her uncle leave the house, grabbing Mary Jane
by the arm and got into the waiting car. They were leaving the house, but why
she had no idea, unless they were going out to hunt for him.

“Think they’ll find me?”

Missy swung around, gaped at the naked man
standing in her room, and was just about to scream but he rushed to her and
covered her mouth with his hand. His free arm wrapped around her, holding her
close and tight, muffling the cry of pain that wouldn’t leave her lips if she

“Shhhh, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Tears came to her eyes while he held her.
She could say nothing, nor fight him as he walked her backwards to the window.
He looked out below then up at the red full moon.

“I image they will be looking for me and
following the fake trail I left,” he said. “That should keep them busy enough
for a few hours.” His eyes moved back down to her—red eyes that soon had a deep
frown around them. “What’s wrong?”

His hand left her mouth slowly and Missy
whimpered, “Please let me go.” A tear fell down her cheek. “Please,” she
whispered. “You’re hurting me.”

He did and she fell to the floor at his
feet. Brent walked around her, without a word grabbed the back of her shirt,
and ripped it open. “What the fuck?” Warm fingers touched her back, slid
downward and stopped at the waistline of her pajama pants as he squared down to
her. “Who did this?”

She sniffed and with wobbly legs stood
back up, holding what was left of her shirt to her breasts, moving away from
him as far as she could in the small bedroom. She couldn’t face him and
couldn’t answer the question. To do so would mean that the bubble she had
around herself would crumble. Already it began to crack.

“You should leave,” she said. “While
they’re gone.”

“Oh I’ll leave.” She felt him instead of
saw him coming up behind her, “but not until I’ve had a taste of you.”

Once more, she gasped, but this time it
was when he took hold of her from under her arms, picked her up and turned her
towards the bed. For a split second, she panicked. He didn’t put her down on
the bed, only stood her on the side facing the window and the red full moon.

“Why is there a human living with
shifters?” he asked low in her ear, hot breath moved tiny hairs sending chills
down her spine. With a jerk and her torn shirt was gone.

“My… my mother was a shifter,” she
struggled to get out.

“Father was human,” he said.

Missy closed her eyes when his hands went
down her
arms to her waist.

“That didn’t answer the question, though.”

“He’s…he’s my uncle.” She sucked air in
fast, hard and loud when his hand went inside her pants, cupping her pussy,
fingers teasing and parting to folds. “What—what are you doing?”

He kissed her ear. “Mating,” he breathed
into it.

She lost the will to breathe when two
fingers entered her. Missy hadn’t been touched like this ever. She didn’t know
what to do, how to think, and what to say. So slowly, he moved those fingers in
and out of her, touching the clit every few seconds. It throbbed, begged for
more attention than what he gave it.

“The red moon controls me,” he purred in
her ear. “A command I just can’t ignore.”

Missy opened her eyes, looked out at the
bright red moon and shivered. Reflected in the window, she saw Brent behind
her. Even saw red in his eyes.

Gently he bent her over. Missy put her
hands on the bed, holding herself up as much as she could. Behind, Brent pulled
her pants down to the floor. When he came back up, he kissed her body, stopping
just under her ass. Hands at the back of her legs, he pushed them open and
kissed right between.

“Oh, god,” she said, head going down. “I
can’t do this.”

His tongue touched her. Licked between the
slick folds of her pussy and moved forward to touch the clit that throbbed.
Missy didn’t think she was going to be able to breathe, which in turn meant she
was going to pass out. Nothing mattered right then, but the pleasure that he
gave her. Hell, it felt so damn good; she pushed back against him, wanting

However, she didn’t get more. He stopped,
stood back up, and once more got her full attention in the reflection of the
window. Her hair was pushed over to her left shoulder and a kiss landed on her
right. He followed up with a suck then a nibble.

“You ready to be claimed?”

With her mouth open, Missy couldn’t speak.
Nothing would come out, not one word or one thing to stop him. She felt the
heated crest of his cock touch her, enter her just a fraction of an inch.

“I want to go slow and savor every second
of this,” he said low in her ear again. “I would love to have you spread out on
a bed for my pleasure, but time isn’t on our side. Your uncle is out looking
for me, and once he gives up he’ll be back here.”

“Then stop this and leave,” she rushed
out, fisting her hands in the rumpled blanket. “Go before he catches you

“Not just yet.” One hard thrust and he
tore into her. The breath rushed out, tears came to her eyes, and the body felt
like it hummed with a life of its own. “Son of a bitch!” he gasped. “I don’t
believe it.”

“I’m sorry,” she rushed out.

“No.” He also bent over her, chest to
back. “I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

Once more, they met each other’s eyes and
then he began to move. Out slowly, hard thrust forward. He took her easy yet
hard. Missy couldn’t do anything but focus on the pleasure and the sensations
he rocked into her with his cock.

Harder, faster he moved, slapping into her
body and she took it all. After all, what other choice did she have? He had her
bent over the bed, his body covering hers. The stretching, the burning, and the
so full feeling—she took it all! Missy began to meet him back, thrust for
thrust, feeling something deep down began to build.


“Don’t hold it back,” he growled. “Let it

She did. Missy cried out from the intense
pleasure—so powerful it grabbed her and held on tight. She felt herself
contract around him and Brent kept surging powerfully.

It wouldn’t stop. The pleasure kept coming,
kept building until she gasped for air. Fought with the tears and lost.

He swelled inside her and bit down on her
shoulder. Missy yelled, fisted her hands on the blankets until her knuckles
turned white. She lost the strength to hold herself up and fell face down on
the bed, trying to come to grips with what just happened.

She couldn’t.

Closing her eyes, she sighed and gave in
to the exhaustion that closed around her. She didn’t fight it or protest.

How long she slept she didn’t know, but
she bolted up in surprise when someone slapped her ass hard. She sat up,
scowling, the sheet covering her bare breasts.

“We need to go.” Brent stood over her, a
pair of cut off sweats for shorts and still bare-chested. “Think your uncle
will mind me taking a pair of his sweat pants?”

“What’s going on?” She saw her backpack on
the floor, clearly stuffed with something.

“We’re leaving. Get dressed.”

“I don’t understand.” She caught the
clothes that he tossed to her, frowning as he went over to the window, looking

“The moon is slowly going away, which
means we don’t have much time. Get dressed. My brother is going to meet us.”

“Us?” She tugged the shirt over her head,
wincing when it touched her back. Tossing the blankets off her legs, she
slipped back into her pajama bottoms instead of the jeans he had out for her.

“Yeah, can’t leave my mate to be abused
now can I?” He took hold of her hand, jerked her to her feet and put an arm
around her shoulders, not touching her back. With one long, lingering kiss, he
stole her breath once more. “Umm,” he purred. “Yeah, I’m going to spread you
out on my bed once you heal and kiss each and every inch of your body. That’s a

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