[Anita Blake 17] - Skin Trade (57 page)

Read [Anita Blake 17] - Skin Trade Online

Authors: Laurell K. Hamilton

BOOK: [Anita Blake 17] - Skin Trade
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“Your skin runs hot tonight.” He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground, and my arms slid to a part of his chest too wide for me to encircle. The next moment we were skyward. I felt the force of it like a solid push of something invisible against the ground, and my feet dangled in empty air.
Fear helped clear my head and tone down the hungers. I'd never flown by vampire, and I found that my fear of flying worked just fine this way, maybe worse than on a plane. I dug fingers into the shirt I'd ripped, hanging on for dear life. My pulse was choking me, and a scream bubbled in my throat. I pressed my face to his bare chest and fought that awful, perverse urge to look down.
I finally lost the fight, and did it. The desert stretched under us like some moving carpet. It wasn't as far down as I'd feared. I'd pictured tiny cars and toy houses, but we weren't that far up. Far enough that if he dropped me, I might only be crippled for life, not dead. Not a good thought. Then I realized the ground was getting closer.
“It's hard to land when you're carrying someone,” Wicked said, his voice rumbling up through his chest and against my ear. “I'll roll to take the momentum.”
“What?” I asked.
“Keep your arms where they are,” he said. “You'll be fine.”
The ground was coming very fast now, and I had seconds to decide what to do. I started to wrap my legs around him, but he said, “Don't tangle my legs!”
I stopped, but it left me with only my fear, and seconds to decide what to do with it. I closed my eyes to the rushing ground and held on to him.
I felt the jolt as his feet hit ground, and then he was rolling forward, letting the momentum carry us down and over. We ended on the ground, on our sides, with his arms wrapped around me, so that he took the impact. I lay there, trying to relearn how to breathe, wrapped in his arms, trapped against his body.
“Anita, are you all right?”
I wasn't sure how to answer it, but managed, “Yeah, yes.” My voice sounded breathy and scared.
He eased off me, drawing away until he could look down at me. He studied my face, then smiled and laid his big hand against my face. “It has been a long time since I did that. I'm out of practice.”
“Most vampires can't carry someone,” I said, still in that frightened voice.
“I told you, Truth and I are very good at flying.” He smiled again, and this time I knew what kind of smile it was. It helped that he leaned in toward me.
I stopped him with a hand on his chest. “I don't think I need to feed the
now. You've scared it out of me.”
He laughed, a deep masculine sound. Everything about him and his brother was so male. I tended to like my men with a little more feminine energy to them, but it was still a good laugh.
“Your skin is still hot to the touch, as if you're running a fever. Whatever happened back at the house has not left you. When the fear fades, the hunger will return.” His face sobered. “You need to feed before that happens again, Anita.”
My voice squeezed down again. “I wanted to go back to the house and feed, Wicked. I wasn't thinking that it was Edward, or people, just that they were warm.”
He nodded, still above me, propped on one elbow, while his other hand traced the edge of my face. The touch was more comforting than sexual. “I need you to release the
before the other hungers rise. You must feed.”
“What's wrong with me, Wicked?”
“I don't know, but if you feed the
, the other hungers will be satisfied.”
“For a while,” I said.
He smiled, but it was sad around the edges. “It's always for a little while, Anita. No matter what you need, you will need it again.” He cupped the side of my face and leaned in again. He laid his lips against mine and kissed me for the first time. It was the most gentle of kisses, a bare touch.
He drew back, just enough to whisper against my mouth, “Release the
, Anita, feed, so you can get back to your police friends.”
I thought about Edward and the rest going into a house with a demon, and me not being there to have his back. I would guard the back of any policeman that I went in with, but let's face it, it was only Edward that I'd never forgive myself for.
I stared up into Wicked's face. “How did you know that would make me do it?”
“You are loyal and honorable, and you would not leave your friends to find danger without you. Feed, and we will see you back to them.”
“I called Truth to join us.”
I frowned at him, and it was so suspicious that he laughed again. “Why?” I asked.
“Because if we do it right, I won't be able to walk right away, let alone fly.” The look in his eyes made me blush and drop my eyes, which put me looking at his bare chest where I'd torn his shirt. That embarrassed me more, and I was left pushing away from him. He let me sit up, but stayed on his side on the rough ground. I realized there was nothing but bare earth, sand, and rock as far as I could see. The side of a hill loomed over us, behind his back, and that was all. Well, not all, because above us was the night sky. It stretched perfectly black above us, with stars, so many stars. They seemed to burn with white light in a way that they never did in the city.
“How far out are we?”
“You mean from the city?” he asked.
“I don't know; it's hard to judge miles from the air.”
“We're far enough that there's no light pollution.”
He turned to gaze up at all that sparkling sky. “It is pretty, but then I remember when most of the sky was like this, almost anywhere you went. There wasn't enough light at night to hide the stars, no matter how big the city.”
I stared up at the glittering blanket of stars and tried to envision a world where the night sky always looked like this, but couldn't do it. This was the sky over far desert, over open water, over places where people were not.
He touched my hand, a tentative play of fingers. I looked down at him. He looked at our hands, where he traced fingertips over my skin, a light, exploring touch. I could not see his eyes or much of his expression. “Drop your control of the
, Anita, please. I am not powerful enough to force the
to rise, and you are not attracted enough to me for it to happen by accident.”
“It's nothing personal, Wicked. I see that you're handsome.”
He looked up at me, and there was something I hadn't expected to see on his face: uncertainty. “Do you, Anita?”
I frowned at him. “I'm not blind, Wicked. I see what you look like.”
“Do you?” He looked back down, his fingers tracing up the line of my arm. He found the hollow where the arm bends and traced a single fingertip around that soft, warm spot. It made me shiver, and my breath shook on its way out.
He smiled then. “Maybe you do.” He kept playing over that spot until I wriggled and told him, “That tickles now.”
“I don't think it tickles,” he said, and sat up. Sitting beside me, he was still much taller. He put his hands on both of my arms, and smoothed his hands up my skin. “Let me in, Anita, let me inside.”
The double entendre made me frown again, but his hands on my arms distracted me from being unhappy with it. He'd accused me of being squeamish on the phone; with his hands playing on my skin and the weight of him so close, I realized he was right. I'd fallen back into the habit of fighting the
. I could go longer between feedings, so I kept pushing it. I was still fighting it, even though I knew that Edward would be calling the local police. They'd set up a raid on Todd Bering's house. They'd go in, and there'd be at least a demon, maybe vampires, and they'd only have someone like Sanchez with them for magic backup. Sanchez was a powerful psychic, but he didn't know the dead, and I was pretty sure he didn't know demons. If I wasn't there and it all went to shit, I'd always believe that I could have stopped it. I'd always believe that I could have saved some lives.
All I had to do was have sex with the man beside me and feed the
, and then I could go save the day. It sounded simple enough when you said it like that. Sex, feed
, then hunt one demon, some vampires, and try to keep everyone alive. Yeah, simple.
But first, I had to let go. First, I had to be willing to be vulnerable with yet one more man. That part I didn't much like; in fact, I hated it. I didn't like being vulnerable, not to anything or anyone.
“I'm not powerful enough to get through your shields, Anita,” he said in a quiet, neutral sort of voice.
Even now, I was back in control. I could just make him take me back to Edward and the others. But . . . what if I lost control in the middle of the raid on the sorcerer's house? What if the hunger rose in the car with Edward and Bernardo and Olaf? There were worse things I could do than have sex with my friends. I could tear their throats out and bathe in their blood, which was exactly what I might have done if Wicked hadn't taken me far away from them.
No, whatever was wrong with me, feeding the
really was the lesser evil. A quick feed, and then back to solving crime. I looked at the tall, handsome man beside me and said what I was thinking. “I'm sorry that our first time has to be quick. You're worth taking the time, Wicked.”
He smiled, and it softened his face. “That is the nicest thing you've ever said to me.”
I smiled, too. “Once I release the
after not feeding for this long, it can be a little rough.”
“I'll be careful,” he said.
“I don't mean that.” I shook my head, and just took off the T-shirt that we'd gotten at Trixie's. I sat there in just the bra, in the strangely hot night.
Wicked gave me wide eyes.
“I mean we might end up ripping our clothes enough that we won't have anything to put back on.”
He shrugged and started undoing his tie. “I'd have preferred a more sensual reveal, but you're the boss.”
I sighed. “I wish that were really true.”
“You say
Get undressed
, and I'm doing it; trust me, that makes you the boss.” He had the tie off, and the trench coat went next.
“You wanted to get undressed eventually, right?” I asked, hands hesitating on my belt.
“I did.” He took off the torn remnants of the shirt, and just seeing him bare from the waist up made me have to look away. That first nudity with someone I didn't know well always made me uncomfortable.
My rule used to be that if I was uncomfortable stripping, then maybe I should stop, get dressed, and go home. I'd told Jason, in St. Louis, that I was losing myself. Here I was, far away from home, and it wasn't the men in my life stealing me away from myself, it was the power inside me. And that, I couldn't run away from. It was like that old joke: everywhere you go, there you are. I couldn't leave myself behind, so I couldn't get away.
Hands came from behind to slide over my ribs, to hesitate at the base of my bra. I reached for the straps, to move them down my shoulders, but his hands got there first, and he lowered the straps, slowly, laying kisses on my shoulders as he bared them. His hands slid to the back of my bra, and unsnapped it. The underwire gave, and the whole thing slid down my arms, so that my breasts spilled out.
Wicked's hands slid over them, cupping them in his big hands, squeezing them, kneading them, exploring them. I felt myself grow damp, just from that. Those practiced hands drew a small sound from me. My hands slid to the unbuckled top of my pants, but his hands were there first, sliding down from my breasts, to unzip my pants and ease them open, so that his hand slid down the open front to brush the hair between my legs and reach for lower.
I laughed. “Your hand is too big, and the pants are too tight.”
“We can fix that,” he said, voice low and rough next to my ear. He pulled the pants down my hips in a harsh jerk that bared me to the tops of my thighs. My underwear had come down with the pants, so I was bare to the night.
His hand touched my bare ass, caressing, cupping, exploring. It sped my breath and put my pulse in my throat. “Wicked,” I said.
“That's the way I want to hear you say my name.” And his hands slid to the front of me as I knelt on the ground. His fingers slid between my legs, brushing that most intimate part, tickling, teasing, until I cried out. His other hand pushed the jeans down until he could spread my thighs wider, and those knowledgeable fingers could reach more, touch more, caress more.
He tried to reach farther between my legs, but the angle wasn't quite right. His hand was too big for the space he'd made. He made a low, frustrated sound in his throat and moved his hand to put a hand on either side of my jeans and jerk them down to my knees. Then he pulled me against the front of his body, and I could feel how large, how hard, how ready he already was, but his other hand went back between my legs. His finger slid inside me, and I cried out again. He pushed his fingers inside me, then slid them out, so he could play my own wetness against that small, sweet spot, near the front of me. His other arm tightened around my waist, pressing me against the hardness of him. It made me grind myself harder against him. His fingers played between my legs, caressing, teasing, until I felt the building weight of pleasure.
I breathed, “Close.”
He changed the rhythm of his fingers, faster, over and over and over, until I gasped, “Wicked!” And his fingers spilled me over that edge, drove a scream from my throat, sent me spasming against the front of his body while his fingers played, and coaxed, and kept the orgasm coming, until I couldn't decide if it was all one big orgasm or if he was bringing smaller ones so fast, one after the other, that they blurred into one.

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