Animus (6 page)

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Authors: S. W. Frank

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Romantic Suspense, #Thrillers, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Animus
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“It’s called adapting.”

Nico nodded. His brother’s wife had skipped out; she couldn’t deal with the prospect of getting gunned down or having children with someone who might become marked for death. He suspected Selange’s friend was that type of woman. He didn’t comment any more on the subject though. Stressing over the actions of others seemed like a waste of energy. Instead, he sat forward in order for Selange to view the sincerity of his face. “You’ve more than adapted. You’re what many might call, una Mafia Regina.”

She squinted. “A
Queen of Mafia?”

“Good, Mafia Queen,” he answered with a grin. He couldn’t help but remember the time she’d mixed up a translation and inadvertently insulted a farmer some time back. “It’s a phrase I usually don’t like, but in your case it isn’t a negative connotation it’s quite fitting.”

“No, it’s not Nico. I ‘m here by default, but I’ll stand by my husband because he’s not an evil person. I know him better than anybody and I’ve come to know the family history. I’ll be damned if I desert him or any of you at this juncture. We’re all family, now.”

Her passionate speech caused him to grin. Alfonzo ruled organized crime and as his wife she reigned a
t his side similar to a Queen, like it or not. “Simmer down. Don’t bust any stitches or they’ll keep you here longer.” His voice took on a more serious tone. “We’ve always been straight with each other, haven’t we?”

She nodded in affirmation.

“I have to go away on business, three days –tops that’s if everything goes according to plan. If you don’t hear from me in a week I’m dead kid and Ari might need a friend.”

Selange’s eyes closed and she breathed deeply. He was telling her this…but why…why? Then her eyes opened. She had to remind Nico of his importance in many lives. Aside from his profession, he was also well-loved and admired. The five o’clock shadow on his rugged face at noon revealed his fatigue. He was feeling low and had come to share a confidence but hope is what he received. When a friend is downcast, uplifting their spirit with words of encouragement is crucial nourishment. Nico dealt with their enemies. She’d seen his demons come to life. An image of a face with its eyes pierced by steel that protruded from the back of the head flashed in her mind. The horrific sight had caused her to wretch.
The other side of Nico was the connoisseur of art, food and poetry who loved family. His sketches were amazing, his knowledge in these delights, astounding. Yes, he was a killer, but a brutal butcher of a child’s dreams made him so. Nico deserved happiness, and a chance to live out his dreams. Selange spoke the unfiltered thoughts in her heart, “I’ll be there for Ari, but not because I expect you to not return, it’s because I genuinely like her. Nico, have I told you how much I value you as a friend?”

“Hmmm, I think
you’ve done more than that.”

Ah, stop being the bad-boy for a minute. I’m grateful you are here to protect us. Thank you for being Alfonzo’s guardian and my friend when I didn’t deserve your sacrifice. Hurry back unharmed. Many love and depend on you.” She smiled. “Too bad you’re not a woman and maybe it wouldn’t have complicated our friendship.”

He chuckle
d and went for the opening. “You know girlfriends aren’t immune to falling in bed. Licking tit, clit and ass is sex too, you know.”

“Oh be quiet,” she scolded. “You know what I mean. We haven’t talked in a while because we’ve accepted what we did is wrong. But, I haven’t stopped caring about your well-being. Right now you have a beautiful baby and a loving family that
’s going to need you. How about painting a family portrait and include you image? Matter-of-fact, Nico since you bring up this Mafia Regina nonsense, I demand you make this a gift for Ari. Even within ugliness, beauty exists. Paint her a picture from your passionate heart. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Nico’s chest expanded
. He understood perfectly. Cristo the donna’s wisdom came in abundance. “Grazie, donna. Io sono il vostro amico fino alla morte.”

Selange became frustrated. “Oh come on Nico, stop testing my language skills, I’m not as good as Ari. Translate, please.”

“Thank you woman, I’m your friend until death,” he said with the patience of his father as he withdrew a jeweled bracelet from his pocket which he placed on the crumpled sheet. “By the way, Alberti wanted you to have this. He said I’ll know when to give it to you.”

The bracelet was an antique or a replica, she couldn’t tell
. She picked it up. It was heavy, solid gold and thick as a wristband. There were African carvings. The hieroglyphics were delicate and she squinted to see the symbols lining the edges. The penny size gems in the center appeared authentic and she looked at Nico for help to decipher their meaning, but he was silent with his head down and staring at his feet.

Nico was like an abstract painting, opposing swirls of color, a dichotomy of darkness and light
, shadows on the border of an unfinished canvass, or the painter’s strokes led you to believe such was the case. She saw beneath the layers, far beyond what others glimpsed. In Nico’s heart hid an artist, battling to breathe. She had a soft spot for Nico, because like Alfonzo he is what destiny crafted. The small joys Nico failed to grasp, Alfonzo seized. Love is the anchor which grounds even the coldest heart to their humanity.  A gift had come from the deceased through his son to her. She was unaware of the esteem in which Alberti held her, until now. He saw her as a formidable link in a chain, keeping Alfonzo solid. She was Giacanti, and not an outsider. She asked, “Is this…Semira’s?”

The dark head rose and Nico’s expression held extreme tenderness. “Yes. Semira Afizwusi
. Royalty, the embodiment of love and beauty, a nurturer, peacemaker and teacher, she is you.” He stood and kissed Selange’s forehead. Their deep friendship didn’t require words. Amity confined in a hidden chamber, sealed away from prying eyes remained unspoken and was strong fibers of steel. He’d taken oaths and given few; the one made to protect is the duty he must now fulfill. “High-tower and fulfilled is also the meaning of the African name Semira. I’ll return and paint because it is ordained that I do so. I have to go, take care of yourself kid.”

“I will,” she promised and the moment he was gone she climbed slowly out of bed. She wanted to see the baby born of love and to visit Ari.

The guard followed a pace behind as she boarded the elevator to the maternity ward. There were soldati here too, large men with eyes in many colors, cast in stone. They nodded in deference as she passed and she acknowledged each with an appreciative smile. These were men with families, ready to die at her husband’s request and it pained her heart to know many had and forever will.

When she entered the room, Ari’s lovely face radiated warmth and Selange’s smile was genuine. “Hi, congratulations. I came to see the baby.”

Ari pointed to the crib against the wall. “She’s sleeping but go right ahead.”

Selange sauntered over and peered down at the bundle. Pink and rosy like a flower, puckered mouth moving in an unconscious suckle is the glory she met. A tear fell for her loss of what may have been and she wiped it away to speak in a loud whisper for Ari to hear. “She’s gorgeous Ari…beautiful.”

She did not hear the ruffle of cloth from Ari’s robe or the gentle footsteps come to her side until she felt an arm around her waist. “Thanks. I heard what happened and I’m so sorry.”

The splintered hurt of loss, Shanda’s
leaving; the misery of a woman bereft over life’s circumstance caused rolling rivers down bruised cheeks, burning them into an inferno of heat. “It was supposed to be a happy day Ari…”

“I know.”

“I didn’t know I was pregnant.”

“Oh girl, I am so sorry.”

“And then the shooting and now Giuseppe might not make it and Shanda’s run out –again!”

“That little bitch!”

“I’m disappointed she’d do that to him…” Selange’s lip quivered and she faced Ari. “You have been so nice and I don’t deserve it…”

“Come on, don’t start with that. I know we had a rocky introduction but I’ve gotten past a lot since then.”

“Thanks for being there at my wedding…and forgiving me.” She hugged the lovely older woman and laid her head on Ari’s shoulder to cry. “If I had a sister, I would want her to be like you.”

“As long as you
keep your hands off Nico, we’re cool. If we’re going to have any relationship, there are ground rules. Keep your hands off Nico and your legs closed. If you get any more of your
, call Alfonzo. Heck, you can even call
if you want, all right?”



Selange sniffled, feeling ridiculous for being so emotional but the past few days made for a weary spirit. She didn’t have a mother to run to or a sister and Ari was the next best thing. “Is it okay if Nico and I speak to each other?”

“Hell no!”

Selange’s stricken-face and innocent eyes were so adorably annoying, Ari had to laugh. “Oh my goodness cut it out already. Nico is Alfonzo’s cousin and your paths are bound to cross. I’m not naïve to think you won’t ever talk. Now, anything beyond that is grounds for an ass-beating, got it?”

“Got it, but it’ll never come to that Ari.”

.” Ari grinned. “Anyway, aren’t you supposed to be in bed recuperating?”

Selange sighed. “I’m feeling better, plus I can’t
stay in that bed anymore. I want to go home to my kids.”

“I’m sure you do, that’s probably why you’re having the waterworks.” The attorney’s lip curved wryly. “I’m going to make a confession, I literally wanted to beat your ass for a long time, but I had to take some blame when it comes to Nico. By not saying anything about his womanizing, he thought he had permission to whore around as he pleased for many years. I hadn’t put my foot down because I saw it as a man being a man and I knew he loved me and didn’t love the other women, but you were the exception. I saw he cared too much and that’s what hurt the most and prompted me to finally take a stand. What happened has made our love stronger. Nico’s more attentive and he keeps his promises. He’s there for his boys and me, which is all I ever wanted. I have Nico the way I want him. The weird thing is I’m not stressed anymore. Sure I miss my job a little, but what I’ve gained is much more fulfilling –happiness.”

A woman like Ari could never sit idle. She was an attorney, they’re competitive, love a challenge, analytical and have debater brains. “Well, don’t hang up your lawyer cap yet. I’m going to need a pair of legal eyes overseeing the foundation, incognito of course but that’ll keep you busy wherever you are and I’m sure you’ll spot whatever I miss.”

“Oh, after this dust clears, bring it on. I’m already eager to dig in.”

“Deal and you’ll receive ample compensation.”

“You’re talking my language,” Ari
said enthusiastically at the prospect of putting her skills to use.

Selange’s eyes were mischievous. “I’ll figure out how to transfer untraceable payments to you for your services.”

The eyes of a shark met the hazel gaze of barracuda. “Oh, funneling money is my forte, haven’t you heard? But, don’t worry I’ll instruct you when it’s time for me to get paid.”

“Oh it’s going to be fun working with you,” Selange stated, glad to have a female ally in business. “By the way, when are you and Nico going to make it legal –again?”

Then the bombshell dropped. “Oh sweetie, you’re late. We remarried before the baby came.”

Selange laughed and immense joy eradicated any sorrow. “I
am happy for you both. Congratulations Ari.”

Thanks,” Ari replied. Her smile became that of a big sister when she surveyed the abrasions on Selange’s face. She stepped away and removed a jar of cream from the bedside stand. “Here, start putting this on your cheeks, it’ll help heal those bruises. It really works on stretch marks too.” She showed Selange her stomach and it was smooth. “My mom has used it for years and so have I.”

“Wow, where does she buy this?” Selange asked examining the jar’s ingredients.

“The islands, but if you need more, let me know and I’ll hook you up.”

“Thanks Ari…thanks for everything.”

“We’re trusted family going forward. No backsliding. I’ve come to love these guys too. Family will fight, then they’ll make-up and band together. That’s what you and I have to do. Now, go rest and stop crying yourself sick over Shanda. Let her grow up, the woman’s thirty-something years old. And rest assured whoever caused this bloodshed, Nico will make them pay!”












Nico spotted his nephew. Heck, the damn man had stepped right into a crisis instead of keeping his nosy ass in Puerto Rico. Long strides brought an angry Uncle to the end of the hall where men blocked Sergio’s progression.

“What are you doing here Sergio?”

“I came to see you and the fam. Is Alfonzo alright…what happened?” Sergio asked.

Nico was outfitted
for a hunting expedition. The clothes were plain and functional. The cap and tinted shades and unshaven face obscured his features. His backpack was fastened tight, loaded with everything he needed for the expedition.

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